Deepmoss Venomspitter



Creature model for display ID 759
Field Value
entry 4007
display_id1 759
level_min 17
faction 22: Spider
npc_flags None
health_multiplier 0.75
mana_multiplier 1

Spawn points — Kalimdor (40)

1439.01 860.461 138.112 1 [Random: 15 yards]
1376.05 849.836 156.324 1 [Random: 15 yards]
1413.52 958.269 148.624 1 [Random: 5 yards]
1515.39 649.193 139.165 1 [Random: 15 yards]
1374.64 942.675 155.64 1 [Random: 5 yards]
1554.52 684.828 140.35 1 [Random: 15 yards]
1335.36 875.111 163.986 1 [Random: 5 yards]
1073.66 714.729 133.859 1 [Random: 5 yards]
1377.59 717.853 155.355 1 [Random: 15 yards]
971.797 288.645 23.5961 1 [Random: 5 yards]
983.252 207.551 22.1554 1 [Random: 5 yards]
983.109 261.429 21.2721 1 [Random: 5 yards]
948.474 261.737 23.7643 1 [Random: 5 yards]
929.63 226.874 20.8112 1 [Random: 5 yards]
1013.99 692.171 118.708 1 [Random: 5 yards]
866.627 292.521 22.6572 1 [Random: 15 yards]
840.315 272.579 23.7991 1 [Random: 15 yards]
891.436 674.514 98.112 1 [Random: 15 yards]
1480.34 886.293 131.184 1 [Random: 5 yards]
940.764 365.845 33.9811 1 [Random: 5 yards]
1052.31 258.436 19.9383 1 [Random: 5 yards]
1023.93 234.554 23.8973 1 [Random: 5 yards]
1453.86 636.738 149.021 1 [Random: 3 yards]
915.567 610.374 97.5943 1 [Random: 3 yards]
1111.83 645.929 139.911 1 [Random: 15 yards]
1537.13 743.788 138.297 1 [Random: 15 yards]
1626.89 760.49 133.291 1 [Random: 15 yards]
1153.06 705.125 149.141 1 [Random: 3 yards]
754.821 267.533 24.6489 1 [Random: 5 yards]
802.329 244.087 23.1911 1 [Random: 5 yards]
755.366 235.697 26.3391 1 [Random: 5 yards]
840 211.478 27.0943 1 [Random: 15 yards]
841.273 239.635 22.8926 1 [Random: 15 yards]
871.241 213.508 25.8859 1 [Random: 5 yards]
850.791 196.863 27.5627 1 [Random: 5 yards]
917.699 162.945 26.5788 1 [Random: 15 yards]
932.51 79.0298 27.3162 1 [Random: 3 yards]
951.985 182.553 22.2969 1 [Random: 15 yards]
926.128 683.096 103.166 1 [Random: 15 yards]
911.543 315.748 22.0793 1 [Random: 15 yards]

Loot (62)

3174 Spider Ichor 45.36% 1081 Crisp Spider Meat 40.07% 3931 Poisoned Spider Fang 31.41% 1475 Small Venom Sac 10.35% 3182 Spider's Silk 9.32% 5602 Sticky Spider Webbing 0.9% 5601 Hatched Egg Sack 0.76% 1210 Shadowgem 0.48% 1206 Moss Agate 0.18% 818 Tigerseye 0.12% 2450 Briarthorn 0.04% 2770 Copper Ore 0.04% 4292 Pattern: Green Woolen Bag 0.04% 2657 Red Leather Bag 0.03% 4305 Bolt of Silk Cloth 0.02% 2997 Bolt of Wool Cloth 0.02% 2453 Bruiseweed 0.02% 5503 Clam Meat 0.02% 785 Common Magebloom 0.02% 3356 Crownroyal 0.02% 6375 Formula: Enchant Bracer - Lesser Spirit 0.02% 6344 Formula: Enchant Bracer - Minor Spirit 0.02% 6347 Formula: Enchant Bracer - Minor Strength 0.02% 6342 Formula: Enchant Chest - Minor Mana 0.02% 6348 Formula: Enchant Weapon - Minor Beastslayer 0.02% 774 Malachite 0.02% 4957 Old Moneybag 0.02% 2409 Pattern: Dark Leather Tunic 0.02% 2406 Pattern: Fine Leather Boots 0.02% 2408 Pattern: Fine Leather Gloves 0.02% 5972 Pattern: Fine Leather Pants 0.02% 2601 Pattern: Gray Woolen Robe 0.02% 4346 Pattern: Heavy Woolen Cloak 0.02% 4294 Pattern: Hillman's Belt 0.02% 4293 Pattern: Hillman's Leather Vest 0.02% 4348 Pattern: Phoenix Gloves 0.02% 4349 Pattern: Phoenix Pants 0.02% 6271 Pattern: Red Linen Vest 0.02% 4345 Pattern: Red Woolen Boots 0.02% 4347 Pattern: Reinforced Woolen Shoulders 0.02% 6390 Pattern: Stylish Blue Shirt 0.02% 6391 Pattern: Stylish Green Shirt 0.02% 2407 Pattern: White Leather Jerkin 0.02% 2883 Plans: Deadly Bronze Poniard 0.02% 3610 Plans: Gemmed Copper Gauntlets 0.02% 4408 Plans: Mechanical Squirrel 0.02% 2881 Plans: Runed Copper Breastplate 0.02% 5578 Plans: Silvered Bronze Breastplate 0.02% 2882 Plans: Silvered Bronze Shoulders 0.02% 2553 Recipe: Elixir of Minor Agility 0.02% 3394 Recipe: Elixir of Poison Resistance 0.02% 3393 Recipe: Minor Magic Resistance Potion 0.02% 2555 Recipe: Swiftness Potion 0.02% 2835 Rough Stone 0.02% 4410 Schematic: Shadow Goggles 0.02% 4409 Schematic: Small Seaforium Charge 0.02% 5498 Small Lustrous Pearl 0.02% 2452 Swiftthistle 0.02% 3355 Wild Steelbloom 0.02% 5573 Green Leather Bag 0.01% 5574 White Leather Bag 0.01% 856 Blue Leather Bag 0.01%

Database entry for NPC

UPDATE `creature_template` SET `field` = xxxx WHERE (`entry` = 4007);
Field Value
entry 4007
display_id1 759
display_id2 0
display_id3 0
display_id4 0
mount_display_id 0
name Deepmoss Venomspitter
static_flags 0x10: Tameable
gossip_menu_id 0
level_min 17
level_max 18
faction 22: Spider
npc_flags None
speed_walk 1
speed_run 1.14286
scale 0
detection_range 18
call_for_help_range 5
leash_range 0
rank 0: Normal
xp_multiplier 1
damage_school 0: Normal
damage_variance 0.07
damage_multiplier 1
health_multiplier 0.75
mana_multiplier 1
armor_multiplier 1
base_attack_time 2 sec
ranged_attack_time 2 sec
unit_class 1
unit_flags 0
dynamic_flags 0
beast_family 3
trainer_type 0
trainer_spell 0
trainer_class 0
trainer_race 0
type 1: Beast
type_flags 1
loot_id 4007
pickpocket_loot_id 0
skinning_loot_id 0
holy_res 0
fire_res 0
nature_res 0
frost_res 0
shadow_res 0
arcane_res 0
spell_id1 7951 (not found)
spell_id2 -
spell_id3 -
spell_id4 -
spell_list_id 40070
pet_spell_list_id 0
gold_min 0
gold_max 0
movement_type 1: Random
inhabit_type Ground
civilian 0
racial_leader 0
regeneration 3
equipment_id 0
trainer_id 0
vendor_id 0
mechanic_immune_mask None
school_immune_mask 0
flags_extra None