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277 Or, is bloodstone made of blood? And if so, then whose blood? Mine? The blood of any human? Any animal?

Or maybe bloodstone is the blood of some unknown thing, the very thing that Kegan had both feared and revered when he handed me his pendant.

That is the question that must be answered. It is the key.
278 Fire rekindled within me, I then dove back into my experiments. This time I made no assumptions, methodically performing every test at my disposal. This increased my required efforts tremendously, but I would be more likely to make discoveries.

And, although my lab here is small and I have no subordinates to spare to aid, I did find one more intriguing quality of bloodstone...
279 In addition to blood, there are elemental forces fused within the stone. Fire, water, thunder and rock are mixed with the blood (but again, the blood of what?), and although this mixture is outwardly inert, all these forces seem to rage inwardly against each other. So many more questions were then raised about this amazing, and foreboding material. 280
280 But to answer those questions, more studies and experiments must be performed on the pendant, and I fear that the Lordamere Interment Camp cannot marshal the manpower nor the equipment for the task. So I sent the bloodstone pendant with a courier to Dalaran with specific instructions on how to test it, so they may avoid my earlier frustrations. 281
281 As I waited for the results of these tests, I spent my time speaking to Kegan. Although I constantly pressed him for what he knew about bloodstones, he never told me more than what he said the day he gave me his pendant. And he did not often speak of his time within the fold of what he called "the Forsaken," which is the name he calls his clan of undead. 282
282 But Kegan was very eager to speak on other subjects, particularly his time growing up in Lordaeron before its fall.

He still holds much love for that lost kingdom, even though it is now ruined, and dead.

My growing fondness for Kegan gave me patience as I waited for my test results.
283 But after weeks of no news my patience faltered, and upon further inquires to Dalaran I learned that the bloodstone never reached my colleagues. My courier was somehow lost on the way, and the bloodstone pendant was lost with him!

This is grave news, for although Kegan and his followers still have bloodstone specimens with which we may experiment, I fear the pendant may fall into unsavory hands.
284 I have sent another messenger to Dalaran, and hear that even now they are scouring for the pendant, in the ruins outside our protective sphere.

I only hope we're not too late.
285 Tale of Gri'lek the Wanderer

[...The beginnings of the tablet were worn and erased. But the end was legible...]

Gri'lek stamped through the jungle. And his eyes burned and his chest rumbled, for there was great anger in him.

In fury he roared to the sky, and he raised his arm. He raised his left arm, grown strong and sure from hunting without its twin.

For Gri'lek's right arm was gone, and it would not return.
Stone of the Tides

By the hand of
Archmage Ansirem Runeweaver


The ancient Gurubashi Empire was a source of many fascinating and intriguing legends that can be no doubt traced to their environs, as examinations of their belief systems and societal practices have pointed to a great reverence for their natural surroundings.

While I have delved into many
287 Kurdran Wildhammer

Renowned Dragon Fighter. Gryphon Master of the Aerie Peak. Commander of the Gryphon Rider Division attached to the Alliance Expedition that marched into the orc homeworld of Draenor. Presumed deceased.

We will hear Sky-Ree's calls upon the winds. We will hear your hammer thunder across the mountaintops. Ride hard into the hereafter, brother. The halls of our ancestors await you.

- Falstad Wildhammer - Lord of Aerie Peak
288 Ranger Captain Alleria Windrunner

Renowned Troll Hunter of Quel'Thalas. Lead Scout and Intelligence Agent for the Alliance Expedition that marched into the orc homeworld of Draenor. Presumed deceased.

Your heart flew straight as any arrow upon the wind, sister. You were the brightest of our Order. You were the most beloved of our kin.

- Sylvanas Windrunner - Ranger General of Quel'Thalas
289 Archmage Khadgar of the Kirin Tor

Former apprentice of Medivh. Supreme Commander of the Alliance Expedition that marched into the orc homeworld of Draenor. Presumed deceased.

Never did one so selflessly delve into the dark heart of magic and warfare. We wish you well, bold wanderer. Wherever you are.

- Antonidas - Archmage of Dalaran
290 General Turalyon

Former Lieutenant to Lord Anduin Lothar. Knight of the Silver Hand. High General of the Alliance Expedition that marched into the orc homeworld of Draenor. Presumed deceased.

Esarus thar no'Darador' - By Blood and Honor We Serve.
You were the right hand of justice and virtue, old friend. Your name will be honored in our halls always.

- Lord Uther the Lightbringer - Knight of the Silver Hand
291 Danath Trollbane

Militia Commander of Stromgarde.Tactical Advisor to General Turalyon, Force Commander of the Alliance Expedition that marched into the orc homeworld of Draenor. Presumed deceased.

We honor your memory, nephew, and your sacrifice. Since the founding of our glorious empire, the path to valor has always been drenched with the blood of heroes.

- Thoras Trollbane, Lord of Stromgarde
292 Here lies Uther the Lightbringer
First Paladin - Founder of the Order of the Silver Hand

Uther lived and died to defend the kingdom of Lordaeron. Though he was betrayed by his most beloved student, we believe that his spirit lives on. He continues to watch over us, even as the shadows close in around our ruined land. His light is the light of all humanity - and so long as we honor his example, it shall never fade.
- Anonymous
293 aspects of their snake-worship in previous volumes of this study, I put forth here an examination of the trolls' interesting and unique relationship with the sea.


The Gurubashi Empire was surrounded on three sides by the sea, so it comes as little surprise that water would figure prominently as an aspect of their society. While the trolls were able to roam and control the large areas of their jungle empire, the sea eluded them. It was vast and immeasurable, no
294 doubt a disconcerting neighbor for the powerful trolls.

It should be noted here that recent discoveries seem to suggest that the trolls had little interest in exploring the lands beyond the Great Sea. While troll species have been encountered along the length and breadth of Azeroth, Khaz Modan and Lordaeron, little evidence of their civilization has been found in the newly discovered lands of Kalimdor or upon the islands in the South Seas. Whether this demonstrates an unwillingness of
295 the trolls to venture away from their terrestrial holdings or a failure on their part to develop the technologies needed to make such a journey will take further research and analysis that is out of the scope of my writings here.

But one can hardly ignore so large a presence, and new findings in the extensive troll ruins of Stranglethorn Vale show an aspect of their relationship with the sea previously unknown and undocumented.


Recent discoveries during surveys
296 of the troll ruins of Stranglethorn Vale have shown references to an object known as the "Stone of the Tides". Various fragments of troll legends can be pieced together to paint a rather complete picture of the Stone and its importance to the ancient Gurubashi Empire.

It appears that the Stone of the Tides allowed its bearer to control water in its many forms, rivers, rain, and the tides. Because of the stories related to use of the Stone of the Tides, I have conjectured that it is
297 actually a physical manifestation of the powers of the Waterlord, a powerful elemental of the seas. How and why such an object would leave the Waterlord's control and fall into the hands of the trolls is another question that is beyond the scope of my knowledge.


Like the movements of the eponymous tides, the Stone of the Tides entered the world of the trolls and departed, never constantly staying in the trolls' hands for longer than a generation at a time.
298 In troll legends, it is said that the first time the Stone of the Tides came to the Gurubashi Empire, it was found by a troll warrior wandering along the coast of Stranglethorn. He came upon a mysterious blue stone within which milky white strands floated and flowed. Intrigued by the stone, the warrior took it with him and continued upon his journey.

Over the weeks and months, the warrior discovered that the stone had given him control over water. He could summon forth
299 water elementals, creatures formed completely of water--duplicating a feat that only powerful mages of the Kirin Tor are able to perform.

The warrior traveled to Zul'Gurub, to the heart of the empire, to show his newfound abilities to the Emperor. He easily gained a court audience after demonstrating his powers in the center of the Imperial capital. His powers easily amazed the Gurubashi Emperor, who immediately gave him a place of honor at court, naming the warrior "Tidebearer", leaving his
300 old name behind.

For years, the Tidebearer served the Gurubashi Empire, summoning his thrall water elementals in battle and manipulating the flow of water in Stranglethorn Vale for the benefit of the Empire. But as the years went on, the Tidebearer became more reclusive, tending to stay for long periods of time away from court.

The Tidebearer was hiding a secret from the prying eyes of court. The abilities granted to him by the Stone of the Tides also came with a curse. As the years
301 passed, the Tidebearer was fading away. With each coming and going of the tides, the Tidebearer became less of himself, losing his corporeal form--pulsing in and out of existence--until in his dying days, he traveled to the beach where he had first found the Stone, and walked into the sea, disappearing for the last time.

Generations later, the Stone of the Tides washed upon the shores of Stranglethorn, and another Tidebearer was chosen, as the troll brought the Stone to
302 Zul'Gurub. So the process continued for generations, the Stone appearing with the tide, and the Tidebearer leaving into the tide.

Modern day accounts of the Stone of the Tides have appeared from place to place, but one must still wonder why an object of such power would appear with such regularity, and by whose design.
303 Bloodsail Orders

Pay attention to these here words closely, me hearties, for we only got one shot at Booty Bay.

I've sent Ol' Dunken scouting to the north and told him to wait for the signal.

The Damsel's Luck will drop anchor off the southern cape for purposes of supply. Captain Stillwater, the little shorty, is to have his crew prepare to haul up all the plundered loot. I'm sure Brutus, that blockhead, will be on top of things.
306 I want Captain Keelhaul to bring The Riptide up to shore from the southeast. We'll send his crew in on foot when the signal is given.

That big lug, Salthoof, can take the men in swinging. I want the black spot placed on Revilgaz and Seahorn. Send 'em right to the bottom of the sea for all I care.

You blokes are responsible for salvaging anything that might be of use for our little project with VanCleef in the Deadmines.
307 I'll give the order for Ironpatch to fire the guns. The artillery barrage will keep any Blackwater ships from leaving or entering the port.

After The Crimson Veil has unloaded her guns, I'll bring her alongside The Riptide for support and provide reserves as needed.

Once Salthoof and his boys have fired the town and all hands are on deck, we set sail and give the Bay one more shelling from the Savage Coast for good measure.

--Fleet-Master Firallon
308 Fleeing from the Zanzil in that rotting boat seemed wise at the time, but I start to think death would have been a more suitable fate.

I thought my ancestors had granted me a boon by allowing me to escape their wrath. But now I wonder what wisdom I shall gain if I live through my imprisonment.
309 That beast that reigns over this island is terribly powerful indeed. The other creatures here cower before him: Skyman and Jaguero alike. Even now I can hear his roars and they cause me to flinch.

These creatures will surely stop any who come to the island. I must have faith in my ancestors.
310 I miss my tribe, and my home. I would gladly welcome the wind on the open plains or the sunset over Thunder Bluff to the heat of this jungle.

I can see the ocean water not far from me, but it does nothing to cool my body or my temper. It only reminds me of my imprisonment.
311 Day 1:
6am to 11am - upper camp
11am to 11:30 am- break, lunch
11:30am to 4:00pm - canyon pass
4:00pm to 7:30pm - upper camp

Day 2:
Same schedule as day 1

Day 3:
Same schedule

Day 4:
Same schedule, with one exception. Just before sunset, Thorsen had me cover for him as he crept down the canyon pass. I assumed he went to meet with our agents.

But he returned an hour later. This surprised me. I had hoped he met with our agents and would rejoin Kurzen. Something is wrong.
312 Day 5:
Thorsen was very agitated today. Whatever he saw or whomever he met during his excursion yesterday must have scared him.

I assumed our agents spoke with him, but when I asked Thorsen where he went while I covered for him, he remained quiet. He believes I am his friend, and he believes he is protecting me from a dangerous secret.

His loyalties are misplaced, but they are strong. When he rejoins us, he will be a valuable addition to Kurzen's forces.
313 Day 6:
Early in the morning, Thorsen spoke at length with Sergeant Yohwa. I had to pretend I still slept and so was unable to move within earshot. But I assume they spoke of Thorsen's earlier excursion.

I watched him closely at lunch and noticed Yohwa doing the same. Later, Doren summoned Thorsen. The three of them share a secret. Doren and Yohwa must know that Thorsen is meeting with your agents.

He is spying for the rebels.
314 We must give Thorsen no more intelligence, and we must kill him. He is of no more use to our Colonel. I will put an end to Thorsen if given the opportunity, but if you receive this letter then you will know I have not yet had the chance. In which case, I suggest Thorsen's next meeting with our agents is a fatal one. Hail Kurzen, -M 0
315 The Council was wise to appoint you head of the Argus Wake, marshal of their strategies in the land of humans and dwarves. And I am honored to serve as the hand of your will in Alterac.

In Sargeras' Name,

Argus Heirophant
316 Bumbling fools!

My plans called for both bridges to be destroyed simultaneously. And what do you simple-minded thugs do? You only get half the job done and alert the entire Alliance as to our intentions. Fools I say!

You have one chance to make amends for your actions. We have a backup cache of explosives in Arathi Highlands, not far from the bridge.

Finish the job if you value your measly lives!

--Kam Deepfury
317 Dun Modr of the Wetlands

My Dear Sara,

The indications are very strong that we shall move to take watch over the Thandol Span in a few days. Lest I shall not be able to write to you again. I feel impelled to write a few lines that may fall under your eye when I shall be no more.
318 Our assignment may be one of a few days duration and full of pleasure, and it may be one of severe conflict and death to me. If it is necessary that I should fall on the battlefield for the Alliance, I am ready.

I have no misgivings about or lack of confidence in the cause in which I am engaged and my courage does not halt or falter.
319 I know how strongly the Kingdom of Ironforge leans on the triumph of the Alliance, and how great a debt we owe to those who went before us through the blood and suffering of the Great Wars, and I am willing, perfectly willing to lay down all my joys in this life to help maintain this Alliance and to pay that debt. 320
320 Sara, my love for you is deathless, it seems to bind me in mighty cables that nothing but Omnipotence could break and my love of Kingdom comes over me like a strong wind and bears me irresistibly on with all these chains to the battlefield. 321
321 The memories of all the blissful moments I have spent with you come creeping over me and I feel most deeply grateful to the Light and you that I have enjoyed them so long and how hard it is for me to give them up and burn to ashes the hopes of future years when we might still have lived and loved together and seen our sons grow up to honorable dwarfhood around us. 322
322 I know I have but few and small claims upon Divine Providence but something whispers to me - perhaps it is the wafted prayer of my little Edgar - that I shall return to my loved ones unharmed. If I do not my dear Sara never forget how much I love you and when my last breath escapes me on the battlefield I shall whisper your name.

Forgive my many faults and the many pains I have caused you, how thoughtless, how foolish I have often times been.
323 How gladly would I wash out with my tears every little spot upon your happiness and struggle with all the misfortunes of this world to shield you and my dear children from harm.

But I cannot.

I must watch you from the twisting nether and hover near you while you buffet the storms with your precious little freight and wait with sad patience till we meet to part no more.
324 Rising from the ocean, a tower of water, Neptulon sent the great Krakken to doomed I'lalai. So huge were their forms that jungles of kelp swayed through their limbs, and leviathans swam through bodies.

The largest Krakken then raised his arms high and crashed them into the sea, sending waves about him. And they raged toward I'lalai.
325 The Krakken roared, and their voices thundered like an ocean storm:

"We come."

Min'loth, standing firm, called forth his magic. The waves sent to I'lalia parted and washed to both sides, and they flooded the jungle beyond. Min'loth then bade his minions chant spells of binding, and a din rang out as dozens of troll voices rose.

And one voice rose above the rest.
326 Min'loth bellowed and his magic gathered the power of his minion's spells, and he cast it at the approaching Krakken.

The seas parted and Min'loth's spell sped toward the servants of Neptulon. Lightning tore the sky and the spell struck them, and a thousand bolts fell, boiling water and burning craters in the earth.

Min'loth cried in triumph, knowing his spell would fell the great beasts.
327 But the Krakken are old, very old. They remembered when the land was first born from the sea.

They remembered when the Old Ones ruled and when the Travelers came and cast them down. They remembered when magic was new.

They are old and they hold many secrets. And though Min'loth's spell was strong, it, like the troll, was mortal.

And so it failed.
328 If failed to bind the Krakken, but it enraged them. Not in aeons had a mortal caused them pain, and the troll's spell was painful.

And so they shed the bindings of Minloth's spell, but then roared and stuck with fury.

A rumble was heard as great waves rose from the deep and raced toward the land. When they reached I'lalai they cast a shadow on the city.

But before they destroyed it the Krakken halted, poised.
329 The troll witchdoctors trembled and cried out to their master. Min'loth gazed at the mountains of the sea, doomed and defiant. He turned to his adepts and whispered, and the trolls etched his last words into stone. Min'loth then faced the looming Krakken.

He grimaced and hurled his staff, his last bold act.

The Krakken then bent their fury upon Min'loth, and an ocean fell upon I'lalai.

And it was no more.
330 And then the waters fell upon the jungle, washing clean all they met. Trolls and beasts cried out as the waters smashed and drowned them.

Many Gurubashi wondered why the ocean swallowed them, but then they died and knew nothing.

And finally, when the waters reached the mountains, they stopped. Appeased, they retreated back beyond the shores, and they left a wake of death.

They retreated, but they surged around I'lalai and remained, drowning it forever.
331 And the chief Var'gazul, safe behind the mountains in Zul'Gurub, went out to the jungle and found it washed clean of his people.

And he despaired, for his dreams of conquest were thwarted.

And never was Min'loth the Serpent found.
332 But Oh Sara if the dead can come back to Azeroth and flit unseen around those they love, I shall always be near you in the gladdest day and in the darkest night amidst your happiest scenes and gloomiest hours always, always and if there be a soft breeze upon your cheeks it shall be my breath, as the cool air fans your throbbing temple, it shall be my spirit passing by.

Sara, do not mourn me dead, think I am gone and wait for thee, for we shall meet again.

333 To My Honorable King:

'Tis not the place of a lowly soldier's wife to question the actions of great leaders such as yourself. The battles that rage across our lands are being fought to preserve the great life we know and love, from the cool waters of Loch Modan to the brisk, snow-capped peaks of Dun Morogh.
334 But the wars we wage in the name of preservation are to come at what cost? Upon the death of which fallen soldier do we realize that the very life we strive to save is slipping from us on the battlefield?

Under how many swords and axes must we throw our future? Under how many feet of sodden soil must we bury our past?
335 It is not the place of the lowly soldier's wife to ask such questions.

Yet I write to you now as the lowly soldier's widow. My husband might have been one soldier in the ranks of thousands to you. To me he was the great Sully Balloo, father of my children and my one partner in this life.

Forgive me if my questions to you, oh great leader, ring inappropriate. But the dead cannot ask these questions for themselves....

Your Loyal Subject,
Sara Balloo
336 To the Schneiders,

Good day. I trust business in the canal district is good. We are booming here in the trader's square.

We are in need of knitted cloth goods, as our supply is all but depleted. Please send the standard load as soon as you are able.

Good fortune, and I hope your son Thurman's studies progress well,

--Harlan Bagley
337 Official Orders For The Kul Tiras Fleet

I, Admiral Proudmoore, shall lead the first landing upon the shores of Kalimdor.

Lieutenant Benedict will be second in command in my absence. All domestic Kul Tiras military matters will be handled by him. If I do not send word from Tiragarde Keep within 12 months time, Lieutenant Benedict will lead the second wave to hold the location.
338 Meanwhile, I am sending Lieutenant Alverold on an exploratory mission around the continent of Kalimdor. His forces are to complete their mission and then join our forces at Tiragarde Keep.

It is anticipated that Lieutenant Alverold's mission will last quite some time. The new land seems vast and dangerous. But should any misfortune befall myself or Benedict, Alverold's troops will retake the Keep.

We will send wave after wave until that stronghold is ours!

--Admiral Proudmoore
340 <HTML>
<H1>Horde Conscription Registration</H1>
<P>This person has demonstrated incredible feats of strength and skill in the name of the Horde. They should immediately be assigned to work in the Crossroads.</P>
<P>Respectfully yours:</P>
<P>Looks good to me.<BR></BR>
- Takrin Pathseeker</P>
341 <HTML>
<H1>Horde Conscription Registration</H1>
<P>This person has demonstrated incredible feats of strength and skill in the name of the Horde. They should immediately be assigned to work in the Crossroads.</P>
<P>Respectfully yours:
<BR></BR>- Kargal Battlescar</P>
<P>Looks good to me.<BR></BR>
- Takrin Pathseeker</P>
342 The Excavation of Bael Modan

The original survey crew sent by the Explorers' League was indeed correct in their findings. The ground here holds artifacts of unlimited value to our people. No doubt we will find many answers in our quest for knowledge beneath the sand and rock of Bael Modan.

The geology of the region dictates we use extreme measures however. Many of the sand deposits have solidified under the harsh conditions and varying climate.
343 The solution is quite simple however. Using wood pulp as an absorbent, we can combine traces of nitroglycerin with sodium nitrate to develop a strong blasting charge, capable of breaking through even the most dense masses.

The work will be noisy and disruptive but our search is of far greater importance than the comfort of the local inhabitants. In fact, we've already had to drive a band of bull-men out of the area who were proving to be a nuisance.
344 The fact that we are dealing with various rogue elements out here leads me to believe we will need support from the King's Army. Not only will the excavation require military support, it would seem to my novice eye that the location of Bael Modan might be of strategic value to the Alliance considering the volatility of world politics in their current state.

Alas, I have digressed. There is much work to be done beneath the rock. I have spent too much time writing and not enough digging...
345 Missing Text 0
349 The fact that we are dealing with various rogue elements out here leads me to believe we will need support from the King's Army. Not only will the excavation require military support, it would seem to my novice eye that the location of Bael Modan might be of strategic value to the Alliance considering the volatility of world politics in their current state. Alas, I have digressed. There is much work to be done beneath the rock. I have spent too much time writing and not enough digging... 0
350 The samophlange control console can be used to autmoatically regulate the flow of fuels, gasses, liquids, and related machinery. Once initial configuration has been completed, it should run worry free with minor maintenance.

Brief listing of control console components (from left to right)

I. Main Power Lever

The engaged position enables the samophlange. The control mechanism will not automatically disengage when the lever is put in the off position. This will merely
351 Missing Text 0
352 Supervisor Fizsprocket, please find enclosed a list of the equipment you have requisitioned, approved by President Razdunk.

He has asked me to remind and to emphasize to you of the Venture Company's vested interest in setting up operations throughout Kalimdor. Our drilling and mining outposts in the Barrens have proven profitable and efficient, but we still await sufficient production numbers from Mulgore, your jurisdiction.

The advisory board understands the difficulties in establishing
353 a large scale operation so close to the tauren homeland, but do not feel that they pose a large impediment to our overall business plan in the area.

We are pleased to hear that mining has begun in the mineral rich plains of Mulgore. Because of this the board has approved your equipment request. In addition to mining, we feel that Mulgore also has much to offer in the way of lumber, thus you will also be provided with several of our newest model shredders and raw materials to construct a
354 mill. 0
355 begin the cooldown process, at which point it will take roughly one to two minutes (depending on the situation) to turn off.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The main power lever can only be manipulated when the three control valves on the actual machinery have been disengaged. These valves can be shut off in any order.

The first is the MAIN CONTROL VALVE, which can be found at the base of the large, vertical smokestack. Next, the FUEL CONTROL VALVE can be found on the large pipe which leads
356 from the fuel tanks (there should be three of them) to the smokestack. Finally, the REGULATOR VALVE can be found on the lower of the two large, cylindrical tanks that flow into the smokestack.

II. Fuel Gauges

Displays the current pressure in the primary, secondary, and tertiary fuel tanks.

III. Flow Gauge

Displays the current rate of flow within the system.
357 IV. Flow Controls

Increase or decrease the flow rates. This is automatically controlled by the samophlange control mechanism.

V. Temperature Gauge

Displays the operating temperature of the system in general.
358 Long had the children of the stars dwelled upon the banks of the shimmering waters of the Eternal Well. To all was known that Elune, light of the eternal twilight, aspect and goddess of the moon, dwelt within its waters at such time that she rested from her works. Upon the shores of the Well did the children of the stars, favored of Elune, build their homes, even as their gaze was trained ever skyward, into the moonlit night.

Though there were many towns and places of habitation constructed
359 The earth trembled as the ancient trees in the enchanted forest were uprooted and toppled. The groves and glades tended by the sons and daughters of Cenarius and the stone towers of the children of the stars were brought to the rolling ground. There was our queen, radiant even in the desperation, in the chaos that was the battles. The enchanted sky changed colors with the discharge of magic, with the explosions that threatened to tear the world asunder.

Brother fought brother. Chosen fought
360 Missing Text 0
361 Master Delgren,

It is as you feared. Your theory about the Tower of Althalaxx has proven true. A cult has gathered at the tower with many warlocks amongst their number, including even a foul satyr. They call themselves the Cult of the Dark Strand. I cannot imagine what vile purpose brings them together, but it worries me.

Please forgive the terseness in which I have composed this missive, but danger lurks in the forest around me, and I can spare few words to describing the situation. I
364 upon the lakeshore, Ameth'Aran and Bashal'Aran were the foremost, having the touch of Azshara, the Kaldorei's beloved queen, in their creation. Her favored servitors, those of the Highborne, she brought to the twin towns to reside, and to govern them she placed Athrikus Narassin, though it would be that he would spend most of his days in his Tower of Althalaxx, some ways removed of the towns.

His second, a mage known of his prowess in the arcane arts as much as with his physical abilities,
365 was Asterion, who lived among the people of Bashal'Aran, and went many times to Ameth'Aran, to see to the needs and wants of its people.

And so it was, upon the shores of the Well of Eternity, the twin towns grew and prospered, while the world beneath the stars fell slowly to madness.
366 blessed. It was not all the Highborne that fought. Some stood, transfixed, as the madness took them. Mighty cities and humble towns alike were felled around them.

In Ameth'Aran, all was in ruins, its people clinging to the ground as though that might spare them from the destruction. It was then that Athrikus Narassin, favored of Azshara appeared to guide them to safety.

With a spell he could protect them, he would say. While around them, brother and sister, father and mother perished,
367 they would have life eternal, and have naught to fear from the Sundering that was to come... 0
371 L. F. has ordered increased aggression against the fools in the Alliance. Below is a list of materials needed for an important mission against Southshore:

1 week travel rations for 20 men
20 black night suits
20 pairs new shoes
25 new swords
30 throwing knives
20 black masks
10 vials inflammatory oil
50 doses paralytic poison
5 stolen Southshore guard uniforms, if available
100 silver coins

--Baron V.
372 The Star of Xil'yeh

Grel'borg the Miser has the Star. He is a greedy ogre who spends his days in the Alterac Mountains, in the Ruins of Alterac, searching for baubles. Most of his collection is useless, but one item, the Star of Xil'yeh, has valuable properties.
373 The Hand of Dagun

Ancient texts claim that claws of Dagun excrete a poison that does not kill his prey, but mutates it into something else -- a member of the old races. Its value to us is unquestioned.

Dagun lives in the deep sea, but is regularly enticed to the surface by a tribe of Mirefin Murlocs in Dustwallow Marsh. Their oracles summon him with an enchanted sea kelp. If you kill enough oracles you'll find the kelp. Then place it on the Murloc altar, and Dagun will come.
374 The Legacy Heart

Mogh the Undying is a troll witchdoctor in Stranglethorn. And he posseses the Legacy Heart, said to stave off death to those who can unlock its secrets. You will find Mogh in the Ruins of Zul'Mamwe. Defeat him, if you can, and bring me the Legacy Heart.
375 Bring me these three items, the Star, and Hand and the Heart, and Yagyin's Digest will be yours.

376 The Star of Xil'yeh

An ogre in Alterac, Grel'borg the Miser, was the last known owner of this gem, whispered to empower its owner with the ability to commune with other worlds. Sources tell us Grelborg wanders the Ruins of Alterac in the Alterac Mountains, searching the rubble and debris for more relics.
377 The Hand of Dagun

Dagun is a creature of the deep waters, worshipped by Murlocs in Dustwallow Marsh. They entice him to the surface with a special sea kelp, enchanted by their shamans. Hunt the Murlocs, gather their enchanted kelp, then place it on the Murloc's altar. Dagun will come, and you will be waiting.

I want that hand.
378 The Legacy Heart

Old texts say that he who posseses the Legacy Heart fears not the grave. Perhaps this is true, for the owner of the heart, the troll Mogh, is known as Mogh the Undying. A witchdoctor of the Skullsplitter tribe, Mogh dwells in Stranglethorn in the Ruins of Zul'Mamwe.
379 Bring me these items, the Star, the Hand and the Heart, and I will give you a copy of the Yagyin Digest.

-The Keeper
380 Deathstalker Mission Report

Agents: Rane Yorick, Quinn Yorick, Erland McKree

Primary mission: perform reconnaissance through northern silverpine, and determine threat levels of wildlife and Scourge.
381 Agents commenced sweep, finding significant worg presence. Recommend hunting squads dispatched to reduce this threat.

Undead gnolls were found at the farm steading dubbed The Dead Field. Their purpose at the farm is not known, though their movements and level of readiness suggest imminent military action. In the time they were observed, no notable leaders were found among the gnolls. It is assumed they await the arrival of leadership or reinforcements.
382 Continuing the sweep, our agents were detained at Ivar's farm. Ivar, most of his family and his workers had succumbed to the Scourge and become its minions.

Our agents were attacked and although successful in defeating their ambushers, they sustained serious injuries, particularly agent Quinn.
383 A defensive position was taken in Ivar's old house, and while Rane kept watch for future attacks, Erland continued the reconnaissance mission.

Erland was then pinned by Worgs in a northern orchard, only escaping with the aid of another Forsaken agent. That agent is the bearer of this report.
386 It should be noted here that this report bearer was instrumental in not only the success of our mission, but also in the defeat of Ivar the Foul, the rescue of Erland, and the deliverance of this report.

We extend our gratitude, and recommend that command acknowledges this individual with awards befitting such meritorious conduct as was displayed in the field.

-Deathstalker Rane Yorick,
Mission Leader
387 And so he wandered, and he searched. And his arm remained lost to him. And so he cursed and roared as he walked.

But Gri'lek had long ago turned his ear away from the spirits, and they were angered and would not listen to his curses.

Doomed was Gri'lek. Doomed to wander, armless.
394 An evil force created these,
He sits on Dreadmist Peak at ease,
He laughs at thee and thy friend,
His elementals have no end,

Soon you must confront this mage,
For only death will end his rage.
395 The Shrine of Mel'Thandris

"May the light of Elune shine upon this vale eternal and illuminate the ways of the forest as it has for time immemorial."
396 Elune has granted my wishes. The lives of my fallen comrades will not be in vain, and I shall avenge their deaths using the Scythe of Elune. It is an ancient thing, a branch, twisted and gnarled of wood that could be older than even the Kaldorei.

For many hours I examined the tool that the goddess granted to me. It is no ordinary weapon, that is for certain, nor is it a simple magical implement. With it... it is as though the barriers of time and space are weakened.

Holding the Scythe
397 in my hands, I received a vision of chaos. Wolf-men... the worgen... battled an incredible enemy. The worgen fought savagely, as fit their primitive race, but their enemy was unflinching: the Lords of the Emerald Flame.

And that was when I realized the true power of the Scythe. By focusing on it, I became able to communicate with the worgen. It was not speech I used to contact them, however. It was something different... I could not describe it.

What mattered was that the worgen heard
398 and understood me. By further channeling energy into the Scythe, the barriers weakened more, and I was able to draw worgen into our world. A score and half I was able to summon in my first attempt. They followed me into battle, and with their brutish strength at my command, we tore into the demons of Felwood.

Elune has granted my wishes. The forest will be cleansed.

May Elune's blessings be upon me until my work is done.
399 All goes well. I have summoned larger numbers of worgen to fight at my side. Though they are of simple mind, they have shown impressive ability to coordinate their attacks and function as a group.

I have identified leaders in their packs. To them I have given command of small groups of warriors. We strike from many places in the forest at once, and my campaign against the demons is a fruitful one.

May Elune's blessings be upon me until my work is done.
400 A pack is lost. I sent the worgen to range through the forest and identify areas of demonic infestation, but they did not return. I begin to worry about the leaders that I have entrusted control to. They are of simple mind, and this small bit of authority I have given them, they stretch to the utmost. Am I losing control? Perhaps I shall cease summoning additional worgen for the time being.

May Elune's blessings be upon me until my work is done.
401 Though I have not summoned additional worgen, their numbers continue to increase. It is as though the Scythe no longer requires my intervention for the summoning process. This is troubling. I have gathered as many of the packs as I could find, and ordered them to remain at the Shrine of Mel'Thandris.

Meanwhile, I have searched the libraries in Darnassus and consulted with the Circle of Ancients in Darkshore. Not one scrap of information about these worgen did I find. I have heard reports,
402 whispers, of a wizard of the Kirin Tor named Arugal. From what I have heard, it is possible that he has also summoned worgen. I would consult with this wizard--distasteful as it may be--and see what he knows.

The worgen are dangerous, and I wish to stem the tide. On the morrow, I will travel to the port in the Barrens and book passage to the New World.

May Elune's blessings be upon me until my work is done.
403 I started this journal so I could keep notes on my quest to help Ashenvale. There is a mystery to some of the events that occurred not too long ago, and hopefully I will be able to unravel some of it in order to help my people.

Let me start by putting down facts so they don't slip my mind at a later date.

I've recently found truth to the rumors of the wizard Dartol's efforts.
404 Where once I thought it preposterous that a human would come to our lands and learn our ways, this wizard, this evil man, came here and not only survived, but also gained some of our knowledge. I'm still uncertain how...

I never discovered his goals during my investigation, but his plan seemed simple: using druidic magic, he wanted to befriend and then control the furbolg. If it was in an attempt to harm my kin, or for some other malicious purpose, I hope to find out before my path ends.
405 Regardless, he was apparently more successful than naught in actualizing his plans. Did he want to attempt his machinations on the furbolg before trying on my people? Did the furbolg have something he coveted? Who knows?

Using an item he created (a rod or staff of some kind), he attempted to infiltrate the furbolg tribes of Ashenvale. At some point, and this is where many of the details are still unclear, he was discovered by the furbolg while trying to manipulate them into acting against
406 one another. As I'm sure the elves would be, the furbolg were angered, but they reacted much more strongly and killed Dartol.

The furbolg, at least at this time, weren't the same corrupted creatures they've become. They were still rational and intelligent--their relationship with our people amicable.

I'm hoping that if I can recreate the rod with the help of a dryad named Shael'dryn, I can use its power to help our people... and the furbolg.
407 Not all the furbolg have been corrupted. Some still live and try to protect the forest. During their corruption, some of the furbolg fled, many were killed, and others were forced out of their tribes.

I found a venerable furbolg of the Foulweald tribe living above Lake Mystral--his name is Krolg.

I've watched him for days, and I think if I were to approach him in the guise of a furbolg, I could help him and discover a way to re-establish a bond between our people.
408 Along with killing Dartol, the furbolg split up the rod into three parts so it couldn't be used against them again. It has been difficult, but I've a good idea where all three parts were placed.

The Gem
The first part of the rod, a glowing gem, was hidden in a shrine in Northwestern Ashenvale. I believe now this shrine is the ruins at the center of Lake Falathim. The Sentinels tell me that it's been inhabited by murlocs now.
409 If I can't find the gem hidden in the shrine, it might be in the possession of one of the murlocs.

The shaft portion
This part of the rod was given to the treants near what is now called Felwood. Neither the furbolg nor my kind could have suspected that such magnificent creatures could ever fall to the corruption that's overtaken the land.

My research tells me that the guardians kept the piece in a small glade locked within a chest. To find out any more, I'll have to speak to Shael'dryn.
410 1. Get one or eight man
2. Hit man hard
3. Hit man more
4. Put man in fire
5. Eat man
411 Shael'dryn is a dryad who protects the moonwell northeast of Lake Iris. She refuses to leave the forest or forsake it to the corruption. I know she has the power and knowledge to repair the rod, or to at least tell me how I can do it on my own.

The pommel
The pommel of the rod was given to the druids of Dor'danil. There is one major problem with this though: the druids are dead.

Their spirits now inhabit the area and are no longer hospitable.
412 This may require more investigation. I'm not sure I'm powerful enough to fight the spirits of my dead kin...let alone delve into the depths of Dor'danil and find the pommel.

(Note: During my preparations in Astranaar, I've recently met a dwarf hunter who has spent a good portion of his time in Ashenvale trying to help my people. He came from a place called Stormwind.

We spoke over a few ales one night, and his tales have given me new hope of finding the pommel...
413 He tells me he's been throughout all of Dor'danil, and he's never seen a chest or any container that may hold the pommel.

He also tells me that rotting slimes have inhabited the area, and they devour almost anything smaller than them. He's seen them "eat" tables, sculptures, bears, and even gnomes!

The slimes seem to gain a great deal of sustenance from things magical. If the chest holding the pommel was enchanted at all, the slimes might have eaten it.
414 It's a gamble, but I have no other clues at this time...

As I find out more I'll put the details here; but until then, I shall work on finding the parts of the rod and helping Ashenvale.
415 Jin'Zil,
It has been a while, but I thought you would like to know that the last of the Bloodfeather's have been slain. Don't thank me though, the person delivering the letter is the slayer. If you'd like, I can have her head delivered to you after the caravan makes its rounds through the Barrens. I know you like that sort of stuff for your voodoo magics.
Take care old friend.

-Darsok Swiftdagger
416 Missing Text 0
417 Okay, you should have your NG-5 charges and detonators ready. I've labeled them for you... Blue is for the lumber mill. Red is for Windshear Mine.

I did some scouting, and there are enough explosives throughout Windshear Crag that it shouldn't be a problem at all for you to get in, plant the explosives, and then get out before detonating them.

Remember, this is a distraction. Get far from the wagons before the goblins get there to check out what happened, then sneak in behind them.
418 Be careful with them by the way. The Nitromirglyceronium alone could reduce you to dust. I've encased some of the liquid in copper tubes which should keep it stable and safe.

The scroll you got from Collin I used on the detonator boxes. They will now send a silent message to the NG-5 charges after you've set them. I used a simple Stalthwargon mechanism to make sure the wire conductivity is optimal and the flow of the Nitroglyceronium between the differential fluid is better than average.
419 Before I get back into the details about my design, let me explain where you should place the explosives.

Plan Alpha- the lumber mill:
There's a wagon out in front of the lumber mill (this is northeast of their deforestation and lumber collection construct). I suspect the engineering plans are inside of the lumber mill.

To plant the charge, head to the back of the wagon. Once it's set, make haste and get some distance.
420 When you're ready, hit the detonator.

I've ensured a strong signal by routing copper and silver wires with a Melthusian antenae array within the casing of the box. That should give you good range. Just be careful of the goblins nearby. They won't appreciate my creation if they catch you in their site.

Oh, just in case it wasn't obvious, don't be near the wagon when it blows... it'll hurt.
421 Plan Beta- Windshear Mine:

I saw the goblins using another wagon of explosives north of the mine's entrance. I think that should be a good enough place to plant NG-5 Charge (Red). After you set the charge in the back of the wagon, get some distance and hit the button.

If the goblins don't come running to check out the commotion, it's probably because the mountain came down on top of their heads.
422 The Venture Co. Letters are outside the mine... I think on some crates on the bottom level.

Good luck, and remember...

Blue Charge: lumber mill
Red Charge: mine

Oh, and destroy this letter after you've accomplished your mission. Hmm, maybe I should look into a way to make these things destroy themselves after they're read. That's not a bad idea...
424 --Day One--

My journey from Ironforge finally brings me to Kalimdor!

Prospector Khazgorm of Bael Modan is making great headway. He uncovered a fossil today which the site scholars believe to be a bone fragment of an ancient god. Khazgorm is certain the fossil is part of a greater mystery. While he oversees the excavation site, he has made it my quest to discover more fossils to piece together the story.

My assignment: head to the south in search of more clues.
425 --Day Two--

The lands of the Barrens are vast and expansive. My trek has been long and arduous and has yielded nothing of interest for the Explorers' League archives so far.

The only incident of note took place near the gold road. Off in the distance I noticed some strange creatures. Half pig, half man it seemed. I quickly hid and let the foul beasts pass. My what a foul stench they left behind!
426 --Day Three--

Oh great and splendid discovery!

Whilst exploring today I came across a grand find: massive remains of what seems to have been a boar-like creature. Its skull towered many lengths above me. Each tooth of the beast could dwarf even... well a dwarf. Due to the sheer size of the find, I am lead to believe these are the remains of one of the rumored Old Gods.
427 A while back, at the Explorers' League headquarters in Ironforge, I remember a lecture given by Chief Archeologist Greywhisker. The old chap made mention of such a god, one which was revered by the strange elves of Darnassus because of his rumored altruistic nature--

Bah! One moment. I hear snorting outside the tent. Surely just some thistle boars trying to get at my apple stash....
428 --Day 4--


Must... write... quickly.

Attacked by boar men of the Razorfen tribe. Believed they were taking me to the great boar remains of the fallen god. Instead, they skirted the great fossils and headed directly west of the giant skull, across the Gold Road.
429 Roughly dragged inside of a foul-smelling, thorn infested bramble called Razorfen Kraul. Thrown inside a crudely crafted hut and held captive along with a dying night elf.

No possessions on me save for this journal, my quill and my pocket watch...

Someone coming now...
430 --Day 5--

My night elf cell mate suffers from grave wounds. The boar men have whipped him repeatedly and I believe he will perish before long unless by some miracle a rescue party braves this treacherous place. He slips in and out of consciousness. When he awakes, I try to give him what little water I have.
431 Last night he was able to speak for the first time. He is a druid, called Heralath, sent to these parts to examine the rumors of the fallen boar god.

In a weakened voice he told me that he believed the great boar skull to be the place where the great boar god Agamaggan fell battling the Burning Legion some 10,000 years ago during the War of the Ancients. His massive body flattened the land and his blood sank into the earth. Twisted spires of thorns grow where his blood fell...
432 Heralath and his people seek to discover the source of corruption at this site. Agamaggan was believed to be a pure god, he told me. Why these foul creatures and malignant thorns scar the land is a mystery indeed.

Before I could press for more information, Heralath slipped into fitful sleep once again...
433 --Day 6--

Heralath's condition worsens.

His eyes opened only once today. He spoke with pained anguish but his message was clear. If I were to escape my doom here in Razorfen Kraul, word must be gotten to Falfindel Waywarder in Thalanaar that Charlga Razorflank was rousing minions in the southern Barrens. The power grows with each day. The Crone must be stopped before the plague of corruption can spread from the Kraul.
434 Poor Heralath looks pale as bone. His fever grows worse by the minute. All the while the boar men are preparing for some great military action. I fear that if I do not attempt my escape soon, I will meet a fate similar to my elven cell mate.

My plan is to sneak out when the boar men leave for their next hunt. My guards are lazy and often sleep through their shifts.
435 Once free from the Kraul, I will head towards Thousand Needles and then west to Thalanaar on the border of the mysterious forest of Feralas. There I will seek the druid known as Falfindel Waywarder.

What began as an attempt to explore the past of my people has turned into something much larger. The protection of the Alliance lies in my hands....
BUYER: Kravel Koalbeard


Hydro Ratchet (3)
Repeater Bolts (50)
30" 20-gauge copper tubing (12)
Snuff, Deepfury brand (1)
High-grade prism (3)
437 would deliver this message to you myself, but I fear to leave, lest I miss some event of great import.

Should you wish to know more of my observations on the Tower of Althalaxx, the bearer of this message has provided no small amount of assistance to me, and I believe <he / she> can be trusted.

In haste,
Balthule Shadowstrike
438 The goblin Nazz Steamboil is really the son of a goblin merchant prince (Which prince? The price of that information is high).

It seems he much rather enjoys spending the money his family makes than he does earning it himself. So he stole a small fortune from his family's hoard and is now hiding in the Shimmering Flats.

If his father knew where he was, he'd be sure to seek him out and drag him back home... minus a toe for his insolence.
439 Mr. Fizzlebub,

The bearer of this letter and I are devising a business venture that we welcome you to join.

As you know, I spend much of my time in the Shimmering Flats -- the aforementioned business venture deals with the races on these flats.

If racing and, more specifically gambling on races, interests you then please read on, for I feel that your knowledge of Stranglethorn would be useful in our scheme.
440 Mr. Fizzlebub,

The beverage you gave my associate was a huge success. Not only is the drink strong, causing a huge dulling of wits, it seems to have an addictive quality. I'm sure those who have tried it will crave more.

We are indebted to you, Crank.

And I invite you to come to Shimmering Flats, or to send a confidante, to take advantage of the new gambling opportunities we have here.

441 Good Martek,

I'm in a jam and I need your help.

My brother and I are building a racecar and we need strong pistons. Nothing I try is hard enough. Nothing can hold up to our new car's speed. And so the engine breaks down constantly!

You are an expert in crafting with metal. You must help. You are the only one who can.
442 To face Frostmaw, you must entice him with the meat of his favorite prey.

Go to the Alterac Mountains in Azeroth and hunt a hulking mountain lion. Kill it, and then take its carcass to the Growless Cave, a place held sacred by the bestial wendigo.

Place the carcass on the Flame of Uzel and the scent from burning meat will drift from the cave.

And then, in time, Frostmaw will come.
443 It never ceases to amaze me how easily hatred can be used to bend people to your will. The orcs and trolls were easiest, their hatred of the Alliance making them willing subjects to hear the message of the Dark Strand. Do they have any inkling of the greater power they serve?

That infuriating paladin, Delgren the Purifier, has been poking into our affairs in Ashenvale Forest, while his lackey, Balthule, spies on my tower, thinking his presence unknown to me. Delgren believes us a minor
444 threat, just another death cult, perhaps. Little does he know that we are but one of the... strands of the Shadow Council.

As a child, I was once told of an insect whose bite could kill with ease, though it looked nothing more than a fly, a speck barely worthy of recognition. It is the things you dismiss which will hurt you the most, left to fester.
445 The rocket cars that race the flats are higly tuned and require extreme maintenance. So it's no surprise that pit crews are kept on the scene at all times.

These crews constantly test their cars and make fixes and modifications as needed. It is the only way to keep the cars in a state of top performance.

So... we're looking for a means to force a lapse in one of the pit crews' dilligence, as any such lapse would cause the crew's car to fall quickly into disrepair.
446 If we can control which car is in top shape and which car is not, then... I don't need to explain to you the advantage in gambling this gives us.

So, from you, good Fizzlebub, we need that means in which to force the pit crews' lapse.

Does Stranglethorn possess some plant or herb or drink we might use to addle the wits of gnomes and goblins?

--K. Koalbeard
447 I have done a great deal of research about the Aspects and their titan creators--as much as any human could in a lifetime. There were five Aspects when the titans left this world; they were mighty dragons tasked with protecting the world of Azeroth. Their tales are vast and varied, and even now, in spite of all the information I have gathered, I know that there is much more to be learned of these magnificent creatures. 450
448 Apothecary Lydon,

I hope this letter reaches you swiftly and its bearer in good condition. A need has arisen in distant Kalimdor that I believe will require your skills.

I will be brief.

A crisis develops in the Stonetalon Mountains, not far from our Tauren allies' homeland of Mulgore. The goblin-run Venture company is mining and lumbering fiercely in those moutains, enraging the mountain spirits.
449 I must assume the commotion these spirits cause through channels under the auspice of Tauren shamans and druids distracts them. For the Tauren consider the Venture Company in the Stonetalon Mountains a dire threat.

Threat or not, we must aid our allies.

Lydon, you have a broad knowledge of toxins. Can you devise one that we might use to spread a contagion among the goblins in Stonetalon?

Scholarly yours,
P. Zamah
450 Much of the knowledge I have now I could not have possibly learned on my own. Because of this, I am extremely grateful to the night elves. It was only with their help that I have as many details as I do. As a result of our interactions, I am under the impression that their beginnings are much more closely tied to the Aspects than I had first thought. However, they guard their secrets far too closely for even me to know for certain. 451
451 The information I learned of the Aspects I put here for others to reference in the future. I know it will prove useful, as I feel that these dragons will have a much greater effect on our world as time goes on. 452
452 Alexstrasza:
Alexstrasza, the ancient and powerful Queen of the Dragons, was named the Life-Binder by the titans. She was first to be created by the titans to protect the world after they left. It is said that she witnessed the birth of all modern races upon the face of Azeroth. Her red dragonflight, known for their proud demeanor, once ruled over all other dragonkind.
453 Rumors among the night elves suggest Alexstrasza and the demigod Cenarius were close friends, and that it was he that called her during the first invasion of the Burning Legion. 454
454 Ysera:
Ysera the Dreamer represents mortal subconscious. She encompasses the Emerald Dreaming.. While she appreciates imagination and creation and approves of ambition in the mortal races, her and her dragonflight consider the real world to be just an illusion. Ysera is one of the most graceful and powerful creatures any mortal could lay eyes on.
455 Malygos:
Malygos is known as the Steward of Magic or the Spell-Weaver. His natural form is not that of a typical dragon, and it is said he can change it at will. Rarely seen after his retreat to the far north, he is almost always in the form of an insect-like creature, but while in dragon form, he and his dragonflight are varying blues in color.
456 Nozdormu:
Nozdormu is known as the Master of Time and the Timeless. He and his dragonflight are bronze in color and display great cunning in all things. Nozdormu's attention has always been focused on collecting artifacts of the past, as he cares little for the current matters of the mortal races, or even his fellow Aspects' dealings. His indifference towards the politics of others does not mean he is complacent towards events that transpire throughout the world though.
457 Considered to be protectors, the bronze dragonflight find themselves greatly attracted to areas of civilization. The dragon and his flight are very patient by nature, always relying on observation and acting with a plan before being hasty. Nozdormu will always attempt to protect the time stream and the mortal races when threatened by greater enemies. 458
458 Neltharion:
Neltharion, called the Earth-Warder upon his creation, was more loyal and protective of Azeroth than any of the other Aspects. His black dragonflight were responsible for the creation of the mountains and the other formations of the lands including boundaries between the mortal races. What caused his corruption still remains a mystery; be it an outside influence or something that rotted from within. I wonder if perhaps the Old Gods didn't play a hand in the great black's corruption.
459 The black dragon underwent a complete transformation; and in the end, Neltharion no longer existed. He became Deathwing, a creature of malice and hatred. No longer the Earth-Warder in the eyes of races like the high elves, he was renamed the Death Aspect and Xaxas in place of his titan-given name. Deathwing is the embodiment of chaos and evil, and is always hungry for destruction. He is arguably the first evil of Azeroth that appeared after the banishment of the Old Gods. 0

You are the proud new owner of the amazing snufflenose gopher! Although a shy creature, we are positive you'll find your new pet's fuzzy cuteness and incredible olfactory capabilities endearing.

In the following pages, you'll find information on your gopher's:

1. Feeding and care
2. Eccentric (and adorable) behavior
3. Use of the patented Snufflenose Command Stick(tm)

Again, congratulations. You won't be disappounted,

-Marwig Rustbolt
Owner, Snuff Inc.

507 --Day 13
Troop movement near Theramore has increased. Large numbers of humans left the city and move west, in haste.

--Day 14
More troops leaving the city. I followed a small group and watched them remove their uniforms after leaving bowshot of Theramore. Perhaps they are deserters?

--Day 15
I overheard some Theramore troops talk today of guards leaving their posts. My suspicions of the deserters must be true
527 The Bleeding Sparrow: Manifest

(20) barrels rum. Destination: Theramore
(50) sacks flour. Destination: Theramore
(2) crates assorted gnome tools. Destination: Ratchet
(30) bolts cotton cloth. Destination: Theramore
(4) crates spices. Destination: Theramore
(3) passengers. Destination: Theramore
528 Jorgen,
My fears have come true, and they have acted in ways I never thought capable. Never did I think they would get this close, but they have.
Please help the bearer of this note, and send them to HIM. In all honesty, I think he'll aid us because the seriousness of this matter. If it were any other threat, he would probably continue to ignore us and the problems of our fair city.
Thank you, you old fisherman. I am indebted to you as always.
Your friend,
547 Captain,

I wish you fortune in your journeys. Regrettably, fortune did not favor our first abduction attempt.

When our team made contact with the target in the Stormwind/Ironforge tunnels, they found only a decoy. It appears he showed more wisdom than we accredited him.

But our second plan is already in motion. Defias agents are prepared to intercept the target as he approaches Theramore. Soon Stormwind will feel our bite all too keenly..

548 --Day 16
Uleg and Thargil returned from their mission to the Theramore docks. They saw a new ship in port: the Bleeding Sparrow. The ship arrived from Menethil Harbor in Azeroth.

Tomorrow Uleg and Thargil will return to the docks and steal aboard the ship. They hope to find political documents, ones that reveal the relations between Theramore and the Alliance.
571 Captain,

I wish you fortune in your journeys. Regrettably, fortune did not favor our first abduction attempt.

When our team made contact with the target in the Stormwind/Ironforge tunnels, they found only a decoy. It appears he showed more wisdom than we accredited him.

But our second plan is already in motion. Defias agents are prepared to intercept the target as he approaches Theramore. Soon Stormwind will feel our bite all too keenly..

572 With Kel'Thuzad's success in Lordaeron, the Lich King made the final preparations for his assault against human civilization. Placing his plague energies into a number of portable artifacts called plague cauldrons, Ner'zhul ordered Kel'Thuzad to transport the cauldrons to Lordaeron where they would be hidden within various cult-controlled villages. 573
573 The cauldrons, protected by the loyal cultists, would then act as plague generators, sending the plague seeping out across the unsuspecting farmlands and cities of northern Lordaeron.

The Lich King's plan worked perfectly. Many of Lordaeron's northern villages were contaminated almost immediately. Just as in Northrend, the citizens who contracted the plague died and arose as the Lich King's willing slaves.
574 The cultists under Kel'Thuzad were eager to die and be raised again in their dark lord's service. They exulted in the prospect of immortality through undeath. As the plague spread, more and more feral zombies arose in the northlands. Kel'Thuzad looked upon the Lich King's growing army and named it the Scourge - for soon, it would march upon the gates of Lordaeron...and scour humanity from the face of the world. 0
575 No one knows exactly how the universe began. Some theorize that a catastrophic cosmic explosion sent the infinite worlds spinning out into the vastness of the Great Dark - worlds that would one day bear life-forms of wondrous and terrible diversity. Others believe that the universe, as it exists, was created as a whole by a singular, all-powerful entity. 576
576 Though the exact origins of the chaotic universe remain unclear, it is clear that a race of powerful beings arose to bring order to the various worlds and ensure a safe future for the beings that would follow in their footsteps.

The Titans, colossal, metallic-skinned gods from the far reaches of the cosmos, came forward and set to work on the worlds they encountered. They shaped the form of their worlds by raising mighty mountains and dredging out vast seas.
577 They breathed skies and raging atmospheres into being - all part of their unfathomable, far-sighted plan to create order out of chaos. They even empowered primitive races to tend to their works and maintain the integrity of their respective worlds.

The Titans, ruled by an elite sect known as the Pantheon, brought order to a hundred million worlds scattered throughout the Great Dark Beyond during the first ages of creation.
578 The benevolent Pantheon, seeking to safeguard their structured worlds, was ever vigilant against the threat of attack from the vile, extra-dimensional entities of the Twisting Nether. The Nether, an ethereal dimension of chaotic magics that connected the myriad worlds of the universe together, was home to an infinite number of malefic, demonic beings, who sought only to destroy life and devour the energies of the living universe. 0
579 --Day 17
Uleg returned from his mission. He failed, and Thargil was captured. I sent Uleg to deliver this report to Nazeer.

I will remain here. I have witnessed increased shipping activity off the coast of Theramore. I will continue my watch and personally report any noteworthy events.
580 Our first plan has already failed!

Fist was successful in switching the guard roster for the tunnel shifts that evening, but due to some unforeseen efforts by some of the citizens of Stormwind, our target was able to flee from the scene before we could capture him. But we planned for such contingencies. Plan 2 has been set in motion and was well under way before our ambush was set off in Stormwind.
581 Plan 2 is just as simple, but will require more patience on our part. Our man on the inside in Menethil has already been paid for his efforts, and he's succeeded brilliantly. We should have no problem acquiring our target and capturing him once we've set sail. 582
582 Expect the attack to happen a few miles from their destination. That's where our??? allies??? will be laid in waiting. I'm not sure why we've been forced to form an alliance with the creatures, but I can't help but feel we're being coerced ourselves. Ultimately, it won't matter. With the target in our custody, we'll be well on our way to taking back Stormwind from those that stole it from us! 0
607 Master Longbeard,

As you know, we Stormpikes have an eye for excellence, and so the quality of your shields is no mystery to us.

I, therefore, am keen to commission you for such a shield. I have included specifications on the following page:

627 The devastating Second War against the orcish horde left the Alliance of Lordaeron in a state of shock and disarray. The bloodthirsty orcs, led by the mighty warchief, Orgrim Doomhammer, not only smashed their way through the dwarf-held lands of Khaz Modan, but had razed many of Lordaeron's central provinces as well. The unrelenting orcs even succeeded in ravaging the
elves' remote kingdom of Quel'Thalas before their rampage was finally stopped.
628 The Alliance armies led by Sir Anduin Lothar, Uther the Lightbringer, and Admiral Daelin Proudmoore pushed the orcs south into the shattered land of Azeroth - the first kingdom to fall before the orcs' ruthless onslaught.

The Alliance forces under Sir Lothar managed to push Doomhammer's clans out of Lordaeron and back into the orc-controlled lands of Azeroth. Lothar's forces surrounded the orcs' volcanic citadel of Blackrock Spire and laid siege to their defenses.
629 In a last-ditch effort, Doomhammer and his lieutenants staged a daring charge from the Spire and clashed with Lothar's paladins in the center of the Burning Steppes. Doomhammer and Lothar squared off in a titanic battle that left both mighty combatants battered and drained. Though Doomhammer narrowly succeeded in vanquishing Lothar, the great hero's death did not have the effect the warchief had hoped for. 630
630 Turalyon, Lothar's most trusted lieutenant, took up Lothar's bloodstained shield and rallied his grief-stricken brethren for a vicious counterattack. Under the ragged standards of both Lordaeron and Azeroth, Turalyon's troops slaughtered the bulk of Doomhammer's remaining forces in a glorious, but terrible rout. 631
631 There was nothing left for the ragged, scattered orc survivors but to flee to the last standing bastion of orcish power - the dark portal.

Turalyon and his warriors chased the remaining orcs through the festering Swamp of Sorrows and into the corrupted Blasted Lands where the dark portal stood. There, at the foot of the colossal portal, the broken horde and the rugged Alliance clashed in what would be the last, bloodiest battle of the Second War.
632 Outnumbered and driven mad by the curse of their bloodlust, the orcs inevitably fell before the wrath of the Alliance. Doomhammer was taken prisoner and escorted to Lordaeron while his broken clans were rounded up and hauled north - back to Lordaeron. 0
633 Only a few months after Nethergarde's completion, the energies of the dark portal coalesced and opened up a new gateway to Draenor. The remaining orc clans, under the leadership of the elder shaman, Ner'zhul, charged forth into Azeroth once again. Intent on stealing a number of magical artifacts that would increase Ner'zhul's power, the orcs planned to open up new portals in Draenor that would allow them to escape their doomed red world forever. 634
634 Convinced that Ner'zhul was planning a new offensive against the Alliance, King Terenas of Lordaeron sent his armies into Draenor to end the orcish threat once and for all. Led by Khadgar and General Turalyon, the Alliance forces clashed with the orcs across the burning landscape. Even with the aid of the elven Ranger Alleria, the dwarf Kurdran and the veteran soldier Danath, Khadgar was unable to prevent Ner'zhul from opening his portals to other worlds. 635
635 The tremendous magical storms caused by the portals' converging energies began to tear the ravaged world apart. Ner'zhul, followed only by his most trusted servants, managed to escape through one of the portals as Khadgar fought desperately to return his comrades to Azeroth. Realizing that they would be trapped on the dying world, Khadgar and his companions selflessly decided to destroy the dark portal so that Azeroth would not be harmed by Draenor's violent destruction. 636
636 By all accounts, the heroes were successful in destroying the portal and saving Azeroth - but whether or not they escaped the death throes of Draenor remains to be seen. 0
637 Ten thousand years before the orcs and humans clashed in their First War, the world of Azeroth cradled only one massive continent surrounded by the infinite, raging seas. That land mass, known as Kalimdor, was home to a number of disparate races and creatures, all vying for survival amongst the savage elements of the waking world. At the dark continent's center was a mysterious lake of incandescent energies. 638
638 The lake, which would later be called the Well of Eternity, was the true heart of the world's magic and natural power. Drawing its energies from the infinite Great Dark beyond the world, the Well acted as a mystical fount, sending its potent energies out across the world to nourish life in all its wondrous forms.

In time, a primitive tribe of nocturnal humanoids cautiously made their way to the edges of the mesmerizing, enchanted lake.
639 The feral, nomadic humanoids, drawn by the Well's strange energies, built crude homes upon its tranquil shores. Over time, the Well's cosmic power affected the strange tribe, making them strong, wise and virtually immortal. The tribe adopted the name Kaldorei, which meant -children of the stars- in their native tongue. To celebrate their budding society, they constructed great structures and temples around the lake's periphery. 640
640 The Kaldorei, or night elves as they would later be known, worshipped the moon goddess, Elune, and believed that she slept within the Well's shimmering depths during the daylight hours. The early night elf priests and seers studied the Well with an insatiable curiosity, driven to plumb its untold secrets and power. As their society grew, the night elves explored the
breadth of Kalimdor and encountered its myriad denizens.
641 The only creatures that gave them pause were the ancient and powerful dragons. Though
the great serpentine beasts were often reclusive, they did much to safeguard the known lands from potential threats. The night elves believed that the dragons held themselves to be the protectors of the world, and that they and their secrets were best left alone.
642 In time, the night elves' curiosity led them to meet and befriend a number of powerful entities, not the least of which was Cenarius, a mighty demi-god of the primordial forestlands. The great-hearted Cenarius grew fond of the inquisitive night elves and spent a great deal of time teaching them about the natural world. The tranquil Kaldorei developed a strong empathy for the living forests of Kalimdor and reveled in the harmonious balance of nature. 643
643 Yet, as the seemingly endless ages passed, the night elves' civilization expanded both territorially and culturally. Their temples, roads, and dwelling places stretched across the breadth of the dark continent. Azshara, the night elves' beautiful and gifted Queen, built an immense, wondrous palace on the Well's shore that housed her favored servitors within its bejeweled halls. 644
644 Her servitors, whom she called the Quel'dorei or -high-borne,- doted on her every command and believed themselves to be greater than the rest of their lower-caste brethren. Though Queen Azshara was loved equally by all of her people, the high-borne were secretly hated by the jealous masses.

Sharing the priests' curiosity towards the Well of Eternity, Azshara ordered the educated high-borne to plumb its secrets and reveal its true purpose in the world.