Fine Thread



Item model

Field Value
entry 2321
class Trade_goods
display_id 7363
sell_price 25c
inventory_type 0: Cannot Equip
spellid_1 0

In-game view

Fine Thread

Item icon

Cannot Equip
Level 20

Buy price: 1s

Stackable: 10

Item is a reagent for spell (70)

2159 Fine Leather Cloak 2166 Toughened Leather Vest 2167 Dark Leather Boots 2168 Dark Leather Cloak 2169 Dark Leather Tunic 2395 Barbaric Linen Vest 2396 Green Linen Shirt 2399 Green Woolen Vest 2401 Woolen Boots 2402 Woolen Cape 2403 Gray Woolen Robe 2406 Gray Woolen Shirt 3324 Runed Copper Pants 3757 Woolen Bag 3758 Green Woolen Bag 3760 Hillman\'s Cloak 3764 Hillman\'s Leather Gloves 3765 Dark Leather Gloves 3766 Dark Leather Belt 3768 Hillman\'s Shoulders 3769 Dark Leather Shoulders 3770 Toughened Leather Gloves 3771 Barbaric Gloves 3772 Green Leather Armor 3773 Guardian Armor 3774 Green Leather Belt 3775 Guardian Belt 3776 Green Leather Bracers 3780 Heavy Armor Kit 3813 Small Silk Pack 3842 Handstitched Linen Britches 3843 Heavy Woolen Gloves 3844 Heavy Woolen Cloak 3845 Soft-soled Linen Boots 3847 Red Woolen Boots 3848 Double-stitched Woolen Shoulder 3849 Reinforced Woolen Shoulders 3850 Heavy Woolen Pants 3851 Phoenix Pants 3852 Gloves of Meditation 3854 Enchanted Silk Gloves 3857 Enchanter\'s Cowl 3866 Stylish Red Shirt 3868 Phoenix Gloves 3869 Bright Yellow Shirt 3870 Dark Silk Shirt 3871 Formal White Shirt 4096 Raptor Hide Harness 4097 Raptor Hide Belt 6521 Pearl Clasped Cloak 6661 Barbaric Harness 6686 White Linen Bag 6688 Red Woolen Bag 6690 Lesser Wizard\'s Robe 6692 Robes of Arcana 6693 Green Silk Pack 6695 Black Silk Pack 6702 Murloc Scale Belt 6703 Murloc Scale Breastplate 6704 Thick Murloc Armor 7133 Fine Leather Pants 7135 Dark Leather Pants 7147 Guardian Pants 7149 Barbaric Leggings 7151 Barbaric Shoulders 7636 Green Woolen Robe 7639 Blue Overalls 7643 Greater Adept\'s Robe 7892 Stylish Blue Shirt 7893 Stylish Green Shirt

Item is a quest requirement (1)

Item details

UPDATE `item_template` SET `field` = xxxx WHERE (`entry` = 2321);
Field Value
entry 2321
class Trade_goods
subclass Trade_goods
name Fine Thread
display_id 7363
quality 1
flags None
buy_count 1
buy_price 1s
sell_price 25c
inventory_type 0: Cannot Equip
allowable_class -1
allowable_race -1
item_level 20
required_level 0
required_skill 0: None
required_skill_rank 0
required_spell 0
required_honor_rank 0
required_city_rank 0
required_reputation_faction 0
required_reputation_rank 0
max_count 0
stackable 10
container_slots 0
stat_type1 0
stat_value1 0
stat_type2 0
stat_value2 0
stat_type3 0
stat_value3 0
stat_type4 0
stat_value4 0
stat_type5 0
stat_value5 0
stat_type6 0
stat_value6 0
stat_type7 0
stat_value7 0
stat_type8 0
stat_value8 0
stat_type9 0
stat_value9 0
stat_type10 0
stat_value10 0
delay 0
range_mod 0
ammo_type 0
dmg_min1 0
dmg_max1 0
dmg_type1 0
dmg_min2 0
dmg_max2 0
dmg_type2 0
dmg_min3 0
dmg_max3 0
dmg_type3 0
dmg_min4 0
dmg_max4 0
dmg_type4 0
dmg_min5 0
dmg_max5 0
dmg_type5 0
block 0
armor 0
holy_res 0
fire_res 0
nature_res 0
frost_res 0
shadow_res 0
arcane_res 0
spellid_1 0
spelltrigger_1 0
spellcharges_1 0
spellppmrate_1 0
spellcooldown_1 -1
spellcategory_1 0
spellcategorycooldown_1 -1
spellid_2 0
spelltrigger_2 0
spellcharges_2 0
spellppmrate_2 0
spellcooldown_2 -1
spellcategory_2 0
spellcategorycooldown_2 -1
spellid_3 0
spelltrigger_3 0
spellcharges_3 0
spellppmrate_3 0
spellcooldown_3 -1
spellcategory_3 0
spellcategorycooldown_3 -1
spellid_4 0
spelltrigger_4 0
spellcharges_4 0
spellppmrate_4 0
spellcooldown_4 -1
spellcategory_4 0
spellcategorycooldown_4 -1
spellid_5 0
spelltrigger_5 0
spellcharges_5 0
spellppmrate_5 0
spellcooldown_5 0
spellcategory_5 0
spellcategorycooldown_5 0
bonding 0: No bind
page_text 0
page_language 0
page_material 0
start_quest -
lock_id 0
material 8
sheath 0
random_property 0
set_id 0
max_durability 0
area_bound 0
map_bound 0
duration 0
bag_family 0
disenchant_id 0
food_type 0
min_money_loot 0
max_money_loot 0
extra_flags 0
ignored 0