On Guard in Stonetalon


Quest simulation

On Guard in Stonetalon

Hello, <name>.

You seem to be full of wanderlust by the looks of you. Have you been to the Stonetalon Mountains? It is a land plagued by the Venture Co. and other enemies of the night elves.

Recently, Sentinel Wolfrunner sent my friend Kaela Shadowspear there to investigate what's happening to the land, but I have yet to hear word back from her. I'm even more concerned because the Alliance sent a gnome mage along with her... a sign of trouble for sure.

Would you find her and report back to me?


Find Kaela Shadowspear overlooking the valley entering Windshear Crag in the Stonetalon Mountains.




Ah, you've come from Ashenvale at the behest of Thenysil -- how I miss her, my homeland and friends. She must be doing well with the Sentinels to be sequestering adventurers for other tasks. I'm proud of her.

It is a pleasure to meet you, <name>.


830 XP

Zone: 331: (unknown)
Minimum level: 17
Quest level: 21
Next quest in chain: 1085: On Guard in Stonetalon

Database entry for quest

UPDATE `quest_template` SET `field` = xxxx WHERE (`entry` = 1070);
Field Value
entry 1070
Method 2
ZoneOrSort 331
MinLevel 17
MaxLevel 0
QuestLevel 21
Type 0: Normal
RequiredRaces Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Gnome
RequiredSkill 0: None
RequiredSkillValue 0
RequiredCondition 0
RepObjectiveFaction 0
RepObjectiveValue 0
RequiredMinRepFaction 0
RequiredMinRepValue 0
RequiredMaxRepFaction 0
RequiredMaxRepValue 0
SuggestedPlayers 0
LimitTime 0
QuestFlags 0x8: Sharable
SpecialFlags None
PrevQuestId -
NextQuestId -
ExclusiveGroup -
NextQuestInChain 1085: On Guard in Stonetalon
SrcItemCount 0
SrcSpell 0
Title On Guard in Stonetalon
Details Hello, $N.$B$BYou seem to be full of wanderlust by the looks of you. Have you been to the Stonetalon Mountains? It is a land plagued by the Venture Co. and other enemies of the night elves.$B$BRecently, Sentinel Wolfrunner sent my friend Kaela Shadowspear there to investigate what's happening to the land, but I have yet to hear word back from her. I'm even more concerned because the Alliance sent a gnome mage along with her... a sign of trouble for sure.$B$BWould you find her and report back to me?
Objectives Find Kaela Shadowspear overlooking the valley entering Windshear Crag in the Stonetalon Mountains.
OfferRewardText Ah, you've come from Ashenvale at the behest of Thenysil -- how I miss her, my homeland and friends. She must be doing well with the Sentinels to be sequestering adventurers for other tasks. I'm proud of her.$B$BIt is a pleasure to meet you, $N.
ReqItemCount1 0
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ReqItemCount4 0
ReqSourceId1 0
ReqSourceId2 0
ReqSourceId3 0
ReqSourceId4 0
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ReqSourceCount2 0
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ReqCreatureOrGOId1 -
ReqCreatureOrGOId2 -
ReqCreatureOrGOId3 -
ReqCreatureOrGOId4 -
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ReqCreatureOrGOCount3 0
ReqCreatureOrGOCount4 0
ReqSpellCast1 -
ReqSpellCast2 -
ReqSpellCast3 -
ReqSpellCast4 -
RewChoiceItemCount1 0
RewChoiceItemCount2 0
RewChoiceItemCount3 0
RewChoiceItemCount4 0
RewChoiceItemCount5 0
RewChoiceItemCount6 0
RewItemCount1 0
RewItemCount2 0
RewItemCount3 0
RewItemCount4 0
RewRepFaction1 0: None
RewRepFaction2 0: None
RewRepFaction3 0: None
RewRepFaction4 0: None
RewRepFaction5 0: None
RewRepValue1 0
RewRepValue2 0
RewRepValue3 0
RewRepValue4 0
RewRepValue5 0
RewXP 830
RewOrReqMoney 0
RewSpell -
RewSpellCast -
RewMailTemplateId 0
RewMailDelaySecs 0
RewMailMoney 0
PointMapId 0
PointX 0
PointY 0
PointOpt 0
DetailsEmote1 3
DetailsEmote2 6
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DetailsEmote4 0
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CompleteEmote 1
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OfferRewardEmote2 2
OfferRewardEmote3 0
OfferRewardEmote4 0
OfferRewardEmoteDelay1 0
OfferRewardEmoteDelay2 0
OfferRewardEmoteDelay3 0
OfferRewardEmoteDelay4 0
StartScript 0
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ignored 0
parse_timestamp 2004-12-04