Sharp Claw



Item model

Field Value
entry 5635
class Trade_goods
display_id 1496
sell_price 45c
inventory_type 0: Cannot Equip
spellid_1 0

In-game view

Sharp Claw

Item icon

Cannot Equip
Level 15

Buy price: 1s 80c

Stackable: 5

Item dropped by (152)

2091 Chieftain Nek'rosh 50% 4249 Pesterhide Snarler 11.6% 4248 Pesterhide Hyena 10.04% 3825 Ghostpaw Alpha 9.53% 3774 Felslayer 9.33% 1018 Highland Razormaw 9.24% 1019 Elder Razormaw 9.18% 4250 Galak Packhound 9.09% 1016 Highland Lashtail 8.9% 4011 Young Pridewing 8.26% 4126 Crag Stalker 8.22% 1023 Mottled Razormaw 8.19% 4124 Needles Cougar 8.04% 4107 Highperch Wyvern 7.58% 4128 Hecklefang Stalker 7.55% 923 Young Black Ravager 7.5% 4110 Highperch Patriarch 7.39% 1066 Mottled Riptooth 7.34% 1022 Mottled Scytheclaw 7.34% 1017 Highland Scytheclaw 7.3% 1021 Mottled Screecher 7.27% 1015 Highland Raptor 7.11% 2385 Feral Mountain Lion 7.01% 3823 Ghostpaw Runner 6.94% 4109 Highperch Consort 6.93% 3824 Ghostpaw Howler 6.6% 4147 Saltstone Basilisk 6.25% 4044 Blackened Basilisk 6.17% 4041 Scorched Basilisk 6.06% 1020 Mottled Raptor 6.01% 3619 Ghost Saber 5.97% 628 Black Ravager 5.95% 4067 Twilight Runner 5.89% 3789 Terrowulf Fleshripper 5.81% 1258 Black Ravager Mastiff 5.79% 3792 Terrowulf Packlord 5.72% 213 Starving Dire Wolf 5.67% 3241 Savannah Patriarch 5.61% 4538 Kraul Bat 5.53% 3791 Terrowulf Shadow Weaver 5.44% 565 Rabid Dire Wolf 5.42% 2384 Starving Mountain Lion 5.3% 533 Nightbane Shadow Weaver 5.1% 4100 Screeching Harpy 5.09% 2356 Elder Gray Bear 5.07% 920 Nightbane Tainted One 5.07% 3811 Giant Ashenvale Bear 5.06% 4042 Singed Basilisk 5.03% 4013 Pridewing Skyhunter 5.03% 4425 Blind Hunter 5% 4274 Fenrus the Devourer 5% 4279 Odo the Blindwatcher 5% 3886 Razorclaw the Butcher 5% 3914 Rethilgore 5% 3927 Wolf Master Nandos 5% 4014 Pridewing Consort 4.99% 206 Nightbane Vile Fang 4.98% 4101 Screeching Roguefeather 4.98% 4104 Screeching Windcaller 4.97% 4012 Pridewing Wyvern 4.96% 3863 Lupine Horror 4.94% 4539 Greater Kraul Bat 4.81% 205 Nightbane Dark Runner 4.79% 4127 Hecklefang Hyena 4.76% 1353 Sarltooth 4.75% 2529 Son of Arugal 4.43% 3868 Blood Seeker 4.38% 3809 Ashenvale Bear 4.37% 3810 Elder Ashenvale Bear 4.34% 335 Singe 4.31% 3859 Shadowfang Ragetooth 4.29% 3243 Savannah Highmane 4.27% 4548 Steelsnap 4.24% 3416 Savannah Matriarch 4.23% 1043 Lost Whelp 4.2% 2071 Moonstalker Matriarch 4.16% 4024 Bloodfury Slayer 4.07% 4016 Fey Dragon 4.02% 898 Nightbane Worgen 3.99% 4490 Grenka Bloodscreech 3.97% 2354 Vicious Gray Bear 3.96% 4026 Bloodfury Windcaller 3.93% 4022 Bloodfury Harpy 3.91% 521 Lupos 3.9% 3256 Sunscale Scytheclaw 3.9% 4025 Bloodfury Ambusher 3.87% 4023 Bloodfury Roguefeather 3.84% 2351 Gray Bear 3.75% 1069 Crimson Whelp 3.68% 4027 Bloodfury Storm Witch 3.65% 3415 Savannah Huntress 3.63% 4129 Hecklefang Snarler 3.61% 3857 Shadowfang Glutton 3.58% 1042 Red Whelp 3.58% 3866 Vile Bat 3.35% 4017 Wily Fey Dragon 3.34% 3861 Bleak Worg 3.32% 1044 Flamesnorting Whelp 3.31% 3815 Blink Dragon 3.27% 3855 Shadowfang Darksoul 3.23% 3257 Ishamuhale 3.18% 2070 Moonstalker Runt 3.16% 3452 Serena Bloodfeather 3.16% 3853 Shadowfang Moonwalker 3.14% 3854 Shadowfang Wolfguard 3.12% 2106 Apothecary Berard 3.01% 2237 Moonstalker Sire 2.83% 3862 Slavering Worg 2.75% 1189 Black Bear Patriarch 2.53% 4015 Pridewing Patriarch 2.27% 3851 Shadowfang Whitescalp 2.2% 3632 Deviate Creeper 2.19% 1923 Bloodsnout Worg 2.16% 1924 Moonrage Bloodhowler 2.14% 2165 Grizzled Thistle Bear 2.12% 1225 Ol' Sooty 2.09% 3475 Echeyakee 2.07% 3278 Witchwing Slayer 2.07% 3277 Witchwing Roguefeather 1.99% 441 Black Dragon Whelp 1.98% 833 Coyote Packleader 1.97% 3633 Deviate Slayer 1.94% 3634 Deviate Stalker 1.91% 3279 Witchwing Ambusher 1.87% 3280 Witchwing Windcaller 1.87% 2069 Moonstalker 1.86% 1972 Grimson the Pale 1.84% 3636 Deviate Ravager 1.8% 3425 Savannah Prowler 1.77% 3637 Deviate Guardian 1.71% 3056 Ghost Howl 1.71% 834 Coyote 1.69% 1140 Razormaw Matriarch 1.59% 3255 Sunscale Screecher 1.58% 2163 Thistle Bear 1.48% 1797 Giant Grizzled Bear 1.34% 1778 Ferocious Grizzled Bear 1.33% 3254 Sunscale Lashtail 1.31% 2164 Rabid Thistle Bear 1.3% 1188 Grizzled Black Bear 1.26% 1186 Elder Black Bear 1.24% 1765 Worg 1.24% 1961 Mangeclaw 1.21% 4316 Kolkar Packhound 1.06% 1782 Moonrage Darksoul 1.06% 1769 Moonrage Whitescalp 1.02% 3276 Witchwing Harpy 1% 1766 Mottled Worg 0.97% 1770 Moonrage Darkrunner 0.95% 1779 Moonrage Glutton 0.94% 4066 Nal'taszar 0.89% 1130 Bjarn 0.72%

Item is a reagent for spell (1)

Item is a quest requirement (1)

2751 (not found)

Item details

UPDATE `item_template` SET `field` = xxxx WHERE (`entry` = 5635);
Field Value
entry 5635
class Trade_goods
subclass Trade_goods
name Sharp Claw
display_id 1496
quality 1
flags None
buy_count 1
buy_price 1s 80c
sell_price 45c
inventory_type 0: Cannot Equip
allowable_class -1
allowable_race -1
item_level 15
required_level 0
required_skill 0: None
required_skill_rank 0
required_spell 0
required_honor_rank 0
required_city_rank 0
required_reputation_faction 0
required_reputation_rank 0
max_count 0
stackable 5
container_slots 0
stat_type1 0
stat_value1 0
stat_type2 0
stat_value2 0
stat_type3 0
stat_value3 0
stat_type4 0
stat_value4 0
stat_type5 0
stat_value5 0
stat_type6 0
stat_value6 0
stat_type7 0
stat_value7 0
stat_type8 0
stat_value8 0
stat_type9 0
stat_value9 0
stat_type10 0
stat_value10 0
delay 0
range_mod 0
ammo_type 0
dmg_min1 0
dmg_max1 0
dmg_type1 0
dmg_min2 0
dmg_max2 0
dmg_type2 0
dmg_min3 0
dmg_max3 0
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dmg_min4 0
dmg_max4 0
dmg_type4 0
dmg_min5 0
dmg_max5 0
dmg_type5 0
block 0
armor 0
holy_res 0
fire_res 0
nature_res 0
frost_res 0
shadow_res 0
arcane_res 0
spellid_1 0
spelltrigger_1 0
spellcharges_1 0
spellppmrate_1 0
spellcooldown_1 -1
spellcategory_1 0
spellcategorycooldown_1 -1
spellid_2 0
spelltrigger_2 0
spellcharges_2 0
spellppmrate_2 0
spellcooldown_2 -1
spellcategory_2 0
spellcategorycooldown_2 -1
spellid_3 0
spelltrigger_3 0
spellcharges_3 0
spellppmrate_3 0
spellcooldown_3 -1
spellcategory_3 0
spellcategorycooldown_3 -1
spellid_4 0
spelltrigger_4 0
spellcharges_4 0
spellppmrate_4 0
spellcooldown_4 -1
spellcategory_4 0
spellcategorycooldown_4 -1
spellid_5 0
spelltrigger_5 0
spellcharges_5 0
spellppmrate_5 0
spellcooldown_5 0
spellcategory_5 0
spellcategorycooldown_5 0
bonding 0: No bind
page_text 0
page_language 0
page_material 0
start_quest -
lock_id 0
material 1
sheath 0
random_property 0
set_id 0
max_durability 0
area_bound 0
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duration 0
bag_family 0
disenchant_id 0
food_type 0
min_money_loot 0
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extra_flags 0
ignored 0