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Showing 200 on this page (1522 total matches)
  • For use with .tel command. Only map 0 and 1 shown.
Entry Name x y z Map
425 dwarfmining -8430.59 689.323 96.3178 0: Azeroth
426 dwarftavern -8480.25 523.234 100.556 0: Azeroth
427 dwarfweapon -8390.54 687.132 95.2734 0: Azeroth
428 Dwarvendistrict -8497.09 545.198 97.2243 0: Azeroth
429 Dwarvenembassy -8329.44 575.812 99.6022 0: Azeroth
432 eastabbey 1740.56 -5395.86 82.3147 0: Azeroth
433 eastbarrack 1618.52 -5314.4 74.3878 0: Azeroth
434 eastblacksmith 1551.6 -5389.9 80.0094 0: Azeroth
435 eastbldg -9494.95 -1195.93 49.5644 0: Azeroth
436 eastcathedral 1592.55 -5561.29 111.171 0: Azeroth
437 eastchapel 1622.66 -5396.94 75.7045 0: Azeroth
438 Easternstrand -993.502 -735.226 1.11399 0: Azeroth
439 Easthaggard -9552.29 -1425.08 57.5291 0: Azeroth
440 eastmoonruins -8904.45 -3550.72 13.7104 1: Kalimdor
441 eastsara -9536.33 -1216.87 48.152 0: Azeroth
442 eastslaughter 3285.44 -3671.33 136.463 0: Azeroth
443 easttrade -9482.97 -1354.38 46.9583 0: Azeroth
444 eastvale -9541.52 -1172.93 47.8676 0: Azeroth
445 eastwallgate 3170.49 -4039.39 105.118 0: Azeroth
446 eastwalltower 2544.58 -4770.59 106.496 0: Azeroth
447 echo -8668.69 -122.615 91.9225 0: Azeroth
448 echo1 -1000.94 -5141.91 1.57661 1: Kalimdor
449 echo2 -699.227 -5518.8 7.88512 1: Kalimdor
450 echo3 -1028.76 -5566.49 4.46944 1: Kalimdor
451 echoisles -1092.05 -5327.11 3.376 1: Kalimdor
452 echoridge -8728.27 -113.249 85.5531 0: Azeroth
456 elbow -7650.93 -1294.16 201.667 0: Azeroth
457 eldara 4234.95 -7810.56 6.6769 1: Kalimdor
458 eldarath 3477.16 -4821.67 124.009 1: Kalimdor
459 elders -943.087 -340.518 -18.2741 1: Kalimdor
460 eldure -9855 -1732 24.1666 0: Azeroth
461 Elwynnfalls1 -8769.95 -395.009 72.0924 0: Azeroth
462 Elwynnfalls2 -8322.56 -343.787 145.535 0: Azeroth
463 elyhouse -9314.95 286.236 70.5386 0: Azeroth
464 emeraldsanctuary 3992.1 -1294.83 251.062 1: Kalimdor
466 eplague 1928.82 -2739.86 65.7187 0: Azeroth
467 ethel -278.139 2448.33 17.418 1: Kalimdor
468 Ethok -4622.67 -1279.13 -51.4405 1: Kalimdor
469 everalchemy 6746.96 -4630.53 688.414 1: Kalimdor
470 everarmor 6735.44 -4692.72 688.414 1: Kalimdor
471 everengineer 6707.32 -4633.6 688.414 1: Kalimdor
472 everinn 6693.27 -4669.92 688.414 1: Kalimdor
473 everlook 6726.03 -4654.95 688.414 1: Kalimdor
474 everlook2 6720.2 -4638.96 688.414 1: Kalimdor
475 evermining 6707.56 -4703.12 688.414 1: Kalimdor
476 everobservatory 6773.05 -4668.75 688.414 1: Kalimdor
477 faldircave -2045.05 -2155.22 20.2217 0: Azeroth
478 faldirtunnel -1969.95 -1655.1 46.4326 0: Azeroth
479 falfarren 1991.08 -1941.41 97.3988 1: Kalimdor
480 Fallenskylake 1517.1 -2147.74 88.3594 1: Kalimdor
481 Fallow -10007.4 -3565.01 21.6778 0: Azeroth
482 fallowsanctuary -9999.05 -3586.57 21.8566 0: Azeroth
483 faolsrest 2604.13 -543.231 88.9996 0: Azeroth
484 farburrow 275.277 -3655.38 27.1778 1: Kalimdor
485 fargo -9847.77 217.185 14.2072 0: Azeroth
486 fargodeep -9825.37 193.41 12.9334 0: Azeroth
487 farhut -15.4195 -3595.24 27.4832 1: Kalimdor
488 fartower 252.637 -3682.63 48.0049 1: Kalimdor
489 featherbeardshovel 85.2188 -2083.5 112.802 0: Azeroth
490 feathermoonstronghold -4548.66 3319.37 17.168 1: Kalimdor
491 felfire 1926.84 -2944.86 98.9975 1: Kalimdor
492 felrock 10067.2 1036.3 1328.57 1: Kalimdor
493 felstone 1732.8 -1262.77 60.0962 0: Azeroth
494 felwood 3551.95 -1516.39 167.588 1: Kalimdor
495 FelwoodAlliance 5102.65 -357.726 357.143 1: Kalimdor
496 felwoodcave 6483.89 -1607.61 439.803 1: Kalimdor
497 FelwoodFurbolg01 3660.28 -1159.6 208.591 1: Kalimdor
498 FelwoodFurbolg02 6775.53 -1945 550.917 1: Kalimdor
499 FelwoodHorde 3795.19 -1597.88 217.892 1: Kalimdor
500 FelwoodRuins01 4565.05 -499.374 300.539 1: Kalimdor
501 fenris 806 688 53.82 0: Azeroth
502 fenris2story 953.837 616.699 54.8614 0: Azeroth
503 fenrisblacksmith 991.575 633.099 55.2429 0: Azeroth
504 fenriskeep 952.511 688.879 59.7364 0: Azeroth
506 feralas -4270 -718 -27.9278 1: Kalimdor
505 Feralas1 -4379 154 25.3246 1: Kalimdor
507 feralas1 -4367 123 30.383 1: Kalimdor
508 feralas2 -4078 239 55.7558 1: Kalimdor
509 feralas3 -4663 756 84.0482 1: Kalimdor
510 feralas4 -4787 1031 111.744 1: Kalimdor
511 feralas5 -4747 1552 86.4318 1: Kalimdor
512 feralas6 -4138 2093 89.2638 1: Kalimdor
513 feralas7 -3633 2177 67.6384 1: Kalimdor
514 feralasi1 -4394 3229 11.8617 1: Kalimdor
515 feralasi2 -5956 3026 8.94572 1: Kalimdor
516 feralscarvale -4984.81 1558.01 61.0898 1: Kalimdor
517 fhold -5498.07 509.716 387.02 0: Azeroth
518 fieldofgiants -3072.64 -1960.44 91.6666 1: Kalimdor
519 fighting -4657.29 -891.458 527.072 0: Azeroth
520 firecave -4359.68 -2984.9 29.2443 1: Kalimdor
521 Fireplumeridge -7365.46 -1285.76 -269.271 1: Kalimdor
522 firescarshrine 2390.28 29.6395 94.0236 1: Kalimdor
523 firewatchridge -6653.66 -853.92 244.144 0: Azeroth
524 Fishermanhouse -5212.7 -3099.31 303.076 0: Azeroth
525 fizzlespinner -4963.48 -1017.95 500.772 0: Azeroth
526 fkeep 982.368 691.212 59.476 0: Azeroth
527 flamecrest -7492.77 -2180.61 165.574 0: Azeroth
528 flameden -4364.14 -2985.68 28.5689 1: Kalimdor
529 flamegatea 5041.04 -2022.68 944.186 1: Kalimdor
530 flamegateb 4674.02 -3676.44 956.72 1: Kalimdor
531 flamegatec 4563.69 -2592.77 1104.75 1: Kalimdor
532 flamegated 3990.88 -2916.56 943.433 1: Kalimdor
533 fleshcave 3219 -1327.5 239.465 1: Kalimdor
534 foothill -289.07 -419.901 65.7802 0: Azeroth
535 forest -9741.15 560.589 35.3023 0: Azeroth
536 forestsong 2910.42 -3179.48 174.193 1: Kalimdor
537 forgottencoast -4594.16 2282.65 6.92298 1: Kalimdor
538 forlorn 2891.36 -4771.92 183.006 1: Kalimdor
539 forlorncave 2942.28 -4690.12 182.68 1: Kalimdor
540 forlorncavern -4627.49 -1050.19 501.663 0: Azeroth
541 forlornrogue -4647.81 -1124.17 500.664 0: Azeroth
542 Fortress -6384.39 -3143.99 301.111 0: Azeroth
544 fray -1679.02 -4337.87 3.02347 1: Kalimdor
545 frayfeather -5547.31 1685.27 68.5101 1: Kalimdor
546 Freewind -5475.24 -2432.09 89.5622 1: Kalimdor
547 frostfirehotsprings 6760.52 -3010.74 563.646 1: Kalimdor
548 frostsaberrock 8064.67 -3874.4 688.507 1: Kalimdor
549 frostwhispergorge 5433.14 -4505.14 798.965 1: Kalimdor
551 fungalrock -6378.13 -1811.12 -265.232 1: Kalimdor
552 fungalvale 2361.74 -3635.83 177.84 0: Azeroth
553 Furlbrow -9907.16 1302.43 41.6271 0: Azeroth
554 gadgetzan -7171.89 -3776.22 8.36995 1: Kalimdor
555 gadgetzar -7112.28 -3806.97 8.3694 1: Kalimdor
556 gahrron 1762.65 -2278.38 59.8212 0: Azeroth
557 Galak -5054.44 -2378.1 -54.044 1: Kalimdor
558 Galakcrag -5079.8 -2356.02 -53.8246 1: Kalimdor
559 galardellvalley -9179.64 -3121.67 97.5472 0: Azeroth
560 gallina -8889.45 606.294 95.2576 0: Azeroth
561 gallow 2245.77 249.829 34.2439 0: Azeroth
562 gallowcellar 2288.8 247.127 29.8053 0: Azeroth
563 gallowscorner 519.097 -716.884 161.875 0: Azeroth
564 gaping -9072.87 -4058.4 -17.9176 1: Kalimdor
565 gapingcave -9139.32 -3974.89 -17.3105 1: Kalimdor
566 garren 2916.09 351.994 28.4996 0: Azeroth
567 Garrison -8726.22 356.05 101.032 0: Azeroth
568 garrisonarmory -10871.8 -3177.06 66.234 0: Azeroth
569 gatesofironforge -5189.73 -725.585 445.554 0: Azeroth
570 gavin -69.7815 -156.778 132.244 0: Azeroth
571 gelk -1238.1 2936.5 170.485 1: Kalimdor
572 Gelkisvillage -2260.87 2633.53 61.3879 1: Kalimdor
573 ghosthut -1233.89 1747.42 91.111 1: Kalimdor
574 GhostWalker -1156.79 1900.2 85.4429 1: Kalimdor
575 Ghostwalkerpost -1233.46 1745.25 91.1264 1: Kalimdor
576 gilneasEK -1820.76 2257.96 88.7483 0: Azeroth
578 GMIsland 16223.8 16259 13.2022 1: Kalimdor
579 GMPrison 16228.3 16400.3 -64.38 1: Kalimdor
580 gnarlpine 10091.6 1459 1275.83 1: Kalimdor
581 gnome -5193.02 537.55 390.012 0: Azeroth
582 gnomeb -5181.68 636.184 397.471 0: Azeroth
583 gnomefireworks -4852.09 -1294.06 501.868 0: Azeroth
584 Gnomeregan -5188 555 395 0: Azeroth
585 gnomeshop -4821.66 -1297.87 502.195 0: Azeroth
586 godan 1920.02 -4431.82 24.646 1: Kalimdor
587 Golakkahotsprings -7305.36 -610.924 -269.284 1: Kalimdor
588 golbolar -5647.88 -1527.58 398.463 0: Azeroth
589 goldblack -9459.63 90.8458 58.3323 0: Azeroth
590 goldcellar -9459.73 -3.75997 53.2571 0: Azeroth
591 goldenplains -1307.68 -453.024 -55.7002 1: Kalimdor
592 goldroad -1104.09 -2456.84 94.2927 1: Kalimdor
593 Goldshire -9464.1 72.7223 56.466 0: Azeroth
594 golmine -5709.03 -1693.22 359.653 0: Azeroth
595 gorge -1094.35 -3743.6 88.253 0: Azeroth
596 gorgecave -986.21 -3862.44 161.171 0: Azeroth
597 Goshek -1587.71 -3073.32 14.5193 0: Azeroth
598 gotri 1777.15 -4506.48 27.5185 1: Kalimdor
599 grandvest 2872.23 -763.433 153.983 0: Azeroth
600 graveyard -10614.2 293.389 32.2495 0: Azeroth
601 great -4578 -1856.15 86.116 1: Kalimdor
602 great2room -4894.12 -1086.18 488.906 0: Azeroth
603 great2story -4686.24 -1004.79 789.475 0: Azeroth
604 greatailor 4720.2 -1058.32 -2.77778 0: Azeroth
605 greatarena -13229.2 230.024 33.2246 0: Azeroth
606 greatbed -4790.64 -1013.01 487.942 0: Azeroth
607 greatbronze -4764.52 -1187.3 492.189 0: Azeroth
608 greatdeep -4713.05 -1117.08 492.197 0: Azeroth
609 greatenchant -4802.4 -1191.47 492.204 0: Azeroth
610 greatforge -4815.03 -1038.72 482.537 0: Azeroth
611 greatHerb -4877.65 -1151.59 757.56 0: Azeroth
612 greathome -4909.88 -1171.74 736.651 0: Azeroth
613 greathouse -4857.92 -1174.47 751.405 0: Azeroth
614 greatleather -4745.89 -1030.86 505.678 0: Azeroth
615 greatrade -4713.76 -1081.16 499.934 0: Azeroth
616 greatroom -4721.91 -1152.55 493.698 0: Azeroth
617 greatshop -4737.65 -1007.7 491.883 0: Azeroth
618 greatwood -162.569 -694.002 4.65333 1: Kalimdor
619 greenpaw 2271.69 -1552.98 90.3612 1: Kalimdor
620 Grelin -6362.07 566.006 385.75 0: Azeroth
621 griffonjump -11051.5 -1988.02 167.699 0: Azeroth
622 Grimesiltdigsite -6973.31 -1737.92 241.876 0: Azeroth
623 grimhut 129.865 -544.092 3.73139 1: Kalimdor
624 grimtotem 111.408 -553.448 -0.751174 1: Kalimdor
625 grimtotem2 -4181.53 592.029 66.8603 1: Kalimdor
626 grizzled -5623.37 -278.358 372.068 0: Azeroth
627 grizzlepawridge -5541.94 -3130.66 341.715 0: Azeroth
628 grol 179.794 -2892.74 92.1573 1: Kalimdor
629 grolhut 240.109 -2902.54 91.6667 1: Kalimdor
630 gromgol -12383.6 172.574 3.28056 0: Azeroth
632 Grove 4944.63 94.7401 52.4305 1: Kalimdor
633 growless 172.239 -334.911 151.458 0: Azeroth
634 growlesscave 261.333 -265.385 144.841 0: Azeroth