Hillsbrad Town Registry


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Hillsbrad Town Registry

We the people of Hillsbrad do solemny swear our faith and devotion to the Alliance maintained by the great monarchs, King Magni Bronzebeard of Ironforge and King Anduin Wrynn of Stormwind.

Herein lies the town registry for purposes of governing this fair city in the foothills of the great Alterac Mountains as well as serving as a record of those who have paid their taxes to their Kings and to the great almighty Alliance.

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Magistrate Rutherford Burnside
All debts settled.

Blacksmith Avery Verringtan
All debts settled.

Clerk Horrace Whitesteed
All debts settled.

Councilman Gillis
All debts settled.

Councilman Hooks
All debts settled.

Farmer Getz
All debts settled.

Farmer Ray
Debt outstanding. Payment in agricultural goods promised at time of harvest.

Farmer Lyion
Debt outstanding. Evicted from the land.

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Farmer Kalaba
Debts outstanding. Payment in agricultural goods promised at time of harvest.

Citizen Wilkes
All debts paid.

Citizen Bonoan
All debts paid.

Miner Wellty
Debt outstanding. Payment due upon next delivery of ore from Azurelode.

Miner Sidney
Debt outstanding. Payment due upon next delivery of ore from Azurelode.

Miner Hackett
Debt outstanding. Payment due upon next delivery of ore from Azurelode.

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Miner Orwell
Debt outstanding. Payment due upon next delivery of ore from Azurelode.

Miner Fitzgerald
Debt outstanding. Payment due upon next delivery of ore from Azurelode.

Citizen Netherand
All debts paid.

Citizen May
All debts paid.

Foreman Bonds
Debt outstanding. Payment due upon next delivery of ore from Azurelode.