In Defense of the King's Lands


Quest simulation

In Defense of the King's Lands

Mountaineer Cobbleflint had nothing but good things to say about you, <race>. For that reason I am going to entrust upon you a mission of utmost importance. We need to keep pressure on the invading Trogg forces until our Dwarven brethren return from the Alliance front.

Set forth into the southern hills and kill 10 Stonesplinter Skullthumpers and 10 Stonesplinter Seers. Your attacks will buy us some time. Report back when your mission is complete.


Mountaineer Gravelgaw in the southern guard tower wants you to kill 10 Stonesplinter Skullthumpers and 10 Stonesplinter Seers and report back to him.


1163: Stonesplinter Skullthumper x10
1166: Stonesplinter Seer x10


We need more time, <race>. Your orders are to kill 10 Stonesplinter Skullthumpers and 10 Stonesplinter Seers. Keep the enemy under pressure until we are granted reinforcements. This is no time for idle behavior.


You accomplished your mission well, <race>. The King himself would be proud.

The reinforcements promised to us never showed, however. Apparently the Alliance front is a sea of crimson from the blood of our fallen brethren. The news of the losses leaves a bitter taste in one's mouth. But we must not let their deaths go for naught. We must rally in these grim times and bring glory back to the Alliance.

Speak with Mountaineer Wallbang for reassignment. You're needed now more than ever.


858: Lesser Healing Potion x3

1050 XP

You will receive: 4s

Zone: LochModan
Minimum level: 10
Quest level: 15
Requires completion of: 224: In Defense of the King's Lands

Database entry for quest

UPDATE `quest_template` SET `field` = xxxx WHERE (`entry` = 237);
Field Value
entry 237
Method 2
ZoneOrSort 38
MinLevel 10
MaxLevel 0
QuestLevel 15
Type 0: Normal
RequiredRaces Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Gnome
RequiredSkill 0: None
RequiredSkillValue 0
RequiredCondition 0
RepObjectiveFaction 0
RepObjectiveValue 0
RequiredMinRepFaction 0
RequiredMinRepValue 0
RequiredMaxRepFaction 0
RequiredMaxRepValue 0
SuggestedPlayers 0
LimitTime 0
QuestFlags 0x8: Sharable
SpecialFlags None
PrevQuestId 224: In Defense of the King's Lands
NextQuestId -
ExclusiveGroup -
NextQuestInChain -
SrcItemCount 0
SrcSpell 0
Title In Defense of the King's Lands
Details Mountaineer Cobbleflint had nothing but good things to say about you, $r. For that reason I am going to entrust upon you a mission of utmost importance. We need to keep pressure on the invading Trogg forces until our Dwarven brethren return from the Alliance front.$B$BSet forth into the southern hills and kill 10 Stonesplinter Skullthumpers and 10 Stonesplinter Seers. Your attacks will buy us some time. Report back when your mission is complete.
Objectives Mountaineer Gravelgaw in the southern guard tower wants you to kill 10 Stonesplinter Skullthumpers and 10 Stonesplinter Seers and report back to him.
OfferRewardText You accomplished your mission well, $R. The King himself would be proud.$B$BThe reinforcements promised to us never showed, however. Apparently the Alliance front is a sea of crimson from the blood of our fallen brethren. The news of the losses leaves a bitter taste in one's mouth. But we must not let their deaths go for naught. We must rally in these grim times and bring glory back to the Alliance.$B$BSpeak with Mountaineer Wallbang for reassignment. You're needed now more than ever.
RequestItemsText We need more time, $r. Your orders are to kill 10 Stonesplinter Skullthumpers and 10 Stonesplinter Seers. Keep the enemy under pressure until we are granted reinforcements. This is no time for idle behavior.
ReqItemCount1 0
ReqItemCount2 0
ReqItemCount3 0
ReqItemCount4 0
ReqSourceId1 0
ReqSourceId2 0
ReqSourceId3 0
ReqSourceId4 0
ReqSourceCount1 0
ReqSourceCount2 0
ReqSourceCount3 0
ReqSourceCount4 0
ReqCreatureOrGOId1 1163: Stonesplinter Skullthumper
ReqCreatureOrGOId2 1166: Stonesplinter Seer
ReqCreatureOrGOId3 -
ReqCreatureOrGOId4 -
ReqCreatureOrGOCount1 10
ReqCreatureOrGOCount2 10
ReqCreatureOrGOCount3 0
ReqCreatureOrGOCount4 0
ReqSpellCast1 -
ReqSpellCast2 -
ReqSpellCast3 -
ReqSpellCast4 -
RewChoiceItemCount1 0
RewChoiceItemCount2 0
RewChoiceItemCount3 0
RewChoiceItemCount4 0
RewChoiceItemCount5 0
RewChoiceItemCount6 0
RewItemId1 858: Lesser Healing Potion
RewItemCount1 3
RewItemCount2 0
RewItemCount3 0
RewItemCount4 0
RewRepFaction1 0: None
RewRepFaction2 0: None
RewRepFaction3 0: None
RewRepFaction4 0: None
RewRepFaction5 0: None
RewRepValue1 0
RewRepValue2 0
RewRepValue3 0
RewRepValue4 0
RewRepValue5 0
RewXP 1050
RewOrReqMoney 4s
RewSpell -
RewSpellCast -
RewMailTemplateId 0
RewMailDelaySecs 0
RewMailMoney 0
PointMapId 0
PointX 0
PointY 0
PointOpt 0
DetailsEmote1 1
DetailsEmote2 1
DetailsEmote3 0
DetailsEmote4 0
DetailsEmoteDelay1 0
DetailsEmoteDelay2 0
DetailsEmoteDelay3 0
DetailsEmoteDelay4 0
IncompleteEmote 25
CompleteEmote 1
OfferRewardEmote1 1
OfferRewardEmote2 1
OfferRewardEmote3 0
OfferRewardEmote4 0
OfferRewardEmoteDelay1 0
OfferRewardEmoteDelay2 0
OfferRewardEmoteDelay3 0
OfferRewardEmoteDelay4 0
StartScript 0
CompleteScript 0
ignored 0
parse_timestamp 2004-06-01