Field | Value |
ID | 6268 |
School | 0: Normal |
ImplicitTargetA_1 | 1: Self |
SpellPriority | 50 |
StartRecoveryTime | 0 |
In-game view
Rushing Charge — Rank 1
Normal Magic
Instant cast
30 sec cooldown
Effect trigger spells:
6269: Rushing Charge
Apply aura
Apply aura
Apply aura
31: Mod increase speed
13: Mod damage done
42: Proc trigger spell
Charge an enemy, increasing speed and causing an additional 10 damage on the first attack.
Visual effects
Cast Kit: 259 - animation: 55 (0) BattleRoar
Impact Kit: 255 - animation: 0 (1)
NPCs that cast this spell (1)
Spell details
UPDATE `Spell` SET `field`
= xxxx WHERE (`ID` = 6268);
Field | Value |
ID | 6268 |
School | 0: Normal |
Category | 44 |
CastUI | 0 |
Attributes | 0x40010: Is ability, Do not stealth |
AttributesEx | None |
ShapeshiftMask | 0 |
Targets | None |
TargetCreatureType | 0 |
RequiresSpellFocus | 0 |
CasterAuraState | 0 |
TargetAuraState | 0 |
CastingTimeIndex | 1 |
RecoveryTime | 0 |
CategoryRecoveryTime | 30000 |
InterruptFlags | None |
AuraInterruptFlags | 0 |
ChannelInterruptFlags | 0 |
ProcFlags | 1 |
ProcChance | 100 |
ProcCharges | 1 |
MaxLevel | 60 |
BaseLevel | 10 |
SpellLevel | 10 |
DurationIndex | 32 |
PowerType | 1: Rage |
ManaCost | 0 |
ManaCostPerLevel | 0 |
ManaPerSecond | 0 |
ManaPerSecondPerLevel | 0 |
RangeIndex | 1 |
Speed | 0 |
ModalNextSpell | 0 |
Totem_1 | 0 |
Totem_2 | 0 |
Reagent_1 | |
Reagent_2 | |
Reagent_3 | |
Reagent_4 | |
Reagent_5 | |
Reagent_6 | |
Reagent_7 | |
Reagent_8 | |
ReagentCount_1 | 0 |
ReagentCount_2 | 0 |
ReagentCount_3 | 0 |
ReagentCount_4 | 0 |
ReagentCount_5 | 0 |
ReagentCount_6 | 0 |
ReagentCount_7 | 0 |
ReagentCount_8 | 0 |
EquippedItemClass | -1 |
EquippedItemSubclass | 0 |
Effect_1 | 6: Apply aura |
Effect_2 | 6: Apply aura |
Effect_3 | 6: Apply aura |
EffectDieSides_1 | 1 |
EffectDieSides_2 | 1 |
EffectDieSides_3 | 1 |
EffectBaseDice_1 | 1 |
EffectBaseDice_2 | 1 |
EffectBaseDice_3 | 1 |
EffectDicePerLevel_1 | 0 |
EffectDicePerLevel_2 | 0 |
EffectDicePerLevel_3 | 0 |
EffectRealPointsPerLevel_1 | 0 |
EffectRealPointsPerLevel_2 | 1 |
EffectRealPointsPerLevel_3 | 0 |
EffectBasePoints_1 | 149 |
EffectBasePoints_2 | 9 |
EffectBasePoints_3 | 0 |
ImplicitTargetA_1 | 1: Self |
ImplicitTargetA_2 | 1: Self |
ImplicitTargetA_3 | 1: Self |
ImplicitTargetB_1 | 0: Initial |
ImplicitTargetB_2 | 0: Initial |
ImplicitTargetB_3 | 0: Initial |
EffectRadiusIndex_1 | 0 |
EffectRadiusIndex_2 | 0 |
EffectRadiusIndex_3 | 0 |
EffectAura_1 | 31: Mod increase speed |
EffectAura_2 | 13: Mod damage done |
EffectAura_3 | 42: Proc trigger spell |
EffectAuraPeriod_1 | 0 |
EffectAuraPeriod_2 | 0 |
EffectAuraPeriod_3 | 0 |
EffectAmplitude_1 | 0 |
EffectAmplitude_2 | 0 |
EffectAmplitude_3 | 1 |
EffectChainTargets_1 | 0 |
EffectChainTargets_2 | 0 |
EffectChainTargets_3 | 0 |
EffectItemType_1 | |
EffectItemType_2 | |
EffectItemType_3 | |
EffectMiscValue_1 | 0 |
EffectMiscValue_2 | 0 |
EffectMiscValue_3 | 0 |
EffectTriggerSpell_1 | - |
EffectTriggerSpell_2 | - |
EffectTriggerSpell_3 | 6269: Rushing Charge |
SpellVisualID | 34 |
SpellIconID | 129 |
ActiveIconID | 0 |
SpellPriority | 50 |
Name_enUS | Rushing Charge |
Name_enGB | |
Name_koKR | |
Name_frFR | |
Name_deDE | |
Name_enCN | |
Name_zhCN | |
Name_enTW | |
Name_Mask | 0x10000 |
NameSubtext_enUS | Rank 1 |
NameSubtext_enGB | |
NameSubtext_koKR | |
NameSubtext_frFR | |
NameSubtext_deDE | |
NameSubtext_enCN | |
NameSubtext_zhCN | |
NameSubtext_enTW | |
NameSubtext_Mask | 0x10002 |
Description_enUS | Charge an enemy, increasing speed and causing an additional $s2 damage on the first attack. |
Description_enGB | |
Description_koKR | |
Description_frFR | |
Description_deDE | |
Description_enCN | |
Description_zhCN | |
Description_enTW | |
Description_Mask | 0x10002 |
ManaCostPct | 0 |
StartRecoveryCategory | 0 |
StartRecoveryTime | 0 |
custom_DispelType | 0 |