Quest simulation
Isha Awak
The grand Isha Awak is lord of these waters. Great is his strength, and solemn his pride. The humans on the coast fear him, for he has consumed many of their number.
But I do not fear him. I am grateful he is here. He is a worthy challenge, and honorable prey.
If you are ready, then swim out and search for Isha Awak, the Deep Doom.
His spirit dwells in his heart, and to hear its beat is to know your fate.
Bring the Heart of Isha Awak to Mahren Skyseer.
5104: Heart of Isha Awak
Fear not the waters, <race>.
You now are one with Isha Awak, <name>. His spirit is with you. He lurks in your eyes...
Eyes that, one day, will learn to see.
5355: Beastmaster's GirdleChoice of:
2750 XP
5325: Strength of Isha Awak will be cast on you
Zone: Barrens
Minimum level: 10
Quest level: 27
Requires completion of: 874: Mahren Skyseer
NPCs that start this quest (1)
NPCs that finish this quest (1)
Quest chain (4)
Database entry for quest
UPDATE `quest_template` SET `field`
= xxxx WHERE (`entry` = 873);
Field | Value |
entry | 873 |
Method | 2 |
ZoneOrSort | 17 |
MinLevel | 10 |
MaxLevel | 0 |
QuestLevel | 27 |
Type | 0: Normal |
RequiredClasses | |
RequiredRaces | Orc, Undead, Tauren, Troll |
RequiredSkill | 0: None |
RequiredSkillValue | 0 |
RequiredCondition | 0 |
RepObjectiveFaction | 0 |
RepObjectiveValue | 0 |
RequiredMinRepFaction | 0 |
RequiredMinRepValue | 0 |
RequiredMaxRepFaction | 0 |
RequiredMaxRepValue | 0 |
SuggestedPlayers | 0 |
LimitTime | 0 |
QuestFlags | 0x8: Sharable |
SpecialFlags | None |
PrevQuestId | 874: Mahren Skyseer |
NextQuestId | - |
ExclusiveGroup | - |
NextQuestInChain | - |
SrcItemId | |
SrcItemCount | 0 |
SrcSpell | 0 |
Title | Isha Awak |
Details | The grand Isha Awak is lord of these waters. Great is his strength, and solemn his pride. The humans on the coast fear him, for he has consumed many of their number.$B$BBut I do not fear him. I am grateful he is here. He is a worthy challenge, and honorable prey.$B$BIf you are ready, then swim out and search for Isha Awak, the Deep Doom.$B$BHis spirit dwells in his heart, and to hear its beat is to know your fate. |
Objectives | Bring the Heart of Isha Awak to Mahren Skyseer. |
OfferRewardText | You now are one with Isha Awak, $N. His spirit is with you. He lurks in your eyes...$B$BEyes that, one day, will learn to see. |
RequestItemsText | Fear not the waters, $r. |
EndText | |
ObjectiveText1 | |
ObjectiveText2 | |
ObjectiveText3 | |
ObjectiveText4 | |
ReqItemId1 | 5104: Heart of Isha Awak |
ReqItemId2 | |
ReqItemId3 | |
ReqItemId4 | |
ReqItemCount1 | 1 |
ReqItemCount2 | 0 |
ReqItemCount3 | 0 |
ReqItemCount4 | 0 |
ReqSourceId1 | 0 |
ReqSourceId2 | 0 |
ReqSourceId3 | 0 |
ReqSourceId4 | 0 |
ReqSourceCount1 | 0 |
ReqSourceCount2 | 0 |
ReqSourceCount3 | 0 |
ReqSourceCount4 | 0 |
ReqCreatureOrGOId1 | - |
ReqCreatureOrGOId2 | - |
ReqCreatureOrGOId3 | - |
ReqCreatureOrGOId4 | - |
ReqCreatureOrGOCount1 | 0 |
ReqCreatureOrGOCount2 | 0 |
ReqCreatureOrGOCount3 | 0 |
ReqCreatureOrGOCount4 | 0 |
ReqSpellCast1 | - |
ReqSpellCast2 | - |
ReqSpellCast3 | - |
ReqSpellCast4 | - |
RewChoiceItemId1 | 5356: Branding Rod |
RewChoiceItemId2 | 5357: Ward of the Vale |
RewChoiceItemId3 | 5358: Whisperwind Headdress |
RewChoiceItemId4 | |
RewChoiceItemId5 | |
RewChoiceItemId6 | |
RewChoiceItemCount1 | 1 |
RewChoiceItemCount2 | 1 |
RewChoiceItemCount3 | 1 |
RewChoiceItemCount4 | 0 |
RewChoiceItemCount5 | 0 |
RewChoiceItemCount6 | 0 |
RewItemId1 | 5355: Beastmaster's Girdle |
RewItemId2 | |
RewItemId3 | |
RewItemId4 | |
RewItemCount1 | 1 |
RewItemCount2 | 0 |
RewItemCount3 | 0 |
RewItemCount4 | 0 |
RewRepFaction1 | 0: None |
RewRepFaction2 | 0: None |
RewRepFaction3 | 0: None |
RewRepFaction4 | 0: None |
RewRepFaction5 | 0: None |
RewRepValue1 | 0 |
RewRepValue2 | 0 |
RewRepValue3 | 0 |
RewRepValue4 | 0 |
RewRepValue5 | 0 |
RewXP | 2750 |
RewOrReqMoney | 0 |
RewSpell | - |
RewSpellCast | 5325: Strength of Isha Awak |
RewMailTemplateId | 0 |
RewMailDelaySecs | 0 |
RewMailMoney | 0 |
PointMapId | 0 |
PointX | 0 |
PointY | 0 |
PointOpt | 0 |
DetailsEmote1 | 0 |
DetailsEmote2 | 0 |
DetailsEmote3 | 0 |
DetailsEmote4 | 0 |
DetailsEmoteDelay1 | 0 |
DetailsEmoteDelay2 | 0 |
DetailsEmoteDelay3 | 0 |
DetailsEmoteDelay4 | 0 |
IncompleteEmote | 0 |
CompleteEmote | 0 |
OfferRewardEmote1 | 0 |
OfferRewardEmote2 | 0 |
OfferRewardEmote3 | 0 |
OfferRewardEmote4 | 0 |
OfferRewardEmoteDelay1 | 0 |
OfferRewardEmoteDelay2 | 0 |
OfferRewardEmoteDelay3 | 0 |
OfferRewardEmoteDelay4 | 0 |
StartScript | 0 |
CompleteScript | 873 |
ignored | 0 |
parse_timestamp | 1970-01-01 |