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Showing 200 on this page (1522 total matches)
  • For use with .tel command. Only map 0 and 1 shown.
Entry Name x y z Map
215 canalarmor -8553.75 597.14 104.6 0: Azeroth
216 canalbookstore -8649.39 678.272 101.761 0: Azeroth
217 canalcat -8709.18 858.9 97.0026 0: Azeroth
218 canalcloth -8768.66 715.02 99.5338 0: Azeroth
219 canalclothes -8696.93 846.417 98.6853 0: Azeroth
220 canaldwarf -8546.96 622.807 101.244 0: Azeroth
221 canalenchant -8853.66 798.945 96.3342 0: Azeroth
222 canalflower -8823.54 515.173 98.6812 0: Azeroth
223 canalibrary -8857.64 825.152 95.4903 0: Azeroth
224 canalmage -8871.77 760.55 96.6681 0: Azeroth
225 canalshop -8855.43 859.889 96.7839 0: Azeroth
226 canaltrade -8845.26 720.651 97.3031 0: Azeroth
227 canalwine -8887.38 685.28 100.08 0: Azeroth
228 capeofstranglethorn -13125.7 -185.356 -4.43145 0: Azeroth
1614 CashTest 0 0 0 29: Test
229 catarmor -8671.24 790.495 101.718 0: Azeroth
230 Catcanal -8681.96 696.266 97.8787 0: Azeroth
231 catcity -8553.65 730.44 101.719 0: Azeroth
232 catcryptrm -8578.02 886.337 87.3152 0: Azeroth
233 catcryptroom -8505.29 792.186 87.3092 0: Azeroth
234 Cathedral -8551.09 831.783 106.508 0: Azeroth
235 catmace -8627.99 878.861 103.18 0: Azeroth
236 catshop -8564.55 711.512 103.52 0: Azeroth
237 caverns 6005.86 -4086.57 0 0: Azeroth
238 Cavernsoftime -8208.13 -4526.69 8.85783 1: Kalimdor
239 cavernsoftime2 -8208.13 -4526.69 8.85783 1: Kalimdor
242 cavindra -1467.5 2813.58 111.83 1: Kalimdor
244 cenarion 10052.8 2509.87 1318.54 1: Kalimdor
245 chillwind 624.807 -1301.64 111.047 0: Azeroth
246 chophouse 1623.59 -4310.98 3.20507 1: Kalimdor
247 Circle -1491.55 -2117.29 20.5891 0: Azeroth
248 Circleofeastbinding -849.153 -3258.02 78.9249 0: Azeroth
249 Circleofouterbinding -1360.91 -2740.8 58.5638 0: Azeroth
250 Circleofwestbinding -861.624 -1791.07 40.1341 0: Azeroth
251 clarahouse -9265.16 353.235 76.6927 0: Azeroth
252 cleft 1885.23 -4420.96 11.5228 1: Kalimdor
253 Cliffcave 6860.47 -680.03 90.0315 1: Kalimdor
254 cliffdive -13521 449 85.3733 0: Azeroth
255 Cliffspringriver 7171.8 -407.397 35.6659 1: Kalimdor
256 CoastDwarf -1820.97 -4232.03 2.13472 0: Azeroth
257 coastelf 4264.99 -2745.38 -1.50929 0: Azeroth
258 coldcave -6512.57 473.879 387.381 0: Azeroth
259 coldhearth 2140.08 570.751 38.5732 0: Azeroth
260 Coldridge -6223.17 327.072 383.207 0: Azeroth
261 coldridgepass -6257.45 249.186 390.054 0: Azeroth
1615 Collin 0 0 0 42: Collin
262 constellas 4461.42 -615.84 277.887 1: Kalimdor
263 cook -537.186 -2979.9 91.6667 1: Kalimdor
264 corinscrossing 2026.84 -4463.99 75.7767 0: Azeroth
265 corrahn 86.0758 -543.401 145.409 0: Azeroth
266 craghelm -5037.16 -1143.25 523.508 0: Azeroth
267 cragpool 1445.76 62.0551 17.0423 1: Kalimdor
268 CraterDragon -110.908 105.923 387.117 37: PVPZone02
269 CraterElf 670.297 107.907 387.117 37: PVPZone02
270 craterorc 42.7753 665.556 387.117 37: PVPZone02
271 creepingruin 111.58 -3470.81 121.26 0: Azeroth
272 crossinn -410.666 -2642.96 97.37 1: Kalimdor
273 CrossRoads -458.274 -2651.57 95.6032 1: Kalimdor
274 crosstower -484.85 -2605.37 127.867 1: Kalimdor
275 crownguardtower 1869.83 -3687.46 156.867 0: Azeroth
276 crusader 2436.68 1588.71 37.0613 0: Azeroth
277 crush 705.862 -604.733 159.056 0: Azeroth
278 Crushridgehold 659.29 -613.34 160.028 0: Azeroth
279 crystal -9495.29 -104.347 59.2846 0: Azeroth
280 Crystalshore -13647.5 -405.144 0.650176 0: Azeroth
281 crystalvale -6270.48 1748.92 5.3772 1: Kalimdor
282 crystalvendor -9378.76 -76.2387 64.4375 0: Azeroth
283 cutbuilding -8539.12 547.939 102.734 0: Azeroth
284 cuthroat -8528.98 596.73 101.812 0: Azeroth
285 cutshop -8538.88 610.945 102.877 0: Azeroth
286 dabybarn -1086.82 -2913.41 42.76 0: Azeroth
287 dabybldg -999.763 -2894.27 63.6386 0: Azeroth
288 Dabyriesfarmstead -1118.79 -2828.65 42.1017 0: Azeroth
289 daggerhills -11094.9 1183.08 55.8196 0: Azeroth
290 Dalaran 65.7418 402.17 41.9264 0: Azeroth
291 dalhouse 115.694 265.564 43.2379 0: Azeroth
292 dalranbldg 83.0047 376.344 43.4396 0: Azeroth
293 dalson 1955.67 -1572.68 62.9537 0: Azeroth
294 dardruid 10165.8 2596.66 1322.67 1: Kalimdor
295 darkblacksmith -10590 -1161.59 30.0393 0: Azeroth
296 Darkbriar 1471.19 -4219.49 118.906 1: Kalimdor
297 darkenedbank -10085 -1076.64 29.5207 0: Azeroth
298 Darkmist -2826.4 -2711.07 38.1879 1: Kalimdor
299 Darkportal -11727.8 -3229.1 10.2747 0: Azeroth
300 darkrest -10592.7 -1200.73 28.4988 0: Azeroth
301 darkscarlet -10532 -1166.41 28.1029 0: Azeroth
302 Darkshire -10559 -1189 28 0: Azeroth
303 darkshop -10532.3 -1211.9 28.1175 0: Azeroth
304 darkshore 4483 266 59.4201 1: Kalimdor
305 darkspear -922.494 -4990.87 9.54609 1: Kalimdor
306 DarkS_Auberdine 6436 407 10.8166 1: Kalimdor
307 DarkS_Blackfathom 7312 -901 32.2543 1: Kalimdor
308 DarkS_Excavation 4681.32 576.698 23.2928 1: Kalimdor
309 darkwhisper 5033.33 -4568.21 853.825 1: Kalimdor
310 darkwhispergorge 4995.25 -4548.09 859.26 1: Kalimdor
311 darnassus 9951.63 2153.08 1327.72 1: Kalimdor
312 darngardens 9713.88 2524.82 1335.69 1: Kalimdor
313 darntemple 9677.4 2526.12 1334.72 1: Kalimdor
314 darntemple01 9741.64 2621.21 1334.08 1: Kalimdor
315 darntemple02 9748.56 2431.65 1334.23 1: Kalimdor
316 darntrade 9851.9 2278.18 1327.39 1: Kalimdor
317 darnwarrior 9951.51 2257.94 1336.17 1: Kalimdor
318 darrowmere 1590.19 -2174 53.627 0: Azeroth
319 darrowshire 1490.55 -3679.07 80.2667 0: Azeroth
320 dawning 886.535 85.286 33.1258 0: Azeroth
321 dawningwood -10355.6 190.767 34.668 0: Azeroth
322 deadacre -10781.5 879.006 32.908 0: Azeroth
323 deadbarn 1020.81 1557.12 28.8614 0: Azeroth
324 deadbuild -11083.2 1527.23 43.3189 0: Azeroth
325 deadcaptain -82.5727 -818.627 39.5729 36: DeadminesInstance
326 deadchapel -11181 -1851.85 98.672 0: Azeroth
327 deadcliff -11364.6 1656.71 70.7438 0: Azeroth
328 deadcrypt -11069.1 -1830.78 96.429 0: Azeroth
329 deaddoor -196.34 -443.77 28.639 1: Kalimdor
330 deaddusk -10463 -1618 73 0: Azeroth
331 deadent -11111.1 1483.54 32.3073 0: Azeroth
332 Deadeye 818.329 -5083.89 2.71493 1: Kalimdor
333 deadfactory -189.686 -464.638 8.221 1: Kalimdor
334 deadfarm 1055.5 1595.78 29.0647 0: Azeroth
335 deadfield 1050.24 1502.57 33.1179 0: Azeroth
336 deadforest -10709 -1944 113.92 0: Azeroth
337 deadgoblin -229.511 -575.799 70.794 0: Azeroth
338 deadiron -93.4393 -712.727 66.91 0: Azeroth
339 deadmanscrossing -10462.7 -1745.45 87.1918 0: Azeroth
340 deadmast -276.761 -486.456 48.9573 36: DeadminesInstance
341 deadmines -11209 1672 25 0: Azeroth
342 deadogre -10855 -1690 148.081 0: Azeroth
343 deadpirate -107.476 -996.201 34.5943 36: DeadminesInstance
344 deadportal -11206.7 1684.25 22.9838 0: Azeroth
345 Deadrun -10513 -1399 62 0: Azeroth
346 deadswamp -10553 -2334 88 0: Azeroth
347 deadtower 1226.41 -2929.91 91.6667 1: Kalimdor
348 deadun -11297.8 1558.15 35.5326 0: Azeroth
349 Deadwind -10446.7 -1504.22 74.5944 0: Azeroth
350 deadwindravine -10823.9 -1862.18 110.989 0: Azeroth
351 deathknell 1838.41 1587.41 93.6222 0: Azeroth
352 deepelm 301.079 1137.35 79.7976 0: Azeroth
353 deepelmmine 381.363 1062.75 107.611 0: Azeroth
354 demon -4591.06 -1124.2 383.377 0: Azeroth
355 demonbarrow 1524.3 -2810.22 183.37 1: Kalimdor
356 demoncamp 1546.34 -2825.3 181.918 1: Kalimdor
357 Demonfallcanyon 1888.12 -3158.76 95.8615 1: Kalimdor
358 demonfallridge 1575.38 -2893.81 181.656 1: Kalimdor
359 DemonicStronghold -11834.6 -2732.41 7.0826 0: Azeroth
360 demontsplace -11116.8 1805.03 36.9214 0: Azeroth
361 designer 16375 -16165 40 0: Azeroth
362 desolace 324.922 1814.65 70.028 1: Kalimdor
363 DesolaceUnderwater 14.2839 2586.87 -64.9209 1: Kalimdor
364 diremaul -4658.6 1328.92 98.823 1: Kalimdor
373 DMine -11052.2 -1137.48 38.9658 0: Azeroth
374 DMScenic -5158 -655 400 0: Azeroth
376 Dolanaar 9784 1006 1299 1: Kalimdor
377 Dordanil 1774.08 -2663.1 109.243 1: Kalimdor
378 dordanilden 1767.6 -2695.13 111.552 1: Kalimdor
379 dracodar -8206.91 -1019.8 147.123 0: Azeroth
380 drag 1728.07 -4491.05 35.0264 1: Kalimdor
381 dragon -4140.17 -2757.71 31.6433 1: Kalimdor
382 dragvalley 1915.06 -4568.13 61.4584 1: Kalimdor
383 dreadden 319.391 -2224.28 212.241 1: Kalimdor
384 dreadmaulhold -10933.1 -2733.07 7.63626 0: Azeroth
385 dreadmaulpost -11529.2 -2857.11 8.28444 0: Azeroth
386 dreadmist 248.078 -2348.93 213.153 1: Kalimdor
387 Dreadmurk -2565.03 -4000.04 7.72858 1: Kalimdor
388 dreambough -2917.05 1909.26 34.6778 1: Kalimdor
389 droffer 1926.88 -4513.55 41.145 1: Kalimdor
390 drowned -2289.56 -1643.75 -21.7905 0: Azeroth
391 drygulch 838.665 -4742.59 11.4698 1: Kalimdor
392 Dryhills 599.242 -1600.74 93.9778 1: Kalimdor
393 dryravine 828.452 -4810.63 11.1621 1: Kalimdor
394 drywhisker 2260.7 -2355.91 57.5226 0: Azeroth
395 dunalgaz -4713.68 -2697.99 319.661 0: Azeroth
396 dunbarracks -1283.77 -1212.83 40.1782 0: Azeroth
397 dunemaulcompound -8488.88 -3037.31 9.3736 1: Kalimdor
398 Dungarok -1281.52 -1207.19 40.1783 0: Azeroth
399 dunmandarr 5722.64 -4511.72 760.481 1: Kalimdor
400 Dunmodr -2605.48 -2347.39 82.6117 0: Azeroth
401 dunmodrinn -2642.79 -2337.4 78.7263 0: Azeroth
402 dunmorogh -5346 -525 392 0: Azeroth
403 Durnholde -611.835 -1360.09 54.7808 0: Azeroth
404 Durosouth -210.644 -3880.44 41.7001 1: Kalimdor
405 durotar 300 -4742 9 1: Kalimdor
406 duskcem -10610 294 32.044 0: Azeroth
407 duskcrypt -10368 193 33.9454 0: Azeroth
408 duskfall -10866 665 31.006 0: Azeroth
409 duskroad -10907 -404 41.2353 0: Azeroth
410 dusktown -10559.2 -1128.01 30.0667 0: Azeroth
411 dusktree -10555 -398 55.646 0: Azeroth
412 duskwood -10901 -371 40 0: Azeroth
413 dustbelch -7334.57 -2268.16 240.412 0: Azeroth
414 dustbelchgrotto -7304.9 -2271.21 244.824 0: Azeroth
415 dustbowl -6838.21 -3002.09 242.233 0: Azeroth
416 dustfirevalley -6436.64 -1986.27 244.481 0: Azeroth
417 dustplains -11070.1 877.27 39.4284 0: Azeroth
418 Dustwallow -3684.52 -2562.11 58 1: Kalimdor
419 Dustwallowbay -3544.72 -4104.68 10.3145 1: Kalimdor
420 Dustwallowmine -2826.52 -2707.65 38.036 1: Kalimdor
421 dustwind 808.283 -4755.1 37.2165 1: Kalimdor
422 dustwindgulch -6445.75 -3871.14 308.286 0: Azeroth
423 dwarfgun -8412.39 650.231 97.4491 0: Azeroth
424 dwarfhunter -8416.45 547.192 95.449 0: Azeroth