Quest simulation
Tiger Mastery
Now I'm going to up the stakes on you and truly test your skill. Prove to me you can kill 10 Elder Stranglethorn Tigers. If you can do that, you will be ready for your final challenge before I declare you a master tiger hunter in Master Nesingwary's presence.
Elder Stranglethorn Tigers are not only the most difficult to find, they are also the fiercest to defeat.
Ajeck Rouack of Nesingwary's Expedition wants you to kill 10 Elder Stranglethorn Tigers.
1085: Elder Stranglethorn Tiger x10
You must kill 10 Elder Stranglethorn Tigers before I give you the final challenge that will determine if you are a true tiger hunting master.
Most impressive. I believe you are almost ready.
2050 XP
Zone: Stranglethorn
Minimum level: 28
Quest level: 35
Requires completion of: 186: Tiger Mastery
Next quest in chain: 188: Tiger Mastery
NPCs that start this quest (1)
NPCs that finish this quest (1)
Database entry for quest
UPDATE `quest_template` SET `field`
= xxxx WHERE (`entry` = 187);
Field | Value |
entry | 187 |
Method | 2 |
ZoneOrSort | 33 |
MinLevel | 28 |
MaxLevel | 0 |
QuestLevel | 35 |
Type | 0: Normal |
RequiredClasses | |
RequiredRaces | |
RequiredSkill | 0: None |
RequiredSkillValue | 0 |
RequiredCondition | 0 |
RepObjectiveFaction | 0 |
RepObjectiveValue | 0 |
RequiredMinRepFaction | 0 |
RequiredMinRepValue | 0 |
RequiredMaxRepFaction | 0 |
RequiredMaxRepValue | 0 |
SuggestedPlayers | 0 |
LimitTime | 0 |
QuestFlags | 0x8: Sharable |
SpecialFlags | None |
PrevQuestId | 186: Tiger Mastery |
NextQuestId | - |
ExclusiveGroup | - |
NextQuestInChain | 188: Tiger Mastery |
SrcItemId | |
SrcItemCount | 0 |
SrcSpell | 0 |
Title | Tiger Mastery |
Details | Now I'm going to up the stakes on you and truly test your skill. Prove to me you can kill 10 Elder Stranglethorn Tigers. If you can do that, you will be ready for your final challenge before I declare you a master tiger hunter in Master Nesingwary's presence.$b$bElder Stranglethorn Tigers are not only the most difficult to find, they are also the fiercest to defeat. |
Objectives | Ajeck Rouack of Nesingwary's Expedition wants you to kill 10 Elder Stranglethorn Tigers. |
OfferRewardText | Most impressive. I believe you are almost ready. |
RequestItemsText | You must kill 10 Elder Stranglethorn Tigers before I give you the final challenge that will determine if you are a true tiger hunting master. |
EndText | |
ObjectiveText1 | |
ObjectiveText2 | |
ObjectiveText3 | |
ObjectiveText4 | |
ReqItemId1 | |
ReqItemId2 | |
ReqItemId3 | |
ReqItemId4 | |
ReqItemCount1 | 0 |
ReqItemCount2 | 0 |
ReqItemCount3 | 0 |
ReqItemCount4 | 0 |
ReqSourceId1 | 0 |
ReqSourceId2 | 0 |
ReqSourceId3 | 0 |
ReqSourceId4 | 0 |
ReqSourceCount1 | 0 |
ReqSourceCount2 | 0 |
ReqSourceCount3 | 0 |
ReqSourceCount4 | 0 |
ReqCreatureOrGOId1 | 1085: Elder Stranglethorn Tiger |
ReqCreatureOrGOId2 | - |
ReqCreatureOrGOId3 | - |
ReqCreatureOrGOId4 | - |
ReqCreatureOrGOCount1 | 10 |
ReqCreatureOrGOCount2 | 0 |
ReqCreatureOrGOCount3 | 0 |
ReqCreatureOrGOCount4 | 0 |
ReqSpellCast1 | - |
ReqSpellCast2 | - |
ReqSpellCast3 | - |
ReqSpellCast4 | - |
RewChoiceItemId1 | |
RewChoiceItemId2 | |
RewChoiceItemId3 | |
RewChoiceItemId4 | |
RewChoiceItemId5 | |
RewChoiceItemId6 | |
RewChoiceItemCount1 | 0 |
RewChoiceItemCount2 | 0 |
RewChoiceItemCount3 | 0 |
RewChoiceItemCount4 | 0 |
RewChoiceItemCount5 | 0 |
RewChoiceItemCount6 | 0 |
RewItemId1 | |
RewItemId2 | |
RewItemId3 | |
RewItemId4 | |
RewItemCount1 | 0 |
RewItemCount2 | 0 |
RewItemCount3 | 0 |
RewItemCount4 | 0 |
RewRepFaction1 | 0: None |
RewRepFaction2 | 0: None |
RewRepFaction3 | 0: None |
RewRepFaction4 | 0: None |
RewRepFaction5 | 0: None |
RewRepValue1 | 0 |
RewRepValue2 | 0 |
RewRepValue3 | 0 |
RewRepValue4 | 0 |
RewRepValue5 | 0 |
RewXP | 2050 |
RewOrReqMoney | 0 |
RewSpell | - |
RewSpellCast | - |
RewMailTemplateId | 0 |
RewMailDelaySecs | 0 |
RewMailMoney | 0 |
PointMapId | 0 |
PointX | 0 |
PointY | 0 |
PointOpt | 0 |
DetailsEmote1 | 1 |
DetailsEmote2 | 1 |
DetailsEmote3 | 0 |
DetailsEmote4 | 0 |
DetailsEmoteDelay1 | 0 |
DetailsEmoteDelay2 | 0 |
DetailsEmoteDelay3 | 0 |
DetailsEmoteDelay4 | 0 |
IncompleteEmote | 25 |
CompleteEmote | 25 |
OfferRewardEmote1 | 21 |
OfferRewardEmote2 | 0 |
OfferRewardEmote3 | 0 |
OfferRewardEmote4 | 0 |
OfferRewardEmoteDelay1 | 0 |
OfferRewardEmoteDelay2 | 0 |
OfferRewardEmoteDelay3 | 0 |
OfferRewardEmoteDelay4 | 0 |
StartScript | 0 |
CompleteScript | 0 |
ignored | 0 |
parse_timestamp | 2004-12-04 |