Washte Pawne


Quest simulation

Washte Pawne

The feather of Washte Pawne is painful to the touch.


Bring Washte Pawne's Feather to Jorn Skyseer at Camp Taurajo.


5103: Washte Pawne's Feather


There is new resolve within you, <name>. A resolve born from pain...

Are you burdened with the death of Washte Pawne?


The thunderhawk is a rare beast of the Barrens, and its death can portend great fortune, or great doom.

But Washte Pawne, called "Spirit Biter" in Taurahe, can bring neither... or both.

The pain you felt from hunting Spirit Biter is the pang all feel who make great gains at great costs. The sting you felt is the pain of regret.

But I can see you have conquered this. You have learned that regret turns to wisdom, and that through pain one gains strength.

You have learned much, <name>.


1500 XP

5324: Washte Pawne\'s Resolve will be cast on you

Zone: Barrens
Minimum level: 10
Quest level: 25

Items that start this quest (1)

NPCs that finish this quest (1)

Database entry for quest

UPDATE `quest_template` SET `field` = xxxx WHERE (`entry` = 885);
Field Value
entry 885
Method 2
ZoneOrSort 17
MinLevel 10
MaxLevel 0
QuestLevel 25
Type 0: Normal
RequiredRaces Orc, Undead, Tauren, Troll
RequiredSkill 0: None
RequiredSkillValue 0
RequiredCondition 0
RepObjectiveFaction 0
RepObjectiveValue 0
RequiredMinRepFaction 0
RequiredMinRepValue 0
RequiredMaxRepFaction 0
RequiredMaxRepValue 0
SuggestedPlayers 0
LimitTime 0
QuestFlags None
SpecialFlags None
PrevQuestId -
NextQuestId -
ExclusiveGroup -
NextQuestInChain -
SrcItemId 5103: Washte Pawne's Feather
SrcItemCount 1
SrcSpell 0
Title Washte Pawne
Details The feather of Washte Pawne is painful to the touch.
Objectives Bring Washte Pawne's Feather to Jorn Skyseer at Camp Taurajo.
OfferRewardText The thunderhawk is a rare beast of the Barrens, and its death can portend great fortune, or great doom.$B$BBut Washte Pawne, called "Spirit Biter" in Taurahe, can bring neither... or both.$B$BThe pain you felt from hunting Spirit Biter is the pang all feel who make great gains at great costs. The sting you felt is the pain of regret.$B$BBut I can see you have conquered this. You have learned that regret turns to wisdom, and that through pain one gains strength.$B$BYou have learned much, $N.
RequestItemsText There is new resolve within you, $N. A resolve born from pain...$B$BAre you burdened with the death of Washte Pawne?
ReqItemId1 5103: Washte Pawne's Feather
ReqItemCount1 1
ReqItemCount2 0
ReqItemCount3 0
ReqItemCount4 0
ReqSourceId1 0
ReqSourceId2 0
ReqSourceId3 0
ReqSourceId4 0
ReqSourceCount1 0
ReqSourceCount2 0
ReqSourceCount3 0
ReqSourceCount4 0
ReqCreatureOrGOId1 -
ReqCreatureOrGOId2 -
ReqCreatureOrGOId3 -
ReqCreatureOrGOId4 -
ReqCreatureOrGOCount1 0
ReqCreatureOrGOCount2 0
ReqCreatureOrGOCount3 0
ReqCreatureOrGOCount4 0
ReqSpellCast1 -
ReqSpellCast2 -
ReqSpellCast3 -
ReqSpellCast4 -
RewChoiceItemCount1 0
RewChoiceItemCount2 0
RewChoiceItemCount3 0
RewChoiceItemCount4 0
RewChoiceItemCount5 0
RewChoiceItemCount6 0
RewItemCount1 0
RewItemCount2 0
RewItemCount3 0
RewItemCount4 0
RewRepFaction1 0: None
RewRepFaction2 0: None
RewRepFaction3 0: None
RewRepFaction4 0: None
RewRepFaction5 0: None
RewRepValue1 0
RewRepValue2 0
RewRepValue3 0
RewRepValue4 0
RewRepValue5 0
RewXP 1500
RewOrReqMoney 0
RewSpell -
RewSpellCast 5324: Washte Pawne\'s Resolve
RewMailTemplateId 0
RewMailDelaySecs 0
RewMailMoney 0
PointMapId 0
PointX 0
PointY 0
PointOpt 0
DetailsEmote1 0
DetailsEmote2 0
DetailsEmote3 0
DetailsEmote4 0
DetailsEmoteDelay1 0
DetailsEmoteDelay2 0
DetailsEmoteDelay3 0
DetailsEmoteDelay4 0
IncompleteEmote 0
CompleteEmote 0
OfferRewardEmote1 1
OfferRewardEmote2 2
OfferRewardEmote3 0
OfferRewardEmote4 0
OfferRewardEmoteDelay1 0
OfferRewardEmoteDelay2 500
OfferRewardEmoteDelay3 0
OfferRewardEmoteDelay4 0
StartScript 0
CompleteScript 0
ignored 0
parse_timestamp 1970-01-01