Moon Harvest Pumpkin



Item model

Field Value
entry 4602
class Consumable
display_id 6402
sell_price 1s
inventory_type 0: Cannot Equip
spellid_1 1129: Food V

In-game view

Moon Harvest Pumpkin

Item icon

Cannot Equip
Level 45 (Min 35)

1129: Food V

Buy price: 20s

Stackable: 20

Item dropped by (93)

359 Winter Wolf 17.68% 2694 Highvale Ranger 4.97% 2692 Highvale Scout 4.84% 2691 Highvale Outrunner 4.82% 2693 Highvale Marksman 4.82% 2817 Rigglefuzz 1.1% 3662 Delmanis the Hated 0.83% 3695 Grimclaw 0.83% 3691 Raene Wolfrunner 0.83% 3694 Sentinel Selarin 0.83% 3693 Terenthis 0.83% 3692 Volcor 0.83% 1059 Ana'thek the Cruel 0.16% 2719 Dustbelcher Lord 0.1% 2534 Zanzil the Outcast 0.1% 2655 Green Sludge 0.08% 818 Mai'Zoth 0.08% 679 Mosh'Ogg Shaman 0.08% 710 Mosh'Ogg Spellcrafter 0.08% 2656 Jade Ooze 0.06% 5459 Centipaar Tunneler 0.04% 783 Skullsplitter Berserker 0.04% 2646 Vilebranch Blood Drinker 0.04% 2642 Vilebranch Shadowcaster 0.04% 2647 Vilebranch Soul Eater 0.04% 2654 Witherbark Caller 0.04% 1488 Zanzil Zombie 0.04% 680 Mosh'Ogg Lord 0.03% 5426 Blisterpaw Hyena 0.02% 4505 Bloodsail Deckhand 0.02% 1562 Bloodsail Mage 0.02% 1561 Bloodsail Raider 0.02% 1565 Bloodsail Sea Dog 0.02% 4506 Bloodsail Swabby 0.02% 1563 Bloodsail Swashbuckler 0.02% 1564 Bloodsail Warlock 0.02% 5456 Centipaar Stinger 0.02% 5474 Dunemaul Brute 0.02% 5472 Dunemaul Enforcer 0.02% 5471 Dunemaul Ogre 0.02% 5473 Dunemaul Ogre Mage 0.02% 2720 Dustbelcher Ogre Mage 0.02% 5292 Feral Scar Yeti 0.02% 5420 Glasshide Gazer 0.02% 5490 Gnarled Thistleshrub 0.02% 2736 Greater Rock Elemental 0.02% 5451 Hazzali Swarmer 0.02% 687 Jungle Stalker 0.02% 751 Marsh Flesheater 0.02% 750 Marsh Inkspewer 0.02% 747 Marsh Murloc 0.02% 752 Marsh Oracle 0.02% 1088 Monstrous Crawler 0.02% 1907 Naga Explorer 0.02% 5646 Sandfury Axe Thrower 0.02% 5647 Sandfury Firecaller 0.02% 5645 Sandfury Hideskinner 0.02% 2726 Scorched Guardian 0.02% 5422 Scorpid Hunter 0.02% 2926 Silvermane Stalker 0.02% 2924 Silvermane Wolf 0.02% 781 Skullsplitter Headhunter 0.02% 782 Skullsplitter Scout 0.02% 2544 Southern Sand Crawler 0.02% 5425 Starving Blisterpaw 0.02% 5431 Surf Glider 0.02% 5481 Thistleshrub Dew Collector 0.02% 5307 Vale Screecher 0.02% 675 Venture Co. Foreman 0.02% 676 Venture Co. Surveyor 0.02% 2648 Vilebranch Aman'zasi Guard 0.02% 2643 Vilebranch Berserker 0.02% 2641 Vilebranch Headhunter 0.02% 2644 Vilebranch Hideskinner 0.02% 4466 Vilebranch Scalper 0.02% 4467 Vilebranch Soothsayer 0.02% 4465 Vilebranch Warrior 0.02% 2640 Vilebranch Witch Doctor 0.02% 2680 Vilebranch Wolf Pup 0.02% 5623 Wastewander Assassin 0.02% 5618 Wastewander Bandit 0.02% 5615 Wastewander Rogue 0.02% 5617 Wastewander Shadow Mage 0.02% 5616 Wastewander Thief 0.02% 2651 Witherbark Hideskinner 0.02% 2653 Witherbark Sadist 0.02% 2649 Witherbark Scalper 0.02% 2652 Witherbark Venomblood 0.02% 2650 Witherbark Zealot 0.02% 1489 Zanzil Hunter 0.02% 1490 Zanzil Witch Doctor 0.02% 1653 Bloodsail Elder Magus 0.01% 1551 Ironjaw Basilisk 0.01%

Item details

UPDATE `item_template` SET `field` = xxxx WHERE (`entry` = 4602);
Field Value
entry 4602
class Consumable
subclass Consumable
name Moon Harvest Pumpkin
display_id 6402
quality 1
flags None
buy_count 5
buy_price 20s
sell_price 1s
inventory_type 0: Cannot Equip
allowable_class -1
allowable_race -1
item_level 45
required_level 35
required_skill 0: None
required_skill_rank 0
required_spell 0
required_honor_rank 0
required_city_rank 0
required_reputation_faction 0
required_reputation_rank 0
max_count 0
stackable 20
container_slots 0
stat_type1 0
stat_value1 0
stat_type2 0
stat_value2 0
stat_type3 0
stat_value3 0
stat_type4 0
stat_value4 0
stat_type5 0
stat_value5 0
stat_type6 0
stat_value6 0
stat_type7 0
stat_value7 0
stat_type8 0
stat_value8 0
stat_type9 0
stat_value9 0
stat_type10 0
stat_value10 0
delay 0
range_mod 0
ammo_type 0
dmg_min1 0
dmg_max1 0
dmg_type1 0
dmg_min2 0
dmg_max2 0
dmg_type2 0
dmg_min3 0
dmg_max3 0
dmg_type3 0
dmg_min4 0
dmg_max4 0
dmg_type4 0
dmg_min5 0
dmg_max5 0
dmg_type5 0
block 0
armor 0
holy_res 0
fire_res 0
nature_res 0
frost_res 0
shadow_res 0
arcane_res 0
spellid_1 1129: Food V
spelltrigger_1 0
spellcharges_1 -1
spellppmrate_1 0
spellcooldown_1 0
spellcategory_1 11
spellcategorycooldown_1 1 sec
spellid_2 0
spelltrigger_2 0
spellcharges_2 0
spellppmrate_2 0
spellcooldown_2 -1
spellcategory_2 0
spellcategorycooldown_2 -1
spellid_3 0
spelltrigger_3 0
spellcharges_3 0
spellppmrate_3 0
spellcooldown_3 -1
spellcategory_3 0
spellcategorycooldown_3 -1
spellid_4 0
spelltrigger_4 0
spellcharges_4 0
spellppmrate_4 0
spellcooldown_4 -1
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spellcategorycooldown_4 -1
spellid_5 0
spelltrigger_5 0
spellcharges_5 0
spellppmrate_5 0
spellcooldown_5 0
spellcategory_5 0
spellcategorycooldown_5 0
bonding 0: No bind
page_text 0
page_language 0
page_material 0
start_quest -
lock_id 0
material 0
sheath 0
random_property 0
set_id 0
max_durability 0
area_bound 0
map_bound 0
duration 0
bag_family 0
disenchant_id 0
food_type 6
min_money_loot 0
max_money_loot 0
extra_flags 0
ignored 0