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2374 The Defenders weakened, but were relieved by paladins, disciples of the Silver Hand. Their leader, Davil Crokford, was a native of Darrowshire. He brought his followers to the village when he heard of the impending attack, and together with the defenders they held back the servants of Horgus.

When Horgus himself entered the battle, he met with Davil. For many minutes they fought and Davil eventually prevailed, but he suffered a mortal wound and died soon after defeating the ghoul lord.
2375 The battle continued, and Captain Redpath led his militia bravely. And it might have been won, had the captain not been corrupted by the death knight Marduk the Black.

In the middle of the fray Marduk rode up to Redpath, and with black magic he tore loose Redpath's spirit, twisting it into an evil shadow of the brave captain.
2376 The corrupted Captain Redpath then spread his evil taint among the defenders of Darrowshire, who betrayed their allies and slaughtered them. They then turned on the town of Darrowshire and killed all who hid in their homes.

The remaining scourge army, along with the corrupted spirit of Captain Redpath, then left the ravaged village of Darrowshire and tore into Lordaeron, adding to the pain and death of the Second War.
2377 The Annals of Darrowshire

Darrowshire, named from the Darrowmere Lake to its west, is a village tucked into the southern foothills of Lordaeron. Known for humble yet hardworking residents, Darrowshire stayed in the background of Lordaeron history until the Second War.

Heroes were made during that war. And heroes were lost.
2378 The Battle of Darrowshire

The Battle of Darrowshire took place in the middle of the Second War, when scourge forces rampaged across Lordaeron. Darrowshire was cut off from the bulk of Alliance forces, but the town was bolstered by a company of troops, a contingent of paladins of the Silver Hand, and a staunch group of local militia led by Captain Joseph Redpath.
2379 The Scourge's first assaults on Darrowshire were sparse. Small groups of marauding skeletons and corpses wandered the outskirts of the village and were easily defeated.

But the Scourge sensed the defenders' tenacity, and responded in kind; soon after the first wave of attacks a second wave emerged. Champion ghouls, servants of the ghoul lord Horgus, screamed down from the hills and clashed with beleaguered Darrowshire defenders.
2380 The Defenders weakened, but were relieved by paladins, disciples of the Silver Hand. Their leader, Davil Crokford, was a native of Darrowshire. He brought his followers to the village when he heard of the impending attack, and together with the defenders they held back the servants of Horgus.

When Horgus himself entered the battle, he met with Davil. For many minutes they fought and Davil eventually prevailed, but he suffered a mortal wound and died soon after defeating the ghoul lord.
2381 The battle continued, and Captain Redpath led his militia bravely. And it might have been won, had the captain not been corrupted by the death knight Marduk the Black.

In the middle of the fray Marduk rode up to Redpath, and with black magic he tore loose Redpath's spirit, twisting it into an evil shadow of the brave captain.
2382 The corrupted Captain Redpath then spread his evil taint among the defenders of Darrowshire, who betrayed their allies and slaughtered them. They then turned on the town of Darrowshire and killed all who hid in their homes.

The remaining scourge army, along with the corrupted spirit of Captain Redpath, then left the ravaged village of Darrowshire and tore into Lordaeron, adding to the pain and death of the Second War.
2383 The Fate of Horgus the Ravager

Horgus the Ravager fell at the Battle of Darrowshire. But the evil within him was not fully spent. The victorious Scourge forces removed his skull from the battlefield of Darrowshire, carrying it with them to sow dread among the living they faced.

Days later, the company of Scourge who possessed the head were defeated by Silver Hand Paladins. Horgus' head was cast into Blackwood Lake.
2384 The Fate of Marduk the Black

Marduk survived the Second War, causing great death and suffering with his foul, rune-laden sword. Although Marduk still lives, his sword was lost in a battle near Corin's Crossing. A dwarf captain shattered the sword on his enchanted shield, forcing Marduk to flee the field and winning the day for the Alliance.

Marduk's sword sank into the earth and corrupted it, eating a gorge into the land, now known as the Infectis Scar.
2385 The Fate of Davil Lightforge

Davil Lightforge died at the Battle of Darrowshire, but his bravery inspired the Alliance throughout the war.

His book, his paladin's libram, was recovered by Scarlet Crusade troops. It now resides in the town hall of the Scarlet Crusade controlled Hearthglen, often read by crusaders eager to draw from Davil's strength.
2386 The Fate of Joseph Redpath

Joseph Redpath was killed during the Battle of Darrowshire. His spirit was corrupted and took new shape, and this creature spread great evil in Lordaeron.

At Gahrron's Withering, east of Andorhal, the corrupted Redpath was finally defeated by Alliance forces. His shield still rests near the barn of the plagued farmstead, and Scourge minions are still drawn to the memory of his evil.
2391 The Fate of Carlin Redpath

Brother to Captain Joseph Redpath, Carlin fell during the battle of Darrowshire. But although terribly wounded, he was not slain.

Days after the battle, agents of the Argent Dawn found Carlin wandering, weak from thirst and fever, near Corin's Crossing. They tended to his wounds and brought him to the Light's Hope Chapel.

Grateful for their charity, Carlin joined the ranks of the Argent Dawn and now fights a battle of revenge against the Scourge.
2411 OoOoOoO OOoOOoo OOOoOoo OOoOooO OOoOOoO OOooooO Oooooo OooOOOO OOoOOOo OOoOOoo OOoOooO OOoOOOo OOooOoO Oooooo OooOOOo OOooooO OOOoooo OOooooO Oooooo OoOoOOo OOooooO OOoOOoo OOoOOoo OOooOoO OOOOooO Oooooo OooOoOO OOoOOOo OOoOooO OOooOOO OOoOooo OOOoOoo OOOooOO Oooooo OOoOOOO OOooOOo Oooooo OooooOO OOoOooo OOooooO OOoOOOO OOOooOO 0
2413 Snow, blinding...

Must protect tribe. Make them strong. Be strong.

Do not know...
2414 Firewater.

Make more. More firewater.

Firewater make Winterfall strong. Defeat our enemies.

Winterfall have no ally. Winterfall are strong. Have great power.
2415 More. Must have more...

Winterfall... not... weak...
2431 Entry Date: Unknown

Name: Nathanos Marris, Human Ranger Lord of Lordaeron.


Kael'thas Sunstrider's dissention in regards to my decision to allow Nathanos Marris into the order is noted. It should also be noted that Nathanos - although a human - is one of the most gifted rangers I have ever had the pleasure of training.

2432 Never been more proud to be part of the trade as I am in these last few years. The need for assassins, spies, and scouts has never been more prevelant. You'd think war-time would have had higher demand, but suprisingly, war isn't a time we flourish like we do now--the times after peace starts to deteriorate.

I was told you'd be in the area looking to learn a few things. When you have time, come see me by the stables in back of the abbey.

-Jorik Kerridan, Rogue Trainer
2433 You were expecting this to be a normal note from your king or whoever, I'm betting. Well, let's just say that I know a thing or two about forging notes and wanted to make sure you got this one. Can't go calling attention to myself, now could I?

I've holed myself up inside Anvilmar--you'll find me in the firepit area. When you're ready, come talk to me. I just want to introduce myself while we have time.

-Solm Hargrin, Rogue Trainer
2434 I send greetings, <name>. I was lost in thought when it came to my attention that I needed to write to you.

Many in our culture praise our shamans for being our spiritual leaders, like our great Warchief. Others think the sword and axe are even more noble pursuits, but never forget that battles--even wars--are won on the backs of those with more specialized skills. That is what I wish to speak to you about, <name>. Find me deep within the Den in the Valley of Trials.

-Rwag, Rogue Trainer
2435 <Brother/Sister>, I hope this rune finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to let you know that I'm inside Anvilmar above Coldridge Valley.

I know how important it is we all stick together, and in this time of strained peace it's becoming even more important to have our kind around. Look for me when you have the time.

-Solm Hargrin, Rogue Trainer
2436 Take care not to ignore my words, <name>. This is the time for subterfuge and deceit throughout all nations... even our great Undercity. Everyone loyal to Sylvanas is working towards creating a new era, one controlled by the Forsaken. And even though we posses no magical skills, nor will we take up weapons along our borders, we still have our own role to play.

Seek me out in the inn in Deathknell. We'll speak more then.

-David Trias, Rogue Trainer
2437 Sael'ah, my friend. I hope this sigil finds you well. I was asked to offer you my services. I too am in Shadowglen, in the great tree of Aldrassil, and I wanted you to know that if you need any training that you could seek me out.

In these questionable times, I thought it prudent that those dealing in stealth remain even closer to one another. How else will we be able to protect Teldrassil and our ways?

Find me when you can.

-Frahun Shadewhisper, Rogue Trainer
2438 Greetings, <brother/sister>. The Shattered Hand sends its regards and hopes you find the Valley a comfortable place to apply your trade. This is a time of testing for you, so do not think you are not being watched constantly.

It is my duty to appraise the Hand of your skills, and to then inform them when I feel you are ready to move on to greater challenges.

When you are ready, come find me deep inside the Den. I'll be waiting for you there.

-Rwag, Rogue Trainer
2439 Tell me, <class>, have you heard an orc scream yet? Perhaps defended your home from gnolls as they seek to tear your throat out? Yeah, sounds harsh, doesn't it?

Well, you're gonna need my help if you want to protect your loved ones. You'll find me inside the abbey in Northshire. My knowledge doesn't come cheap, but if you're experienced enough, I can train you in a number of styles and moves that will help you fight off the threats to Stormwind and beyond.

Llane Beshere, Warrior Trainer
You must report to Thran Khorman immediately. He is located within building A3; also known as Anvilmar to local inhabitants. After successfully making contact with Khorman, you will proceed to prepare yourself for the coming war--the war to take back our home of Gnomeregan!

All efforts and essential tasks should be focused on achieving this directive. Once accomplished, a new task will be given to you.
2441 Many tribes claim that it is a gift to be blessed with the aptitude to use magic or to talk to our ancestors, but you should know this as well, <class>, you are just as gifted. Some do not have the strength in their arms to wield mighty weapons. Some do not have the skill to parry a blow from an assassin, or to even suffer the physical punishments from an arcane spellcaster, but you do. You are strong. And I will help you become stronger. Find me in Camp Narache.

-Harutt Thunderhorn, Warrior Trainer
2442 By Magni's beard, there's much to discuss, and little time to do it, <name>. Find me in Anvilmar overlooking Coldridge Valley as soon as you can. We gotta get started.

There's a mess of things I can tell you about to get you caught up to speed, but all that's got nothing to do with us... for now. What we need to focus on is the grip of an axe, the weight of our armor, and the smell of our own sweat beadin' down our foreheads as we fight our enemies. We'll start with that.

-Thran Khorman, Warrior Trainer
2443 Many of our kind resort to the arcane and divine as a means to give themselves strength, but we know better, don't we, <class>? We know that our weapons are our holy symbols, our shield is our spell book, and our mail is our wisdom.

Even in undeath we are strong, and we will only become stronger.

Find me in the inn in Deathknell. I will speak to you more of these matters and other things.

-Dannal Stern, Warrior Trainer
2444 I hope my sigil finds you well, <class>. I write to you because our people have need for those strong with the blade, the glaive, and all other weapons. So much has happened since our people have been reintroduced to the other races of Azeroth that we have an even greater need for protectors of all kinds.

This is where you come in. I would tell you more, but I feel it should be in person. Find me inside Aldrassil... on the lower levels.

-Alyissia, Warrior Trainer
2445 There are four rules to magic:

Magic is powerful.
Magic is corrupting.
Magic is addicting.
Magic draws the denizens of the Twisting Nether to those who wield the arcane.

Those rules you can always guarantee. Those rules will govern your destiny if you chose to continue down the path as a mage.

If you're foolish enough to ignore this warning, then come speak to me inside the library wing of the abbey in Northshire. I'll be waiting for you upstairs.

-Khelden Bremen, Mage Trainer
2446 To: New Students of the Arcane Arts:
You are required to seek out and study under the gnome Marryk Nurribit until such time comes that you are called upon to aid your people in re-establishing themselves in a new habitation. Please, without trepidation, prepare yourself for rigorous testing procedures and a difficult acclimation process as you find a domicile and/or any form of companionship with the local denizens.

Questions regarding your duties and abilities should be directed to Marrek Nurribit.
2447 The corruption and evil that rumor says travels with the arcane is nothing compared to the pain we've already felt. We are no longer victims, <name>. We are the ones who control our fate. Sylvanas has paved the way for us--she has proven that our will is our own; that we are no longer thralls to that bastard Arthas.

Seek me out in the church, I shall instruct you further... if that is your desire.

- Isabella, Mage Trainer
2448 Welcome to your awakening, mon. Da secrets of da arcane be wit'in your grasp if you be strong enough to hold onto dem.

You find Mai'ah when you be ready. She teach you much about magic and da spells you need to destroy those dat stand against you.

Mai'ah be near da Den in da Valley of Trials. You come, you find her, den you be strong. Den you show other mages how magic bends to your will... not de other way 'round.
2449 Too often people like the followers of the Holy Light scare those curious about true power into thinking they cannot investigate any form of the arcane--not all things from outside this world are evil. Not all entities seek to dominate or subjugate others. If you are powerful enough, those same entities can become the followers.

This is something I would like to discuss more with you. Seek me out in the graveyard on the right side of the abbey.

-Drusilla La Salle, Warlock Trainer

Remain Silent! Don't look around at anyone! Someone could be watching you this very moment.

My name is Alamar Grimm, <name>. I train those willing to seek knowledge and greater power from... worlds beyond. I've been asked to get in touch with you discretely and inform you that I can train you further in a real form of magic.

When you can, come find me in the back of Anvilmar.

-Alamar Grimm, Warlock Trainer
2451 I write this message in the most powerful inks I can create, <name>. It would instantly curse anyone who would dare read it besides yourself. I am that powerful. I summon demons from the Twisting Nether at my leisure. I plague my enemies in their sleep and in the field of battle. And now you too have seen the power of my path. My brothers are pleased by that.

Seek me out in the depths of the Den once you've found your way around. I would speak to you about important matters.

-Nartok, Warlock Trainer
2452 An awful predicament to find ourselves in, isn't it, <name>? Plagued by the Foul Prince. Ostracized and spurned by our own loved ones. We finally have our own will thanks to the beautiful Sylvanas, but what does that afford us now? Slaves to a different master is still a slave, or so I say.

But what if we were the masters? Yes, you know what I mean, don't you?

We are even more separated from the rest of the Forsaken, <name>. And that is why we must speak further. Find me in the church in Deathknell.
2453 Mighty warriors defend our home. Our shamans guide our spirits and show us our ancestors' past. And our druids help us discover the Earthmother's will.

But you are one of our hunters, and our hunters learn many aspects of those roles and blend them together. You will find you represent the heart of our people--some of our tribe will look to you for guidance, some for protection. It is my duty to ensure you are prepared for that. Seek me out in Camp Narache.

-Lanka Farshot, Hunter Trainer
2454 Ya be in good hands now, mon. Jen'shan know you be lookin' to learn da ways of da hunter, and she be ready to teach you... if you be ready to listen.

Come find me in da Valley of Trials. Jen'shan start your trainin' and show you just how powerful da ways of da hunter is.

-Jen'shan, Hunter Trainer
2455 Tamer of beasts, master marskman, proven tracker--what else ya want to accomplish in this lifetime? All those things combined takes quite a bit of intelligence and a great deal of patience.

The path of the hunter ain't an easy one, that's fer sure. You're gonna need lots of training if you wanna be as good as even our lowest ranking rifleman. But that's why I'm here.

Find me inside Anvilmar overlooking Coldridge Valley. I'll be waiting.

-Thorgas Grimson, Hunter Trainer
2456 Elune is with you, <name>. The wind whispers it to me, and I'm glad I can directly take part in the shaping of our next generation of hunters.

From what I have been told, you are close to Aldrassil. I would meet with you inside the great tree when you have time.

Our elders have charged me with ensuring that new hunters are properly trained for the trials ahead. You being one of the newest students, it would behoove you to visit me. Until then, be well.

-Ayanna Everstride, Hunter Trainer
2457 It be good to hear that one of Jen'shan's <brothers/sisters> be comin' to da Valley to test <his/her> skill. Jen'shan lookin' forward to that!

Me not be havin' to tell you how strong and cunning a hunter you be--you already know that. It's Jen'shan's task to tell you how to get stronger and more cunning.

You find Jen'shan in da Valley of Trials. She teach you good. She teach you how to tame da greatest beasts among many other tings.

-Jen'shan, Hunter Trainer
2458 The spirits came to me in my dreams last night. They told me of your coming, and that it would be my task to aid you. We have much to go over in our short time together--discussions about nature, the spirits, the Earthmother, and even the night elves. But I will save the lessons for your arrival, and I will do all that is in my power to ensure that you are ready for the trials ahead.

May wisdom guide you. I will be waiting.

-Gart Mistrunner, Druid Trainer
2459 When word reached me that you were ready, I sent this sigil immediately. All of Cenarius' druids take great satisfaction in seeing our numbers bolster. The spirits even seem to have become stronger with our enhanced presence. In time, and with some patience, hopefully our strength will return to its former grandeur. Find me near the top of Aldrassil when you are ready. I will be your guide as long as you are in Shadowglen.

- Mardant Strongoak, Druid Trainer
2460 I greet you, young <class>. The winds told me of your coming. The earth gave praise of your strength. And now the ancient spirits whisper of your accomplishments to come. Our people always need wise and great leaders. They often turn to our kind for both virtues. If you are willing, I would teach you more of our ways.

Seek me out in Camp Narache on Red Cloud Mesa--we will speak more then.

-Meela Dawnstrider, Shaman Trainer
2461 Lok'tar, <brother/sister>. The elements beckon you closer and bid me to show you the path of the shaman. The spirits of our ancestors watch from beyond and swell with pride knowing you have joined our ranks.

When you are ready, seek me out near the entrance to the Den. It is there that I will be training others of our kind. Until then, may the wind be at your back.

-Shikrik, Shaman Trainer
2462 Greetings to you, <brotha/sista>. Da spirits say you be ready to aid our allies. You have great ties to da elements, an' you be much more powerful den when you first started your lessons wit me.

Now I be sendin' you to meet wit Shikrik, da orc shaman trainer in da Valley of Trials. She know you be comin' to study wit her already. Make our ancestors proud. Until we meet again, may da flame keep you warm, and da wind be at your back.

2463 I hope this letter finds you well, <class>. I say that with great pride, because not many can profess such profound faith, but also know that they are among the most elite of Azeroth's protectors.

Always remember, first and foremost, it is your duty to go to battle against those who seek to harm our world and bring corruption into our homes.

I have been given authority over your training for the time being. When you are ready, seek me out inside Northshire Abbey.

-Brother Sammuel, Paladin Trainer
2464 Some fear our kind more than dragons. Some envy us more than the most skilled blacksmiths. Some praise our strength in battle. Others revel in our faith. Some are just jealous that we can drink them under the table! But know this, <class>, you are among the most elite protectors in all of Azeroth. The Holy Light gives us strength as much as we strengthen it.

I would tell you more when you've gotten acquainted with the land some. Find me inside Anvilmar above the Valley.

-Bromos Grummner, Paladin Trainer
2465 Your connection to the world, and its connection to you, are paramount to your success as a priest. Wisdom and compassion will allow you to help those who have a true need. Overeagerness and clumsy decisions only prevent others from becoming stronger or cause harm.

As you begin to understand what this means, you will need new abilities and spells to help you. That is where my role begins: find me in the library wing of Northshire Abbey when you are ready to train.

-Priestess Anetta, Priest Trainer
2466 With the Holy Light warmin' our backs and new discoveries being made every day, 'tis an exciting time to be one of Ironforge's <sons/daughters>. The Explorer's League makes headway every day in its search for long-lost answers to even older questions. And now we have you among our faithful to aid in the battle against the troggs and any other threat to our borders.

Find me when ya have the time. I'll be in the back of Anvilmar, just up the hill.

- Branstock Khalder, Priest Trainer
2467 Feel blessed that you're spirit was not released to the Nether, <name>. Feel even more blessed that I decided you were worth the effort to write this scroll for.

The people you once knew, perhaps even cared for, are no longer! You must learn to "live" with that for the rest of your now unnatural life. I suggest you learn to deal with that first.

If you think you're ready for the trials ahead, then seek me out in the church in Deathknell.

- Dark Cleric Duesten, Priest Trainer
2468 I hope this sigil finds you well, <name>. The spirits told me of your coming and I sent word immediately. I look forward to sharing my experiences with you, and helping guide you as you prepare to leave Teldrassil for more important matters.

With all that has happened in the last few years, there is much we can do to aid the other races of Azeroth. When you are ready, find me inside Aldrassil, on the second level.

-Shanda, Priest Trainer
2469 Ah hope da spirits have protected ya thus far, mon. Ya have many tests ahead of ya, and ah be willin' to share me experiences witcha when yer ready. It be up to ya to decide how quickly and how powerful ya become. Ah can only guide ya once yer ready.

For some, dat be real quick-like; for others... not so fast. But doncha be worryin' 'bout dat none. We can talk more when ya come to see me.

-Ken'jai, Priest Trainer
2471 For millennia we have isolated ourselves from outsiders. I will be the first among us to admit that mistakes were made in the past. Humans should have never been exposed to magic. I will not deny this but I will not condemn us to this guarded existance for the blunders of our predecessors. There is much that a coexistance between the Quel'dorei and other races of this world can bring. We must practice tolerance.

2472 It is with these words, then, that I deny Kael's request in regards to Nathanos Marris. He will prove to be an invaluable ally. Mark my words.


Sylvanas Windrunner
Ranger General of Silvermoon
2490 I hope this sigil finds you well, <name>. The spirits told me of your coming and I sent word immediately. I look forward to sharing my experiences with you, and helping guide you as you prepare to leave Teldrassil for more important matters.

With all that has happened in the last few years, there is much we can do to aid the other races of Azeroth. When you are ready, find me inside Aldrassil, on the second level.

-Shanda, Priest Trainer
2491 Grish-

Your request for some time off has been accepted. I am sending a reserve Tauren warrior to watch your post while you take time off to spend with your family. Report back in one week!

-Maggran Earthbinder
2511 Dear Zargh,

The steaks you sent are fine. Well marbled, thickly sliced and packed in boar fat. They're just how I like them. When I eat them later, I will think of you as I gnaw on the last bits of bone and grisle. I will close my eyes and see your strong, scarred hands chopping and cutting...

Hah! That reminds me of when you had your accident and lost a finger... Oh, Zargh! Thinking of that day makes me giggle like a little girl.

You're so cute when you're bleeding!

2512 Osric,

Please find below the list of armor of which we are in need:

10 Mail shirts
20 Helms
30 Armor Patches
15 Mail Boots

We are, as always, in your debt. And should Westfall ever be free of the thieves who threaten it, it would ease the guilt in my heart if I could invite you to my family's home, for a fine meal cooked from the bounty this land was once so well known.

Quartermaster, Sentinel Hill

2513 Nessa,

It is good to hear from you.

The collection of bones and scales you sent me was incredible. Never have I seen fish of that size off the mainland. the fishers of Rut'theran must pull in easily a ton of fish each day!

I envy the size of their bounty, but I am a small bit troubled as well. Could our new world tree make the fish grow to such a size? If that is so, what other effects might it have?

Questions to ponder,
2514 Below is the list of students who obtained a Platinum Star grade at Brock's School of Mining and Surveying, earning them an Honorary Miner's Pick:

Melia Stoneshaker
Bardin Ironband
Umi Togglevolt
Rumi Togglevolt
Vorel Steelspire
2515 By order of High Executor Hadrec, below are the items deemed necessary in order to maintain the stock of the Sepulcher:

12 Long swords
9 Dagggers
8 Round Shields
15 Axes
1000 Arrows

Fulfillment of this order is to be considered a direct command of the Dark Lady, and those responsible will be brought to Her attention, as will any who oppose or otherwise hamper Her wishes.
2531 This 3 page document is blank. 0
2551 Layo:

We have received the generous help of this fine adventurer. I have dispatched the adventurer to you in Silithus as a resource. Please see that such a valuable resource does not go to waste in your efforts to unlock the secrets present there. The Circle eagerly awaits news of progress.

May Cenarius watch over you...
2571 The Feast of Winter Veil

The later seasons of Azeroth are marked as a time of change in many cultures. The dwarves and the tauren especially look to a legend of the coming Winter Veil - the blanketing of the land in snow, thus heralding a time of renewal - as a time for celebration. Though the understanding of the legends that the races of Azeroth share are not dissimilar, the ways they choose to acknowledge them are as diverse as the races themselves.
2572 The Legend of Greatfather Winter

The term "Winter Veil" is said to stem from a supernatural being referred in many cultures to as Greatfather Winter. As he would walk the land late in the seasons, winter itself would be his billowing cloak. In his wake was the blanketing of the land in snow, and thus it is said that Greatfather Winter would cast his wintry veil over the land. Though parts of Azeroth may lie in snow, it gives the land time for rebirth and renewal.
2573 The Dwarves

Ever consumed with the research of their origins, the dwarves choose to celebrate the season as a recognition of Greatfather Winter himself. They consider him to be the personification of one of the ancients of Azeroth - the titans. Much as they claim lineage in one degree or another to these mystical beings, they consider their snowy home of Dun Morogh as the prime example of Greatfather Winter's blessings.
2574 The Tauren

The tauren and their shamanistic understanding of winter, along with their recent emergence into druidic endeavors, fit in well with the legend of Winter Veil. They focus almost entirely on the renewing aspects of the lore however, leaving legend worship to those races (as they view it) less in tune with the nature of things. Many tauren choose this time as the right time to give thanks for the blessings of their new home in Mulgore.
2575 Feasting

The idea of feasting during this time of year is one that traces its origins to the legend itself. As Greatfather Winter walked Azeroth, bringing winter in his wake, it is said he would provide a bounty for those who welcomed his presence. As such, the idea of feasting during the Winter Veil would bring together communities as they shared whatever they had. Typically, a single day of merriment and feasting welcomed the change, all in anticipation of the land's renewal.
2576 Modern Day Observation

Other cultures have begun to recognize the Feast of Winter Veil as a time of great celebration, though not in the same traditions as the legend bases it in. Customs, often unrelated to anything other than a chance for celebration and gift exchange, have made their way into modern day observation of the season. Even the image of Greatfather Winter is sometimes used, but more as a harbinger of commercial exploit rather than as a supernatural titan.
2591 Set far back in the Valley of Spears is the holy temple of Maraudon. If that were not transgression enough, you will quickly see why I have asked a non-centaur to aid me in my plight.

There, just beyond the doors where only spirits and our most sacred priests and priestesses may travel is one called The Nameless Prophet. He is the highest of any tribe in spiritual matters and is one of the oldest of any tribe.
2592 The Prophet is powerful, and communicates with the spirits of our ancestors. But he is a fool! He has no idea the true power he possesses. On his person is the Amulet of Spirits--it is where most of his strength comes from.

I have learned that the Amulet is powerful, but it is incomplete.
2593 There are five gems missing from the amulet. And if those gems were found and placed back into the symbol, its power would far exceed that of its current form. I have found the five gems, but need one of your skill to help gather them. Slaying The Nameless Prophet is heresy for sure, as is stealing from his corpse, but what I would ask of you next would condemn any centaur for even thinking it. 2595
2595 Throughout the caverns of Maraudon roam the spirits of our first Khans. Our Mother and Father's first children, and our greatest leaders--they are Gelk, Kolk, Magra, Maraudos, and Veng. Each of these spirits holds one of the missing gems. 2596
2596 Use the power of the Amulet of Spirits to force them to manifest and take the gems from them! After, place the gems within the Amulet of Spirits and return it to me. Once I have the Amulet of Union, I will be powerful enough to reform the tribes so we can finally be as our ancestors wanted us to be! 0
2611 ... and so that's where you'll find the legendary sword of the Scarlet Highlord, Ashbringer.

Ain't it amazin' what you run into in an ordinary day of fishin'?
2631 <The pages are covered in ancient elven runes.>

The pages herein contain memories of events that transpired in the collection and creation of the reagents required to craft greater arcanum.

May our enemies never gain access to these libram.

May I live to see the pallid light of the moon shine upon Quel'Thalas once again.

May I die but for the grace of Kael'thas.

May I kill for the glory of Illidan.

-Master Kariel Winthalus
2632 <You cannot understand anything written on these pages.> 0
2633 <The pages are covered in ancient elven runes.>

The pages herein contain memories of events that transpired in the collection and creation of the reagents required to craft greater arcanum.

May our enemies never gain access to these libram.

May I live to see the pallid light of the moon shine upon Quel'Thalas once again.

May I die but for the grace of Kael'thas.

May I kill for the glory of Illidan.

-Master Kariel Winthalus
2634 <The ink swirls and shifts around the page. You get the feeling that the book is mocking you.> 0
2635 <The pages are covered in ancient elven runes.>

The pages herein contain memories of events that transpired in the collection and creation of the reagents required to craft greater arcanum.

May our enemies never gain access to these libram.

May I live to see the pallid light of the moon shine upon Quel'Thalas once again.

May I die but for the grace of Kael'thas.

May I kill for the glory of Illidan.

-Master Kariel Winthalus
2636 <You feel a searing pain when glancing at these pages.> 0
2637 Foror's Compendium of Dragon Slaying is a thick book full of writing. Unfortunately the text appears to be garbled and makes no sense to you. 0
2653 <You feel a searing pain when glancing at these pages.> 0
2654 <HTML>
<H1 align="center">A TREATISE ON MILITARY RANKS</H1>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRankAlliance" align="left"/>
<P align="right">What follows are</P>
<P align="right">the military ranks</P>
<P align="right">of the Alliance,</P>
<P align="right">proceeded by such</P>
<P align="right">information as is</P>
<P align="right">known for the races</P>
<P align="right">of the Horde. Each</P>
<P align="right">is presented in two</P>
<P align="right">sections, the officers and then the enlisted, with the ranks of each listed in descending order from highest to lowest. Long live the Alliance!</P>
2655 <HTML>
<H1 align="center">OFFICER RANKS OF THE ALLIANCE</H1><BR/>
<P align="center">Part 1</P>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank14" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Grand Marshal</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank13" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Field Marshal</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank12" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Marshal</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank11" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Commander</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank10" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Lieutenant Commander</P><BR/><BR/>
2656 <HTML>
<H1 align="center">OFFICER RANKS OF THE ALLIANCE</H1><BR/>
<P align="center">Part 2</P>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank09" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Knight-Champion</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank08" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Knight-Captain</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank07" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Knight-Lieutenant</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank06" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Knight</P><BR/><BR/>
2657 <HTML>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank05" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Sergeant Major</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank04" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Master Sergeant</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank03" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Sergeant</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank02" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Corporal</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank01" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Private</P><BR/><BR/>
2658 <HTML>
<H1 align="center">OFFICER RANKS OF THE HORDE</H1><BR/>
<P align="center">Part 1</P>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank14" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">High Warlord</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank13" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Warlord</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank12" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">General</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank11" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Lieutenant General</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank10" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Champion</P><BR/><BR/>
2659 When you peer into the Eye, images of a great battle fill your mind..

This terrifying conflict appears to be taking place somewhere in Lordaeron..

You can barely make out a lone female figure, standing amidst a thousand corpses, fending off a sea of Scourge..

She is hopelessly outnumbered..

Tendrils of light escape her hands, cutting through undead by the hundreds.
2660 <HTML> <BODY> <H1 align="center">ENLISTED RANKS OF THE HORDE</H1><BR/> <IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank01"/><BR/> <P align="right">First Sergeant</P><BR/><BR/> <IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank04"/><BR/> <P align="right">Senior Sergeant</P><BR/><BR/> <IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank03"/><BR/> <P align="right">Sergeant</P><BR/><BR/> <IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank02"/><BR/> <P align="right">Grunt</P><BR/><BR/> <IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank01"/><BR/> <P align="right">Scout</P><BR/><BR/> </BODY> </HTML> 0
2661 <HTML>
<H1 align="center">MILITARY RANKS OF THE HORDE &amp; ALLIANCE</H1>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRankHorde" align="left"/>
<P align="right">Throm'ka! In this</P>
<P align="right">book you will find</P>
<P align="right">many listings of</P>
<P align="right">the military ranks</P>
<P align="right">of the Horde and</P>
<P align="right">the puny Alliance.</P>
<P align="right">First will come the</P>
<P align="right">Horde, then the Alliance,</P>
<P align="right">each with listings of officers and enlisted ranks. As is fitting, the strongest are listed at the top, with the weaker listed below them.</P>
2662 <HTML>
<H1 align="center">OFFICER RANKS OF THE HORDE</H1><BR/>
<P align="center">Part 1</P>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank14" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">High Warlord</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank13" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Warlord</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank12" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">General</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank11" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Lieutenant General</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank10" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Champion</P><BR/><BR/>
2663 <HTML>
<H1 align="center">OFFICER RANKS OF THE HORDE</H1><BR/>
<P align="center">Part 2</P>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank09" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Centurion</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank08" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Legionnaire</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank07" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Blood Guard</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank06" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Stone Guard</P><BR/><BR/>
2664 <HTML>
<H1 align="center">HORDE ENLISTED RANKS</H1><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank05" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">First Sergeant</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank04" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Senior Sergeant</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank03" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Sergeant</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank02" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Grunt</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank01" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Scout</P><BR/><BR/>
2665 <HTML>
<H1 align="center">OFFICER RANKS OF THE ALLIANCE</H1><BR/>
<P align="center">Part 1</P>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank14" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Grand Marshal</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank13" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Field Marshal</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank12" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Marshal</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank11" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Commander</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank10" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Lieutenant Commander</P><BR/><BR/>
2666 All for naught, it would seem..

Moments later the priestess is swarmed by the corpses of the peasants that were surrounding her....

The fallen have risen.
2671 Simone the Seductress:

You will find Simone befouling Un'Goro Crater. Do not be fooled by her disguise. Approach her with caution and challenge her to battle.
2672 Klinfran the Crazed:

Klinfran wanders the Burning Steppes. Approach him with caution and force him to show his true form.
2673 Solenor the Slayer:

In the arid landscape of Silithus lurks the fiend, Solenor the Slayer. Undoubtedly disguised, definitely a danger. Approach him and force him to transform.
2674 Artorius the Doombringer:

Artorius brings corruption and doom to all that he touches in Winterspring. Find him, kill him.
2675 Be warned, hunter, these demons must be fought on their own terms. If they feel that they do not outmatch you, they will flee.

2676 <HTML>
<H1 align="center">ALLIANCE MILITARY RANKS</H1><BR/>
<P align="center">OFFICERS</P><BR/>
<P align="center">Grand Marshal</P>
<P align="center">Field Marshal</P>
<P align="center">Marshal</P>
<P align="center">Commander</P>
<P align="center">Lieutenant Commander</P>
<P align="center">Knight-Champion</P>
<P align="center">Knight-Captain</P>
<P align="center">Knight-Lieutenant</P>
<P align="center">Knight</P><BR/>
<P align="center">ENLISTED</P><BR/>
<P align="center">Sergeant Major</P>
<P align="center">Master Sergeant</P>
<P align="center">Sergeant</P>
<P align="center">Corporal</P>
<P align="center">Private</P>
2677 <HTML>
<H1 align="center">HORDE MILITARY RANKS</H1><BR/>
<P align="center">OFFICERS</P><BR/>
<P align="center">High Warlord</P>
<P align="center">Warlord</P>
<P align="center">General</P>
<P align="center">Lieutenant General</P>
<P align="center">Champion</P>
<P align="center">Centurion</P>
<P align="center">Legionnaire</P>
<P align="center">Blood Guard</P>
<P align="center">Stone Guard</P><BR/>
<P align="center">ENLISTED</P><BR/>
<P align="center">First Sergeant</P>
<P align="center">Senior Sergeant</P>
<P align="center">Sergeant</P>
<P align="center">Grunt</P>
<P align="center">Scout</P>
2691 To bind a dreadsteed, you must do these three things:

Create a Circle of Greater Summoning.

Within the Circle, open a portal to Xoroth and pull the dreadsteed through it.

Defeat the dreadsteed, then dominate its spirit.

The following pages will detail how each of these steps may be performed. It will not be easy, but you have proven to be very able. With focus and skill, I am confident the dreadsteed will be yours.

Read on,
-Mor'zul Bloodbringer
2692 Implements of the Ritual

Before you begin your task, you must have the following magical implements:

J'eevee's Jar
A Black Lodestone
Xorothian Glyphs

My servant Gorzeeki will have them for you, for a price. Do not attempt any step of your ritual without all of these implements. Each is essential.

Within the next pages, I will describe how each implement must be used.
2693 Circle of Greater Binding

A Circle of Greater Binding must be created at a site where magic is strong. There is such a place deep in the ruins of Eldre'Thalas, also called Dire Maul. In Eldre'Thalas there is imprisoned a being of great power, Immol'thar; it is on the pedestal of his prison where you must perform the ritual to create the Circle.

Fight your way to the Pedestal, then let J'eevee out of his jar.
2694 The Bell, the Wheel and the Candle

After releasing J'eevee he will then place the Bell, the Wheel and the Candle, and a circle will appear. This is the start of the ritual. You must be vigilant; the aforementioned objects conduct vast energies and are prone to failing. When this happens you must quickly use your Black Lodestone to restart them before your entire ritual fails.

If all three objects have failed before you can restart them, then your ritual ends and you must begin it anew.
2695 In addition to conducting the energies of the ritual, the Bell, Wheel and Candle have unique properties of their own.

The Bell of Dethmoora, when ringing, bestows warlocks in the circle with vigor and energy.

The Wheel of the Black March, when spinning, protects those in the circle from harm.

The Doomsday Candle, when burning, sends eldritch energy at foes who enter the circle.

Because of these blessings, it is very important to keep all of these objects working during the ritual.
2696 It must also be noted that the Black Lodestone, used to restart the Bell, Wheel or Candle if they fail, requires soul shards. Each time you restart a ritual object with the Lodestone one of your soul shards will be consumed, so be sure to have a large stock of them before the ritual begins. 2697
2697 Completing the Ritual

You can track your progress by the magic runes along the border of the circle. When nine runes appear then the ritual is complete, and you will see energy rise from the newly empowered Circle.

From there, you may invoke the Xorothian Glyphs and open a portal into Xoroth and pull a dreadsteed through it.

Defeat the dreadsteed and release his spirit. Confront the spirit and it will be enthralled, and you will be rewarded with the secret of its summoning.
2731 <HTML>
<P align="left">Here lies Durotan - first Chieftain of the Frostwolf Clan, and father of our honored Warchief, Thrall. He was the bravest of our kind - betrayed by those who would see our people enslaved. Durotan gave his life that our freedom might be gained. We honor him - and the legacy he passed on to us through his son.</P>
<P align="left">Drek'Thar, Far Seer of the Frostwolves </P>
2770 <HTML> <BODY> <H1 align="center">HORDE MILITARY RANKS</H1><BR/> <P align="center">OFFICERS</P><BR/> <P align="center">High Warlord</P> <P align="center">Warlord</P> <P align="center">General</P> <P align="center">Lieutenant General</P> <P align="center">Champion</P> <P align="center">Centurion</P> <P align="center">Legionnaire</P> <P align="center">Blood Guard</P> <P align="center">Stone Guard</P><BR/> <P align="center">ENLISTED</P><BR/> <P align="center">First Sergeant</P> <P align="center">Senior Sergeant</P> <P align="center">Sergeant</P> <P align="center">Grunt</P> <P align="center">Scout</P> </BODY> </HTML> 0
2771 Peeling the Onion
The How-to Guide On Dismantling the Stormpike
-By Drek'Thar

Within these pages you will find a wealth of knowledge on battle tactics and politics. The learned soldier is the soldier that leans on the shoulder of experience. Let this book serve as a guide in your battle for Alterac Valley.
2772 Chapter 1 - The Front Line

Dismantling the Stormpike army is very much like peeling an onion. To get to the core, you must start by removing the outermost layers.

The front lines, comprised mostly of Stormpike Mountaineers and Alliance Sentinels, are tied to the Captain's bunker. It is Captain Balinda Stonehearth who empowers these units and provides for reinforcements when the lines are under siege. Strike at the Captain and the front line forces will crumble.

2773 Chapter 2 - The Twin Towers

Make no mistake; Vanndar Stormpike is a cunning foe and certainly no fool. Once the front line has been breached, the secondary defensive targets must still be destroyed. It is the twin towers of Stonehearth and Icewing which control the Stormpike Guardsmen outside of Dun Baldar and the Stormpike patrols.
2774 Beware, soldier, as both of these towers are heavily fortified and ruled over by one of Vanndar's elite Commanders. Should your forces breach the fortifications, make certain that the Commander within has been ... silenced. This too will be part of the dismantling of the Stormpike.
2775 Chapter 3 - The Four Commanders

The third layer of the Stormpike onion is comprised of the four Commanders. In this respect, Vanndar has mimicked our own glorious Frostwolf defenses. Of course he will tell you otherwise... But I digress.

The four Commanders control the ebb and flow of the Stormpike Guardsmen that fiercely guard Dun Baldar. Silence them all and the Stormpike Guardsmen will fall.

Then there is but one layer left to peel.
2776 Chapter 4 - The Dun Baldar Bunkers

As you have undoubtedly noticed, the Stormpike defensive layers are in place to prevent one mighty power move from dismantling the entire army. Before you ask, yes, this is exactly how our own forces are setup and no, I will not change our defensive structure. They copied us, why should we have to change?
2777 Where was I? Yes, so, the Dun Baldar bunkers (which are located in Dun Baldar) control the Stormpike Defenders - Vanndar's most trusted and elite guard units. Destroy those two towers and the reinforcements sent to aid Vanndar will cease to exist. 2778
2778 Epilogue

After having done all of this, you are left with the center of the onion: The sweet core. Vanndar Stormpike will be left defenseless and alone. Rules of military conduct require that we ask for his surrender before carrying out any executions. Be sure to mention the surrender thing when you see him... then kill him.
2779 The Frostwolf Artichoke: Tales of Stormpike Glory
-By Vanndar Stormpike

What is Frostwolf? The answer is simple: The Frostwolf are savages trying to halt our sovereign imperialistic imperative.

Much like an artichoke, the Frostwolf have a prickly, shielded set of defenses and much like an artichoke, once the outer layer is peeled away, the heart is exposed, ready to be eaten with a fine garlic dip.

2780 Chapter 1 - The Front Line

The front lines of the Frostwolf defenses are comprised of Frostwolf Warriors. The warriors are deployed to the front lines from Captain Galvangar's fortress: Iceblood Garrison. The most efficient manner in which to take out this layer of the defenses is to destroy Iceblood Garrison.

Lay siege to the fortress and destroy Captain Galvangar. Once this is done, the front lines will crumble.
2781 Chapter 2 - Iceblood and Tower Point

Once the first layer is down, the second layer of the 'artichoke' will be exposed. Destroying the Frostwolf towers that sit near the front lines will cripple the Legionnaire and patrols that swarm the rear flank.

The towers are heavily fortified, each housing one of Drek'Thar's elite Commanders. They must be killed. This will expedite the dismantling of the Frostwolf defenses.
2782 Chapter 3 - The Four Commanders

If you have been following the wisdom of this guide, then by now, two of Drek'Thar's Commanders are dead. Good work, soldier! Their resolve is already weakening. You must now complete the dissemination of the chain of command by slaying the remaining two commanders.

With all four of the Commanders slain, the Frostwolf Legionnaires that guard Frostwolf Keep will be scattered - left without command. Ripe for the picking!
2783 Chapter 4 - The East and West Frostwolf Towers

There is now only one layer standing between you and victory; Drek'Thar's most trusted and powerful guard units: The Frostwolf Guardians.

The Frostwolf Guardians are sent out from the platoons held in reserve at the east and west Frostwolf towers. Destroy those towers and watch the remaining Frostwolf Guardians flee in shame.
2784 Epilogue

"Smother the heart of the artichoke with garlic butter and mayonnaise. Compliment the meal with an aged, heady ale."

Drek'Thar now stands alone, his two mutts at his side. Capture the Frostwolf Relief Hut to aid in your battle and destroy Drek'Thar. When the General falls, this land will finally turn over to its rightful owner: The Stormpike.
2785 We call upon you, Zanza of Zuldazar.

Bless those that ask for your help, Loa Zanza. Bless those that would ally with the Zandalarian

Aid us in this time of need. Aid us Loa. Give us the power to strike down our enemies. Give us the power to once more defeat the Blood God.
2786 Stranglethorn Fishing Tournament!
Sunday Afternoon - 2pm to 4pm.

Fish anywhere along the coast of Stranglethorn (except for Booty Bay) and look for the schools of Tastyfish that will appear along the coast! Make sure your fishing bobber lands in the school and you will be catching special fish instead of the normal Stranglethorn variety. The first person to catch forty Tastyfish can turn them into Fishmaster Bassbait in Booty Bay for a prize!

Even if you are not the first person to catch forty tastyfish you can still turn them in for cash and there are special fish to be caught as well that will reward special prizes!
2787 His name brought Light to darkest Azeroth.

His valor tore the walls of mis'ry down.

The Silver Hand would ne'er do better more

than give the world the knight who'd give himself.
2788 His fame was not that which he sought to grow,

nor was the lordship over his own kind.

Instead he chose to fight for Lordaeron

to hope his kin would have to fight no more.
2789 The tragic tale of this most holy knight

will never end with his unholy death.

We honor him, and we shall give him thanks!

Uther always shall know glory and Light!
2790 His name will not die.
His sacrifice will always
serve to show the way.

Shackles once that choked
the inhale of honor's breath
no longer bind us.
2791 Can you hear his scream?
A battle wail for the Horde:
Victory or death!

We must remember
his strength in the face of death.
His dream, now made real.
2792 Dangers everywhere!
Enemies seek to bring us
back to the shackles.

When we fight, think of
he who did what must be done.
Hellscream, forever!
2793 It has been nearly a thousand years since the 'War of the Shifting Sands.' It was during this war, in the heart of the Silithus desert, that a great tragedy and even greater burden beset Fandral Staghelm. It is thought that the events described herein are what ultimately shaped the unsavory disposition of the Arch Druid. 2794
2794 An ancient sentient insectoid race known as the Qiraji vied for dominance over much of Kalimdor at one point in time. It was the pompous, imperialistic Staghelm and his army of night elves who met the Qiraji head on in battle.
2795 Father and son fought fervently to contain the rising tide of the insectoid swarm in Silithus. From the fortress of Ahn'Qiraj, a seemingly endless stream of silithid continued to bolster the ranks of the invading Qiraji forces. The whole of Silithus was under siege.
2796 In a decision that Staghelm would regret, the younger Staghelm, Valstann, was ordered to defend the night elf outpost of Southwind Village. Regrettably, Valstann would lose his life that day as Southwind Village would fall to the armies of Ahn'Qiraj.
2797 Undaunted and with heavy heart, a vengeful Fandral Staghelm would push on. Defeat in Silithus would result in great loss for the night elf nation and quite possibly the world.

The battle raged on for months. All of Silithus was overtaken by the Qiraji. Staghelm and his army were pushed back to Tanaris. With a decimated army and countless innocents slain, the arrogance that had driven Fandral Staghelm was snuffed out completely.
2798 His pride wholly crushed. Staghelm would, for the second time in his existence, feel the flutter in the pit of his stomach that could only be brought on by fear. It was in Tanaris, then, that Staghelm would approach Anachronos, progeny of Nozdormu, and plead for the assistance of the Bronze Flight. 2799
2799 Initially, Anachronos refused to involve the Bronze Flight in the affairs of the lesser races. It was not until the Qiraji brashly attacked the Caverns of Time that Anachronos would agree to join forces with the night elves. 2800
2800 Anachronos would soon realize that even the mighty Bronze Flight could not stem the tide of the invading Qiraji forces. For every fifty of the insects that were annihilated by his breath, one hundred would be waiting to take their place. With the night elf lines faltering and the threat of being pushed further north to the wilds of Feralas ever looming, Anachronos decided that the children of the Aspects must be made aware. 2801
2801 He would call out to Ysera's Dragonflight first. Merithra of the Dream would answer his call and from there, Alexstrasza's Dragonflight and Malygos's Dragonflight would be made aware. 2802
2802 The dragons would meet in the stratosphere high above Silithus: Thousands of feet above the fortress of Ahn'Qiraj.

There was Anachronos, child of the Nozdormu, Aspect of Time.

From the Emerald Dream would come Merithra, child of Ysera, Aspect of Nature.

Caelestrasz, child of Alexstrasza, Aspect of Life, would represent the Red Dragonflight.

Arygos, child of Malygos, Aspect of Magic, would represent the Blue Dragonflight.
2803 The dragons watched as an endless stream of silithid and Qiraji poured out of Ahn'Qiraj. It became clear to them that no amount of force could ever end this war. From inside the main temple, tens of thousands of the Qiraji forces waited. With each passing second, more were hatched and primed; ready to be unleashed into the world.
2804 Arygos was the first to notice the strange emanations. The monolithic temple in the southern quadrant of Ahn'Qiraj radiated a dim magic unlike anything they had sensed coming from the Qiraji. Try as they might, none were able to penetrate further into the temple to find the source of this energy. Only something of immense power could shield itself so completely. Perhaps... something controlling the insects. Something controlling even the Qiraji. 2805
2805 The dragons knew that they had to react quickly, lest the world suffer another epic catastrophe. After careful deliberation, it was decided that the best course of action would be to stop the host armies at or near their source. 2806
2806 A great barrier would be created, drawing from the essence of both the night elves and the dragonflight. A magical barrier that could contain the silithid and their overlords within the walls of Ahn'Qiraj and prevent future incursions. Ahn'Qiraj would itself become a prison. 0
2807 Day 1
Our pilgrimage is over. We've finally reached Silithus, where we're to establish contact. We have come from many places to collaborate in what is to be a monumental undertaking.

There is a tremendous sense of excitement in the air. Tomorrow we shall devote all our energy to building that which will allow communication with THEM.

Tomorrow we shall construct a wind stone!
2808 Day 2
The location of the wind stone has been a subject of great debate. Not even the wisest among us can determine with great certainty where the place mentioned in the old prophecy actually refers to.

I've stayed with the original northern group and time will undoubtedly prove us right. The argument that the energy lines intersect at detrimental angles at this location are foolish and naive.

Already we are gathering the necessary building materials at great speed.
2809 Day 15
Our dedication has paid off. We are the first camp to finish the construction of a wind stone. If the other fools had stayed with us we would've completed the task in less than a week!

Tomorrow we shall begin the rituals involved in summoning Baron Kazum himself. He demanded to be the first to test the system and we couldn't contradict him as he's quick to anger.

I expect he will be most pleased with us.
2810 For immediate dissemination to all Twilight's Hammer members.

The search for the traitor, Ortell, is progressing at a most satisfactory pace. Our scouts have narrowed his location to a network of caverns in Westfall.

Ortell's betrayal shall not be forgiven and his escape presents a great security risk to our organization.

Any individual found to be withholding information on Ortell's whereabouts will be duly punished.

-Twilight Lord Everun
2811 For immediate dissemination to all Twilight Hammer members.

Given the current state of affairs in Silithus, all distribution of True Believer texts are to be made under the escort of no less than four armed Twilight Hammer personnel.

Any members found in violation of this new policy will be summarily punished.

-Twilight Lord D'Sak
2812 For immediate dissemination to all Twilight's Hammer members.

The following information describes the use of wind stones for communication with our masters in the Abyssal Council.

All frivolous use of wind stones will be punished in a most painful manner.

-Twilight Keeper Havunth
2813 Abyssal Templars

As an initiate you are permitted to establish contact with Abyssal Templars for routine rituals. Remember to always don the proper garb when utilizing wind stones to avoid activating our defensive enchantments.

Should an unforeseen emergency arise with no overseers present, you are granted permission to summon an Abyssal Templar.

For details on the summoning rituals involved, refer to last month's True Believer.
2814 Abyssal Dukes

Only acolytes in possession of a medallion of station are permitted to establish contact with the Abyssal Dukes. Medallions of station are only to be used by the individuals to whom they were originally issued.

Members of the Twilight's Hammer involved in unapproved communication with Abyssal Dukes or unauthorized use of medallions of station will be disciplined with by myself personally.
2815 The High Council of Abyssal Lords

Only Twilight Lords are permitted to contact Prince Skaldrenox, High Marshal Whirlaxis, Baron Kazum or Lord Skwol.

Under no circumstances are any low ranking members of the Twilight's Hammer allowed to initiate communication with the High Council. Any outsiders found using a wind stone in this manner will be reduced to ashes on the spot.
2816 The State of the Cult, Volume 92

It is with a joyous heart that I greet you, my brethren, for the state of our cult could not be more grand. We are legion, and our goals grow ever closer to fruition.

New recruits continue to gather. The sing praise to our lords in Darkshore, they bow in jubilant reverie within the Searing Gorge, they embrace our masters' servant, Aku'mai, in Blackfathom Deeps. Indeed, my brothers and sisters, soon a swarm of the faithful will blanket all of Azeroth!
2817 State of the Cult, Volume 127

It is truly a happy day! We have been tested in Silithus, and we have passed!

Reports of the destruction of our northernmost camp may challenge the hearts of the unfaithful, but this slaughter should not be seen as tragedy. No!
2818 The spilling of our blood by one of the Abyssal High Council is a blessing! We must envy our fallen comrades, for their spirits now reside in the belly of a most righteous beast!

Praise to the Old Gods! Praise to their servants! Praise to the Twilight's Hammer!
2819 State of the Cult, Volume 233

Opportunity knocks yet again, my brothers and sisters! The Cenarion Circle, a vile cult of nature lovers, now sends agents against us. They must want to stop us from summoning red luring stones. We cannot allow it!

The red stones are critical to our new allies. We mustn't let the Cenarion Circle's lapdogs succeed. Stand firm, my faithful friends. Stand firm!
2820 How Do We Know They Love Us?

Some may wonder how the Old Gods and their minions can love us. Do they not kill us? Do they not cause pain and suffering to all? How could beings so bent on malevolence know love in their hearts?

There is a simple answer to this question. So simple it need not be uttered?
2821 Faith. Faith is the wellspring from which the joy of servitude showers us. Faith will keep us warm on the coldest Silithus nights. Faith will keep us in our Lords' good graces when the Ending Days arrive.

Faith will save us.
2822 How to make an Arcanite Buoy:

Mix up some Arcanite with some Buoy. Good luck!

You didn't think it would be this easy, did you? I still owe you for the chipped scale, old friend.


P.S. I hope you can figure out a way to actually make an arcanite buoy because I just made that nonsense up on the spot. I have no idea how they're going to find Maws.
2828 <HTML>
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2829 Dear Diary,

Today, my arch-enemy, Narain Soothfancy, attempted to deceive me by sending cronies to fill his spot at the execution. HIS execution. Can you believe it?

I had gone through all the trouble of devising this diabolical plan to lure him out of that damnable hut and he pulls this? Whatever... Too angry to keep writing. I'll be back later.
2830 Dear Diary,

I left my hide-out in a rage after my last entry. Boy was I angry. I decided to redesign my minions' uniforms to better reflect my angst. I feel a little better but something is missing. I'll be right back...
2831 Dear Diary,

Ok, I'm good now. I beat one of my minions until he wept like a little girl.

Hrm... I feel sort of bad now. Wait a minute! Damnit, I'm an EVIL genius! Evil, you know? I'm so disappointed in myself. Be right back.
2832 Dear Diary,

I gave him a hug and told him to keep up the good work. I feel better now. Keep that between you and me, diary.

Where was I? Oh yes, NARAIN! ARGH!!! I hate that guy. It was Narain, after all, that destroyed the curve on every exam back when we were students at the Gnomeregan Institute of Tinkering.

Fail me out of school, will they? As far as I'm concerned, Gnomeregan got what it deserved!

That's all for today. Sleep tight, diary!
2833 Dear Diary,

I must be getting old. I totally forgot that I was telling you about Narain and his deception. Anyhow, I was so angry when I saw a decoy disguised as Narain instead of Narain that I commanded Number Two to destroy the fool!

I got in my flying machine and began tearing away at his precious, stupid, dumb-head book on Draconic. What a show-off? Who reads Draconic? I hate him so much!
2834 Dear Diary,

Sorry, I fell asleep. So I was flying angry and throwing out chapters of that stupid book. I saw a demon below me in Darkwhisper and decided to make the first chapter form a magical tornado of paper and shred its body into a million pieces! It was liberating. Magic + paper = fun.

That made me pretty happy so I decided to fly to the Eastern Kingdoms. My first stop was the Molten Core. Narain always talked about that place! "Molten Core this and Ragnaros that..."
2835 Well you know what? If he likes it so much, maybe he'll like trying to piece his book back together by going to the Molten Core and reviving the chapter back from a pile of ash! Hah!

While I was in the neighborhood, I figured some of those slavering technicians in ol' Victor Nefarius' lab might have a use for this Draconic stuff. Bombs away!
2836 This was starting to become a sport of sorts. I was really getting into splitting up that damned book!

The next few drops were easy.

Undercity, home of the fetid rotting dead and possibly the best chili I've ever had, got one chapter. Stormwind, capital of Cheese, the other. Diary, have you ever put cheese from Stormwind on Undercity chili? HELLO? That should sound some alarms.
2837 I was getting tired at this point so I turned the flying machine around and headed for home, but not before I would make two more stops. I gave Lord Kazzak and his demons a fly by in the Tainted Scar (he hates when I do that) and stuck another down Onyxia's chimney.

Tired. Going to sleep.
2838 To Whom It May Concern,

How I love these games that we play.

I can only assume that if you are reading this letter, you have somehow, through miracle or divine intervention, managed to vanquish me. Preposterous, I know, but stranger things have happened in the history of this world.
2839 As with all things in life, there is a glorious, silver lining of tragedy, chaos, and evil to this sorrowful tale. While you have slain me, you have done so in such a slow and disorderly fashion that I have had time enough to write this letter AFTER I destroyed your only hope of saving this world. The crushed red crystal powder is all that is left of your scepter shard. 2840
2840 Enjoy the Nemesis and Stormrage armaments that you may find in my treasure trove. Believe me when I tell you this: I take great pleasure in knowing that I did what my father could not...


Lord Victor Nefarius
2841 On behalf of Smokywood Pastures, thanks again for looking into this. We're not sure which group has Metzen, but investigating either would be a good place to start!

Time is money friend, and we have very precious little of it in this case. Be swift in your efforts to rescue, as these groups are not to be taken lightly in what they are capable of.

Anyway, the next two pages are the ransom notes we received. Good luck...
2842 If you want the reindeer back alive, then you'll be quick with the ransom. The Southsea Pirates don't take kindly to delays in payment, and we know how valuable the beast is to YOUR form of piracy.

Bring the sum of 1000 gold in to the mouth of Lost Rigger Cove in Tanaris. Any attempt to rescue the reindeer will result in Metzen taking a very long walk off of a very short plank.


The Southsea Pirates
2843 Your prized pet isn't doing very well out here in the unrelenting heat of Searing Gorge... you'll be wise to meet our demands without delay.

You will bring us five star rubies and the sum of 700 gold - place both in a single plain package that is free of markings. Leave the package at the gates to Stonewrought Pass within a week.

Failure to meet our demands will result in Metzen being the main course of a traditional Dark Iron Dwarven Winter Veil feast.

Mmmm... reindeer...
2844 More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,

And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;

"Now, Mercer! now, Chilton! now, Jordan and Kaplan!

On, Nagle! on Pardo! on, Goodman and Metzen!

To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!

Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!"
2846 It is my fervent hope that through my research I may find a supplemental source of magical energy that will be safe for my people. With the Sunwell gone, we must find a way to continue our way of life without succumbing to the lure of arcane magic.

I believe the future of the sin'dorei can once again serve as a shining example to all!
2847 No luck yet. What little magic I have ready access to must be channeled through the Spire. I do have a number of intriguing ideas though. I will set my brightest apprentices to following these paths of inquiry, and see what we come up with. 2848
2848 It's been a while since I've written anything in these pages. Still nothing promising. I received word yesterday that one of the pupils at Sunstrider Isle, one Felendren, failed to heed the advice of his mentors and succumbed to the affliction.

I shall redouble our efforts.
2849 Nothing. I will not give up hope, though. The Sin'dorei cannot afford to be in a position of magical dependency at this moment when we are besieged to the south.

I've devised an entirely new approach, and if successful, it will allow me to filter out the 'impurities' in some corrupted, fel magic power sources that I have stashed away. I must proceed with caution.
2850 Amazing! We've met with some success, though the amount of magic we were able to extract was miniscule. I am going to pull most of the apprentices away from their studies to focus on this promising new approach.

With any luck at all, we should be able to refine the process and kill two birds with one stone - an abundant source of energy for ourselves, and a way to counter any fel magics we may come across in the future!
2851 No! While experimenting with the new process my main apprentice, Telethayon, suddenly and without warning shriveled before my very eyes, succumbing to the state that afflicts my brethren. I tried to stop it, but he was too far gone. I had no choice but to put him out of his misery.

Such is the price of discovery, but I feel the weight of that cost too dearly already.
2852 It is too much to bear... two more apprentices have succumbed. We were being so careful... I do not understand what has gone wrong.

I will have to abandon these investigations, and start over from scratch.
2853 I was too late. A third apprentice had, unknowingly to me, been sharing the fouled research with some of the others. I am going to try to contain the situation, but first I must get the unaffected apprentices away.

I will do so by letting them all know that I am going on sabbatical at the Farstrider Retreat, in the hopes of finding a new approach to the problem.

I must find a way to atone for this horrible error in judgment.
2854 <HTML>
<H1 align="center">OFFICER RANKS OF THE HORDE</H1><BR/>
<P align="center">Part 2</P>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank09" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Centurion</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank08" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Legionnaire</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank07" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Blood Guard</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank06" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Stone Guard</P><BR/><BR/>
2855 <HTML>
<H1 align="center">ENLISTED RANKS OF THE HORDE</H1><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank05" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">First Sergeant</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank04" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Senior Sergeant</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank03" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Sergeant</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank02" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Grunt</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank01" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Scout</P><BR/><BR/>
2856 <HTML>
<H1 align="center">OFFICER RANKS OF THE ALLIANCE</H1><BR/>
<P align="center">Part 2</P>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank09" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Knight-Champion</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank08" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Knight-Captain</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank07" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Knight-Lieutenant</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank06" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Knight</P><BR/><BR/>
2857 <HTML>
<H1 align="center">ALLIANCE ENLISTED RANKS</H1><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank05" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Sergeant Major</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank04" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Master Sergeant</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank03" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Sergeant</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank02" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Corporal</P><BR/><BR/>
<IMG src="Interface\PvPRankBadges\PvPRank01" align="left"/><BR/>
<P align="right">Private</P><BR/><BR/>
2858 <HTML>
<H1 align="center">
Anthony Ray Stark
<H2 align="center">
1961 - 2005

Where to find Haunted Loci


Contained within these pages are the locations of the fallen and corrupted spirits and souls involved in the Lord Valthalak's Amulet Incident. Though you have already saved these former companions of mine, it would be my conjecture that repugnant echoes of the evil that once twisted their spirits still linger at those haunted loci. Such was the malevolent power of Lord Valthalak's spirit.

Additionally, the brazier can be used to summon forth Lord Valathalak, though as before, extreme caution should be taken in doing so.