Skullsplitter Beastmaster



Creature model for display ID 692
Field Value
entry 784
display_id1 692
level_min 41
faction 30: Skullsplitter Troll
npc_flags None
health_multiplier 1.2
mana_multiplier 1

Spawn points — Eastern Kingdoms (28)

-12981.6 -730.518 56.0659 0 [Random: 3 yards]
-12996.7 -724.834 55.9969 0 [Idle]
-12984.2 -609.516 53.7092 0 [Idle]
-12959.2 -718.144 54.7919 0 [Idle]
-12939.1 -716.33 54.4169 0 [Idle]
-13000.7 -713.202 54.8471 0 [Idle]
-13027.2 -623.455 53.8123 0 [Random: 5 yards]
-13044.2 -653.226 52.8061 0 [Random: 5 yards]
-12990.2 -659.665 51.6074 0 [Random: 5 yards]
-12988.6 -689.096 54.1074 0 [Random: 5 yards]
-12998.7 -701.508 54.7469 0 [Random: 5 yards]
-12982.5 -715.423 54.2248 0 [Random: 2 yards]
-12908.7 -618.149 53.4428 0 [Idle]
-12937.8 -649.335 53.4318 0 [Random: 3 yards]
-12942.7 -606.091 53.4235 0 [Idle]
-12943.5 -645.847 53.0568 0 [Idle]
-12953.5 -616.617 52.4991 0 [Idle]
-12938.8 -622.213 52.6735 0 [Idle]
-12953.8 -628.37 53.5485 0 [Idle]
-12993.9 -673.287 53.1074 0 [Random: 5 yards]
-12945.3 -651.858 52.7068 0 [Idle]
-12964.6 -607.433 53.6735 0 [Idle]
-12946.4 -702.076 54.1669 0 [Idle]
-12964.7 -686.102 53.4537 0 [Random: 2 yards]
-12948.6 -649.326 52.8068 0 [Random: 3 yards]
-13021.1 -700.964 55.3896 0 [Random: 5 yards]
-12972.7 -710.152 53.8719 0 [Idle]
-12949.1 -770.9 56.3027 0 [Random: 5 yards]

Reference loot (85)

4025 Balanced Long Bow 2.5% 3989 Blocking Targe 2.5% 4021 Blunting Mace 2.5% 3936 Crochet Belt 2.5% 3937 Crochet Boots 2.5% 3938 Crochet Bracers 2.5% 3939 Crochet Cloak 2.5% 3940 Crochet Gloves 2.5% 3941 Crochet Pants 2.5% 3942 Crochet Shoulderpads 2.5% 3943 Crochet Vest 2.5% 4022 Crushing Maul 2.5% 4023 Fine Pointed Dagger 2.5% 4019 Heavy Flint Axe 2.5% 4024 Heavy War Staff 2.5% 4007 Overlinked Chain Armor 2.5% 4000 Overlinked Chain Belt 2.5% 4001 Overlinked Chain Boots 2.5% 4002 Overlinked Chain Bracers 2.5% 4003 Overlinked Chain Cloak 2.5% 4004 Overlinked Chain Gloves 2.5% 4005 Overlinked Chain Pants 2.5% 4006 Overlinked Chain Shoulderpads 2.5% 3986 Protective Pavise 2.5% 4026 Sentinel Musket 2.5% 4017 Sharp Shortsword 2.5% 4020 Splintering Battle Axe 2.5% 3964 Thick Cloak 2.5% 3961 Thick Leather Belt 2.5% 3962 Thick Leather Boots 2.5% 3963 Thick Leather Bracers 2.5% 3965 Thick Leather Gloves 2.5% 3966 Thick Leather Pants 2.5% 3967 Thick Leather Shoulderpads 2.5% 3968 Thick Leather Tunic 2.5% 4018 Whetted Claymore 2.5% 6426 Blackforge Bracers 0.5% 6424 Blackforge Cape 0.5% 4080 Blackforge Cowl 0.5% 4083 Blackforge Gauntlets 0.5% 6425 Blackforge Girdle 0.5% 6423 Blackforge Greaves 0.5% 4044 Brightweave Pants 0.5% 6415 Brightweave Robe 0.5% 6411 Chief Brigadier Armor 0.5% 4079 Chief Brigadier Leggings 0.5% 4725 Chief Brigadier Pauldrons 0.5% 4068 Chief Brigadier Shield 0.5% 5215 Ember Wand 0.5% 4058 Glyphed Breastplate 0.5% 4060 Glyphed Leggings 0.5% 6432 Imperial Cloak 0.5% 4738 Imperial Leather Belt 0.5% 6431 Imperial Leather Boots 0.5% 4061 Imperial Leather Bracers 0.5% 4063 Imperial Leather Gloves 0.5% 6433 Imperial Leather Helm 0.5% 4062 Imperial Leather Pants 0.5% 4737 Imperial Leather Spaulders 0.5% 4070 Jouster's Crest 0.5% 4047 Mistscape Boots 0.5% 4045 Mistscape Bracers 0.5% 4735 Mistscape Cloak 0.5% 6428 Mistscape Gloves 0.5% 4734 Mistscape Mantle 0.5% 4046 Mistscape Pants 0.5% 4736 Mistscape Sash 0.5% 6429 Mistscape Wizard Hat 0.5% 866 Monk's Staff 0.5% 1640 Monstrous War Axe 0.5% 3187 Sacrificial Kris 0.5% 1625 Shin Blade 0.5% 3430 Sniper Rifle 0.5% 1613 Spiritchaser Staff 0.5% 4087 Trueshot Bow 0.5% 5216 Umbral Wand 0.5% 5011 Welken Ring 0.5% 1718 Basilisk Hide Pants 0.01% 2802 Blazing Emblem 0.01% 2815 Curve-bladed Ripper 0.01% 1714 Necklace of Calisea 0.01% 1715 Polished Jazeraint Armor 0.01% 1713 Ring of Healing 0.01% 1716 Robe of the Magi 0.01% 1722 Thornstone Sledgehammer 0.01%

Database entry for NPC

UPDATE `creature_template` SET `field` = xxxx WHERE (`entry` = 784);
Field Value
entry 784
display_id1 692
display_id2 0
display_id3 0
display_id4 0
mount_display_id 0
name Skullsplitter Beastmaster
static_flags 0x80000: Amphibious
gossip_menu_id 0
level_min 41
level_max 42
faction 30: Skullsplitter Troll
npc_flags None
speed_walk 1
speed_run 1.14286
scale 0
detection_range 18
call_for_help_range 5
leash_range 0
rank 0: Normal
xp_multiplier 1
damage_school 0: Normal
damage_variance 0.14
damage_multiplier 1
health_multiplier 1.2
mana_multiplier 1
armor_multiplier 1
base_attack_time 2 sec
ranged_attack_time 2 sec
unit_class 1
unit_flags 0
dynamic_flags 0
beast_family 0
trainer_type 0
trainer_spell 0
trainer_class 0
trainer_race 0
type 7: Humanoid
type_flags 0
loot_id 784
pickpocket_loot_id 784
skinning_loot_id 0
holy_res 0
fire_res 0
nature_res 0
frost_res 0
shadow_res 0
arcane_res 0
spell_id1 3621: Skullsplitter Pet
spell_id2 6660: Shoot
spell_id3 3148: Head Crack
spell_id4 -
spell_list_id 0
pet_spell_list_id 0
gold_min 76c
gold_max 3s 24c
movement_type 1: Random
inhabit_type Ground, Water
civilian 0
racial_leader 0
regeneration 3
equipment_id 784
trainer_id 0
vendor_id 0
mechanic_immune_mask None
school_immune_mask 0
flags_extra None
script_name generic_spell_ai