Quest simulation
The Mills Overrun
The Scourge are trying to form a base at the Agamand Mills. If they do, then they can stage further attacks within Tirisfal.
The orders have been given. The Scourge in the Mills must be destroyed.
Go to the Mills. Collect Notched Ribs from Rattlecage and Cracked Skull Soldiers, and Blackened Skulls from Darkeye Bonecasters.
To get to the Mills, follow the road west. After crossing the bridge, take the next fork north then keep going north. When you see windmills, the battle will begin.
Gather 5 Notched Ribs and 3 Blackened Skulls, then return to Deathguard Dillinger in Brill.
3162: Notched Rib x53163: Blackened Skull x3
Our battles with the Scourge wage on, <name>. Do your part and throw those cursed, mindless undead back into the Plaguelands!
Your efforts in the war are felt among us, <name>. I will not thank you for doing what is necessary, but the Deathguards of Tirisfal will remember your name.
Choice of:
880 XP
You will receive: 2s
Zone: Tirisfal
Minimum level: 6
Quest level: 8
Requires completion of: 404: A Putrid Task
NPCs that start this quest (1)
NPCs that finish this quest (1)
Quest chain (2)
Database entry for quest
Field | Value |
entry | 426 |
Method | 2 |
ZoneOrSort | 85 |
MinLevel | 6 |
MaxLevel | 0 |
QuestLevel | 8 |
Type | 0: Normal |
RequiredClasses | |
RequiredRaces | |
RequiredSkill | 0: None |
RequiredSkillValue | 0 |
RequiredCondition | 0 |
RepObjectiveFaction | 0 |
RepObjectiveValue | 0 |
RequiredMinRepFaction | 0 |
RequiredMinRepValue | 0 |
RequiredMaxRepFaction | 0 |
RequiredMaxRepValue | 0 |
SuggestedPlayers | 0 |
LimitTime | 0 |
QuestFlags | 0x8: Sharable |
SpecialFlags | None |
PrevQuestId | 404: A Putrid Task |
NextQuestId | - |
ExclusiveGroup | - |
NextQuestInChain | - |
SrcItemId | |
SrcItemCount | 0 |
SrcSpell | 0 |
Title | The Mills Overrun |
Details | The Scourge are trying to form a base at the Agamand Mills. If they do, then they can stage further attacks within Tirisfal.$B$BThe orders have been given. The Scourge in the Mills must be destroyed.$B$BGo to the Mills. Collect Notched Ribs from Rattlecage and Cracked Skull Soldiers, and Blackened Skulls from Darkeye Bonecasters.$B$BTo get to the Mills, follow the road west. After crossing the bridge, take the next fork north then keep going north. When you see windmills, the battle will begin. |
Objectives | Gather 5 Notched Ribs and 3 Blackened Skulls, then return to Deathguard Dillinger in Brill. |
OfferRewardText | Your efforts in the war are felt among us, $N. I will not thank you for doing what is necessary, but the Deathguards of Tirisfal will remember your name. |
RequestItemsText | Our battles with the Scourge wage on, $N. Do your part and throw those cursed, mindless undead back into the Plaguelands! |
EndText | |
ObjectiveText1 | |
ObjectiveText2 | |
ObjectiveText3 | |
ObjectiveText4 | |
ReqItemId1 | 3162: Notched Rib |
ReqItemId2 | 3163: Blackened Skull |
ReqItemId3 | |
ReqItemId4 | |
ReqItemCount1 | 5 |
ReqItemCount2 | 3 |
ReqItemCount3 | 0 |
ReqItemCount4 | 0 |
ReqSourceId1 | 0 |
ReqSourceId2 | 0 |
ReqSourceId3 | 0 |
ReqSourceId4 | 0 |
ReqSourceCount1 | 0 |
ReqSourceCount2 | 0 |
ReqSourceCount3 | 0 |
ReqSourceCount4 | 0 |
ReqCreatureOrGOId1 | - |
ReqCreatureOrGOId2 | - |
ReqCreatureOrGOId3 | - |
ReqCreatureOrGOId4 | - |
ReqCreatureOrGOCount1 | 0 |
ReqCreatureOrGOCount2 | 0 |
ReqCreatureOrGOCount3 | 0 |
ReqCreatureOrGOCount4 | 0 |
ReqSpellCast1 | - |
ReqSpellCast2 | - |
ReqSpellCast3 | - |
ReqSpellCast4 | - |
RewChoiceItemId1 | 3447: Cryptwalker Boots |
RewChoiceItemId2 | 3834: Sturdy Cloth Trousers |
RewChoiceItemId3 | |
RewChoiceItemId4 | |
RewChoiceItemId5 | |
RewChoiceItemId6 | |
RewChoiceItemCount1 | 1 |
RewChoiceItemCount2 | 1 |
RewChoiceItemCount3 | 0 |
RewChoiceItemCount4 | 0 |
RewChoiceItemCount5 | 0 |
RewChoiceItemCount6 | 0 |
RewItemId1 | |
RewItemId2 | |
RewItemId3 | |
RewItemId4 | |
RewItemCount1 | 0 |
RewItemCount2 | 0 |
RewItemCount3 | 0 |
RewItemCount4 | 0 |
RewRepFaction1 | 0: None |
RewRepFaction2 | 0: None |
RewRepFaction3 | 0: None |
RewRepFaction4 | 0: None |
RewRepFaction5 | 0: None |
RewRepValue1 | 0 |
RewRepValue2 | 0 |
RewRepValue3 | 0 |
RewRepValue4 | 0 |
RewRepValue5 | 0 |
RewXP | 880 |
RewOrReqMoney | 2s |
RewSpell | - |
RewSpellCast | - |
RewMailTemplateId | 0 |
RewMailDelaySecs | 0 |
RewMailMoney | 0 |
PointMapId | 0 |
PointX | 0 |
PointY | 0 |
PointOpt | 0 |
DetailsEmote1 | 0 |
DetailsEmote2 | 0 |
DetailsEmote3 | 0 |
DetailsEmote4 | 0 |
DetailsEmoteDelay1 | 0 |
DetailsEmoteDelay2 | 0 |
DetailsEmoteDelay3 | 0 |
DetailsEmoteDelay4 | 0 |
IncompleteEmote | 0 |
CompleteEmote | 0 |
OfferRewardEmote1 | 0 |
OfferRewardEmote2 | 0 |
OfferRewardEmote3 | 0 |
OfferRewardEmote4 | 0 |
OfferRewardEmoteDelay1 | 0 |
OfferRewardEmoteDelay2 | 0 |
OfferRewardEmoteDelay3 | 0 |
OfferRewardEmoteDelay4 | 0 |
StartScript | 0 |
CompleteScript | 0 |
ignored | 0 |
parse_timestamp | 2003-12-12 |