Quest simulation
Whitemist, Echeyakee in our tongue, is the king of the savannah cats. With such steath does he hunt, he is like a thin white mist on the earth. And with such speed does he kill, his prey have no time for fear, or pain.
He is mercy, and he is death.
You will learn this, for I set you on the path to hunt Echeyakee. He stalks with his lion brethren, northeast of The Crossroads...
Go. He is waiting.
Bring Echeyakee's Hide to Jorn Skyseer at Camp Taujaro.
5100: Echeyakee's Hide
The great cat calls to you, <name>.
You have beaten Echeyakee, and though he hunts no more... his spirit is with you. He will show you the strength found in subtlety, and the honor in mercy.
Your path is long, young <class>. Stride it well.
2200 XP
5320: Echeyakee\'s Grace will be cast on you
Zone: Barrens
Minimum level: 10
Quest level: 16
Next quest in chain: 882: Ishamuhale
NPCs that start this quest (1)
NPCs that finish this quest (1)
Quest chain (4)
Database entry for quest
Field | Value |
entry | 881 |
Method | 2 |
ZoneOrSort | 17 |
MinLevel | 10 |
MaxLevel | 0 |
QuestLevel | 16 |
Type | 0: Normal |
RequiredClasses | |
RequiredRaces | Orc, Undead, Tauren, Troll |
RequiredSkill | 0: None |
RequiredSkillValue | 0 |
RequiredCondition | 0 |
RepObjectiveFaction | 0 |
RepObjectiveValue | 0 |
RequiredMinRepFaction | 0 |
RequiredMinRepValue | 0 |
RequiredMaxRepFaction | 0 |
RequiredMaxRepValue | 0 |
SuggestedPlayers | 0 |
LimitTime | 0 |
QuestFlags | None |
SpecialFlags | None |
PrevQuestId | - |
NextQuestId | - |
ExclusiveGroup | - |
NextQuestInChain | 882: Ishamuhale |
SrcItemId | |
SrcItemCount | 0 |
SrcSpell | 0 |
Title | Echeyakee |
Details | Whitemist, Echeyakee in our tongue, is the king of the savannah cats. With such steath does he hunt, he is like a thin white mist on the earth. And with such speed does he kill, his prey have no time for fear, or pain.$B$BHe is mercy, and he is death.$B$BYou will learn this, for I set you on the path to hunt Echeyakee. He stalks with his lion brethren, northeast of The Crossroads...$B$BGo. He is waiting. |
Objectives | Bring Echeyakee's Hide to Jorn Skyseer at Camp Taujaro. |
OfferRewardText | You have beaten Echeyakee, and though he hunts no more... his spirit is with you. He will show you the strength found in subtlety, and the honor in mercy.$B$BYour path is long, young $c. Stride it well. |
RequestItemsText | The great cat calls to you, $N. |
EndText | |
ObjectiveText1 | |
ObjectiveText2 | |
ObjectiveText3 | |
ObjectiveText4 | |
ReqItemId1 | 5100: Echeyakee's Hide |
ReqItemId2 | |
ReqItemId3 | |
ReqItemId4 | |
ReqItemCount1 | 1 |
ReqItemCount2 | 0 |
ReqItemCount3 | 0 |
ReqItemCount4 | 0 |
ReqSourceId1 | 0 |
ReqSourceId2 | 0 |
ReqSourceId3 | 0 |
ReqSourceId4 | 0 |
ReqSourceCount1 | 0 |
ReqSourceCount2 | 0 |
ReqSourceCount3 | 0 |
ReqSourceCount4 | 0 |
ReqCreatureOrGOId1 | - |
ReqCreatureOrGOId2 | - |
ReqCreatureOrGOId3 | - |
ReqCreatureOrGOId4 | - |
ReqCreatureOrGOCount1 | 0 |
ReqCreatureOrGOCount2 | 0 |
ReqCreatureOrGOCount3 | 0 |
ReqCreatureOrGOCount4 | 0 |
ReqSpellCast1 | - |
ReqSpellCast2 | - |
ReqSpellCast3 | - |
ReqSpellCast4 | - |
RewChoiceItemId1 | |
RewChoiceItemId2 | |
RewChoiceItemId3 | |
RewChoiceItemId4 | |
RewChoiceItemId5 | |
RewChoiceItemId6 | |
RewChoiceItemCount1 | 0 |
RewChoiceItemCount2 | 0 |
RewChoiceItemCount3 | 0 |
RewChoiceItemCount4 | 0 |
RewChoiceItemCount5 | 0 |
RewChoiceItemCount6 | 0 |
RewItemId1 | |
RewItemId2 | |
RewItemId3 | |
RewItemId4 | |
RewItemCount1 | 0 |
RewItemCount2 | 0 |
RewItemCount3 | 0 |
RewItemCount4 | 0 |
RewRepFaction1 | 0: None |
RewRepFaction2 | 0: None |
RewRepFaction3 | 0: None |
RewRepFaction4 | 0: None |
RewRepFaction5 | 0: None |
RewRepValue1 | 0 |
RewRepValue2 | 0 |
RewRepValue3 | 0 |
RewRepValue4 | 0 |
RewRepValue5 | 0 |
RewXP | 2200 |
RewOrReqMoney | 0 |
RewSpell | - |
RewSpellCast | 5320: Echeyakee\'s Grace |
RewMailTemplateId | 0 |
RewMailDelaySecs | 0 |
RewMailMoney | 0 |
PointMapId | 0 |
PointX | 0 |
PointY | 0 |
PointOpt | 0 |
DetailsEmote1 | 0 |
DetailsEmote2 | 0 |
DetailsEmote3 | 0 |
DetailsEmote4 | 0 |
DetailsEmoteDelay1 | 0 |
DetailsEmoteDelay2 | 0 |
DetailsEmoteDelay3 | 0 |
DetailsEmoteDelay4 | 0 |
IncompleteEmote | 0 |
CompleteEmote | 0 |
OfferRewardEmote1 | 1 |
OfferRewardEmote2 | 0 |
OfferRewardEmote3 | 0 |
OfferRewardEmote4 | 0 |
OfferRewardEmoteDelay1 | 0 |
OfferRewardEmoteDelay2 | 0 |
OfferRewardEmoteDelay3 | 0 |
OfferRewardEmoteDelay4 | 0 |
StartScript | 0 |
CompleteScript | 881 |
ignored | 0 |
parse_timestamp | 1970-01-01 |