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Showing 200 on this page (1522 total matches)
  • For use with .tel command. Only map 0 and 1 shown.
Entry Name x y z Map
1281 stendelspond -10766.4 1364.12 34.1797 0: Azeroth
1282 stillwaterpond 2220.03 804.914 34.3232 0: Azeroth
1283 Stockade -8780.16 833.845 94.875 0: Azeroth
1284 Stockpile -11489.2 -716.64 33.3344 0: Azeroth
1285 Stonard -10442 -3261 20.1782 0: Azeroth
1286 stone2story 23.9774 -429.144 47.6317 30: PVPZone01
1287 stoneblacksmith -112.688 -576.179 45.8983 30: PVPZone01
1288 stoneblades -4607.17 -1077.24 501.65 0: Azeroth
1289 stonebldg -14.6539 -294.17 15.5632 30: PVPZone01
1290 stonebull -1992.82 -437.144 -6.56186 1: Kalimdor
1291 stonecairn -9322.48 -1120.29 69.5447 0: Azeroth
1292 stonefield -9804.85 329.682 38.4977 0: Azeroth
1293 stonefieldbarn -9853.01 355.095 37.0131 0: Azeroth
1294 stonefieldhouse -9883.48 323.95 37.7406 0: Azeroth
1295 stonehearth -93.452 -266.457 7.88047 30: PVPZone01
1296 stonehouse 2690.41 1513.76 239.438 1: Kalimdor
1297 stonehovel 42.6152 -418.235 44.6963 30: PVPZone01
1298 stonemaul -4400.86 -3142.3 33.2053 1: Kalimdor
1299 stonesplintervalley -6012.69 -2991.98 400.577 0: Azeroth
1300 stonetalon -243.096 -744.787 18.023 1: Kalimdor
1301 stonetalon2 997.834 -348.914 12.0545 1: Kalimdor
1302 stonetalon3 1506.45 901.993 123.119 1: Kalimdor
1303 stonetalon4 943.621 1561.69 -12.8399 1: Kalimdor
1304 stonetalon5 2383.74 1255.93 298.435 1: Kalimdor
1305 stonetower2 -146.104 -454.762 26.4005 30: PVPZone01
1306 Stonevaultmine -6092.23 -3171.83 255.637 0: Azeroth
1307 Stonewatch -9292.36 -2945.93 128.754 0: Azeroth
1308 Stonewatch2 -9386.78 -3055.46 139.215 0: Azeroth
1309 Stonewatchfalls -9487.93 -3323.4 9.85197 0: Azeroth
1310 Stonewrought -4718.96 -3215.99 347.937 0: Azeroth
1311 stormbay 3245.84 -6061.17 4.45333 1: Kalimdor
1312 stormjail -8786.9 818.418 97.6357 0: Azeroth
1313 stormkeep -8514.74 426.434 107.123 0: Azeroth
1314 stormragebarrowdens 7548.24 -3001.96 463.412 1: Kalimdor
1315 Stormwind -9069.16 435.232 93.0558 0: Azeroth
1316 Stormwindgryphons -8857.69 511.768 109.405 0: Azeroth
1617 StormwindJail 52 0.6 -17.53 34: StormwindJail
1618 StormwindPrison -1.43 38.9 -23.6 35: StormwindPrison
1317 stoutlager -5383.2 -2965.66 322.057 0: Azeroth
1318 stower 2154.47 -534.244 81.697 0: Azeroth
1319 strade -795.975 -4939.24 22.2463 1: Kalimdor
1320 strahnblacksmith 647.335 -931.676 166.408 0: Azeroth
1321 strahnbldg 678.127 -984.622 165.595 0: Azeroth
1322 strahnbldg01 659.126 -990.933 166.399 0: Azeroth
1323 StrahnBrad 640.843 -971.85 164.928 0: Azeroth
1324 strahnhall 729.484 -960.562 166.226 0: Azeroth
1325 strahninn 688.66 -933.065 164.783 0: Azeroth
1326 Strangle -11783 -87 40 0: Azeroth
1327 strat 3393.69 -3374.27 142.714 0: Azeroth
1328 stratholme 3278.76 -3378.37 141.888 0: Azeroth
1330 stratking 3444.89 -3378.24 140.735 0: Azeroth
1331 strom2story -1629.06 -1920.94 68.9608 0: Azeroth
1332 strom2story1 -1554.31 -1671.1 68.7178 0: Azeroth
1333 stromcastle -1684.07 -1801.19 82.851 0: Azeroth
1334 stromcrypt -1550.17 -1928.67 64.409 0: Azeroth
1335 Stromgarde -1481.62 -1804.92 68.0751 0: Azeroth
1336 stromwar -1677.3 -1808.41 100.414 0: Azeroth
1337 Sunkeninstance -319 100 -132 109: SunkenTemple
1338 Sunkentemple -10454.4 -3821.95 18.066 0: Azeroth
1339 sunrock 936.231 881.493 113.231 1: Kalimdor
1340 sunrockinn 907.257 915.289 93.6765 1: Kalimdor
1341 survival 1485.3 -4160.48 153.892 1: Kalimdor
1342 Swamp -10356 -2726 22 0: Azeroth
1343 swamplight -2950.29 -3890.88 35.0317 1: Kalimdor
1344 Swamplightmanor -2955.71 -3886.25 33.4293 1: Kalimdor
1345 swamptemple -10453 -3830.33 18.0671 0: Azeroth
1346 taintedscar -11888.2 -2675.96 0.439762 0: Azeroth
1347 taldondeepstone 1516.11 -569.289 65.1951 1: Kalimdor
1348 Talin -6224.47 688.713 384.919 0: Azeroth
1349 talon 2413.77 1803.18 431.306 1: Kalimdor
1350 talonash 1942.16 -741.239 113.297 1: Kalimdor
1351 talonbranchglade 6227.43 -1962.65 570.028 1: Kalimdor
1352 talondeepstone 1516.11 -569.289 65.1951 1: Kalimdor
1353 talonden 2395.13 1811.28 386.703 1: Kalimdor
1354 talonstone 1560.35 -583.044 69.6541 1: Kalimdor
1355 talontunnel 1898.76 -715.849 113.159 1: Kalimdor
1356 Tanaris -6877.71 -3773.66 47.5777 1: Kalimdor
1357 TanarisHive01 -9038.7 -4094.54 18.1489 1: Kalimdor
1358 tanarishive02 -7394.37 -2948.06 12.3541 1: Kalimdor
1359 Tanarisogre -8475.61 -3046.09 10.1672 1: Kalimdor
1360 TanarisPort -6954.34 -4773.87 7.99157 1: Kalimdor
1361 TanarisTrolls -6800.06 -2890.58 8.88476 1: Kalimdor
1362 tannercamp -7226.85 1729.01 -515.564 0: Azeroth
1363 tarrenalchemy -9.17091 -900.523 57.5451 0: Azeroth
1364 tarrenbarn -175.321 -903.723 55.7255 0: Azeroth
1365 tarrenbldg -43.5222 -903.988 57.2616 0: Azeroth
1366 tarrenchapel -42.862 -959.365 56.1963 0: Azeroth
1367 TarrenMill -31 -921 55 0: Azeroth
1368 tarrentrade -14.4267 -937.106 57.1722 0: Azeroth
1369 tavern2 -4828.27 -1184.78 492.197 0: Azeroth
1370 Teldrassil 9525 1703 1292 1: Kalimdor
1371 TeldrassilPort 8681.29 976.515 10.1416 1: Kalimdor
1372 temple 3925.63 -7201.14 26.491 1: Kalimdor
1373 templearkkoran 3894.72 -7189.75 24.9154 1: Kalimdor
1374 templeinterior 3547.86 -5312.27 109.201 1: Kalimdor
1375 Terrace 2921.95 -761.01 153.984 0: Azeroth
1376 terrordale 2938.57 -2869.18 99.1165 0: Azeroth
1377 Terrorrun -7834.71 -882.19 -266.224 1: Kalimdor
1378 terrorwingpath -7630.2 -2871.88 134.128 0: Azeroth
1613 testing 0 0 0 13: test
1379 tethris 95.1955 1819.41 96.3374 1: Kalimdor
1380 thal 4357.46 -6227.2 94.5283 1: Kalimdor
1381 Thalanaar -4502.1 -774.531 -40.2176 1: Kalimdor
1382 Thandol -2317.45 -2446.82 83.2337 0: Azeroth
1383 thandolwet -2476.72 -2499.92 78.4641 0: Azeroth
1384 Thaurisan -7886.58 -2217.31 133.436 0: Azeroth
1385 thebulwark 1715.37 -875.396 60.5046 0: Azeroth
1386 Thecauldron -6921.37 -1235.11 178.336 0: Azeroth
1387 TheDen -603.659 -4192.45 41.099 1: Kalimdor
1388 thelexplore -5358.05 -3019.43 326.232 0: Azeroth
1389 thelflame -5314.28 -2987.3 322.12 0: Azeroth
1390 Thelherb -5389.07 -3014.49 327.58 0: Azeroth
1391 thelhovel -5341.77 -2915.38 321.305 0: Azeroth
1392 TheLoch -5199.22 -3127.24 299.041 0: Azeroth
1393 Thelsamar -5392.7 -2909.11 337.977 0: Azeroth
1394 theramore -3610.36 -4334.34 9.40026 1: Kalimdor
1395 theramore2story -3839.75 -4452.19 12.4806 1: Kalimdor
1396 theramorebarracks -3714.99 -4539.55 10.4114 1: Kalimdor
1397 theramoreblacksmith -3796.74 -4371.76 16.7829 1: Kalimdor
1398 theramorefarm -3702.85 -4335.45 11.4161 1: Kalimdor
1399 Theramoreinn -3624.76 -4451.82 14.2473 1: Kalimdor
1400 theramoretower -3746.91 -4441.61 30.5681 1: Kalimdor
1401 theshady 2302.91 -1893.17 65.9594 1: Kalimdor
1402 Theskitteringdark 1295.14 1956.42 19.3846 0: Azeroth
1403 thistlefur 3233.45 -240.546 119.919 1: Kalimdor
1404 thistlehold 3496.79 -539.996 257.281 1: Kalimdor
1405 thistleshrubvalley -9001.62 -2182.06 9.79242 1: Kalimdor
1406 thnderridge 674 -4033 -3.03255 1: Kalimdor
1407 thondrorilriver 1934.86 -2574.39 60.7148 0: Azeroth
1408 Thoradin -917.954 -1536.3 54.4901 0: Azeroth
1409 thorn -4327.94 -1975.05 85.6192 1: Kalimdor
1410 thornhill -74.9745 -3154.89 91.7276 1: Kalimdor
1411 thrall 1927.26 -4230.35 32.8453 1: Kalimdor
1412 threecorners -9586.23 -1931.59 63.7247 0: Azeroth
1413 Thunderaxefortress -374.397 1744.46 139.414 1: Kalimdor
1414 thunderbarracks -418.862 1839.94 128.403 1: Kalimdor
1415 thunderbluff -1070.27 -16.4568 140.349 1: Kalimdor
1416 thunderbrew -5583.48 -525.16 400.763 0: Azeroth
1417 thunderfalls -9302.59 664.84 131.471 0: Azeroth
1418 thunderfort -449.008 1752.23 153.488 1: Kalimdor
1419 thunderhorn -1860.12 -280.363 -5.23751 1: Kalimdor
1420 thunderhouse -9284.58 676.713 132.843 0: Azeroth
1421 Tidefury -4425.89 -4086.59 1.99971 1: Kalimdor
1422 Tidus -1348.71 -4049.27 5.97919 1: Kalimdor
1423 timbercave 7342.45 -2198.65 557.408 1: Kalimdor
1424 Timberling 9285 1090.71 1253.73 1: Kalimdor
1425 timbermaw 6556.02 -2103.41 591.308 1: Kalimdor
1426 timbermawhold 4164.79 -5274.48 113.695 1: Kalimdor
1427 timbermawhold1 6831.77 -2105.54 624.813 1: Kalimdor
1428 timbermawpost 6469.52 -3187.07 590.035 1: Kalimdor
1429 TimberMoon 7616 -2077 482.275 1: Kalimdor
1430 tinker -4807.84 -1274.88 436.938 0: Azeroth
1431 tiragarde -255.556 -4939.1 23.8941 1: Kalimdor
1432 tirakeep -247.466 -5098.15 23.7838 1: Kalimdor
1433 Tirisfal 2032.43 71.6944 33.9566 0: Azeroth
1434 Tirisfalcave 1648.63 731.758 79.7153 0: Azeroth
1435 tkashiruins -11796.8 146.492 16.7364 0: Azeroth
1436 tower -9545.03 -703.993 64.7386 0: Azeroth
1437 Towerofazora -9490.37 -728.116 59.9101 0: Azeroth
1438 trade -8884.39 579.924 92.9959 0: Azeroth
1439 tradearmor -8777.45 639.654 97.2232 0: Azeroth
1440 tradeauction -8805.18 665.774 59.4569 0: Azeroth
1441 tradebank -8912.07 626.315 99.5225 0: Azeroth
1442 tradebow -8796.04 701.772 102.283 0: Azeroth
1443 tradecheese -8851.62 570.435 94.6869 0: Azeroth
1444 Tradedistrict -8828.39 624.544 93.8649 0: Azeroth
1445 tradeguild -8889.66 607.302 95.2577 0: Azeroth
1446 tradeinn -8867.11 675.633 97.9031 0: Azeroth
1447 tradelevator 1523.53 241.294 -41.3899 0: Azeroth
1448 tradepestle -8861.87 624.705 95.9895 0: Azeroth
1449 tradeshop -8743.34 659.265 105.091 0: Azeroth
1450 tradesman -8827.46 603.355 95.5785 0: Azeroth
1451 tradeweapon -8793.24 614.467 96.7731 0: Azeroth
1452 tranquil -10941.8 -1340.33 51.4643 0: Azeroth
1453 Trias -8850.57 570.303 94.6874 0: Azeroth
1454 TrollCity -11656.4 447.507 42.6652 0: Azeroth
1455 TrollMine -12843 -838 55 0: Azeroth
1456 tundrid -5674.78 -1129.85 387.497 0: Azeroth
1457 Tunnel 1535.33 -579.108 68.2373 1: Kalimdor
1458 twilightbasecamp -7029.26 1169.13 4.47947 1: Kalimdor
1459 twilightshore 4441.01 670.053 27.2912 1: Kalimdor
1460 twincolossals -3308.91 2224.14 30.0674 1: Kalimdor
1461 tymor -4590.73 -961.079 527.097 0: Azeroth
1462 tyrshand 1689.85 -5253.64 73.7906 0: Azeroth
1463 uldadig -6094.71 -2982.07 226.045 0: Azeroth
1464 uldadig2 -303.683 132.002 77.742 0: Azeroth
1465 uldaexcav -6089.63 -3109.21 251.233 0: Azeroth
1466 uldahall -6196.96 -2973.62 222.93 0: Azeroth
1467 uldakeep -228.859 46.1018 64.1991 0: Azeroth
1468 uldalight -234.998 246.008 113.752 0: Azeroth
1469 uldaman -6036.99 -3305.54 258.632 0: Azeroth
1470 uldaman1 -6091.73 -3173.84 255.784 0: Azeroth
1471 uldaman2 -6625.58 -3765.41 341.56 0: Azeroth
1472 uldaseal -6171 -3044.47 220.381 0: Azeroth
1473 Unbagwacave -13744.3 -22.7244 44.964 0: Azeroth
1474 undercity 1893.04 238.585 56.3669 0: Azeroth
1475 undercroft 1605.08 -3266 87.4596 0: Azeroth
1476 ungoro -7900.18 -2135.02 -249.708 1: Kalimdor
1477 ungorohive -7859.59 -1338.68 -272.748 1: Kalimdor
1478 ungorohotspring -7152.44 -714.682 -270.495 1: Kalimdor