Field | Value |
ID | 66 |
School | 3: Nature |
ImplicitTargetA_1 | 1: Self |
SpellPriority | 50 |
StartRecoveryTime | 1500 |
In-game view
Lesser Invisibility
Nature Magic
110 Mana
3 sec cast
Apply aura
18: Mod invisibility
Turns the caster invisible for 5 min, though this spell is unstable and may end early.
Visual effects
Precast Kit: 266 - animation: 51 (0) ReadySpellOmni
Cast Kit: 425 - animation: 53 (0) SpellCastOmni
Impact Kit: 130 - animation: 0 (1)
NPCs that train this spell (15)
Anastasia Hartwell
Archmage Shymm
Cain Firesong
Jennea Cannon
Juli Stormbraid
Kaelystia Hatebringer
Maginor Dumas
Magis Stonemantle
Nittlebur Sparkfizzle
Pierce Shackleton
Thurston Xane
Ursyn Ghull
Valdios Ellmara
Spell details
UPDATE `Spell` SET `field`
= xxxx WHERE (`ID` = 66);
Field | Value |
ID | 66 |
School | 3: Nature |
Category | 0 |
CastUI | 0 |
Attributes | 0x10310300: Do not log, Held item only, Not shapeshift, Stop attack target, Impossible dodge parry block, Can't used in combat |
AttributesEx | 0x100: Not in combat target |
ShapeshiftMask | 0 |
Targets | None |
TargetCreatureType | 0 |
RequiresSpellFocus | 0 |
CasterAuraState | 0 |
TargetAuraState | 0 |
CastingTimeIndex | 14 |
RecoveryTime | 0 |
CategoryRecoveryTime | 0 |
InterruptFlags | 0x1f: Movement, Damage, Interrupt, Autoattack, Partial |
AuraInterruptFlags | 7 |
ChannelInterruptFlags | 0 |
ProcFlags | 0 |
ProcChance | 0 |
ProcCharges | 0 |
MaxLevel | 0 |
BaseLevel | 26 |
SpellLevel | 26 |
DurationIndex | 5 |
PowerType | 0: Mana |
ManaCost | 110 |
ManaCostPerLevel | 0 |
ManaPerSecond | 0 |
ManaPerSecondPerLevel | 0 |
RangeIndex | 1 |
Speed | 0 |
ModalNextSpell | 0 |
Totem_1 | 0 |
Totem_2 | 0 |
Reagent_1 | |
Reagent_2 | |
Reagent_3 | |
Reagent_4 | |
Reagent_5 | |
Reagent_6 | |
Reagent_7 | |
Reagent_8 | |
ReagentCount_1 | 0 |
ReagentCount_2 | 0 |
ReagentCount_3 | 0 |
ReagentCount_4 | 0 |
ReagentCount_5 | 0 |
ReagentCount_6 | 0 |
ReagentCount_7 | 0 |
ReagentCount_8 | 0 |
EquippedItemClass | -1 |
EquippedItemSubclass | 0 |
Effect_1 | 6: Apply aura |
Effect_2 | 0: None |
Effect_3 | 0: None |
EffectDieSides_1 | 1 |
EffectDieSides_2 | 0 |
EffectDieSides_3 | 0 |
EffectBaseDice_1 | 1 |
EffectBaseDice_2 | 0 |
EffectBaseDice_3 | 0 |
EffectDicePerLevel_1 | 0 |
EffectDicePerLevel_2 | 0 |
EffectDicePerLevel_3 | 0 |
EffectRealPointsPerLevel_1 | 0 |
EffectRealPointsPerLevel_2 | 0 |
EffectRealPointsPerLevel_3 | 0 |
EffectBasePoints_1 | 99 |
EffectBasePoints_2 | 0 |
EffectBasePoints_3 | 0 |
ImplicitTargetA_1 | 1: Self |
ImplicitTargetA_2 | 0: Initial |
ImplicitTargetA_3 | 0: Initial |
ImplicitTargetB_1 | 0: Initial |
ImplicitTargetB_2 | 0: Initial |
ImplicitTargetB_3 | 0: Initial |
EffectRadiusIndex_1 | 0 |
EffectRadiusIndex_2 | 0 |
EffectRadiusIndex_3 | 0 |
EffectAura_1 | 18: Mod invisibility |
EffectAura_2 | 0: None |
EffectAura_3 | 0: None |
EffectAuraPeriod_1 | 0 |
EffectAuraPeriod_2 | 0 |
EffectAuraPeriod_3 | 0 |
EffectAmplitude_1 | 0 |
EffectAmplitude_2 | 0 |
EffectAmplitude_3 | 0 |
EffectChainTargets_1 | 0 |
EffectChainTargets_2 | 0 |
EffectChainTargets_3 | 0 |
EffectItemType_1 | |
EffectItemType_2 | |
EffectItemType_3 | |
EffectMiscValue_1 | 0 |
EffectMiscValue_2 | 0 |
EffectMiscValue_3 | 0 |
EffectTriggerSpell_1 | - |
EffectTriggerSpell_2 | - |
EffectTriggerSpell_3 | - |
SpellVisualID | 72 |
SpellIconID | 331 |
ActiveIconID | 0 |
SpellPriority | 50 |
Name_enUS | Lesser Invisibility |
Name_enGB | |
Name_koKR | |
Name_frFR | |
Name_deDE | |
Name_enCN | |
Name_zhCN | |
Name_enTW | |
Name_Mask | 0x10000 |
NameSubtext_enUS | |
NameSubtext_enGB | |
NameSubtext_koKR | |
NameSubtext_frFR | |
NameSubtext_deDE | |
NameSubtext_enCN | |
NameSubtext_zhCN | |
NameSubtext_enTW | |
NameSubtext_Mask | 0x10000 |
Description_enUS | Turns the caster invisible for $d, though this spell is unstable and may end early. |
Description_enGB | |
Description_koKR | |
Description_frFR | |
Description_deDE | |
Description_enCN | |
Description_zhCN | |
Description_enTW | |
Description_Mask | 0x10000 |
ManaCostPct | 0 |
StartRecoveryCategory | 133 |
StartRecoveryTime | 1500 |
custom_DispelType | 6 |