Highlord Taelan Fordring <Highlord of the Scarlet Crusade>



Creature model for display ID 1025
Field Value
entry 1842
display_id1 1025
level_min 63
faction 67: Scarlet Crusade
npc_flags 0x2: Questgiver
health_multiplier 10
mana_multiplier 2

Spawn points — Eastern Kingdoms (1)

2942.58 -1390.09 167.421 0 [Idle]

NPC starts these quests (1)

5944 (not found)

NPC finishes these quests (1)

5862 (not found)

Database entry for NPC

UPDATE `creature_template` SET `field` = xxxx WHERE (`entry` = 1842);
Field Value
entry 1842
display_id1 1025
display_id2 0
display_id3 0
display_id4 0
mount_display_id 0
name Highlord Taelan Fordring
subname Highlord of the Scarlet Crusade
static_flags 0x90000: Tabard vendor, Amphibious
gossip_menu_id 0
level_min 63
level_max 63
faction 67: Scarlet Crusade
npc_flags 0x2: Questgiver
speed_walk 1
speed_run 1.34286
scale 1
detection_range 20
call_for_help_range 5
leash_range 0
rank 1: Elite
xp_multiplier 1
damage_school 1: Holy
damage_variance 0.14
damage_multiplier 7.2
health_multiplier 10
mana_multiplier 2
armor_multiplier 2.2
base_attack_time 2 sec
ranged_attack_time 2 sec
unit_class 2
unit_flags 0
dynamic_flags 0
beast_family 0
trainer_type 0
trainer_spell 0
trainer_class 0
trainer_race 0
type 7: Humanoid
type_flags 4100
loot_id 1842
pickpocket_loot_id 0
skinning_loot_id 0
holy_res 0
fire_res 15
nature_res 15
frost_res 15
shadow_res 15
arcane_res 15
spell_id1 14518 (not found)
spell_id2 15493 (not found)
spell_id3 17143 (not found)
spell_id4 17232 (not found)
spell_list_id 18420
pet_spell_list_id 0
gold_min 12s 52c
gold_max 16s 39c
ai_name EventAI
movement_type 0: Idle
inhabit_type Ground, Water
civilian 0
racial_leader 0
regeneration 3
equipment_id 1842
trainer_id 0
vendor_id 0
mechanic_immune_mask 0x268b3f5f: Charm, Disoriented, Disarm, Distract, Fear, Root, Silence, Sleep, Snare, Stun, Freeze, Knockout, Polymorph, Banish, Shackle, Horror, Interrupt, Daze, Sapped
school_immune_mask 0
flags_extra 0x20: No crush