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Showing 200 on this page (1522 total matches)
  • For use with .tel command. Only map 0 and 1 shown.
Entry Name x y z Map
1 1000cave -5195.53 -2802.04 -7.71064 1: Kalimdor
2 1000Needles -4687 -1819 -57 1: Kalimdor
3 abbeyhall -8910.07 -192.197 81.9402 0: Azeroth
4 abbeylibrary -8876.89 -176.531 81.952 0: Azeroth
5 abbeymain -8888.44 -167.285 81.9391 0: Azeroth
6 Aboraz -13662.8 -291.11 8.17598 0: Azeroth
7 abyssalsands -7806.59 -3065.18 54.066 1: Kalimdor
8 addle -11053.8 226.013 27.3777 0: Azeroth
9 Aerie 248.003 -2146.14 118.356 0: Azeroth
10 agacrypt 3044.74 657.349 75.3529 0: Azeroth
11 agama -1719.14 -1746.34 95.083 1: Kalimdor
12 Agmondsend -7045.2 -3322.84 238.293 0: Azeroth
13 agolwatha 433.952 -3360.79 119.676 0: Azeroth
14 ahn -9750.16 1545.36 42.9697 1: Kalimdor
15 AhnQiraj -8137.54 1526.96 3.12 1: Kalimdor
16 Ahnqiraj1 -9337 1485 -14.6563 1: Kalimdor
19 Alcaz -2709.3 -4984.1 25.8221 1: Kalimdor
20 alcazisland -2698.38 -4754.93 12.8892 1: Kalimdor
21 aldrassil 10396 804 1318.09 1: Kalimdor
22 aldrassilabbey 10472.1 810.292 1322.74 1: Kalimdor
23 Alexston -10691.6 1645.09 41.4382 0: Azeroth
24 algazstation -4776.68 -2682.25 333.119 0: Azeroth
25 Alghaz -4706 -2702 319 0: Azeroth
27 allianceent 1486 -1873 112 1: Kalimdor
28 AltarofStorms -7617.81 -759.531 190.802 0: Azeroth
29 altarofstorms2 -11345.2 -2554.99 85.7667 0: Azeroth
30 AltarofZul -271.704 -3442.06 187.348 0: Azeroth
31 Alterac 239.803 -655.965 118.927 0: Azeroth
32 alteracpvp -126.647 -275.183 6.72377 30: PVPZone01
33 AlteracRuins 606.909 -339.729 151.495 0: Azeroth
34 alteracshaman 340.303 -1475.33 43.6006 0: Azeroth
35 AlteracValley -338.282 -195.726 2.377 30: PVPZone01
36 Althalaxx 7180.46 -756.36 59.6499 1: Kalimdor
37 amber2story -188.095 918.118 66.7066 0: Azeroth
38 amberbarn 63.4587 774.449 64.0119 0: Azeroth
39 ambercook -75.2319 808.39 64.8913 0: Azeroth
40 amberfarm -221.576 811.699 75.4194 0: Azeroth
41 amberhouse -161.731 791.789 64.7645 0: Azeroth
42 Ambermill -174 934 65.5431 0: Azeroth
43 amberstill -5655.38 -1276.43 389.806 0: Azeroth
44 ambertownhall -125.267 802.414 66.0208 0: Azeroth
45 amberwheathouse 33.8735 783.979 64.9515 0: Azeroth
46 ameth 9492.4 1104.28 1251.64 1: Kalimdor
47 Ametharan 5617.41 183.559 28.8007 1: Kalimdor
48 anderhol 1374.53 -1518.89 71.1265 0: Azeroth
49 AnvilMar -6131.41 385.235 395.543 0: Azeroth
50 apass -6216.15 116.656 431.661 0: Azeroth
51 Apocryphan -6903.81 -2514.97 241.225 0: Azeroth
52 arathi -2230.18 -2444.42 80.884 0: Azeroth
53 ArathiCove -2125 -1999 4.69647 0: Azeroth
54 ArathiIntern -1081.49 -3552.28 50.5609 0: Azeroth
55 Arathor -1766.13 -1529.39 64.9209 0: Azeroth
56 Arena -13208 270 20.7167 0: Azeroth
57 arms 2077 -4808.52 43.392 1: Kalimdor
58 Ashenvale 2690.07 355.897 67.3485 1: Kalimdor
59 ashenveil 3657.1 1776.15 -1.44502 1: Kalimdor
60 asoran 1896.4 -4324.38 23.169 1: Kalimdor
61 Astranaar 2731.8 -370.323 107.09 1: Kalimdor
62 astransmhouse 2680.61 -449.628 109.52 1: Kalimdor
63 astransmhouse1 2808.07 -315.385 109.334 1: Kalimdor
65 Athersmill -9200.99 -2776.79 90.7384 0: Azeroth
66 auberdine 6439 409 10.5914 1: Kalimdor
67 azshara 2789.68 -3830.68 85.026 1: Kalimdor
68 azure -887.133 196.869 11.877 0: Azeroth
69 Azureload -857.826 195.366 17.2759 0: Azeroth
70 Badlands -6914 -2177 261 0: Azeroth
71 Badlandscrypt -6568.49 -3468.38 304.625 0: Azeroth
72 bael -1924.18 305.699 88.5952 1: Kalimdor
73 baeldunkeep -4092.17 -2319.27 126.129 1: Kalimdor
74 baelkeep -4086.13 -2339.25 126.13 1: Kalimdor
75 Baliamah -12524.1 -714.546 40.1152 0: Azeroth
76 Ballal -12019.5 346.238 2.19195 0: Azeroth
77 balnir 2051.39 -309.61 37.5911 0: Azeroth
78 banethilhollow 10060.9 1458.39 1276.69 1: Kalimdor
79 barim -4869.15 -871.272 502.192 0: Azeroth
80 Barracks -8779.09 361.698 101.069 0: Azeroth
81 barrenburrow -305.603 -1971.14 93.256 1: Kalimdor
82 Barrendig -4088.15 -2293.55 124.235 1: Kalimdor
83 barrengoblin 909.092 -2733.27 91.6667 1: Kalimdor
84 barrenhut -29.634 -2616.03 95.8548 1: Kalimdor
85 barrenlift -4562.5 -1868.51 86.3954 1: Kalimdor
86 Barrens -2369.55 -1883 95.5886 1: Kalimdor
87 barrens01 300.209 -3672.03 27.3399 1: Kalimdor
88 Barrens02 -2360 -1667 83.8806 1: Kalimdor
89 BarrensWarrior -1678.54 -4329.3 2.42324 1: Kalimdor
90 barrentower 39.633 -2687.09 91.72 1: Kalimdor
91 barrow 9858.26 1561.44 1329.51 1: Kalimdor
92 barwar 503.648 -234.945 166.445 0: Azeroth
93 bashal 6790.27 33.4777 22.2255 1: Kalimdor
94 Bashalaran 6632.74 -65.9648 29.5573 1: Kalimdor
95 Basiliskcave -13298.1 -467.963 16.6577 0: Azeroth
96 bathranshaunt 3824.77 -148.264 -1.0069 1: Kalimdor
97 BBtunnel -14265.5 347.218 30.7758 0: Azeroth
98 bear 1741.72 -2586.24 90.3745 1: Kalimdor
99 bearshead 3905.14 -4771.7 267.179 1: Kalimdor
100 beartower 3978.65 -4773.37 267.015 1: Kalimdor
101 Beezil -3965.38 -3797.99 41.4784 1: Kalimdor
102 Beggar -11053.8 226.013 27.3777 0: Azeroth
103 beren -481.638 795.715 93.9619 0: Azeroth
104 berryfizz -4827.84 -1250.75 498.276 0: Azeroth
105 bibblyhut -735.486 1436.74 91.1913 1: Kalimdor
106 bigass -7320.24 -1078.78 277.069 0: Azeroth
107 bighall -192.194 2263.92 90.6423 33: Shadowfang
108 bitterreaches 4692.27 -6961.8 115.295 1: Kalimdor
110 blackcave 7330.53 -980.817 6.2997 1: Kalimdor
111 blackchamber -7683.62 -1088.97 418.997 0: Azeroth
112 blackcharcave -7283.76 -793.184 297.248 0: Azeroth
114 blackdwarf -7226.09 -903.381 289.922 0: Azeroth
115 blackentrance 4157.98 917.852 12.057 1: Kalimdor
116 Blackfathom 4120.34 887.52 17.185 1: Kalimdor
117 blackfortress -7714.9 -1477.55 140.817 0: Azeroth
118 blackheros 579.536 -282.595 150.65 0: Azeroth
119 blackinstance -7527.65 -1226.44 464.295 0: Azeroth
121 blackportal 4247.72 744.462 148.466 1: Kalimdor
122 blackportal1 -150.234 106.594 169.081 1: Kalimdor
123 blackrock -7822.04 -1135.43 144.086 0: Azeroth
127 blackrockmountain -7339.69 -1085.83 277.069 0: Azeroth
128 Blackrockmtn -7731.56 -1510.19 132.835 0: Azeroth
130 Blackrockstronghold -7716.67 -1481.59 140.737 0: Azeroth
132 blacksnap -296.464 81.6985 83.3786 1: Kalimdor
133 blackspire -7793.85 -1162.56 176.56 0: Azeroth
134 blackthorn -3630.61 -1782.05 138.1 1: Kalimdor
136 Blackwolf 1226.03 -297.986 3.73505 1: Kalimdor
137 Blackwoodden 4607.02 3.94691 70.1549 1: Kalimdor
138 blackwoodlake 2525.4 -4233.91 74.5108 0: Azeroth
139 Bladefist 1288.14 -5013.54 1.11495 1: Kalimdor
140 Blasted -11573 -3228 5.9029 0: Azeroth
141 Blastedcave -11542.2 -2897.22 10.3823 0: Azeroth
142 blastedgarrison -10905.1 -3180.3 65.161 0: Azeroth
143 Bloodfen -4337.54 -2620.22 37.6122 1: Kalimdor
144 bloodfuries 943.621 1561.69 -12.8399 1: Kalimdor
145 bloodhoof -2318.74 -375.02 -9.40564 1: Kalimdor
146 bloodsailcompound -13457.1 677.216 9.45847 0: Azeroth
147 bloodtooth 1753.64 -1495.27 99.9057 1: Kalimdor
148 BloodVenom 5280.04 -716.736 345.909 1: Kalimdor
149 bloodvenomriver 5260.45 -564.136 323.417 1: Kalimdor
150 Bluefen -2715.75 -2991.91 38.8789 1: Kalimdor
151 bluntnose -5290.85 -2945.92 336.758 0: Azeroth
152 boff -7015.43 -3630.49 241.677 0: Azeroth
153 bogensledge -235.566 -2563.57 118.626 0: Azeroth
154 bolgan -2287.8 2494.33 73.774 1: Kalimdor
155 bootbed -14456.1 448.853 20.4093 0: Azeroth
156 bootblack -14378.6 369.396 23.9395 0: Azeroth
157 booteng -14411.2 412.398 22.7162 0: Azeroth
158 bootherb -14479 450.751 30.6523 0: Azeroth
159 bootleather -14463.7 420.197 25.403 0: Azeroth
160 bootleatherworker -14400.7 406.731 23.0707 0: Azeroth
161 bootplate -14357.6 372.217 24.0959 0: Azeroth
162 bootsea -14454.8 451.223 15.6602 0: Azeroth
163 bootsky -14483.2 469.078 31.5465 0: Azeroth
164 Boottailor -14434.3 390.503 32.3385 0: Azeroth
165 boottan -14457.8 408.358 25.2806 0: Azeroth
166 boottunnel -14266.8 347.675 31.2286 0: Azeroth
167 Booty -14319 450 23.4135 0: Azeroth
168 bootyport -14349.6 416.301 6.62684 0: Azeroth
169 bootytower -14438.3 433.999 4.19641 0: Azeroth
170 Borstan 1773.78 -4489.72 47.716 1: Kalimdor
171 Bough 3179.31 -3615.9 129.523 1: Kalimdor
172 boulder -1961.61 -2769.12 77.7511 0: Azeroth
173 bouldercave -97.2885 255.747 35.4167 1: Kalimdor
174 Boulderfist -2015.74 -2829.94 74.7431 0: Azeroth
175 bouldergor -1199.42 -2142.56 62.9732 0: Azeroth
176 boulderhall 1350.97 -3644.48 92.7527 1: Kalimdor
177 boulderload 1268.57 -3622.24 91.672 1: Kalimdor
178 bouldermine 1355.04 -3545.52 95.3659 1: Kalimdor
179 boulderslide -122.288 213.756 35.4167 1: Kalimdor
180 bouldertower 1254.37 -3599.26 114.297 1: Kalimdor
181 bowyer 1912.23 -4749.33 54.697 1: Kalimdor
182 brackbarn -9724.75 -931.106 38.3168 0: Azeroth
183 brackcave -3193.3 -2922.7 33.2404 1: Kalimdor
184 brackenwall -3132.87 -2886.71 34.6342 1: Kalimdor
185 brackwell -9724.87 -965.057 38.8778 0: Azeroth
186 brackwellhouse -9805.13 -927.868 39.8569 0: Azeroth
187 brambleblade -3124.94 -1019.61 51.068 1: Kalimdor
188 bramblescar -2207.46 -2519.11 91.6669 1: Kalimdor
189 brewnall -5371 304 393.928 0: Azeroth
190 bridgeinstance -1181.25 2867.73 134.623 1: Kalimdor
191 brightwater 2707.8 -13.1061 32.6477 0: Azeroth
192 Brightwood -10465.6 -829.89 51.3365 0: Azeroth
193 brill 2248.74 290.518 35 0: Azeroth
194 brilltown 2296.64 280.575 37.3083 0: Azeroth
195 brokenpillar -7806.59 -7980.9 -3957.89 1: Kalimdor
196 BrokenSpear -1784.46 3060.89 9.6988 1: Kalimdor
197 broomstick 1689.12 -4411.89 21.7077 1: Kalimdor
198 browmanmill 2474.01 -5129.86 77.894 0: Azeroth
199 bruuk -4961.7 -1284.03 520.165 0: Azeroth
200 bulwark 1718.64 -826.001 59.0549 0: Azeroth
201 Burning -8564.95 -2563.52 133.149 0: Azeroth
202 burninganvil 2057.75 -4831.05 46.285 1: Kalimdor
203 Burningbladecoven 812.254 -4751.58 36.497 1: Kalimdor
204 burningogre -7960 -2525 133 0: Azeroth
205 burningrope -7772 -2489 159 0: Azeroth
206 burrow -3197.03 -906.97 -0.199 0: Azeroth
207 Caerdarrow 1054.73 -2528.51 70.5689 0: Azeroth
209 campaparaje -27.8995 -482.632 -38.813 1: Kalimdor
210 Campcagg -7195.75 -2417 242.437 0: Azeroth
211 camphut -2313.24 -1932.04 96.0539 1: Kalimdor
212 camplonghouse -2394.77 -1919.22 96.7422 1: Kalimdor
213 campmojache -4410.17 278.164 25.1413 1: Kalimdor
214 camptent -2394.77 -1919.22 96.7422 1: Kalimdor