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Showing 200 on this page (5191 total matches)
Entry Name Class Subclass Description
0 0: Consumable 0 : Consumable
3041 "Mage-Eye" Blunderbuss 2: Weapon 3 : Gun
3136 (OLD)Heavy Throwing Axe 2: Weapon 16 : Thrown
3128 (OLD)Medium Throwing Axe 2: Weapon 16 : Thrown
2945 (OLD)Medium Throwing Knife 2: Weapon 16 : Thrown
3109 (OLD)Wicked Throwing Dagger 2: Weapon 16 : Thrown
6292 10 Pound Mud Snapper 15: Junk 0 : None
6294 12 Pound Mud Snapper 15: Junk 0 : None
6295 15 Pound Mud Snapper 15: Junk 0 : None
6309 17 Pound Catfish 15: Junk 0 : None
6310 19 Pound Catfish 15: Junk 0 : None
1977 20-slot Bag 1: Container 0 : Bag
6311 22 Pound Catfish 15: Junk 0 : None
6363 26 Pound Catfish 15: Junk 0 : None
6364 32 Pound Catfish 15: Junk 0 : None
5334 99-Year-Old Port 12: Quest 0 : None
939 A Bloodstained Journal Page 12: Quest 0 : None Through thick blood a few words still remain legible.
1358 A Clue to Sander's Treasure 12: Quest 0 : None This torn piece of parchment contains scribbled writing.
889 A Dusty Unsent Letter 12: Quest 0 : None This dusty letter from long ago was never sent.
921 A Faded Journal Page 12: Quest 0 : None Although most of the text is long faded, some words can still be read.
6150 A Frayed Knot 15: Junk 0 : None
1175 A Gold Tooth 15: Junk 0 : None
2188 A Letter to Grelin Whitebeard 12: Quest 0 : None
2839 A Letter to Yvette 12: Quest 0 : None
1381 A Mysterious Message 12: Quest 0 : None This soot-covered note contains some cryptic text.
5429 A Pretty Rock 15: Junk 0 : None
5335 A Sack of Coins 15: Junk 0 : None
2998 A Simple Compass 12: Quest 0 : None Baros Alexston's first compass.
2187 A Stack of Letters 12: Quest 0 : None
742 A Sycamore Branch 12: Quest 0 : None
3317 A Talking Head 12: Quest 0 : None Its lips are moving!
916 A Torn Journal Page 12: Quest 0 : None Only the bottom half of this journal page remains.
1349 Abercrombie's Crate 12: Quest 0 : None This large crate is sealed tight, but it reeks of dead things.
4407 Accurate Scope 7: Trade_goods 3 : Devices
3582 Acid Proof Cloak 4: Armor 3 : Mail
5959 Acidic Venom Sac 12: Quest 0 : None
2487 Acolyte Staff 2: Weapon 10 : Staff
1396 Acolyte's Pants 4: Armor 1 : Cloth
57 Acolyte's Robe 4: Armor 1 : Cloth
6129 Acolyte's Robe 4: Armor 1 : Cloth
6097 Acolyte's Shirt 4: Armor 0 : Misc
59 Acolyte's Shoes 4: Armor 0 : Misc
3185 Acrobatic Staff 2: Weapon 10 : Staff
2503 Adept Short Staff 2: Weapon 10 : Staff
3833 Adept's Cloak 4: Armor 1 : Cloth
4768 Adept's Gloves 4: Armor 1 : Cloth
4883 Admiral Proudmoore's Orders 12: Quest 0 : None
2658 Ados Fragment 12: Quest 0 : None
4392 Advanced Target Dummy 7: Trade_goods 0 : Trade_goods
1203 Aegis of Stormwind 4: Armor 6 : Shield
2040 Aegis of Westfall 4: Armor 6 : Shield
4881 Aged Envelope 12: Quest 0 : None
3862 Aged Gorilla Sinew 12: Quest 0 : None
6249 Aged Kodo Hide 12: Quest 0 : None
4788 Agile Boots 4: Armor 2 : Leather
4981 Agmond's Belt Pouch 1: Container 0 : Bag
5178 Air Totem 5: Reagent 0 : None
4029 Akiris Reed 12: Quest 0 : None
3316 Alaric's Head 12: Quest 0 : None
3318 Alaric's Remains 12: Quest 0 : None
5235 Alchemist's Wand 2: Weapon 19 : Wand
4521 Alterac Granite 12: Quest 0 : None
3505 Alterac Signet Ring 12: Quest 0 : None
4621 Ambassador Infernus' Bracer 12: Quest 0 : None
2033 Ambassador's Boots 4: Armor 2 : Leather
1923 Ambassador's Satchel 12: Quest 0 : None
4809 Ambercorn 12: Quest 0 : None
5623 Amethyst Phial 12: Quest 0 : None
4843 Amethyst Runestone 12: Quest 0 : None
5428 An Exotic Cookbook 15: Junk 0 : None How To Serve Man
2794 An Old History Book 12: Quest 0 : None
910 An Undelivered Letter 12: Quest 0 : None Weathered and old, this letter was never delivered.
2874 An Unsent Letter 12: Quest 0 : None A letter found on Edwin VanCleef's person.
5382 Anaya's Pendant 12: Quest 0 : None
3289 Ancestral Boots 4: Armor 1 : Cloth
3642 Ancestral Bracers 4: Armor 1 : Cloth
4671 Ancestral Cloak 4: Armor 1 : Cloth
3290 Ancestral Gloves 4: Armor 1 : Cloth
3291 Ancestral Leggings 4: Armor 1 : Cloth
4672 Ancestral Sash 4: Armor 1 : Cloth
3292 Ancestral Tunic 4: Armor 1 : Cloth
4799 Ancient Cloak 4: Armor 3 : Mail
5338 Ancient Moonstone Seal 12: Quest 0 : None
5424 Ancient Statuette 12: Quest 0 : None
3209 Ancient War Sword 2: Weapon 8 : Twohanded sword
5936 Animal Skin Belt 4: Armor 2 : Leather
3438 Ankh of Resurrection 0: Consumable 0 : Consumable
1361 Another Clue to Sander's Treasure 12: Quest 0 : None This torn piece of parchment contains scribbled writing.
2879 Antipodean Rod 4: Armor 0 : Misc
2047 Anvilmar Hand Axe 2: Weapon 0 : Axe
2195 Anvilmar Knife 2: Weapon 15 : Dagger
2048 Anvilmar Mace 2: Weapon 4 : Mace
5761 Anvilmar Sledge 2: Weapon 5 : Two handed mace
3749 Apothecary Cloak 4: Armor 1 : Cloth
3442 Apprentice Sash 4: Armor 1 : Cloth
2495 Apprentice Short Staff 2: Weapon 10 : Staff
55 Apprentice's Boots 4: Armor 0 : Misc
1395 Apprentice's Pants 4: Armor 1 : Cloth
56 Apprentice's Robe 4: Armor 1 : Cloth
6116 Apprentice's Robe 4: Armor 1 : Cloth
6140 Apprentice's Robe 4: Armor 1 : Cloth
6096 Apprentice's Shirt 4: Armor 0 : Misc
4744 Arcane Runed Bracers 4: Armor 1 : Cloth
3191 Arced War Axe 2: Weapon 1 : Two handed axe
3039 Archer's Longbow 2: Weapon 2 : Bow
5394 Archery Training Gloves 4: Armor 2 : Leather
2000 Archeus 2: Weapon 8 : Twohanded sword Morgan Ladimore's sword.
6219 Arclight Spanner 2: Weapon 14 : Misc weapon
868 Ardent Custodian 2: Weapon 4 : Mace
5016 Artisan's Trousers 4: Armor 1 : Cloth
5596 Ashwood Bow 2: Weapon 2 : Bow
1935 Assassin's Blade 2: Weapon 15 : Dagger
3668 Assassin's Contract 12: Quest 0 : None
3515 Ataeric's Staff 12: Quest 0 : None
6175 Atal'ai Artifact 12: Quest 0 : None
6288 Atal'ai Tablet 12: Quest 0 : None
6287 Atal'ai Tablet Fragment 12: Quest 0 : None
5383 Athrikus Narassin's Head 12: Quest 0 : None
2419 Augmented Chain Belt 4: Armor 3 : Mail
2420 Augmented Chain Boots 4: Armor 3 : Mail
2421 Augmented Chain Bracers 4: Armor 3 : Mail
2422 Augmented Chain Gloves 4: Armor 3 : Mail
3891 Augmented Chain Helm 4: Armor 3 : Mail
2418 Augmented Chain Leggings 4: Armor 3 : Mail
2417 Augmented Chain Vest 4: Armor 3 : Mail
2620 Augural Shroud 4: Armor 1 : Cloth
3278 Aura Proc Damage Sword 2: Weapon 7 : Sword
811 Axe of the Deep Woods 2: Weapon 0 : Axe
4999 Azora's Will 4: Armor 0 : Misc
4527 Azure Agate 12: Quest 0 : None
4752 Azure Feather 12: Quest 0 : None
4319 Azure Silk Gloves 4: Armor 1 : Cloth
1706 Azuredeep Shards 15: Junk 0 : None
1990 Backbreaker 2: Weapon 5 : Two handed mace
1191 Bag of Marbles 0: Consumable 0 : Consumable
3960 Bag of Water Elemental Bracers 12: Quest 0 : None
6215 Balanced Fighting Stick 2: Weapon 10 : Staff
4025 Balanced Long Bow 2: Weapon 2 : Bow
2946 Balanced Throwing Dagger 2: Weapon 16 : Thrown
3906 Balia'mah Trophy 12: Quest 0 : None
4524 Balloo's Memorial 12: Quest 0 : None
3760 Band of the Undercity 4: Armor 0 : Misc
5007 Band of Thorns 4: Armor 0 : Misc
5001 Band of Vitality 4: Armor 0 : Misc
1193 Banded Buckler 4: Armor 5 : Buckler
3604 Bandolier of the Night Watch 11: Quiver 3 : Ammo_pouch
5420 Banshee Armor 4: Armor 1 : Cloth
5022 Barak's Head 12: Quest 0 : None
3195 Barbaric Battle Axe 2: Weapon 1 : Two handed axe
4264 Barbaric Belt 4: Armor 2 : Leather
4254 Barbaric Gloves 4: Armor 2 : Leather
5739 Barbaric Harness 4: Armor 2 : Leather
5963 Barbaric Leggings 4: Armor 2 : Leather
2578 Barbaric Linen Vest 4: Armor 1 : Cloth
5964 Barbaric Shoulders 4: Armor 2 : Leather
4457 Barbecued Buzzard Wing 0: Consumable 0 : Consumable
5343 Barkeeper's Cloak 4: Armor 3 : Mail
5316 Barkshell Tunic 4: Armor 2 : Leather
5084 Baron Longshore's Head 12: Quest 0 : None
6323 Baron's Sceptre 2: Weapon 4 : Mace
2548 Barrel of Barleybrew Scalder 12: Quest 0 : None
3085 Barrel of Shimmer Stout 12: Quest 0 : None
2666 Barrel of Thunder Ale 12: Quest 0 : None
6194 Barreling Reaper 2: Weapon 0 : Axe
5691 Barrow Key 12: Quest 0 : None
5319 Bashing Pauldrons 4: Armor 2 : Leather
1718 Basilisk Hide Pants 4: Armor 2 : Leather
5437 Bathran's Hair 12: Quest 0 : None
2210 Battered Buckler 4: Armor 5 : Buckler
6356 Battered Chest 15: Junk 0 : None
2371 Battered Leather Belt 4: Armor 2 : Leather
2373 Battered Leather Boots 4: Armor 2 : Leather
2374 Battered Leather Bracers 4: Armor 2 : Leather
2375 Battered Leather Gloves 4: Armor 2 : Leather
2370 Battered Leather Harness 4: Armor 2 : Leather
2372 Battered Leather Pants 4: Armor 2 : Leather
1814 Battered Mallet 2: Weapon 5 : Two handed mace
3198 Battering Hammer 2: Weapon 5 : Two handed mace
3649 Battle Buckler 4: Armor 5 : Buckler
3279 Battle Chain Boots 4: Armor 3 : Mail
3280 Battle Chain Bracers 4: Armor 3 : Mail
4668 Battle Chain Cloak 4: Armor 3 : Mail
4669 Battle Chain Girdle 4: Armor 3 : Mail
3281 Battle Chain Gloves 4: Armor 3 : Mail
3282 Battle Chain Pants 4: Armor 3 : Mail
3283 Battle Chain Tunic 4: Armor 3 : Mail
4565 Battle Knife 2: Weapon 15 : Dagger
3650 Battle Shield 4: Armor 6 : Shield
3199 Battle Slayer 2: Weapon 1 : Two handed axe
4849 Battleboar Flank 12: Quest 0 : None
4848 Battleboar Snout 12: Quest 0 : None
3014 Battleworn Axe 12: Quest 0 : None
4917 Battleworn Chain Leggings 4: Armor 3 : Mail
2361 Battleworn Hammer 2: Weapon 5 : Two handed mace
4920 Battleworn Leather Cape 4: Armor 2 : Leather
4914 Battleworn Leather Gloves 4: Armor 2 : Leather
4463 Beaded Raptor Collar 4: Armor 1 : Cloth
5506 Beady Eye Stalk 15: Junk 0 : None
4795 Bear Bracers 4: Armor 2 : Leather
4821 Bear Buckler 4: Armor 5 : Buckler