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645 The high-borne buried themselves in their work and studied the Well ceaselessly. In time they developed the ability to manipulate and control the Well's cosmic energies. As their reckless experiments progressed, the high-borne found that they could use their newfound powers to either create or destroy at their leisure. The hapless high-borne had stumbled upon primitive magic and were now resolved to devote themselves to its mastery. 646
646 Although they agreed that magic was inherently dangerous if handled irresponsibly, Azshara and her highborne began to practice their spellcraft with reckless abandon. Cenarius and many of the wizened night elf scholars warned that only calamity would result from toying with the clearly volatile arts of magic. But, Azshara and her followers stubbornly continued to expand their burgeoning powers. 647
647 As their powers grew, a distinct change came over Azshara and the high-borne. The haughty, aloof upper class became increasingly callous and cruel towards their fellow night elves. A dark, brooding pall veiled Azshara's once entrancing beauty. She began to withdraw from her loving subjects and refused to interact with any but her trusted high-borne priests. 648
648 A young, brazen scholar named Furion Stormrage, who had spent much of his time studying the Well's effects, began to suspect that a terrible power was corrupting the high-borne and his beloved Queen. Though he could not conceive the evil that was to come, he knew that the night elves' lives would soon be changed forever.... 0
649 -Perfectly round, spanning from fist to elbow.

-Studs along the edge. Silver.

-One large stud in the center, spanning three finger widths. Silver.

-Oaken, and reinforced with iron.

-My name, Gringer Stormpike, etched across the top rim.
650 Payment will be made through the usual channels. And do give the bearer of this request a standard, delivery stipend. You may add it to the cost of the shield.

Sincerely, and many thanks,
--Gringer Stormpike
669 The undead's beginnings upon Azeroth did not truly begin with the corruption of Prince Arthas-it began long before that event. The events that brought downfall of Lordaeron were long set in motion before that point; it began with the coming of the orcish clans and the Burning Legion. 670
670 The orcs of Draenor (the world which they originally came from) were noble and shamanistic. They were powerful warriors, strong of body and will. It was for these reasons that the Burning Legion sought them out. Kil'jaeden, a demon of great power among the Legion, wished to enslave the orcish clans and use them as his army against the worlds the Burning Legion had yet to conquer. 671
671 Kil'jaeden came to the leader of the clans, a powerful shaman named Ner'zhul. He promised Ner'zhul untold mystical power and knowledge if he made a pact with the demon that would enslave the clans to the Burning Legion. This pact sealed not only their fate, but that of their world forever. 672
672 As time passed, Ner'zhul realized the fate of the clans at the hands of the Burning Legion, and the orc shaman began to defy Kil'jaeden. The demon, angered by Ner'zhul, turned to the shaman's own apprentice, Gul'dan, who was far more corruptible than Ner'zhul. 673
673 It was Gul'dan who was responsible for the decline of shamanism throughout the clans. The promise of power and control over one's enemies made his offers even more tempting. With Kil'jaeden's help, Gul'dan began his manipulation of the clans. The orcs, once noble, became corrupt, mindless savages. With the introduction of demon blood into their bodies, the orcs were even more ruthless and barbaric. 674
674 Even though Kil'jaeden had corrupted Gul'dan after his failure with Ner'zhul, Kil'jaeden hated the shaman and vowed to enforce their original pact. Kil'jaeden captured Ner'zhul and began an incredibly slow physical torture on the shaman. While Ner'zhul begged for death, Kil'jaeden reminded Ner'zhul that their original pact was still binding. Kil'jaeden killed the orc, but only physically. Kil'jaeden held the orc shaman's spirit fast before it could find its way to the Twisting Nether. 675
675 Kil'jaeden placed Ner'zhul's spirit within a block of ice gathered from the Twisting Nether. While it was trapped within the ice, he infused into it even more power. The loss of his body and the introduction of such incredible power was the defining line in Ner'zhul's transformation. 676
676 Kil'jaeden hurled the block of ice through dimensions back to Azeroth, where it landed in the continent of Northrend, introducing this great evil to our world. Ner'zhul was gone forever; in his place was a throne of ice and hatred. The once respected shaman leader had become the incredibly powerful Lich King. 677
677 Because Kil'jaeden did not trust the Lich King, he sent his dread lords to watch over the spirit and ensure that the Lich King followed his orders. The vampiric servants came to Azeroth willingly, drawn to the destruction and power of the Lich King and the potential genocide of a planet's entire race. 678
678 Over a decade passed. During this time, the Lich King used his vast powers to gain control over the minds of the creatures of Northrend, whom he commanded to erect a great citadel over his frozen throne. Now that all of Northrend was under his domination, the Lich King knew he needed to begin his infiltration of Lordaeron. Trapped within the ice, the former orc shaman began seeking more minds to manipulate and control. His call reached out across the continents. 679
679 The Lich King's summons did not go unnoticed, especially by a small handful of powerful individuals. Among them was the Archmage Kel'Thuzad, who was a powerful member of the ruling body of Dalaran, the Kirin Tor. His pursuit of all types of magic violated the Kirin Tor's policies against learning dark magics. Kel'Thuzad abandoned the Kirin Tor and all his ties to conventional thought and vowed to learn as much as he could from the Lich King. 680
680 A pact was struck between the two. Kel'Thuzad would receive immortality and immense power in return for servitude to the Lich King. Kel'Thuzad's first task was to use his wealth and influence in Lordaeron to found the Cult of the Damned. The Cult promised equality and eternal life to all its members as long as they swore an oath to Ner'zhul, the god of the Cult of the Damned. 681
681 Ner'zhul then created artifacts that were designed to spread the plague among the human civilizations of Lordaeron. He gave them to Kel'Thuzad, and ordered the wizard to spread them across the land. His Cult followers were to protect the artifacts at all costs. 682
682 Once in place, the plague began to seep into the land and affect its ignorant citizens. As Kel'Thuzad watched, the Lich King's army grew quickly and he soon gained control over large portions of the land. This army became known as the Scourge, for its sole purpose was to scour humanity from all of Azeroth. 0
690 The word BETRAYER is crudely scratched over the finely etched epitaph that reads:

Yuriv lies here.
Father, Husband, Paladin.
Let his children bear witness to the fact that his dedication to the Light was unquestionable.
He would never ask anything of them that he himself would not do.
691 If you are reading this note, then you survived the ordeal of undeath and have returned to us to join the ranks of the Forsaken. This new life is viewed by many as more of a curse than a blessing, but make of it what you will.

When you are ready for more training in the path of arcane magics, then I will show you what you need to know. You will find me in the old church in Deathknell.

-Isabella, Mage Trainer.
692 You led a quiet life of love and good deeds. You gave to the poor, cured the sick, and comforted the dying. You waited with joyful certain, secure in the belief that you would be granted an afterlife of everlasting peace.

You were betrayed.

I cannot offer you comfort. Revenge, on the other hand, is well within my power. Come to the old church in Deathknell, and I will teach you how to inflict deadly damage through the very faith you were taught.

-Dark Cleric Duesten, Priest Trainer.
693 Revel in your new state of undeath, and wield your powers to cleanse the world of those who would see us eradicated. Although our enemies are legion, we will destroy them with flame and shadow.

When you are ready for me to teach you the ways of darkness and summoning you will find me in the old Deathknell church.

-Maximillion, Warlock Trainer.
694 Get your bones up and out of that crypt; there's work to be done! The Scarlet Crusade moves swiftly against our people, and other humans kill us whenever they can. We have need of your sword.

When you want to learn more of weapons, come find me in the ruined tavern in Deathknell. I will teach you.

-Dannal Stern, Warrior Trainer.
695 Don't get all weepy about being undead and losing your family and all that rot. You live, and that's what matters. Even though you are now undead, possession is still nine tenths of the law. Sneak past your enemies, or kill them and take what they had.

I can teach you what you need to know about deadly strikes and stealth. Come look for me in the ruined tavern in Deathknell.

-David Trias, Rogue Trainer.
696 Diary - Day 4

I have been stranded on the Island now for 4 days, left alone with my thoughts. Bananas are pretty tasty, but what a long climb to reach them. When I am not getting food or protecting myself from the periodic rain, all my thoughts are of rescue.

I would not be so hopeful if it were not for the boxes of paper and bottles that washed ashore with me. I laugh now to think of all the time I spent on that ship cursing that I was stuck with a boatload of Alchemists and Scribes.
697 Diary - Day 512

The bananas have started talking to me and I have learned a great deal about their culture. I have ceased my senseless destruction of their homes and consumption of the young. How little I knew then of the great civilization that I was destroying.

On another topic I seem to be running low on bottles and paper. When I first looked at those huge stacks of paper that washed ashore I thought they would be inexhaustible. Woe with me, my diary must end soon.
The land of Azeroth is host to no end of wonders. Flora, fauna, cultures and magic all teem across its surface. Indeed, the curious will find limitless variety on this world. One merely has to look.

But if one looks deeply enough then windows to entire new worlds are found, and each world is home to its own wonders.

Just as each is home to its own horrors.
This is the purpose of my book: to catalogue those beings, those otherworldly fiends who would destroy our lands, so that explorers who happen upon them will know what they face.

So if you consider yourself a guardian of Azeroth, then read on. And know your enemy.

Mage of Dalaran
700 The fiend of which I write is the worgen.

Old, rural folklore may hearken to these creatures, for what farmer's child has not heard tales of beastly wolf-men stalking the woods and marshes outside his village?

And truth may hide in such tales--perhaps they are warnings against the worgen, veiled as myths to frighten us.
701 But before such tales are dismissed, let me now assure the reader: worgen are real. They may not be from our world, but avenues exist between their home and ours and powerful magics can pull them here.

Such chants are best left unuttered, for wherever Worgen tread, they bring terror and bloodshed with them.
702 You will know a worgen by its resemblance to the wolves of our world. When viewing a worgen one can easily see how its coarse hair, pointed ears and long snout are akin to the wolves we know.

But you will just as quickly see its differences: that coarse hair surrounds a powerful, two-legged body sporting long fangs and dagger-like claws. And behind its howl lurks a malevolence possessed by no natural beast.
703 The worgens' home is a dark place, a place of nightmare. If that world fosters locales safe from the cursed worgen, then my research has revealed no such bastions.

And if one considers the ferocity and wickedness of the worgen, then it is likely no such bastions exist.

It is surmised that the worgen are content to remain on their world, for although some worgen possess powerful magic, they have made no attempts to reach Azeroth on their own accord.

And for this, we are fortunate.
704 As mentioned above, some worgen are skilled in mystic arts, and their magic is of darkness and corruption.

Curses and supernatural poisons are common, so be forewarned--those who face worgen magicians should arm themselves with wards against shadow.
705 It is my hope that no Dalaran wizard seeks out the Worgen, even if done in light conscience. For no pact may be struck, no secrets may be learned, no good can come from these beasts.

They are best left to their world. For if found in ours and not destroyed, then our peril will be dire...
711 Helgrum,

My compliments to whomever issued the order to establish our base of Kargath in the Badlands. It is an ideal locale to train our troops. Its harsh weather, vicious wildlife, warlike natives and complete lack of outside support make this place a crucible from which only the finest warriors and scouts will emerge.

Good planning. Well done.
712 I will describe the surrounding lands as the scouts of Kargath have surveyed:

-Red, rocky hills and dry flats that offer little support for life.
-A blazing sun and severe winds.
-No lakes or streams. Not even scattered pools. To find water denizens must dig deep, muddy wells, or suck scant moisture from the rare cactus or spiny weed.

In short: hot, hard living.
713 The Badlands are filled with enemies. Ogres roam the blistering sands, ambushing the unwary. Darkiron dwarves inhabit a barracks east of Kargath and battle their lighter-skinned cousins in Loch Modan to the north. Brutal, primitive beasts called Troggs haunt any scrap of shade they find and defend it savagely.

And in eastern Badlands in the Lethlor Ravine there are dragons. We don't know how many and we don't know how big, since scouts who get too close never return.
714 It need not be said that we--those garrisoned at Kargath--are quite happy with our assignment. We stay tough here, because if we get soft then we die.

And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Neeka Bloodscar
Head Scout, Kargath
731 <HTML>
<H1 align="center">
<P align="center">
Beloved wife, may the earth sate your hunger.
750 <HTML> <BODY> <BR/> <BR/> <H1 align="center"> Eliza </H1> <BR/> <BR/> <BR/> <BR/> <P align="center"> Beloved wife, may the earth sate your hunger. </P> </BODY> </HTML> 0
751 Here are the piston's specifications:

Length: 32 WW
Width: 12 WW
Weight: 23.5 IBG to 25.5 IBG
Conduction: 70 TC
Shear Strength: 98 or higher
Combobule Rating: "Super stout" or higher

In the case you forgot gnomish measurements:
WW = "Whisker Width"
IBG = "Itty-Bitty Grams"
TC = "Toe Curls"
752 Aye, mon. Take dis letter to Frang in da Valley of Trials. He usually be outside da Den whipping young warriors into shape to fight for da Horde.

He needs cunning warriors like you to show da orcs how to fight wit sometin' other den their muscles. You be faster and smarter den most, but don't be braggin' 'bout that--orcs don' take kindly to insults. They be good allies, an' maybe they teach you a ting or two also.

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We are committed to providing you with everything needed to care for your pet. Our customers have come to expect this level of service from Snuff Inc, and we agree!

To that end, we have designed sturdy gopher crates with small holes, perfect for keeping your pet safe, secure and out of the light.

For your convenience, inside every crate is a food pellet receptacle, infused with the alluring scent of blueleaf tubers (the snufflenose gopher's favorite treat)!

794 Our world brims with history. History of races new and old. History behind wars long dead, and those which still smolder.

History of gods visiting from the skies. And history of older gods who sleep in the earth.

I speak now of those beings - the Old Gods. They who dwelt and raged across Azeroth when the world was new.
795 The Old Gods are the will of our world. In every storm there roars the laughter of an Old God. The blaze of a wildfire is the heat of their gaze. As Old Gods walk, the earth trembles and breaks, and lesser things scream and tear at their own flesh in despair.

And despair they should, for just as fire shows no mercy to a child's curious hand, the Old Gods have no care for those beneath them. At best, we are pawns. At worst, we are playthings.
796 They were the first masters of the world, and they ruled with might and terror. Though they are now chained and sleeping, their servants still roam and we small, frail mortals cannot match their strength.

Those who try are devoured. But those who know their place, who kneel in supplication to the servants of the Old Gods, who willingly sacrifice mind and soul... only they will find favor.
797 Aku'mai, Princess of the Deep, serves the Old Gods. She dwells in Blackfathom Deeps, blessing its caves with her ancient wisdom. Brought to the Deeps by older mortals, Aku'mai is a symbol of divinity. She has but a sliver of the Old Gods' power and savagery, and yet hers is still beyond measure.

And so she is worshipped. And she is feared, and loved.

811 The plan is set in motion.

Take that once-great bastion of faith, Heroes' Vigil, as our base camp, and we'll begin to move reinforcements to you from Westfall once you have sent word that it has been suitably prepared.

The area is all but forgotten to the citizens and soldiers of Stormwind, and should prove a perfect staging point for our attacks.

The Defias will take back Stormwind!

I await your response.
812 Dirty troggs are so easy to fool. Their hatred for our kin makes it that much easier to direct them and use them as pawns. Amazes me that any kind of alliance could be forged at all, but our kin pose a much greater threat to their existence... at least for now.

After the attacks begin though, both sides are gonna be weakened and prone to our own onslaught. Take the homestead south of Helm's Bed Lake and await further instructions.

Ironforge will be ours.
831 In the following pages, you'll find a list of the materials necessary to make fire-hardened armor. Good luck, warrior.

-Furen Longbeard
832 Scorched Spider Fangs:

The incendicite ore that is found in a cave near the vicinity of Thelgen Rock has scorched the spiders that dwell there.

The venom in their fangs boils and reacts with the fangs themselves to create a very tough substance.
833 Charred Horns:

Much like the scorched spider fangs, the charred horns of the chimaera that reside in the Charred Vale, in the Stonetalon Mountains on Kalimdor, possess a much-prized quality.

Pounded flat and properly treated, they become extremely resilient to physical stress.
834 Galvanized Horn:

The rare galvanized horn's toughness is the lynchpin of the entire piece of armor I will create, and so it too must be procured.

It may be gained from the rare chimaera matriarch in the Charred Vale.
835 Vial of Phlogiston:

The last stage of creating the armor will require an extremely hot forge. To produce the needed level of heat I must have a vial of phlogiston.

The only known maker of this substance is the fabled Quilboar, Roogug, and he will not give it up without a fight. Roogug dwells deep in Razorfen Kraul in the southern Barrens.
850 In the following pages, you'll find a list of the materials necessary to make fire-hardened armor. Good luck, warrior.

-Furen Longbeard
851 Scorched Spider Fangs:

The incendicite ore that is found in a cave near the vicinity of Thelgen Rock has scorched the spiders that dwell there.

The venom in their fangs boils and reacts with the fangs themselves to create a very tough substance.
852 Charred Horns:

Much like the scorched spider fangs, the charred horns of the chimaera that reside in the Charred Vale, in the Stonetalon Mountains on Kalimdor, possess a much-prized quality.

Pounded flat and properly treated, they become extremely resilient to physical stress.
853 Galvanized Horn:

The rare galvanized horn's toughness is the lynchpin of the entire piece of armor I will create, and so it too must be procured.

It may be gained from the rare chimaera matriarch in the Charred Vale.
854 Vial of Phlogiston:

The last stage of creating the armor will require an extremely hot forge. To produce the needed level of heat I must have a vial of phlogiston.

The only known maker of this substance is the fabled Quilboar, Roogug, and he will not give it up without a fight. Roogug dwells deep in Razorfen Kraul in the southern Barrens.
855 Below you will find that which is needed for my spell to summon the great Cyclonian. May fortune go with you.

--Bath'rah the Windwatcher

856 Liferoot:

This may be gathered from the wilderness, or gained from the Withervine Beasts of Dustwallow Marsh. It's power will be necessary to draw the life essence of Cyclonian to this world.
857 Bloodscalp Tusks:

The tusks of the Bloodscalp Trolls in Stranglethorn Vale have a rare quality. The depravation of the Bloodscalps is concentrated in their tusks, and if ground into powder their vile powers may be unleashed.
858 Essence of the Exile:

This essence is gained through the fusion of the three charms of the elemental exiles of the Arathi Highlands. Gather Thundering, Burning and Cresting Charms from the elementals, then place eight of each in my cauldron.

From the charms, the essence of the exile will form.
871 <name>,
Before I go any further, let me thank you again for everything you've done for my wife and I. You saved her life, and for that, I owe you far more than I could possibly repay in a hundred lives. She is everything to me. If she would have died... well, I don't know what I would have done.

Here is the list of things you'll need to recover if I am going to forge a holy weapon for you. I put them in order of what I thought was easiest to hardest--I hope that makes it simpler for you.
872 Some good whitestone oak - Before it was taken over, the mines below Moonbrook in Westfall had an abundance of the lumber; they used it in the construction of some of their more important lattices and tools because of its resilience to heat and pressure.

It was brought down there after being shipped from overseas somewhere. It's a rare wood that is plenty strong enough to be used in the crafting of your weapon. If any of it's left in the mines, then the goblin woodcarvers would have it.
873 Refined Ore - There is a dwarf in Thelsamar, a smith that I trained with for some time, named Bailor Stonehand. He makes a very special alloy that I think would be perfect for your weapon. I expected a shipment of the alloy to arrive while I was in Ironforge, but I have yet to hear word from him.

Find him and check on the shipment. And if he's no longer in Loch Modan, I would at least know what's happened to my old teacher.
874 Smithing Hammer - Before the coming of the Plague and Arthas' betrayal, I lived in a town called Pyrewood, deep within the beautiful forest of Silverpine. The forest isn't nearly as beautiful as it once was, and the keep where I learned the secret of steel has long since become corrupt and foul, overrun with creatures of unimaginable evil.

When my wife and I made our escape from what is now called Shadowfang Keep, we left some of our most precious possessions.
875 Among them, the smithing hammer my father gave me. I doubted it in my youth, but he always told me the hammer was enchanted, and it's the last reminder I had of him before he was killed by the Scourge.

Bring me my hammer, <name>, so I may use it as a focus for my passion. If it is indeed enchanted, then it will only aid us both.

I left it in the stables in the main courtyard of the keep. Unless the creatures there have taken up smithing themselves, then I expect it to still be lying there.
876 A Kor Gem - From the tales I've been told, the gems are used by some spell casters to hold energy for their magics, making them even deadlier. A night elf I once helped, Thundris Windweaver, can tell you more since you will be speaking on my behalf. I believe one of the gem's stored energies can be used in your weapon's creation.

When last we spoke, Thundris was in Auberdine a town deep within Darkshore, the corrupted forest that dots the coast underneath the shadow of the night elf homeland.
891 The swirling symbols and pictograms that fill the pages of this manual are esoteric beyond comprehension. 0
911 Get a Jade. They hide in many different places. They are rare, but if you speak with a blacksmith or engineer they might have one or two to spare. 991
931 <name>, below are the items needed to create your armor:

Smokey iron ingots from the Windshear kobolds in the Windshear mine in the Stonetalon Mountains.

Powdered azurite from the Hillsbrad miners in Hillsbrad.

Iron bars from miners, or from iron deposits if you are a miner.

Vial of phlogiston, from a quilboar named Roogug in Razorfen Kraul.
951 (Only portions of the journal are legible through the stains.)

Uldaman, Day 3

I cannot believe how foolish I was. To be blind-sided by the foul Shadowforge dwarves was a novice's feat. My wounds heal slowly; surely I am poisoned. I feel my energy sap away. I must scout ahead nonetheless...

...make matters worse, the necklace the gnome made for me has been shattered! Three of the largest gems set into it have been lost. I must find them; without them the necklace is powerless...
953 The Lay of Ameth'Aran

Long had the children of the stars dwelled upon the banks of the shimmering waters of the eternal well. To all was known that Elune, Light of the Eternal Twilight, Aspect and Goddess of the Moon, dwelt within its waters at such time that she rested from her works. Upon the shores of the well did the children of the stars, favored of elune, build their homes. Even as their gaze was trained ever skyward, into the moonlit night.
954 The Fall of Ameth'Aran

The Earth trembled as the ancient trees in the enchanted forest were uprooted and toppled. The groves and glades tended by the sons and daughters of Cenarius and the stone towers of the Children of the Stars were brought to the rolling ground. There was our Queen, radiant even in the desperation, in the chaos that was the battles. The enchanted sky changed colors with the discharge of magic, with the explosions that threatened to tear the world asunder.
971 Uldaman, Day 4

...first clue revealed itself deep within Uldaman, as one of the most savage troggs I have ever seen was brandishing about a large sapphire -- one I wager that would fit perfectly into the necklace. I overheard one of the Shadowforge dwarves mention the beasts name: Grimlok. The cadre of guardians this brute Grimlok has, however...
972 Uldaman, Day 5

...the trogg, then taking the topaz from his slain "brethren", marched into the side cave near the front of the hall...

...quick to place the topaz in a large, conspicuous urn toward the back of the chamber...

...of all things, dwarves! Three of them, to boot. They're barricaded against the troggs currently. Calling to them would have been a call for suicide, lest I be overran by the foul troggs in my weakened state. Once I know the third gem, however, I shall...
973 Uldaman, Day 6 very hungry. I am out of supplies, and would consider moldy bread to be a feast at this point. I witnessed a trogg's head turn into a juicy steak right in front of my very eyes...
974 Uldaman, Day 7

...last chance at redemtion for my failures. I believe the ruby is in the last barricaded area the dwarves have against the troggs. Their battles, no doubt over the gems and the other artifacts from this site, rage continuously. It would be just like those vile dwarves to hide it somewhere there. Regardless, I must make a move one way or another. Perhaps a mad dash to the surface is the best course...
991 Get a Bolt Charged Bramble. To get one of those, gather 10 Witherbark Totem Sticks from the Witherbark Trolls of the Arathi Highlands. Bring the sticks to the Circle of Outer Binding, a circle of stones in those same highlands. Place the sticks on the center stone in the circle and wait for lightning to strike it. When it does, the Bolt Charged Bramble will be formed. 0
992 The bearer of this certificate is entitled to the respect and regard that any first rate pilferer and thief deserves. 0
1011 I have found a method to enter the Chamber of Khaz'mul!

Take the Medallion of Gni'kiv from my chest.

Defeat the trogg Revelosh in the chamber before the map room and retrieve the Shaft of Tsol.

Join the medallion and the shaft into the Staff of Prehistoria.

Use the staff in the map room to unlock the door to the Chamber of Khaz'mul.

Do these things, and the chamber will be yours!
1031 <HTML>
In memory of my dear mentor, Horatio M. Montgomery, M.D. Healer, Teacher, Friend.
<H1 align="center">
50 BTFT - 25 ATFT
"The world is full of the sick and weary. It is our job, as healers, NAY, as men and women of medicine, to cleanse them ALL of the 'itis.'"
- H.M.M., M.D., PhD, JD, Grandmaster Farmer, Dancer Extraordinaire, Friend to the Animals
1051 The guards of this tower seem to be especially weak to my attacks. As I was scouting the backside of the tower, a patroller spotted me and attacked. I was able to easily dispatch the guard with a timely gouge followed by a backstab.

I waited in hiding for her partner to come investigate the commotion. The patroller came towards the bushes where I had dragged the corpse and began a search. Slowly, carefully, I crept up behind him, not wanting my ambush to be discovered.
1052 When the opportunity was made available, I thrust my dagger into his backside! His lungs quickly gave way under the force of the attack as his corpse hit the ground with a dull thud.

It had been such a fast and violent ambush that the poor fool did not even have the time to scream in pain. Curiously, when I removed the blade from his backside, a foul odor leaked out of the perforated patroller.
1053 It would appear that whatever it is that Klaven has locked away in the chest is having adverse effects upon the inhabitants of the tower. I suspect that the other guards may have similar weaknesses and perhaps, even Klaven himself has fallen victim to the fallout.

Agent Amber Kearnen
SI:7 Ground Level Operative, R8
1071 Commander,

Return to Orgrimmar. Your forces inadequate. Must reanalyze our position based upon new information.

Large number of Shadowsworn and Ogres present. Demons guard the Dark Portal.

-Thrall, Warchief of the Horde
1090 It would appear that whatever it is that Klaven has locked away in the chest is having adverse effects upon the inhabitants of the tower. I suspect that the other guards may have similar weaknesses and perhaps, even Klaven himself has fallen victim to the fallout. Agent Amber Kearnen SI:7 Ground Level Operative, R8 0
1091 The Mallet of Zul'Farrak

To create the Mallet of Zul'Farrak, one must first travel to the Altar of Zul and obtain the sacred mallet from a troll Keeper.

Next, one must bring the sacred mallet to the altar atop of the troll city of Jintha'alor.

Using the sacred mallet at the altar will infuse it with power, and transform it into the Mallet of Zul'Farrak.

01010100 01101000 01110010 01100001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01001010 01100001 01101001 01101110 01100001 00100000 01110011 01101001 01110100 01110100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101001 01101110 00100000 01100001 00100000 01110100 01110010 01100101 01100101 00101100 00100000 01001011 00101101 01001001 00101101 01010011 00101101 01010011 00101101 01001001 00101101 01001110 00101101 01000111
1151 The Venture Company <illegible text> It would seem that the fools nearly wiped out their entire operation in trying to stabilize the mixture.

<several pages appear to be torn out>
1152 What I have noticed is that the fallout is extremely lethal. Imagine if <illegible text> Hahaha! 1153
1153 Am I going mad? Today I severed the head of one of my most trusted patrollers in order to get a better look at their soul. As I peered down their severed breathing passage, it occurred to me: I had not eaten anything in days! 1154
1154 Mathias Shaw has sent an errand boy to kill me. <illegible text>

He patrols outside now. Mindless, lifeless drone.

1155 VanCleef...<illegible text>

Called me IN?? WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS?? I am Klaven Mortwake! I shall not be told what to do by an insect!

<the rest of the pages in the book are missing>
1156 Curgle,

I have been eagerly awaiting your newest invention. I can't wait to begin using it to document my studies.

Please entrust it to my messenger.

With kindest regards,

Daryn Lightwind
1171 <HTML>
<IMG src="Interface\Pictures\9330_Gammerita_sepia_256"/>

01001001 01100110 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100011 01100001 01101110 00100000 01110010 01100101 01100001 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00101100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100111 01110010 01100101 00100000 01110011 01110100 01100001 01101110 01100100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110100 01101111 01101111 00100000 01100011 01101100 01101111 01110011 01100101
1192 Do NOT let this information fall into enemy hands!

01010100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100111 01101110 01101111 01101101 01100101 00100000 01101011 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01110111 01100101 01100001 01110010 01110011 00100000 01101110 01101001 01100111 01101000 01110100 00100000 01100101 01101100 01100110 00100000 01110101 01101110 01100100 01100101 01110010 01110111 01100101 01100001 01110010
1193 Security rating 10^10000 super sensitive data!

01001000 01100101 01101100 01110000 00100001 00100000 00100000 01001001 00100111 01101101 00100000 01110100 01110010 01100001 01110000 01110000 01100101 01100100 00100000 01101001 01101110 00100000 01100001 00100000 01100010 01101001 01101110 01100001 01110010 01111001 00100000 01110000 01110101 01101110 01100011 01101000 00100000 01100011 01100001 01110010 01100100 00100000 01100110 01100001 01100011 01110100 01101111 01110010 01111001 00100001
1194 The security rating of this data SO high that it is pending the invention of a new number to describe it! 1331

The snufflenose gopher likes small, dark places. And it is very shy.

If you wish to walk your gopher, then you must take it to a place that feels like home. And you MUST take it to where your gopher can smell its favorite food: blueleaf tubers!

The closest such place is the "trench" area of Razorfen Kraul. If you open your crate near the trench, and your gopher can smell any nearby tubers, then he will venture out and follow you.


The snufflenose gopher is an amazing animal. Not only does it inspire love and affection from even the most ornery plainstrider, it can smell a buried blueleaf tuber from up to fifty yards away!

If you wish to send your gopher to find a tuber, then you may use our (separately sold) patented snufflenose command stick.

Direction following on next page...
1213 All of our gophers are highly trained, and merely waving your command stick will send a nearby gopher into "search mode." The gopher will then sniff for a tuber and if he smells one, he'll move toward it and dig it up.

If you wave the command stick again while the gopher is searching for a tuber, then it will stop its search and happily return to your side.

We are confident that you'll find our gophers well trained, useful and squeezably soft additions to your party!
1214 It pains us to mention that we at Snuff Inc. have received reports that some greedy tuber hunters care little for the safety of their lovable pets and send them into dark, dangerous nooks and cranies in search of tubers.

We do not condone such irresponsible behavior, but in the efforts of customer satisfaction we have included a warranty with every gopher sold, allowing new owners to return to their point of purchase and replace lost pets.

Happy Hunting!
1231 This proof of deed is to verify that <name> slew Margol the Rager, scourge of the searing gorge.

The Ironforge museum recognizes this achievement and thanks the bearer for their generous contribution.

-Head Curator Thorius Stonetender
1251 These months have given me time to ponder, to shuffle loose my old beliefs and bigotries. Alliance? Horde? Good? Evil? The meanings of these words, once so clear, now blur as my eyes gaze across the boundless sea.

I now know what matters. The bananas are after me.

Perched high in their tree, they eye me with cool malevolence. And the last one I tried to eat nearly gagged me! I could almost hear it scream as I smashed it, half bitten, on sea rocks.

It's war, and I will win it.
1270 It pains us to mention that we at Snuff Inc. have received reports that some greedy tuber hunters care little for the safety of their lovable pets and send them into dark, dangerous nooks and cranies in search of tubers. We do not condone such irresponsible behavior, but in the efforts of customer satisfaction we have included a warranty with every gopher sold, allowing new owners to return to their point of purchase and replace lost pets. Happy Hunting! 0
1271 The Engineering Disciplines

While it is arguable which race first devised the science of engineering on Azeroth, there is little argument as to which races are the main proponents of it in modern times: the gnomes and the goblins. Their dedication to engineering as a collective whole has not only fueled fantastic inventions in what is arguably a magical Age of Invention, but it also fueled their intense racial rivalry. Nowhere is this more evident than in their divergent disciplines.
1272 Gnome Engineering

The gnomes as a race tend to excel in the design of items intended to manipulate and control the world around them. While they maintain a cursory understanding of explosives and weaponry, gnome engineering focuses instead on items that quite literally try to make life easier and more accessible. It is a discipline of theoretical possibilities made reality through gnomish know-how. Some possibilities, however, are never fully realized.
1273 Goblin Engineering

As a race that finds itself as neutral in almost every conflict, goblins have taken great steps to turn science into profit. They embrace the practical applications of engineering, as evident in their radical designs of explosives, firearms, and machinery. Goblin engineering only maintains a passing interest in engineering theory; their inventions usually don't have the issue of not working, but rather working too well. It is certainly not for the faint of heart.
1274 Discipline Study

Gnomes and goblins protect their knowledge from each other to such lengths that it is nigh impossible to access both sets of disciplines simultaneously. Each race, regardless of political affiliations, keeps the knowledge of these disciplines available only to those who agree to forgo pursuit of the other's discipline. If a student chooses to embrace gnome engineering, for example, then no knowledge of goblin engineering will ever be made available to them.
1275 Permanent Decisions

The previous section highlighted an important point about the two engineering disciplines that must be reiterated for the sake of education. A decision to engage in either of the two disciplines means that the opposing discipline's schemata will not be available for study. While such finality may be daunting to the layman engineer, the seasoned one understands that gnomes and goblins guard their secrets with complete fervor; some knowledge is always better than none.

"You want to know about goblin engineering? Try asking one of their best and brightest engineers about it - I think his name is 'Nubby Stumpfingers'. Want to know why he's named that? THAT'S goblin engineering."
-- Ringo Tragediction, gnome engineer

"Say what you want about us goblins, but I will tell you this: WE HAVE EXPLOSIVES!"
-- Yazz Nitrospork, goblin bombardie.
1277 More Quotes!

"Know that feeling you get when you finish making something and turn it on for the first time to experience the power and joy of invention as your device springs to life? Gnomes don't."
-- Nixx Sprocketspring, Master Goblin Engineer of Gadgetzan

"Engineering is about taking fantasy and making it fantastic!"
-- Rovis McCrankenspank, gnome inventor
1291 The Conjuring of the Beast:

To conjure the Felhound Tracker, you must use the supplied Fel Orb.


The conjured Felhound Tracker will only remain as an entity in this world for thirty minutes.

The conjured Felhound Tracker will only assist you in finding Azsharite formations.

The conjured Felhound Tracker WILL NOT do the following: Tricks, attack anything, assist anything, dance, destroy arcane beings.

Next page please...
1292 The Control of the Beast:

Felhound Trackers only respond to beastial roars. In order to get your Felhound Tracker to track Azsharite formations, you must roar at it with vigor! (Target the Felhound Tracker and /roar).

When the Felhound Tracker locates a formation, he will sprint to the formation with little to no regard for the entities that surround him. While you do not need to protect the Felhound, you may want to stay close so that you do not lose him.

1293 The Disposal of the Beast:

After thirty minutes, the beast will return to its home in the Nether.


In its fervor, the beast MAY run off cliffs or fall off a mountain. Don't mourn the loss of the Felhound Tracker, summon another one instead.
1311 To Whom It May Concern:

If you are reading this note, then you are in one of two places:

(1) On the southern peninsula of Azshara.

(2) Inside the belly of a Cliff Giant.

Both equally undesirable.

It should be noted that I was the former at one time and as of the writing of this letter, the latter.
1312 Being inside the belly of a giant gives one time for reflection.

As my body crystallizes, I have come to the conclusion that perhaps there are enough heroes in this world. Should I somehow make it out of this predicament I am going to ring that orc's ghostly neck!

- Windan Shay
1313 What was I thinking?

Perhaps a better question would be: What am I doing writing a note while I'm sitting captive inside the stomach of a giant?

Both good questions that I have no immediate answer for...

Admittedly, mine was not a mission of good will. I came in search of Azsharite, a unique crystal to southern Azshara. Oh the riches I would have had!

Bah! Now look at me...
1314 Should any manner of intelligent life find this note, they must ask themselves something: "Why in the hell are they romping around with violent thirty foot tall giants?"

- Mook
1331 01001101 01100101 01110011 01110011 01100001 01100111 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01000011 01100001 01110011 01110100 01110000 01101001 01110000 01100101 00111010 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01101100 01100001 01110101 01101110 01100100 01110010 01111001 00100111 01110011 00100000 01110010 01100101 01100001 01100100 01111001 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01110000 01101001 01100011 01101011 01110101 01110000 00101110 0
1371 <HTML>
<IMG src="Interface\Pictures\Linken_sepia_256px"/>
1392 Brother Neals,

My grapes are saved! <name>, the bearer of this manifest, braved my thug-infested vineyard and gathered the grapes that I could not. Although the Defias still roam across the river, nearly my entire crop has been salvaged.

You may add a full load of grape bushels to your stores.

May the Light protect us,
-Milly Osworth
1431 Vorfalk Irongourd

Vorfalk works the store room of the Grim Guzzler, and his sacrifice to the Dark Keepers runs deep.

May his spirit hold strong.
1432 Bethek Stormbrow

Bethek's wanderings take him deep within Blackrock. The secrets of the mountain beckon him.

May his spirit never falter.
1433 Uggel Hammerhand

Uggel is a skilled and solemn chiseler, and when not burdened with the dark key, his hands shape great works in the Hall of Crafting.
1434 Zimrel Darktooth

When the madness of the dark key takes hold of Zimrel, only the screams of the dying can soothe him.

For his sacrifice, he will always have a bench above the arena. May our blood sports temper the rage in his heart.
1435 Ofgut Stonefist

Those fallen before Dark Keeper Ofgut's hammer cannot be counted.

The soldiers of the West Garrison bow in awe as he passes. For who among them can look into the eyes of Ofgut and see the secrets the dark key whispers?
1436 Pelver Deepstomp

Dark Keeper Pelver is our most honored disciple. He has borne the key for longer than any, and it has cost him dearly. When he is called for his burden, he is guarded in the Domicile.

His sacrifice is cherished, and he will remain in our hearts for many years... after the darkness takes him.
1471 Solomon,

The carrier of this decree has been granted official status as an acting deputy of Stormwind. You may use <him/her> to find proof of the black dragonflight's involvement with the Blackrock orcs. Should such proof be found, this deputy shall return said proof to me in Stormwind, at which time I shall release the order to dispense sufficient military force to aid Lakeshire.


Highlord Bolvar Fordragon
1491 <HTML>
<H1 align="center">
<P align="center"> "A guide to collecting and using the power crystals of Un'Goro Crater" </P>
<P align="left">Chapter 1: The Northern Pylon </P>
<P align="left">Chapter 2: The Eastern Pylon </P>
<P align="left">Chapter 3: The Western Pylon </P>
1510 <HTML> <BODY> <H1 align="center"> CRYSTAL PYLON USER'S MANUAL </H1> <BR/> <P align="center"> "A guide to collecting and using the power crystals of Un'Goro Crater" </P> <BR/> <BR/> <P align="left">Chapter 1: The Northern Pylon </P> <BR/> <P align="left">Chapter 2: The Eastern Pylon </P> <BR/> <P align="left">Chapter 3: The Western Pylon </P> <BR/> </BODY> </HTML. 1511
1511 <HTML>
<H1 align="center">
<IMG src="Interface\Pictures\11482_crystals_mini_north" align="left"/>
<P align="right">The Northern<BR/>
Pylon accepts<BR/>
yellow, red,<BR/>
and green<BR/>
<P align="left">The Pylon focuses on the energy that can be created using yellow crystals as the main source of power.</P>
1512 <HTML>
<H1 align="center">
Northern Crystal Combinations
<P align="left">There are two possible effects: one that will produce damage, and one that will negate damage. </P>
<P align="left">CRYSTAL CHARGE: Requires red and yellow crystals. <BR/>This will produce a large explosion.</P>
<P align="left">CRYSTAL RESTORE: Requires yellow and green crystals. <BR/>This will provide you with a healing aura.
1513 <HTML>
<H1 align="center">
<IMG src="Interface\Pictures\11482_crystals_north"/>
1514 <HTML>
<H1 align="center">
<IMG src="Interface\Pictures\11482_crystals_mini_east" align="left"/>
<P align="right">The Eastern<BR/>
Pylon accepts<BR/>
blue, yellow,<BR/>
and green<BR/>
<P align="left">The Pylon focuses on the energy that can be created using blue crystals as the main source of power.</P>
1515 <HTML>
<H1 align="center">
Eastern Crystal Combinations
<P align="left">There are two possible effects: one provides bonus to spirit, and one that creates a damaging shield.</P>
<P align="left">CRYSTAL FORCE: Requires blue and green crystals.<BR/>This will provide you with an increase in spirit.</P>
<P align="left">CRYSTAL SPIRE: Requires blue and yellow crystals.<BR/>This will create a shield that does damage to attackers.
1516 <HTML>
<H1 align="center">
<IMG src="Interface\Pictures\11482_crystals_east"/>
1530 <HTML> <BODY> <H1 align="center"> EASTERN PYLON TABLE DIAGRAM </H1> <BR/> <IMG src="Interface\Pictures\11482_crystals_east"/> </BODY> </HTML> 1531
1531 <HTML>
<H1 align="center">
<IMG src="Interface\Pictures\11482_crystals_mini_west" align="left"/>
<P align="right">The Western<BR/>
Pylon accepts<BR/>
red, green,<BR/>
and blue<BR/>
<P align="left">The Pylon focuses on the energy that can be created using red crystals as the main source of power.</P>
1532 <HTML>
<H1 align="center">
Western Crystal Combinations
<P align="left">There are two possible effects: one that increases your protection from damage, and one that weakens an enemy's defenses.</P>
<P align="left">CRYSTAL WARD: Requires red and green crystals.<BR/>This will provide you with an increase to armor.</P>
<P align="left">CRYSTAL YIELD: Requires blue and red crystals.<BR/>This can lower the armor of a specific target.
1533 <HTML>
<H1 align="center">
<IMG src="Interface\Pictures\11482_crystals_west"/>
1550 <HTML> <BODY> <H1 align="center"> WESTERN PYLON TABLE DIAGRAM </H1> <BR/> <IMG src="Interface\Pictures\11482_crystals_west"/> </BODY> </HTML> 0
1551 Greetings and Salutations, Adventurers!

I, Krinkle Goodsteel, have need of those willing to put themselves at risk in order to complete some of my most arduous tasks. Because of my many duties and the workload I've managed to take upon myself, I ensure that anyone brave enough to complete this list of items and return them to me intact will be paid handsomely.

The list is contained on the following pages...
1552 Solid Crystal Leg Shafts -

The Glassweb spiders of Searing Gorge are made of an incredible crystal-like material. Their legs, if not damaged when they're killed, make for a wonderful conductor in some of my companions' engineering experiments.

I will need a number of them to test upon. The spiders having eight possible legs themselves should be no problem for a stalwart warrior or practiced mage.
1553 An Overdue Package -

I hired someone who I thought was a reliable pilot to bring me a package from Theramore. I was apparently wrong. And even though the pilot lived to tell the tale, he left his entire zepplin and all of its cargo behind to save his own neck.

Well, I need that package back. From what Beezil tells me, he crashed just west of the bay in Dustwallow Marsh. It went down just after he crossed the hills along the water's edge.

Hmmm... never did tell me what caused him to crash...
1554 Goodsteel's Balanced Flameberge -

Finally, I want one of my finest works of blacksmithing to date. This flameberge was an incredible sword that I bestowed upon what I thought was a very honorable and great warrior. Well, he was trounced by a murloc named Jarquai? Something like that.

It was while he was traveling along the coast of the Swamp of Sorrows when he thought to attack the creature. He failed and apparently fled, but not before leaving the weapon behind for this murloc to take.
1556 Find me these items and return to Gadgetzan with them all, along with this ledger, and I will reward you. 0
1591 This anvil is the property of Jordan Stilwell - Please do NOT use!

- Jordan
1611 <The pages are covered in ancient elven runes.>

The pages herein contain memories of events that transpired in the collection and creation of the reagents required to craft lesser arcanum.

May our enemies never gain access to these libram.

May I live to see the pallid light of the moon shine upon Quel'Thalas once again.

May I die but for the grace of Kael'thas.

May I kill for the glory of Illidan.

-Master Kariel Winthalus
1631 <The pages are covered in ancient elven runes.>

The pages herein contain memories of events that transpired in the collection and creation of the reagents required to craft lesser arcanum.

May our enemies never gain access to these libram.

May I live to see the pallid light of the moon shine upon Quel'Thalas once again.

May I die but for the grace of Kael'thas.

May I kill for the glory of Illidan.

-Master Kariel Winthalus
1632 <The pages are covered in ancient elven runes.>

The pages herein contain memories of events that transpired in the collection and creation of the reagents required to craft lesser arcanum.

May our enemies never gain access to these libram.

May I live to see the pallid light of the moon shine upon Quel'Thalas once again.

May I die but for the grace of Kael'thas.

May I kill for the glory of Illidan.

-Master Kariel Winthalus
1633 <The pages are covered in ancient elven runes.>

The pages herein contain memories of events that transpired in the collection and creation of the reagents required to craft lesser arcanum.

May our enemies never gain access to these libram.

May I live to see the pallid light of the moon shine upon Quel'Thalas once again.

May I die but for the grace of Kael'thas.

May I kill for the glory of Illidan.

-Master Kariel Winthalus
1634 <The pages are covered in ancient elven runes.>

The pages herein contain memories of events that transpired in the collection and creation of the reagents required to craft lesser arcanum.

May our enemies never gain access to these libram.

May I live to see the pallid light of the moon shine upon Quel'Thalas once again.

May I die but for the grace of Kael'thas.

May I kill for the glory of Illidan.

-Master Kariel Winthalus
1635 <HTML>
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<IMG src="Interface\Pictures\11733_ungoro_256"/>
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<IMG src="Interface\Pictures\11733_nightdragon_256"/>
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<IMG src="Interface\Pictures\11733_blackrock_256"/>
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<IMG src="Interface\Pictures\11733_bldbank_256"/>
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<IMG src="Interface\Pictures\11733_ungoro_256"/>
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<IMG src="Interface\Pictures\11733_blackrock_256"/>
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1645 <HTML> <BODY> <IMG src="Interface\Pictures\11733_blackrock_256"/> </BODY> </HTML> 1646
1646 <HTML> <BODY> <IMG src="Interface\Pictures\11733_bldbank_256"/> </BODY> </HTML> 1647
1647 <HTML> <BODY> <IMG src="Interface\Pictures\11733_blasted_256"/> </BODY> </HTML> 1648
1648 <HTML> <BODY> <IMG src="Interface\Pictures\11733_ungoro_256"/> </BODY> </HTML> 0
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1652 <HTML>
<IMG src="Interface\Pictures\11733_ungoro_256"/>
1690 <HTML> <BODY> <IMG src="Interface\Pictures\11733_ungoro_256"/> </BODY> </HTML> 0
1691 Hi Felnok!

My studies in the Burning Steppes are proceeding splendidly. And I owe <name> a lot for all <his/her> help! Here's what I need to continue:

A steelcoil bumber-bitzel
A 17-guage ice-spanner
12 pounds of duck feathers
A jar of that glue you make

Thanks a lot Felnok, and when we see each other again remind me not to put coal in your boots!

1711 Urgent message to Cliffwatcher Longhorn

A large Centaur force from Camp E'thok have raided one of our supply caravans. All members of the caravan were lost as well as all supplies. This was a bold, unprecedented attack by the Centaurs and I fear there may be more.
1731 Here lies King Terenas Menethil II -- Last True King of Lordaeron.

Great were his deeds -- long was his reign -- unthinkable was his death.

"May the Father lie blameless for the deeds of the son.
May the bloodied crown stay lost and forgotten."
1751 The remains of the gargantuan red dragon were found in the Wetlands shortly after the Battle of Grim Batol. Tyrannistrasz was rumored to have been the elder consort of the Dragonqueen, Alextrasza. 0
1752 This petrified talon was found off of the southern coasts of Stranglethorn. Ecologists believe this talon to be that of an ancient sun roc. Though the creatures feature prominently in primitive tauren mythological cycles, the existence of this talon suggests the creatures truly existed at some point. 0
1753 The largest of the plainstrider birds, the Geru are few in number and rarely encountered. 0
1754 This is a scale replica of Toothgnasher's skeleton. The legendary ram was a wonder of Khaz Modan and the subject of many tales of dwarven folklore. To this day, ecologists have been unable to account for the ram's freakish size or physical stamina. 0
1755 Found in the remote rainforest of the Un'Goro Crater, this egg once held an embryonic Devilsaur. The saurial's genetic material has proven invaluable to League ecologists who are closer than ever to devising a serum for the devilsaurs' debilitating venom. 0
1756 This intact pteradon skeleton was recovered from the remote Un'Goro Crater. Based on the skeletal structure, it is clear that this specific genus has not yet been encountered. This skeleton could have been preserved for any number of centuries beneath the region's rich soil. 0