In Search of The Excavation Team


Quest simulation

In Search of The Excavation Team

It was horrible! We were uncovering some rare artifacts and we began to discover these large bones.

Before we knew what was happening, these Mottled Raptors overwhelmed the dig site. Many lives were lost.

Ormer here -- so brave -- saved the Prospector and me. He defended us as we ran for shelter. Now we are trapped. And our hard work lies in ruin.

Here, take this note back to my sweet Tarrel. It will explain the situation to him.


Return to Tarrel Rockweaver with Merrin's note.


2639: Merrin's Letter


Were you able to find Merrin? Did she send word?


Such horrible news! At least 3 of them survived. But when will the killing end? I long for the day when King Magni's subjects can live without fear.


485 XP

Zone: Wetlands
Minimum level: 21
Quest level: 24
Requires completion of: 305: In Search of The Excavation Team

Database entry for quest

UPDATE `quest_template` SET `field` = xxxx WHERE (`entry` = 306);
Field Value
entry 306
Method 2
ZoneOrSort 11
MinLevel 21
MaxLevel 0
QuestLevel 24
Type 0: Normal
RequiredRaces Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Gnome
RequiredSkill 0: None
RequiredSkillValue 0
RequiredCondition 0
RepObjectiveFaction 0
RepObjectiveValue 0
RequiredMinRepFaction 0
RequiredMinRepValue 0
RequiredMaxRepFaction 0
RequiredMaxRepValue 0
SuggestedPlayers 0
LimitTime 0
QuestFlags None
SpecialFlags None
PrevQuestId 305: In Search of The Excavation Team
NextQuestId -
ExclusiveGroup -
NextQuestInChain -
SrcItemId 2639: Merrin's Letter
SrcItemCount 1
SrcSpell 0
Title In Search of The Excavation Team
Details It was horrible! We were uncovering some rare artifacts and we began to discover these large bones.$b$bBefore we knew what was happening, these Mottled Raptors overwhelmed the dig site. Many lives were lost.$b$bOrmer here -- so brave -- saved the Prospector and me. He defended us as we ran for shelter. Now we are trapped. And our hard work lies in ruin.$b$bHere, take this note back to my sweet Tarrel. It will explain the situation to him.
Objectives Return to Tarrel Rockweaver with Merrin's note.
OfferRewardText Such horrible news! At least 3 of them survived. But when will the killing end? I long for the day when King Magni's subjects can live without fear.
RequestItemsText Were you able to find Merrin? Did she send word?
ReqItemId1 2639: Merrin's Letter
ReqItemCount1 1
ReqItemCount2 0
ReqItemCount3 0
ReqItemCount4 0
ReqSourceId1 0
ReqSourceId2 0
ReqSourceId3 0
ReqSourceId4 0
ReqSourceCount1 0
ReqSourceCount2 0
ReqSourceCount3 0
ReqSourceCount4 0
ReqCreatureOrGOId1 -
ReqCreatureOrGOId2 -
ReqCreatureOrGOId3 -
ReqCreatureOrGOId4 -
ReqCreatureOrGOCount1 0
ReqCreatureOrGOCount2 0
ReqCreatureOrGOCount3 0
ReqCreatureOrGOCount4 0
ReqSpellCast1 -
ReqSpellCast2 -
ReqSpellCast3 -
ReqSpellCast4 -
RewChoiceItemCount1 0
RewChoiceItemCount2 0
RewChoiceItemCount3 0
RewChoiceItemCount4 0
RewChoiceItemCount5 0
RewChoiceItemCount6 0
RewItemCount1 0
RewItemCount2 0
RewItemCount3 0
RewItemCount4 0
RewRepFaction1 0: None
RewRepFaction2 0: None
RewRepFaction3 0: None
RewRepFaction4 0: None
RewRepFaction5 0: None
RewRepValue1 0
RewRepValue2 0
RewRepValue3 0
RewRepValue4 0
RewRepValue5 0
RewXP 485
RewOrReqMoney 0
RewSpell -
RewSpellCast -
RewMailTemplateId 0
RewMailDelaySecs 0
RewMailMoney 0
PointMapId 0
PointX 0
PointY 0
PointOpt 0
DetailsEmote1 5
DetailsEmote2 1
DetailsEmote3 0
DetailsEmote4 0
DetailsEmoteDelay1 0
DetailsEmoteDelay2 0
DetailsEmoteDelay3 0
DetailsEmoteDelay4 0
IncompleteEmote 0
CompleteEmote 6
OfferRewardEmote1 5
OfferRewardEmote2 6
OfferRewardEmote3 1
OfferRewardEmote4 0
OfferRewardEmoteDelay1 0
OfferRewardEmoteDelay2 0
OfferRewardEmoteDelay3 0
OfferRewardEmoteDelay4 0
StartScript 0
CompleteScript 0
ignored 0
parse_timestamp 2004-12-04