Quest simulation
Looking Further
I have been watching the Tower of Ilgalar, and can detect that Morganth is in conflict with the Orcs in Stonewatch Keep. I do not know the reason behind their contention, but you may aid me in unraveling this mystery.
Take another Glyph of Azora, then go to the top of the intact watch tower beside Stonewatch Keep.
Find a suitable object on which to place the Glyph. A chest or a jar -- some place where the glyph will not be noticed -- will suit my purpose.
Climb the intact watch tower beside Stonewatch Keep.
Find a suitable container to place the Glyph of Azora.
1083: Glyph of Azora
This jar once held a foul-smelling liquor, but now lies empty and forgotten on a pair of barrels.
It is a suitable vessel for the Glyph of Azora, allowing Theocritus to delve into the minds within Stonewatch Keep.
1300 XP
Type: Elite
Zone: Redridge
Minimum level: 20
Quest level: 22
Requires completion of: 94: A Watchful Eye
Game objects that start this quest (1)
Game objects that finish this quest (1)
Quest chain (2)
Database entry for quest
Field | Value |
entry | 248 |
Method | 2 |
ZoneOrSort | 44 |
MinLevel | 20 |
MaxLevel | 0 |
QuestLevel | 22 |
Type | 1: Elite |
RequiredClasses | |
RequiredRaces | Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Gnome |
RequiredSkill | 0: None |
RequiredSkillValue | 0 |
RequiredCondition | 0 |
RepObjectiveFaction | 0 |
RepObjectiveValue | 0 |
RequiredMinRepFaction | 0 |
RequiredMinRepValue | 0 |
RequiredMaxRepFaction | 0 |
RequiredMaxRepValue | 0 |
SuggestedPlayers | 0 |
LimitTime | 0 |
QuestFlags | None |
SpecialFlags | None |
PrevQuestId | 94: A Watchful Eye |
NextQuestId | - |
ExclusiveGroup | - |
NextQuestInChain | - |
SrcItemId | 1083: Glyph of Azora |
SrcItemCount | 1 |
SrcSpell | 0 |
Title | Looking Further |
Details | I have been watching the Tower of Ilgalar, and can detect that Morganth is in conflict with the Orcs in Stonewatch Keep. I do not know the reason behind their contention, but you may aid me in unraveling this mystery.$B$BTake another Glyph of Azora, then go to the top of the intact watch tower beside Stonewatch Keep.$B$BFind a suitable object on which to place the Glyph. A chest or a jar -- some place where the glyph will not be noticed -- will suit my purpose. |
Objectives | Climb the intact watch tower beside Stonewatch Keep.$B$BFind a suitable container to place the Glyph of Azora. |
OfferRewardText | It is a suitable vessel for the Glyph of Azora, allowing Theocritus to delve into the minds within Stonewatch Keep. |
RequestItemsText | This jar once held a foul-smelling liquor, but now lies empty and forgotten on a pair of barrels. |
EndText | |
ObjectiveText1 | |
ObjectiveText2 | |
ObjectiveText3 | |
ObjectiveText4 | |
ReqItemId1 | 1083: Glyph of Azora |
ReqItemId2 | |
ReqItemId3 | |
ReqItemId4 | |
ReqItemCount1 | 1 |
ReqItemCount2 | 0 |
ReqItemCount3 | 0 |
ReqItemCount4 | 0 |
ReqSourceId1 | 0 |
ReqSourceId2 | 0 |
ReqSourceId3 | 0 |
ReqSourceId4 | 0 |
ReqSourceCount1 | 0 |
ReqSourceCount2 | 0 |
ReqSourceCount3 | 0 |
ReqSourceCount4 | 0 |
ReqCreatureOrGOId1 | - |
ReqCreatureOrGOId2 | - |
ReqCreatureOrGOId3 | - |
ReqCreatureOrGOId4 | - |
ReqCreatureOrGOCount1 | 0 |
ReqCreatureOrGOCount2 | 0 |
ReqCreatureOrGOCount3 | 0 |
ReqCreatureOrGOCount4 | 0 |
ReqSpellCast1 | - |
ReqSpellCast2 | - |
ReqSpellCast3 | - |
ReqSpellCast4 | - |
RewChoiceItemId1 | |
RewChoiceItemId2 | |
RewChoiceItemId3 | |
RewChoiceItemId4 | |
RewChoiceItemId5 | |
RewChoiceItemId6 | |
RewChoiceItemCount1 | 0 |
RewChoiceItemCount2 | 0 |
RewChoiceItemCount3 | 0 |
RewChoiceItemCount4 | 0 |
RewChoiceItemCount5 | 0 |
RewChoiceItemCount6 | 0 |
RewItemId1 | |
RewItemId2 | |
RewItemId3 | |
RewItemId4 | |
RewItemCount1 | 0 |
RewItemCount2 | 0 |
RewItemCount3 | 0 |
RewItemCount4 | 0 |
RewRepFaction1 | 0: None |
RewRepFaction2 | 0: None |
RewRepFaction3 | 0: None |
RewRepFaction4 | 0: None |
RewRepFaction5 | 0: None |
RewRepValue1 | 0 |
RewRepValue2 | 0 |
RewRepValue3 | 0 |
RewRepValue4 | 0 |
RewRepValue5 | 0 |
RewXP | 1300 |
RewOrReqMoney | 0 |
RewSpell | - |
RewSpellCast | - |
RewMailTemplateId | 0 |
RewMailDelaySecs | 0 |
RewMailMoney | 0 |
PointMapId | 0 |
PointX | -9286.24 |
PointY | -2938.95 |
PointOpt | 0 |
DetailsEmote1 | 0 |
DetailsEmote2 | 0 |
DetailsEmote3 | 0 |
DetailsEmote4 | 0 |
DetailsEmoteDelay1 | 0 |
DetailsEmoteDelay2 | 0 |
DetailsEmoteDelay3 | 0 |
DetailsEmoteDelay4 | 0 |
IncompleteEmote | 0 |
CompleteEmote | 1 |
OfferRewardEmote1 | 0 |
OfferRewardEmote2 | 0 |
OfferRewardEmote3 | 0 |
OfferRewardEmote4 | 0 |
OfferRewardEmoteDelay1 | 0 |
OfferRewardEmoteDelay2 | 0 |
OfferRewardEmoteDelay3 | 0 |
OfferRewardEmoteDelay4 | 0 |
StartScript | 0 |
CompleteScript | 0 |
ignored | 0 |
parse_timestamp | 2004-12-04 |