Young Reef Crawler



Creature model for display ID 997
Field Value
entry 2234
display_id1 997
level_min 10
faction 7: Creature
npc_flags None
health_multiplier 1
mana_multiplier 1

Spawn points — Kalimdor (17)

6991.72 394.905 -5.63333 1 [Random: 10 yards]
6834.84 520.179 -3.66349 1 [Random: 10 yards]
6822.66 510.925 -2.434 1 [Random: 10 yards]
6961.3 311.627 1.16066 1 [Random: 10 yards]
5967.33 657.033 -3.263 1 [Random: 10 yards]
6973.71 265.817 2.16963 1 [Random: 10 yards]
6955.8 352.731 5.91561 1 [Random: 10 yards]
6003.4 545.545 -0.231 1 [Random: 10 yards]
5884.12 645.211 -1.29504 1 [Random: 10 yards]
5957.33 634.988 0.643752 1 [Random: 10 yards]
5990.25 591.47 -1.44282 1 [Random: 10 yards]
6943.29 283.04 3.41064 1 [Random: 10 yards]
5987.9 681.392 -9.4929 1 [Random: 10 yards]
6852.23 464.843 1.94415 1 [Random: 10 yards]
6917.95 447.981 4.2401 1 [Random: 10 yards]
6956.1 418 2.94982 1 [Random: 10 yards]
6054.01 551.915 2.64771 1 [Random: 10 yards]

Quest item loot (1)

Loot (75)

2674 Crawler Meat 37.06% 2675 Crawler Claw 36.48% 5523 Small Barnacled Clam 36.3% 4874 Clean Fishbones 25.49% 5506 Beady Eye Stalk 11.48% 5503 Clam Meat 1.8% 774 Malachite 0.76% 856 Blue Leather Bag 0.75% 818 Tigerseye 0.62% 5571 Small Black Pouch 0.25% 828 Small Blue Pouch 0.25% 4496 Small Brown Pouch 0.25% 5572 Small Green Pouch 0.25% 805 Small Red Pouch 0.25% 3289 Ancestral Boots 0.24% 3281 Battle Chain Gloves 0.22% 2698 Recipe: Cooked Crab Claw 0.22% 3285 Tribal Bracers 0.18% 3280 Battle Chain Bracers 0.16% 768 Lumberjack Axe 0.14% 2598 Pattern: Red Linen Robe 0.14% 3609 Plans: Copper Chain Vest 0.14% 4672 Ancestral Sash 0.13% 4686 Runic Cloth Cloak 0.13% 1210 Shadowgem 0.12% 3279 Battle Chain Boots 0.1% 4563 Billy Club 0.1% 4671 Ancestral Cloak 0.09% 3649 Battle Buckler 0.09% 4668 Battle Chain Cloak 0.09% 4669 Battle Chain Girdle 0.09% 4692 Ceremonial Leather Cloak 0.09% 4675 Tribal Belt 0.09% 3290 Ancestral Gloves 0.08% 3303 Brackwater Bracers 0.08% 3312 Ceremonial Leather Bracers 0.08% 2770 Copper Ore 0.08% 5498 Small Lustrous Pearl 0.08% 1179 Ice Cold Milk 0.06% 3642 Ancestral Bracers 0.04% 3650 Battle Shield 0.04% 4680 Brackwater Cloak 0.04% 4693 Ceremonial Leather Belt 0.04% 3644 Runic Cloth Bracers 0.04% 3284 Tribal Boots 0.04% 4674 Tribal Cloak 0.04% 3286 Tribal Gloves 0.04% 2406 Pattern: Fine Leather Boots 0.04% 2408 Pattern: Fine Leather Gloves 0.04% 4408 Plans: Mechanical Squirrel 0.04% 2553 Recipe: Elixir of Minor Agility 0.04% 2835 Rough Stone 0.04% 3304 Brackwater Gauntlets 0.02% 4681 Brackwater Girdle 0.02% 414 Dalaran Sharp 0.02% 6347 Formula: Enchant Bracer - Minor Strength 0.02% 6342 Formula: Enchant Chest - Minor Mana 0.02% 4541 Freshly Baked Bread 0.02% 5573 Green Leather Bag 0.02% 2287 Haunch of Meat 0.02% 4592 Longjaw Mud Snapper 0.02% 2409 Pattern: Dark Leather Tunic 0.02% 4292 Pattern: Green Woolen Bag 0.02% 4293 Pattern: Hillman's Leather Vest 0.02% 6271 Pattern: Red Linen Vest 0.02% 2407 Pattern: White Leather Jerkin 0.02% 3610 Plans: Gemmed Copper Gauntlets 0.02% 2881 Plans: Runed Copper Breastplate 0.02% 2555 Recipe: Swiftness Potion 0.02% 2657 Red Leather Bag 0.02% 4687 Runic Cloth Belt 0.02% 4409 Schematic: Small Seaforium Charge 0.02% 3820 Stranglekelp 0.02% 4537 Tel'Abim Banana 0.02% 5574 White Leather Bag 0.02%

Database entry for NPC

UPDATE `creature_template` SET `field` = xxxx WHERE (`entry` = 2234);
Field Value
entry 2234
display_id1 997
display_id2 0
display_id3 0
display_id4 0
mount_display_id 0
name Young Reef Crawler
static_flags 0x10: Tameable
gossip_menu_id 0
level_min 10
level_max 11
faction 7: Creature
npc_flags None
speed_walk 1
speed_run 1.14286
scale 0.75
detection_range 18
call_for_help_range 5
leash_range 0
rank 0: Normal
xp_multiplier 1
damage_school 0: Normal
damage_variance 0.14
damage_multiplier 1
health_multiplier 1
mana_multiplier 1
armor_multiplier 1.5
base_attack_time 2 sec
ranged_attack_time 2 sec
unit_class 1
unit_flags 0
dynamic_flags 0
beast_family 8
trainer_type 0
trainer_spell 0
trainer_class 0
trainer_race 0
type 1: Beast
type_flags 16
loot_id 2234
pickpocket_loot_id 0
skinning_loot_id 0
holy_res 0
fire_res 0
nature_res 0
frost_res 0
shadow_res 0
arcane_res 0
spell_id1 -
spell_id2 -
spell_id3 -
spell_id4 -
spell_list_id 0
pet_spell_list_id 0
gold_min 0
gold_max 0
movement_type 1: Random
inhabit_type Ground, Water
civilian 0
racial_leader 0
regeneration 3
equipment_id 0
trainer_id 0
vendor_id 0
mechanic_immune_mask None
school_immune_mask 0
flags_extra None