Raging Thunder Lizard



Creature model for display ID 2742
Field Value
entry 4726
display_id1 2742
level_min 33
faction 14: Monster - Non Social
npc_flags None
health_multiplier 1.1
mana_multiplier 1

Spawn points — Kalimdor (77)

-429.142 2220.52 89.8944 1 [Random: 30 yards]
-553.165 2470.53 57.062 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-1858.75 2484.25 62.3654 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-1584.07 2379.67 92.4769 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-399.323 2206.22 90.8613 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-227.127 2176.34 111.324 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-579.616 2082.67 89.9644 1 [Random: 30 yards]
-1188.94 890.343 104.791 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-1274.7 1169.12 92.2657 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-1785.26 2559.3 75.2389 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-737.392 2150.42 92.167 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-1220.5 1035.84 91.437 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-1283.02 1056.68 90.384 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-608.242 2061.41 91.253 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-792.666 2019.2 82.617 1 [Idle]
-1357.05 1024.4 91.2231 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-279.086 1858.23 167.027 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-475.934 1997.61 114.378 1 [Idle]
-284.979 2371.87 36.4864 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-1191.72 999.246 90.7884 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-1752.16 2287.04 66.2673 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-1498.45 975.669 90.9028 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-614.589 2130.03 90.2563 1 [Random: 30 yards]
-416.287 2195.35 89.7686 1 [Random: 30 yards]
-316.146 1928.83 120.153 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-1336.69 1119.75 91.3012 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-1317.35 876.469 113.349 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-20.8218 2152.66 114.563 1 [Idle]
-648.407 2225.48 90.323 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-378.156 2047.17 95.7715 1 [Random: 30 yards]
-1605.04 2321.74 93.2734 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-1194.31 1255.2 92.509 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-1515.67 1118.95 91.6973 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-431.938 1988.67 106.894 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-612.509 2517.62 45.606 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-398.404 2118.24 91.6915 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-786.96 1460.36 91.692 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-76.523 2228.02 84.836 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-1252.3 1172.17 90.988 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-751.779 1955.73 90.0254 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-203.355 2111.61 134.652 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-1386.4 1257.55 90.68 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-595.533 2318.82 90.9907 1 [Random: 30 yards]
-715.516 2016.93 91.8704 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-534.799 2031.59 90.4209 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-1317.9 1073.82 92.812 1 [Waypoints]
-1245.23 834.898 144.54 1 [Idle]
-1131.16 1283.91 90.8261 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-524.535 1986.44 98.4568 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-746.089 1718.1 91.2289 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-1173.71 1153.8 90.572 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-1665.55 1265.12 90.776 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-1687.71 2283.27 78.709 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-781.172 1618.32 91.4964 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-754.307 1639.47 90.8759 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-596.485 2550.9 26.378 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-737.505 1952.24 91.492 1 [Idle]
-251.899 2217.13 102.798 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-695.112 1746.96 92.2249 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-482.993 2281.02 85.9587 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-1355.55 1076.45 90.6924 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-1297.92 1249.35 91.863 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-1195.16 968.075 90.668 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-1420.91 991.668 90.1318 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-1428.69 1011.58 89.4362 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-1444.57 911.698 90.4984 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-1365.78 1291.82 94.4805 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-1608.23 1092.21 90.8315 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-591.746 1573.15 91.4891 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-532.885 1720.78 98.0827 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-315.983 2376.17 40.6537 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-1640.39 1224.79 91.0575 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-1818.57 2331.53 65.173 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-500.839 2325.36 74.418 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-389.659 2268.9 79.648 1 [Random: 20 yards]
-325.115 2022.98 119.459 1 [Random: 3 yards]
-1949.82 2482.48 61.0492 1 [Random: 20 yards]

Reference loot (100)

3041 "Mage-Eye" Blunderbuss 0.5% 3185 Acrobatic Staff 0.5% 3042 BKP "Sparrow" Smallbore 0.5% 1990 Backbreaker 0.5% 5007 Band of Thorns 0.5% 6416 Brightweave Boots 0.5% 4043 Brightweave Bracers 0.5% 6417 Brightweave Cloak 0.5% 4041 Brightweave Cowl 0.5% 4042 Brightweave Gloves 0.5% 4729 Brightweave Mantle 0.5% 6418 Brightweave Sash 0.5% 3210 Brutal War Axe 0.5% 6412 Chief Brigadier Boots 0.5% 6413 Chief Brigadier Bracers 0.5% 4726 Chief Brigadier Cloak 0.5% 1988 Chief Brigadier Gauntlets 0.5% 4727 Chief Brigadier Girdle 0.5% 4078 Chief Brigadier Helm 0.5% 4066 Combat Buckler 0.5% 4065 Combat Shield 0.5% 5003 Crystal Starfire Medallion 0.5% 6406 Darkweave Boots 0.5% 4719 Darkweave Cloak 0.5% 4039 Darkweave Cowl 0.5% 6407 Darkweave Cuffs 0.5% 4040 Darkweave Gloves 0.5% 4718 Darkweave Mantle 0.5% 4038 Darkweave Robe 0.5% 4720 Darkweave Sash 0.5% 6405 Darkweave Trousers 0.5% 3186 Ebon Scimitar 0.5% 4051 Emblazoned Boots 0.5% 6396 Emblazoned Chestpiece 0.5% 4048 Emblazoned Helm 0.5% 4050 Emblazoned Pants 0.5% 6399 Emblazoned Shoulders 0.5% 4037 Frostweave Pants 0.5% 4035 Frostweave Robe 0.5% 4064 Glimmering Buckler 0.5% 4073 Glimmering Mail Boots 0.5% 4071 Glimmering Mail Chestpiece 0.5% 6389 Glimmering Mail Coif 0.5% 4072 Glimmering Mail Gauntlets 0.5% 6386 Glimmering Mail Leggings 0.5% 6388 Glimmering Mail Pauldrons 0.5% 6400 Glimmering Shield 0.5% 863 Gloom Reaper 0.5% 5002 Glowing Green Talisman 0.5% 6421 Glyphed Belt 0.5% 6420 Glyphed Boots 0.5% 4059 Glyphed Bracers 0.5% 4067 Glyphed Buckler 0.5% 4732 Glyphed Cloak 0.5% 6422 Glyphed Helm 0.5% 6419 Glyphed Mitts 0.5% 4731 Glyphed Spaulders 0.5% 2080 Hillborne Axe 0.5% 4057 Insignia Armor 0.5% 6409 Insignia Belt 0.5% 4055 Insignia Boots 0.5% 6410 Insignia Bracers 0.5% 4722 Insignia Cloak 0.5% 6408 Insignia Gloves 0.5% 4052 Insignia Helm 0.5% 4054 Insignia Leggings 0.5% 4721 Insignia Mantle 0.5% 865 Leaden Mace 0.5% 6403 Mail Combat Armguards 0.5% 4074 Mail Combat Armor 0.5% 4717 Mail Combat Belt 0.5% 4076 Mail Combat Boots 0.5% 4716 Mail Combat Cloak 0.5% 4075 Mail Combat Gauntlets 0.5% 4077 Mail Combat Helm 0.5% 6402 Mail Combat Leggings 0.5% 6404 Mail Combat Spaulders 0.5% 5009 Mindbender Loop 0.5% 1207 Murphstar 0.5% 864 Rune Sword 0.5% 5213 Scorching Wand 0.5% 3197 Stonecutter Claymore 0.5% 1465 Tigerbane 0.5% 5214 Wand of Eventide 0.5% 3037 Whipwood Recurve Bow 0.5% 2878 Bearded Axe 0.01% 2299 Burning War Axe 0.01% 2877 Claymore of the Martyr 0.01% 1717 Double Link Mail Tunic 0.01% 3020 Enduring Cap 0.01% 2278 Forest Tracker Epaulets 0.01% 791 Gnarled Ash Staff 0.01% 2721 Holy Shroud 0.01% 2277 Necromancer Leggings 0.01% 1726 Poison-tipped Bone Spear 0.01% 2951 Ring of the Underwood 0.01% 2565 Rod of Molten Fire 0.01% 2912 Shadow Claw 0.01% 934 Stalvan's Reaper 0.01% 2276 Swampwalker Boots 0.01%

Database entry for NPC

UPDATE `creature_template` SET `field` = xxxx WHERE (`entry` = 4726);
Field Value
entry 4726
display_id1 2742
display_id2 0
display_id3 0
display_id4 0
mount_display_id 0
name Raging Thunder Lizard
static_flags None
gossip_menu_id 0
level_min 33
level_max 34
faction 14: Monster - Non Social
npc_flags None
speed_walk 1
speed_run 1.14286
scale 0
detection_range 18
call_for_help_range 5
leash_range 0
rank 0: Normal
xp_multiplier 1
damage_school 0: Normal
damage_variance 0.14
damage_multiplier 1
health_multiplier 1.1
mana_multiplier 1
armor_multiplier 1
base_attack_time 2 sec
ranged_attack_time 2 sec
unit_class 1
unit_flags 0
dynamic_flags 0
beast_family 0
trainer_type 0
trainer_spell 0
trainer_class 0
trainer_race 0
type 1: Beast
type_flags 0
loot_id 4726
pickpocket_loot_id 0
skinning_loot_id 4726
holy_res 0
fire_res 0
nature_res 0
frost_res 0
shadow_res 0
arcane_res 0
spell_id1 5401: Lizard Bolt
spell_id2 8599 (not found)
spell_id3 20536 (not found)
spell_id4 20543 (not found)
spell_list_id 0
pet_spell_list_id 0
gold_min 0
gold_max 0
ai_name EventAI
movement_type 1: Random
inhabit_type Ground
civilian 0
racial_leader 0
regeneration 3
equipment_id 0
trainer_id 0
vendor_id 0
mechanic_immune_mask None
school_immune_mask 0
flags_extra None