The Lost Fragments


Quest simulation

The Lost Fragments

The Scroll of Myzrael...the Scroll of Myzrael?! You don't want that! Its magic can pull Myzrael to the surface world and if you do that, we are in trouble!

Or...maybe it's too late. Maybe she already is free. Maybe she's just gathering strength before unleashing herself upon us. If so, then you'll NEED the scroll!

...too bad it's destroyed. Enraged elementals stole it and tore it up and now fight over the fragments.

But if you can gather those fragments, maybe we can fix it...


Bring the Torn Scroll Fragment, the Crumpled Scroll Fragment and the Singed Scroll Fragment to Theldurin the Lost.


4518: Torn Scroll Fragment
4519: Crumpled Scroll Fragment
4520: Singed Scroll Fragment


Did you find those fragments?!?! You'll need the Scroll of Myzrael if you want to trap her again, before it's too late!


Ah, you found them! Good work, <name>! These might be the only chance we have against the evil of Myzrael!

Just let me find my scrap-ratchet and see if I can re-attach these fragments...


3300 XP

Zone: Badlands
Minimum level: 30
Quest level: 41
Requires completion of: 687: Theldurin the Lost

Database entry for quest

UPDATE `quest_template` SET `field` = xxxx WHERE (`entry` = 692);
Field Value
entry 692
Method 2
ZoneOrSort 3
MinLevel 30
MaxLevel 0
QuestLevel 41
Type 0: Normal
RequiredSkill 0: None
RequiredSkillValue 0
RequiredCondition 0
RepObjectiveFaction 0
RepObjectiveValue 0
RequiredMinRepFaction 0
RequiredMinRepValue 0
RequiredMaxRepFaction 0
RequiredMaxRepValue 0
SuggestedPlayers 0
LimitTime 0
QuestFlags None
SpecialFlags None
PrevQuestId 687: Theldurin the Lost
NextQuestId -
ExclusiveGroup -
NextQuestInChain -
SrcItemCount 0
SrcSpell 0
Title The Lost Fragments
Details The Scroll of Myzrael...the Scroll of Myzrael?! You don't want that! Its magic can pull Myzrael to the surface world and if you do that, we are in trouble!$B$BOr...maybe it's too late. Maybe she already is free. Maybe she's just gathering strength before unleashing herself upon us. If so, then you'll NEED the scroll!$B$B...too bad it's destroyed. Enraged elementals stole it and tore it up and now fight over the fragments.$B$BBut if you can gather those fragments, maybe we can fix it...
Objectives Bring the Torn Scroll Fragment, the Crumpled Scroll Fragment and the Singed Scroll Fragment to Theldurin the Lost.
OfferRewardText Ah, you found them! Good work, $N! These might be the only chance we have against the evil of Myzrael!$b$bJust let me find my scrap-ratchet and see if I can re-attach these fragments...
RequestItemsText Did you find those fragments?!?! You'll need the Scroll of Myzrael if you want to trap her again, before it's too late!
ReqItemId1 4518: Torn Scroll Fragment
ReqItemId2 4519: Crumpled Scroll Fragment
ReqItemId3 4520: Singed Scroll Fragment
ReqItemCount1 1
ReqItemCount2 1
ReqItemCount3 1
ReqItemCount4 0
ReqSourceId1 0
ReqSourceId2 0
ReqSourceId3 0
ReqSourceId4 0
ReqSourceCount1 0
ReqSourceCount2 0
ReqSourceCount3 0
ReqSourceCount4 0
ReqCreatureOrGOId1 -
ReqCreatureOrGOId2 -
ReqCreatureOrGOId3 -
ReqCreatureOrGOId4 -
ReqCreatureOrGOCount1 0
ReqCreatureOrGOCount2 0
ReqCreatureOrGOCount3 0
ReqCreatureOrGOCount4 0
ReqSpellCast1 -
ReqSpellCast2 -
ReqSpellCast3 -
ReqSpellCast4 -
RewChoiceItemCount1 0
RewChoiceItemCount2 0
RewChoiceItemCount3 0
RewChoiceItemCount4 0
RewChoiceItemCount5 0
RewChoiceItemCount6 0
RewItemCount1 0
RewItemCount2 0
RewItemCount3 0
RewItemCount4 0
RewRepFaction1 0: None
RewRepFaction2 0: None
RewRepFaction3 0: None
RewRepFaction4 0: None
RewRepFaction5 0: None
RewRepValue1 0
RewRepValue2 0
RewRepValue3 0
RewRepValue4 0
RewRepValue5 0
RewXP 3300
RewOrReqMoney 0
RewSpell -
RewSpellCast -
RewMailTemplateId 0
RewMailDelaySecs 0
RewMailMoney 0
PointMapId 0
PointX 0
PointY 0
PointOpt 0
DetailsEmote1 0
DetailsEmote2 0
DetailsEmote3 0
DetailsEmote4 0
DetailsEmoteDelay1 0
DetailsEmoteDelay2 0
DetailsEmoteDelay3 0
DetailsEmoteDelay4 0
IncompleteEmote 0
CompleteEmote 1
OfferRewardEmote1 0
OfferRewardEmote2 0
OfferRewardEmote3 0
OfferRewardEmote4 0
OfferRewardEmoteDelay1 0
OfferRewardEmoteDelay2 0
OfferRewardEmoteDelay3 0
OfferRewardEmoteDelay4 0
StartScript 0
CompleteScript 0
ignored 0
parse_timestamp 2004-12-04