Field | Value |
ID | 5599 |
School | 1: Holy |
ImplicitTargetA_1 | 21: Selected friend |
SpellPriority | 0 |
StartRecoveryTime | 1500 |
In-game view
Seal of Protection — Rank 2
Holy Magic
40 Mana
Instant cast
5 min cooldown
30 yd range
Apply aura
Apply aura
39: School immunity
25: Mod pacify
A friendly target is protected from all physical attacks for 10 sec, but during that time they cannot attack or use physical abilities. Players may only have one Seal on them per Paladin at any one time.
Visual effects
Precast Kit: 186 - animation: 51 (0) ReadySpellOmni
Cast Kit: 189 - animation: 53 (0) SpellCastOmni
Impact Kit: 461 - animation: 0 (1)
Spell details
UPDATE `Spell` SET `field`
= xxxx WHERE (`ID` = 5599);
Field | Value |
ID | 5599 |
School | 1: Holy |
Category | 20 |
CastUI | 0 |
Attributes | 0x150000: Not shapeshift, Do not stealth, Stop attack target |
AttributesEx | 0x8000: Dispel auras on immunity |
ShapeshiftMask | 0 |
Targets | None |
TargetCreatureType | 0 |
RequiresSpellFocus | 0 |
CasterAuraState | 0 |
TargetAuraState | 0 |
CastingTimeIndex | 1 |
RecoveryTime | 0 |
CategoryRecoveryTime | 300000 |
InterruptFlags | 0x8: Autoattack |
AuraInterruptFlags | 0 |
ChannelInterruptFlags | 0 |
ProcFlags | 0 |
ProcChance | 0 |
ProcCharges | 0 |
MaxLevel | 0 |
BaseLevel | 30 |
SpellLevel | 30 |
DurationIndex | 1 |
PowerType | 0: Mana |
ManaCost | 40 |
ManaCostPerLevel | 0 |
ManaPerSecond | 0 |
ManaPerSecondPerLevel | 0 |
RangeIndex | 4 |
Speed | 0 |
ModalNextSpell | 0 |
Totem_1 | 0 |
Totem_2 | 0 |
Reagent_1 | |
Reagent_2 | |
Reagent_3 | |
Reagent_4 | |
Reagent_5 | |
Reagent_6 | |
Reagent_7 | |
Reagent_8 | |
ReagentCount_1 | 0 |
ReagentCount_2 | 0 |
ReagentCount_3 | 0 |
ReagentCount_4 | 0 |
ReagentCount_5 | 0 |
ReagentCount_6 | 0 |
ReagentCount_7 | 0 |
ReagentCount_8 | 0 |
EquippedItemClass | -1 |
EquippedItemSubclass | -1 |
Effect_1 | 6: Apply aura |
Effect_2 | 6: Apply aura |
Effect_3 | 0: None |
EffectDieSides_1 | 1 |
EffectDieSides_2 | 1 |
EffectDieSides_3 | 0 |
EffectBaseDice_1 | 1 |
EffectBaseDice_2 | 1 |
EffectBaseDice_3 | 0 |
EffectDicePerLevel_1 | 0 |
EffectDicePerLevel_2 | 0 |
EffectDicePerLevel_3 | 0 |
EffectRealPointsPerLevel_1 | 0 |
EffectRealPointsPerLevel_2 | 0 |
EffectRealPointsPerLevel_3 | 0 |
EffectBasePoints_1 | -1 |
EffectBasePoints_2 | -1 |
EffectBasePoints_3 | 0 |
ImplicitTargetA_1 | 21: Selected friend |
ImplicitTargetA_2 | 21: Selected friend |
ImplicitTargetA_3 | 0: Initial |
ImplicitTargetB_1 | 0: Initial |
ImplicitTargetB_2 | 0: Initial |
ImplicitTargetB_3 | 0: Initial |
EffectRadiusIndex_1 | 0 |
EffectRadiusIndex_2 | 0 |
EffectRadiusIndex_3 | 0 |
EffectAura_1 | 39: School immunity |
EffectAura_2 | 25: Mod pacify |
EffectAura_3 | 0: None |
EffectAuraPeriod_1 | 0 |
EffectAuraPeriod_2 | 0 |
EffectAuraPeriod_3 | 0 |
EffectAmplitude_1 | 0 |
EffectAmplitude_2 | 0 |
EffectAmplitude_3 | 0 |
EffectChainTargets_1 | 0 |
EffectChainTargets_2 | 0 |
EffectChainTargets_3 | 0 |
EffectItemType_1 | |
EffectItemType_2 | |
EffectItemType_3 | |
EffectMiscValue_1 | 0 |
EffectMiscValue_2 | 0 |
EffectMiscValue_3 | 0 |
EffectTriggerSpell_1 | - |
EffectTriggerSpell_2 | - |
EffectTriggerSpell_3 | - |
SpellVisualID | 302 |
SpellIconID | 303 |
ActiveIconID | 0 |
SpellPriority | 0 |
Name_enUS | Seal of Protection |
Name_enGB | |
Name_koKR | |
Name_frFR | |
Name_deDE | |
Name_enCN | |
Name_zhCN | |
Name_enTW | |
Name_Mask | 0x10000 |
NameSubtext_enUS | Rank 2 |
NameSubtext_enGB | |
NameSubtext_koKR | |
NameSubtext_frFR | |
NameSubtext_deDE | |
NameSubtext_enCN | |
NameSubtext_zhCN | |
NameSubtext_enTW | |
NameSubtext_Mask | 0x10000 |
Description_enUS | A friendly target is protected from all physical attacks for $d, but during that time they cannot attack or use physical abilities. Players may only have one Seal on them per Paladin at any one time. |
Description_enGB | |
Description_koKR | |
Description_frFR | |
Description_deDE | |
Description_enCN | |
Description_zhCN | |
Description_enTW | |
Description_Mask | 0x10000 |
ManaCostPct | 0 |
StartRecoveryCategory | 133 |
StartRecoveryTime | 1500 |
custom_DispelType | 1 |