Torn Fin Tidehunter



Creature model for display ID 1079
Field Value
entry 2377
display_id1 1079
level_min 31
faction 18: Murloc
npc_flags None
health_multiplier 1.1
mana_multiplier 1

Spawn points — Eastern Kingdoms (20)

-1085.12 -289.132 -0.566 0 [Random: 10 yards]
-1132.33 -277.399 -6.945 0 [Random: 10 yards]
-1099.98 -167.857 -1.363 0 [Random: 10 yards]
-1091.59 -100.41 -0.936 0 [Random: 10 yards]
-1042.86 -514.243 -3.00771 0 [Random: 10 yards]
-1099.02 -127.914 -1.68008 0 [Random: 10 yards]
-1133.22 -212.124 -6.552 0 [Random: 10 yards]
-1084.96 -97.322 -0.130808 0 [Random: 10 yards]
-1068.23 -223.983 2.85766 0 [Random: 10 yards]
-973.979 -489.096 2.9403 0 [Random: 10 yards]
-1013.12 -417.832 -1.154 0 [Random: 10 yards]
-1032.63 -339.15 3.4238 0 [Random: 10 yards]
-1029.06 -361.03 3.2988 0 [Random: 10 yards]
-1054.93 -320.79 0.174346 0 [Random: 10 yards]
-1049.57 -248.873 12.7893 0 [Idle]
-1057.52 -372.82 -2.762 0 [Random: 10 yards]
-1090.37 -234.871 -0.424443 0 [Random: 10 yards]
-1082.52 -245.835 0.889879 0 [Random: 10 yards]
-980.239 -450.284 1.24339 0 [Random: 10 yards]
-964.586 -406.248 4.79091 0 [Random: 10 yards]

Loot (83)

5524 Thick-shelled Clam 39.85% 5785 Thick Murloc Scale 5.65% 6308 Raw Bristle Whisker Catfish 4.58% 1205 Melon Juice 2.12% 5504 Tangy Clam Meat 1.66% 929 Healing Potion 1.41% 3385 Lesser Mana Potion 0.7% 1712 Scroll of Spirit II 0.54% 1478 Scroll of Protection II 0.5% 2290 Scroll of Intellect II 0.36% 1711 Scroll of Stamina II 0.34% 4634 Iron Lockbox 0.08% 1529 Jade 0.06% 5500 Iridescent Pearl 0.04% 1725 Large Knapsack 0.03% 2997 Bolt of Wool Cloth 0.02% 2450 Briarthorn 0.02% 4593 Bristle Whisker Catfish 0.02% 2453 Bruiseweed 0.02% 5503 Clam Meat 0.02% 2836 Coarse Stone 0.02% 2770 Copper Ore 0.02% 3356 Crownroyal 0.02% 4607 Delicious Cave Mold 0.02% 422 Dwarven Mild 0.02% 2776 Gold Ore 0.02% 4539 Goldenbark Apple 0.02% 1710 Greater Healing Potion 0.02% 2772 Iron Ore 0.02% 3357 Liferoot 0.02% 3827 Mana Potion 0.02% 4542 Moist Cornbread 0.02% 4544 Mulgore Spice Bread 0.02% 3770 Mutton Chop 0.02% 4297 Pattern: Barbaric Gloves 0.02% 4352 Pattern: Boots of the Enchanter 0.02% 4296 Pattern: Dark Leather Shoulders 0.02% 5774 Pattern: Green Silk Pack 0.02% 4299 Pattern: Guardian Armor 0.02% 4298 Pattern: Guardian Belt 0.02% 5974 Pattern: Guardian Cloak 0.02% 4300 Pattern: Guardian Leather Bracers 0.02% 4351 Pattern: Shadow Hood 0.02% 4353 Pattern: Spider Belt 0.02% 4350 Pattern: Spider Silk Slippers 0.02% 3868 Plans: Frost Tiger Blade 0.02% 3867 Plans: Golden Iron Destroyer 0.02% 3873 Plans: Golden Scale Cuirass 0.02% 3872 Plans: Golden Scale Leggings 0.02% 3611 Plans: Green Iron Boots 0.02% 3612 Plans: Green Iron Gauntlets 0.02% 3870 Plans: Green Iron Shoulders 0.02% 5543 Plans: Iridescent Hammer 0.02% 6045 Plans: Iron Counterweight 0.02% 6044 Plans: Iron Shield Spike 0.02% 3866 Plans: Jade Serpentblade 0.02% 3608 Plans: Mighty Iron Hammer 0.02% 3874 Plans: Polished Steel Boots 0.02% 4414 Plans: Portable Bronze Mortar 0.02% 3869 Plans: Shadow Crescent Axe 0.02% 3832 Recipe: Elixir of Detect Lesser Invisibility 0.02% 3830 Recipe: Elixir of Fortitude 0.02% 3396 Recipe: Elixir of Lesser Agility 0.02% 6211 Recipe: Elixir of Ogre's Strength 0.02% 3831 Recipe: Mighty Troll's Blood Potion 0.02% 2835 Rough Stone 0.02% 4416 Schematic: Goblin Land Mine 0.02% 4417 Schematic: Large Seaforium Charge 0.02% 4412 Schematic: Moonsight Rifle 0.02% 4306 Silk Cloth 0.02% 2775 Silver Ore 0.02% 5374 Small Pocket Watch 0.02% 4538 Snapvine Watermelon 0.02% 1707 Stormwind Brie 0.02% 3820 Stranglekelp 0.02% 1708 Sweet Nectar 0.02% 2452 Swiftthistle 0.02% 2771 Tin Ore 0.02% 3771 Wild Hog Shank 0.02% 2592 Wool Cloth 0.02% 3864 Citrine 0.01% 1705 Lesser Moonstone 0.01% 5498 Small Lustrous Pearl 0.01%

Reference loot (164)

3781 Broad Claymore 2.5% 1825 Bulky Bludgeon 2.5% 3380 Cross-stitched Belt 2.5% 1780 Cross-stitched Boots 2.5% 3381 Cross-stitched Bracers 2.5% 1782 Cross-stitched Cloak 2.5% 1783 Cross-stitched Gloves 2.5% 1784 Cross-stitched Pants 2.5% 1785 Cross-stitched Shoulderpads 2.5% 1786 Cross-stitched Vest 2.5% 2766 Deft Stiletto 2.5% 3808 Double Mail Belt 2.5% 3809 Double Mail Boots 2.5% 3810 Double Mail Bracers 2.5% 3812 Double Mail Gloves 2.5% 3813 Double Mail Pants 2.5% 3814 Double Mail Shoulderpads 2.5% 3815 Double Mail Vest 2.5% 3811 Double-stitched Cloak 2.5% 3803 Hardened Cloak 2.5% 3800 Hardened Leather Belt 2.5% 3801 Hardened Leather Boots 2.5% 3802 Hardened Leather Bracers 2.5% 3804 Hardened Leather Gloves 2.5% 3805 Hardened Leather Pants 2.5% 3806 Hardened Leather Shoulderpads 2.5% 1809 Hardened Leather Shoulderpads 2.5% 3807 Hardened Leather Vest 2.5% 3779 Hefty War Axe 2.5% 3792 Interlaced Belt 2.5% 3793 Interlaced Boots 2.5% 3794 Interlaced Bracers 2.5% 3795 Interlaced Cloak 2.5% 3796 Interlaced Gloves 2.5% 3797 Interlaced Pants 2.5% 3798 Interlaced Shoulderpads 2.5% 3799 Interlaced Vest 2.5% 3784 Iron Staff 2.5% 3785 Keen Axe 2.5% 3782 Large War Club 2.5% 3783 Light Scimitar 2.5% 1830 Long Bastard Sword 2.5% 3780 Long-barreled Musket 2.5% 1827 Meat Cleaver 2.5% 1831 Oaken War Staff 2.5% 2786 Oiled Blunderbuss 2.5% 3816 Reflective Heater 2.5% 3817 Reinforced Buckler 2.5% 1754 Reinforced Chain Belt 2.5% 1755 Reinforced Chain Boots 2.5% 1756 Reinforced Chain Bracers 2.5% 1757 Reinforced Chain Cloak 2.5% 1758 Reinforced Chain Gloves 2.5% 1759 Reinforced Chain Pants 2.5% 1760 Reinforced Chain Shoulderpads 2.5% 1761 Reinforced Chain Vest 2.5% 1826 Rock Maul 2.5% 3786 Shiny Dirk 2.5% 1829 Short Cutlass 2.5% 2785 Stiff Recurve Bow 2.5% 3787 Stone Club 2.5% 1828 Stone War Axe 2.5% 2221 Targe Shield 2.5% 3778 Taut Compound Bow 2.5% 1806 Tough Cloak 2.5% 1810 Tough Leather Armor 2.5% 1803 Tough Leather Belt 2.5% 1804 Tough Leather Boots 2.5% 1805 Tough Leather Bracers 2.5% 1807 Tough Leather Gloves 2.5% 1808 Tough Leather Pants 2.5% 2222 Tower Shield 2.5% 3041 "Mage-Eye" Blunderbuss 0.5% 3185 Acrobatic Staff 0.5% 3042 BKP "Sparrow" Smallbore 0.5% 1990 Backbreaker 0.5% 5007 Band of Thorns 0.5% 6417 Brightweave Cloak 0.5% 6418 Brightweave Sash 0.5% 3210 Brutal War Axe 0.5% 6413 Chief Brigadier Bracers 0.5% 4726 Chief Brigadier Cloak 0.5% 4066 Combat Buckler 0.5% 4065 Combat Shield 0.5% 2819 Cross Dagger 0.5% 5003 Crystal Starfire Medallion 0.5% 6406 Darkweave Boots 0.5% 4719 Darkweave Cloak 0.5% 4039 Darkweave Cowl 0.5% 6407 Darkweave Cuffs 0.5% 4040 Darkweave Gloves 0.5% 4718 Darkweave Mantle 0.5% 4038 Darkweave Robe 0.5% 4720 Darkweave Sash 0.5% 6405 Darkweave Trousers 0.5% 2077 Dwarven War Staff 0.5% 3186 Ebon Scimitar 0.5% 6398 Emblazoned Belt 0.5% 4051 Emblazoned Boots 0.5% 4049 Emblazoned Bracers 0.5% 6396 Emblazoned Chestpiece 0.5% 6397 Emblazoned Gloves 0.5% 4048 Emblazoned Helm 0.5% 4050 Emblazoned Pants 0.5% 6399 Emblazoned Shoulders 0.5% 6393 Frostweave Gloves 0.5% 6395 Frostweave Mantle 0.5% 4037 Frostweave Pants 0.5% 4035 Frostweave Robe 0.5% 3201 Gladiator War Axe 0.5% 4064 Glimmering Buckler 0.5% 4073 Glimmering Mail Boots 0.5% 6387 Glimmering Mail Bracers 0.5% 4071 Glimmering Mail Chestpiece 0.5% 4711 Glimmering Mail Cloak 0.5% 6389 Glimmering Mail Coif 0.5% 4072 Glimmering Mail Gauntlets 0.5% 4712 Glimmering Mail Girdle 0.5% 6386 Glimmering Mail Leggings 0.5% 6388 Glimmering Mail Pauldrons 0.5% 6400 Glimmering Shield 0.5% 863 Gloom Reaper 0.5% 5002 Glowing Green Talisman 0.5% 4059 Glyphed Bracers 0.5% 4732 Glyphed Cloak 0.5% 2080 Hillborne Axe 0.5% 4057 Insignia Armor 0.5% 6409 Insignia Belt 0.5% 4055 Insignia Boots 0.5% 6410 Insignia Bracers 0.5% 4722 Insignia Cloak 0.5% 6408 Insignia Gloves 0.5% 4052 Insignia Helm 0.5% 4054 Insignia Leggings 0.5% 4721 Insignia Mantle 0.5% 865 Leaden Mace 0.5% 6403 Mail Combat Armguards 0.5% 4074 Mail Combat Armor 0.5% 4717 Mail Combat Belt 0.5% 4076 Mail Combat Boots 0.5% 4716 Mail Combat Cloak 0.5% 4075 Mail Combat Gauntlets 0.5% 4077 Mail Combat Helm 0.5% 6402 Mail Combat Leggings 0.5% 6404 Mail Combat Spaulders 0.5% 5009 Mindbender Loop 0.5% 5213 Scorching Wand 0.5% 3197 Stonecutter Claymore 0.5% 3206 Two-handed Cavalier Sword 0.5% 5214 Wand of Eventide 0.5% 3037 Whipwood Recurve Bow 0.5% 2878 Bearded Axe 0.01% 720 Brawler Gloves 0.01% 2299 Burning War Axe 0.01% 2877 Claymore of the Martyr 0.01% 3203 Dense Triangle Mace 0.01% 1717 Double Link Mail Tunic 0.01% 3020 Enduring Cap 0.01% 2278 Forest Tracker Epaulets 0.01% 791 Gnarled Ash Staff 0.01% 2721 Holy Shroud 0.01% 2277 Necromancer Leggings 0.01% 2565 Rod of Molten Fire 0.01% 2912 Shadow Claw 0.01%

Database entry for NPC

UPDATE `creature_template` SET `field` = xxxx WHERE (`entry` = 2377);
Field Value
entry 2377
display_id1 1079
display_id2 0
display_id3 0
display_id4 0
mount_display_id 0
name Torn Fin Tidehunter
static_flags 0x10080000: Amphibious
gossip_menu_id 0
level_min 31
level_max 32
faction 18: Murloc
npc_flags None
speed_walk 1
speed_run 1.14286
scale 0
detection_range 18
call_for_help_range 5
leash_range 0
rank 0: Normal
xp_multiplier 1
damage_school 0: Normal
damage_variance 0.14
damage_multiplier 1
health_multiplier 1.1
mana_multiplier 1
armor_multiplier 1
base_attack_time 2 sec
ranged_attack_time 2 sec
unit_class 2
unit_flags 0
dynamic_flags 0
beast_family 0
trainer_type 0
trainer_spell 0
trainer_class 0
trainer_race 0
type 7: Humanoid
type_flags 0
loot_id 2377
pickpocket_loot_id 2377
skinning_loot_id 0
holy_res 0
fire_res 0
nature_res 0
frost_res 0
shadow_res 0
arcane_res 0
spell_id1 865: Frost Nova
spell_id2 -
spell_id3 -
spell_id4 -
spell_list_id 0
pet_spell_list_id 0
gold_min 36c
gold_max 1s 97c
ai_name EventAI
movement_type 1: Random
inhabit_type Ground, Water
civilian 0
racial_leader 0
regeneration 3
equipment_id 2377
trainer_id 0
vendor_id 0
mechanic_immune_mask None
school_immune_mask 0
flags_extra None