Smooth Leather Gloves



Item icon

Field Value
entry 3973
class Armor
display_id 17069
sell_price 36s 57c
inventory_type 10: Hand
spellid_1 0

In-game view

Smooth Leather Gloves

Item icon

Level 58 (Min 53)

36 Armor

Buy price: 1g 82s 86c

Stackable: 1

NPCs that drop this as reference loot (85)

1852 Araj the Summoner 5% 5271 Atal'ai Deathwalker 5% 5273 Atal'ai High Priest 5% 4475 Blighted Zombie 2.5% 1801 Blood Wraith 5% 193 Blue Dragonspawn 5% 1800 Cold Wraith 5% 853 Coldridge Mountaineer 2.5% 1741 Deathguard Bartrand 2.5% 1813 Decaying Horror 2.5% 1808 Devouring Ooze 2.5% 1805 Flesh Golem 5% 1843 Foreman Jerris 5% 1844 Foreman Marcrid 5% 1847 Foulmane 5% 1796 Freezing Ghoul 2.5% 466 General Marcus Jonathan 5% 1840 Grand Inquisitor Isillien 5% 603 Grimtooth 5% 1064 Grom'gol Grunt 2.5% 4472 Haunting Vision 2.5% 1846 High Protector Lorik 5% 1845 High Protector Tarsen 2.5% 1842 Highlord Taelan Fordring 5% 1802 Hungering Wraith 2.5% 5320 Jademir Boughguard 5% 5317 Jademir Oracle 5% 5319 Jademir Tree Warder 5% 1848 Lord Maldazzar 5% 5277 Nightmare Scalebane 5% 5280 Nightmare Wyrmkin 5% 1642 Northshire Guard 2.5% 1850 Putridius 5% 1045 Red Dragonspawn 5% 1047 Red Scalebane 5% 1046 Red Wyrmkin 5% 1812 Rotting Behemoth 2.5% 4474 Rotting Cadaver 2.5% 1793 Rotting Ghoul 2.5% 1048 Scalebane Lieutenant 5% 1050 Scalebane Royal Guard 5% 4493 Scarlet Avenger 2.5% 1836 Scarlet Cavalier 5% 1841 Scarlet Executioner 5% 1839 Scarlet High Clerist 5% 1831 Scarlet Hunter 2.5% 1838 Scarlet Interrogator 5% 1835 Scarlet Invoker 2.5% 1837 Scarlet Judge 5% 1833 Scarlet Knight 2.5% 1884 Scarlet Lumberjack 2.5% 1826 Scarlet Mage 2.5% 1832 Scarlet Magus 5% 1834 Scarlet Paladin 5% 1827 Scarlet Sentinel 5% 1885 Scarlet Smith 5% 4494 Scarlet Spellbinder 2.5% 1883 Scarlet Worker 2.5% 1795 Searing Ghoul 2.5% 1789 Skeletal Acolyte 2.5% 1787 Skeletal Executioner 2.5% 1783 Skeletal Flayer 2.5% 1784 Skeletal Sorcerer 2.5% 1785 Skeletal Terror 2.5% 1788 Skeletal Warlord 5% 1791 Slavering Ghoul 2.5% 1794 Soulless Ghoul 2.5% 866 Stonard Grunt 2.5% 863 Stonard Hunter 2.5% 868 Stonard Shaman 2.5% 865 Stonard Wayfinder 2.5% 1756 Stormwind Royal Guard 5% 4368 Strashaz Myrmidon 5% 4366 Strashaz Serpent Guard 5% 4371 Strashaz Siren 5% 4370 Strashaz Sorceress 5% 4364 Strashaz Warrior 5% 950 Swamp Talker 2.5% 1851 The Husk 5% 4979 Theramore Guard 2.5% 3094 Unseen 2.5% 1806 Vile Slime 2.5% 2648 Vilebranch Aman'zasi Guard 5% 1804 Wailing Death 2.5% 1049 Wyrmkin Firebrand 5%

Item details

UPDATE `item_template` SET `field` = xxxx WHERE (`entry` = 3973);
Field Value
entry 3973
class Armor
subclass Leather
name Smooth Leather Gloves
display_id 17069
quality 0
flags None
buy_count 1
buy_price 1g 82s 86c
sell_price 36s 57c
inventory_type 10: Hand
allowable_class -1
allowable_race -1
item_level 58
required_level 53
required_skill 0: None
required_skill_rank 0
required_spell 0
required_honor_rank 0
required_city_rank 0
required_reputation_faction 0
required_reputation_rank 0
max_count 0
stackable 1
container_slots 0
stat_type1 0
stat_value1 0
stat_type2 0
stat_value2 0
stat_type3 0
stat_value3 0
stat_type4 0
stat_value4 0
stat_type5 0
stat_value5 0
stat_type6 0
stat_value6 0
stat_type7 0
stat_value7 0
stat_type8 0
stat_value8 0
stat_type9 0
stat_value9 0
stat_type10 0
stat_value10 0
delay 0
range_mod 0
ammo_type 0
dmg_min1 0
dmg_max1 0
dmg_type1 0
dmg_min2 0
dmg_max2 0
dmg_type2 0
dmg_min3 0
dmg_max3 0
dmg_type3 0
dmg_min4 0
dmg_max4 0
dmg_type4 0
dmg_min5 0
dmg_max5 0
dmg_type5 0
block 0
armor 36
holy_res 0
fire_res 0
nature_res 0
frost_res 0
shadow_res 0
arcane_res 0
spellid_1 0
spelltrigger_1 0
spellcharges_1 0
spellppmrate_1 0
spellcooldown_1 -1
spellcategory_1 0
spellcategorycooldown_1 -1
spellid_2 0
spelltrigger_2 0
spellcharges_2 0
spellppmrate_2 0
spellcooldown_2 -1
spellcategory_2 0
spellcategorycooldown_2 -1
spellid_3 0
spelltrigger_3 0
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spellppmrate_3 0
spellcooldown_3 -1
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spellcategorycooldown_3 -1
spellid_4 0
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spellcooldown_4 -1
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spellcategorycooldown_4 -1
spellid_5 0
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spellppmrate_5 0
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spellcategorycooldown_5 0
bonding 0: No bind
page_text 0
page_language 0
page_material 0
start_quest -
lock_id 0
material 8
sheath 0
random_property 0
set_id 0
max_durability 30
area_bound 0
map_bound 0
duration 0
bag_family 0
disenchant_id 0
food_type 0
min_money_loot 0
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extra_flags 0
ignored 0