Ironfur Patriarch



Creature model for display ID 3200
Field Value
entry 5274
display_id1 3200
level_min 48
faction 44: Bear
npc_flags None
health_multiplier 1.25
mana_multiplier 1

Spawn points — Kalimdor (28)

-3472.56 2447.28 48.98 1 [Random: 15 yards]
-3369.16 2374.98 39.751 1 [Idle]
-3544.47 2196.2 40.0027 1 [Random: 15 yards]
-2910.76 2351.65 29.202 1 [Random: 3 yards]
-3483.11 2156.7 27.22 1 [Random: 15 yards]
-3487.33 2254.75 26.18 1 [Random: 15 yards]
-3190.91 2572.34 37.3021 1 [Random: 15 yards]
-3387.51 2341.4 39.354 1 [Random: 15 yards]
-2815.57 2450.85 55.109 1 [Random: 15 yards]
-3673.9 1971.83 72.8221 1 [Random: 15 yards]
-3679.27 2008.89 73.7357 1 [Random: 15 yards]
-3437.34 2768.05 79.6551 1 [Random: 15 yards]
-3375.54 2667.71 68.0777 1 [Random: 15 yards]
-3252.24 2598.41 27.0671 1 [Random: 15 yards]
-3177.74 2587.58 37.209 1 [Random: 15 yards]
-3482.79 2513.4 53.633 1 [Random: 15 yards]
-3528.15 2235.49 35.689 1 [Random: 30 yards]
-3525.93 2688.45 92.0021 1 [Random: 15 yards]
-3306.62 2460.71 54.745 1 [Random: 15 yards]
-3660.11 1961.31 74.9288 1 [Random: 15 yards]
-4102.92 2040.55 89.0498 1 [Random: 15 yards]
-3919.13 1994.17 80.8165 1 [Random: 15 yards]
-3939.56 1982.67 83.4903 1 [Random: 15 yards]
-3818.48 2002.17 69.2423 1 [Idle]
-3816.19 1927.19 70.2219 1 [Random: 15 yards]
-3739.02 1979.36 69.3839 1 [Random: 15 yards]
-3571.63 2211.44 36.5669 1 [Random: 15 yards]
-2907.41 2405.36 31.1266 1 [Random: 15 yards]

Quest item loot (1)

Reference loot (83)

1825 Bulky Bludgeon 2.5% 3380 Cross-stitched Belt 2.5% 1780 Cross-stitched Boots 2.5% 3381 Cross-stitched Bracers 2.5% 1782 Cross-stitched Cloak 2.5% 1783 Cross-stitched Gloves 2.5% 1784 Cross-stitched Pants 2.5% 1785 Cross-stitched Shoulderpads 2.5% 1786 Cross-stitched Vest 2.5% 2766 Deft Stiletto 2.5% 1809 Hardened Leather Shoulderpads 2.5% 1830 Long Bastard Sword 2.5% 1827 Meat Cleaver 2.5% 1831 Oaken War Staff 2.5% 2786 Oiled Blunderbuss 2.5% 1754 Reinforced Chain Belt 2.5% 1755 Reinforced Chain Boots 2.5% 1756 Reinforced Chain Bracers 2.5% 1757 Reinforced Chain Cloak 2.5% 1758 Reinforced Chain Gloves 2.5% 1759 Reinforced Chain Pants 2.5% 1760 Reinforced Chain Shoulderpads 2.5% 1761 Reinforced Chain Vest 2.5% 1826 Rock Maul 2.5% 1829 Short Cutlass 2.5% 2785 Stiff Recurve Bow 2.5% 1828 Stone War Axe 2.5% 2221 Targe Shield 2.5% 3778 Taut Compound Bow 2.5% 1806 Tough Cloak 2.5% 1810 Tough Leather Armor 2.5% 1803 Tough Leather Belt 2.5% 1804 Tough Leather Boots 2.5% 1805 Tough Leather Bracers 2.5% 1807 Tough Leather Gloves 2.5% 1808 Tough Leather Pants 2.5% 2222 Tower Shield 2.5% 6426 Blackforge Bracers 0.5% 4082 Blackforge Breastplate 0.5% 4069 Blackforge Buckler 0.5% 6424 Blackforge Cape 0.5% 4084 Blackforge Leggings 0.5% 4733 Blackforge Pauldrons 0.5% 3208 Conk Hammer 0.5% 4088 Dreadblade 0.5% 1994 Ebonclaw Reaver 0.5% 1639 Grinning Axe 0.5% 4738 Imperial Leather Belt 0.5% 6431 Imperial Leather Boots 0.5% 4061 Imperial Leather Bracers 0.5% 6430 Imperial Leather Breastplate 0.5% 4063 Imperial Leather Gloves 0.5% 6433 Imperial Leather Helm 0.5% 4047 Mistscape Boots 0.5% 4045 Mistscape Bracers 0.5% 6428 Mistscape Gloves 0.5% 4734 Mistscape Mantle 0.5% 6427 Mistscape Robe 0.5% 4736 Mistscape Sash 0.5% 866 Monk's Staff 0.5% 1640 Monstrous War Axe 0.5% 4089 Ricochet Blunderbuss 0.5% 1608 Skullcrusher Mace 0.5% 5266 Eye of Adaegus 0.01% 4090 Goblin Nutcracker 0.01% 754 Shortsword of Vengeance 0.01% 2564 Spirit Claws of the Bear 0.01% 1720 Tanglewood Staff 0.01% 4091 Widowmaker 0.01% 1169 Blackskull Shield 0% 809 Bloodrazor 0% 871 Flurry Axe 0% 942 Freezing Band 0% 2824 Hurricane 0% 2291 Kang the Decapitator 0% 1315 Lei of Lilies 0% 2100 Precisely Calibrated Boomstick 0% 1447 Ring of Saviors 0% 940 Robes of Insight 0% 2163 Shadowblade 0% 2915 Taran Icebreaker 0% 1979 Wall of the Dead 0% 943 Warden Staff 0%

Skinning loot (1)

Database entry for NPC

UPDATE `creature_template` SET `field` = xxxx WHERE (`entry` = 5274);
Field Value
entry 5274
display_id1 3200
display_id2 0
display_id3 0
display_id4 0
mount_display_id 0
name Ironfur Patriarch
static_flags 0x10: Tameable
gossip_menu_id 0
level_min 48
level_max 49
faction 44: Bear
npc_flags None
speed_walk 1
speed_run 1.14286
scale 0
detection_range 18
call_for_help_range 5
leash_range 0
rank 0: Normal
xp_multiplier 1
damage_school 0: Normal
damage_variance 0.14
damage_multiplier 1
health_multiplier 1.25
mana_multiplier 1
armor_multiplier 1.5
base_attack_time 2 sec
ranged_attack_time 2 sec
unit_class 1
unit_flags 0
dynamic_flags 0
beast_family 4
trainer_type 0
trainer_spell 0
trainer_class 0
trainer_race 0
type 1: Beast
type_flags 1
loot_id 5274
pickpocket_loot_id 0
skinning_loot_id 5274
holy_res 0
fire_res 0
nature_res 0
frost_res 0
shadow_res 0
arcane_res 0
spell_id1 10968 (not found)
spell_id2 -
spell_id3 -
spell_id4 -
spell_list_id 0
pet_spell_list_id 5807
gold_min 0
gold_max 0
ai_name EventAI
movement_type 1: Random
inhabit_type Ground
civilian 0
racial_leader 0
regeneration 3
equipment_id 0
trainer_id 0
vendor_id 0
mechanic_immune_mask None
school_immune_mask 0
flags_extra None