Monstrous Ooze



Creature model for display ID 682
Field Value
entry 1033
display_id1 682
level_min 25
faction 14: Monster - Non Social
npc_flags None
health_multiplier 1.05
mana_multiplier 1

Spawn points — Eastern Kingdoms (18)

-3597.07 -3243.25 26.6115 0 [Random: 5 yards]
-3557.51 -3291.37 33.9249 0 [Random: 5 yards]
-2831.5 -2241.43 -0.927713 0 [Random: 5 yards]
-2834.59 -2230.05 -1.61327 0 [Random: 5 yards]
-2823.79 -2233.09 -1.61327 0 [Random: 5 yards]
-3116.31 -2976.28 27.6056 0 [Random: 10 yards]
-3450.16 -3278.43 22.5055 0 [Random: 5 yards]
-3331.16 -3163.76 25.021 0 [Random: 5 yards]
-3423.51 -3146.79 25.6862 0 [Random: 5 yards]
-3433.94 -3196.21 25.0158 0 [Random: 5 yards]
-3347.32 -3280.58 23.1303 0 [Random: 5 yards]
-3165.29 -3072.28 22.4123 0 [Random: 5 yards]
-3307.63 -3087.52 22.8309 0 [Random: 5 yards]
-2850.21 -2203.48 7.7202 0 [Random: 3 yards]
-2816.78 -2202.98 6.92762 0 [Random: 5 yards]
-2828.22 -2210.34 7.69857 0 [Random: 3 yards]
-2813.15 -2200.87 6.92762 0 [Random: 5 yards]
-2843.91 -2208.26 6.92763 0 [Random: 3 yards]

Spells they cast (1)

Quest item loot (1)

Loot (56)

814 Flask of Oil 22.22% 3669 Gelatinous Goo 21.64% 3673 Broken Arrow 21.54% 3670 Large Slimy Bone 15.01% 3676 Slimy Ichor 12.25% 3674 Decomposed Boot 10.32% 3671 Lifeless Skull 5.39% 858 Lesser Healing Potion 0.88% 2455 Minor Mana Potion 0.88% 929 Healing Potion 0.64% 3385 Lesser Mana Potion 0.59% 1206 Moss Agate 0.2% 2449 Snakeroot 0.2% 3369 Grave Moss 0.18% 765 Silverleaf 0.18% 2452 Swiftthistle 0.18% 2453 Bruiseweed 0.16% 785 Common Magebloom 0.14% 3356 Crownroyal 0.14% 2447 Peacebloom 0.14% 2450 Briarthorn 0.1% 5504 Tangy Clam Meat 0.08% 5500 Iridescent Pearl 0.06% 1529 Jade 0.06% 4633 Heavy Bronze Lockbox 0.06% 1705 Lesser Moonstone 0.06% 4632 Ornate Bronze Lockbox 0.06% 2836 Coarse Stone 0.02% 6375 Formula: Enchant Bracer - Lesser Spirit 0.02% 6344 Formula: Enchant Bracer - Minor Spirit 0.02% 6348 Formula: Enchant Weapon - Minor Beastslayer 0.02% 5576 Large Brown Sack 0.02% 5575 Large Green Sack 0.02% 857 Large Red Sack 0.02% 4297 Pattern: Barbaric Gloves 0.02% 4296 Pattern: Dark Leather Shoulders 0.02% 2601 Pattern: Gray Woolen Robe 0.02% 5774 Pattern: Green Silk Pack 0.02% 4299 Pattern: Guardian Armor 0.02% 4348 Pattern: Phoenix Gloves 0.02% 4349 Pattern: Phoenix Pants 0.02% 4347 Pattern: Reinforced Woolen Shoulders 0.02% 6390 Pattern: Stylish Blue Shirt 0.02% 6391 Pattern: Stylish Green Shirt 0.02% 2883 Plans: Deadly Bronze Poniard 0.02% 3867 Plans: Golden Iron Destroyer 0.02% 3612 Plans: Green Iron Gauntlets 0.02% 5543 Plans: Iridescent Hammer 0.02% 6044 Plans: Iron Shield Spike 0.02% 3866 Plans: Jade Serpentblade 0.02% 5578 Plans: Silvered Bronze Breastplate 0.02% 3396 Recipe: Elixir of Lesser Agility 0.02% 4412 Schematic: Moonsight Rifle 0.02% 4410 Schematic: Shadow Goggles 0.02% 1210 Shadowgem 0.02% 2771 Tin Ore 0.02%

Reference loot (140)

1823 Bludgeoning Cudgel 2.5% 2220 Box Shield 2.5% 3378 Brocade Belt 2.5% 3379 Brocade Bracers 2.5% 1774 Brocade Cloak 2.5% 1776 Brocade Cloth Pants 2.5% 1777 Brocade Cloth Shoulderpads 2.5% 1778 Brocade Cloth Vest 2.5% 1775 Brocade Gloves 2.5% 1772 Brocade Shoes 2.5% 1825 Bulky Bludgeon 2.5% 1822 Cedar Walking Staff 2.5% 3380 Cross-stitched Belt 2.5% 1780 Cross-stitched Boots 2.5% 3381 Cross-stitched Bracers 2.5% 1782 Cross-stitched Cloak 2.5% 1783 Cross-stitched Gloves 2.5% 1784 Cross-stitched Pants 2.5% 1785 Cross-stitched Shoulderpads 2.5% 1786 Cross-stitched Vest 2.5% 2766 Deft Stiletto 2.5% 1819 Gouging Pick 2.5% 1809 Hardened Leather Shoulderpads 2.5% 2765 Hunting Knife 2.5% 1746 Linked Chain Belt 2.5% 1747 Linked Chain Boots 2.5% 1748 Linked Chain Bracers 2.5% 1749 Linked Chain Cloak 2.5% 1750 Linked Chain Gloves 2.5% 1751 Linked Chain Pants 2.5% 1752 Linked Chain Shoulderpads 2.5% 1753 Linked Chain Vest 2.5% 1830 Long Bastard Sword 2.5% 1827 Meat Cleaver 2.5% 2782 Mishandled Recurve Bow 2.5% 1831 Oaken War Staff 2.5% 2786 Oiled Blunderbuss 2.5% 1796 Rawhide Boots 2.5% 1798 Rawhide Cloak 2.5% 1799 Rawhide Gloves 2.5% 1800 Rawhide Pants 2.5% 1802 Rawhide Vest 2.5% 1754 Reinforced Chain Belt 2.5% 1755 Reinforced Chain Boots 2.5% 1756 Reinforced Chain Bracers 2.5% 1757 Reinforced Chain Cloak 2.5% 1758 Reinforced Chain Gloves 2.5% 1759 Reinforced Chain Pants 2.5% 1760 Reinforced Chain Shoulderpads 2.5% 1761 Reinforced Chain Vest 2.5% 1826 Rock Maul 2.5% 1824 Shiny War Axe 2.5% 2783 Shoddy Blunderbuss 2.5% 1829 Short Cutlass 2.5% 2219 Small Round Shield 2.5% 1818 Standard Claymore 2.5% 2785 Stiff Recurve Bow 2.5% 1828 Stone War Axe 2.5% 2221 Targe Shield 2.5% 3778 Taut Compound Bow 2.5% 1806 Tough Cloak 2.5% 1810 Tough Leather Armor 2.5% 1803 Tough Leather Belt 2.5% 1795 Tough Leather Belt 2.5% 1804 Tough Leather Boots 2.5% 1805 Tough Leather Bracers 2.5% 1797 Tough Leather Bracers 2.5% 1807 Tough Leather Gloves 2.5% 1808 Tough Leather Pants 2.5% 1801 Tough Leather Shoulderpads 2.5% 2222 Tower Shield 2.5% 1821 Warped Blade 2.5% 1820 Wooden Maul 2.5% 3039 Archer's Longbow 0.5% 3198 Battering Hammer 0.5% 3199 Battle Slayer 0.5% 4998 Blood Ring 0.5% 2819 Cross Dagger 0.5% 3740 Decapitating Sword 0.5% 2077 Dwarven War Staff 0.5% 6398 Emblazoned Belt 0.5% 4049 Emblazoned Bracers 0.5% 6397 Emblazoned Gloves 0.5% 4708 Flameweave Belt 0.5% 3065 Flameweave Boots 0.5% 3647 Flameweave Bracers 0.5% 6381 Flameweave Cloak 0.5% 3066 Flameweave Gloves 0.5% 6382 Forest Leather Belt 0.5% 3057 Forest Leather Boots 0.5% 3202 Forest Leather Bracers 0.5% 4710 Forest Leather Cloak 0.5% 3058 Forest Leather Gloves 0.5% 4709 Forest Leather Mantle 0.5% 790 Forester's Axe 0.5% 6393 Frostweave Gloves 0.5% 6395 Frostweave Mantle 0.5% 3201 Gladiator War Axe 0.5% 6387 Glimmering Mail Bracers 0.5% 4711 Glimmering Mail Cloak 0.5% 4712 Glimmering Mail Girdle 0.5% 6383 Glinting Buckler 0.5% 4706 Glinting Scale Cloak 0.5% 789 Stout Battlehammer 0.5% 3206 Two-handed Cavalier Sword 0.5% 4999 Azora's Will 0.05% 5001 Band of Vitality 0.05% 2072 Dwarven Magestaff 0.05% 4715 Emblazoned Cloak 0.05% 4661 Flameweave Mantle 0.05% 3067 Flameweave Pants 0.05% 3069 Flameweave Robe 0.05% 3055 Forest Leather Breastplate 0.05% 3056 Forest Leather Pants 0.05% 6394 Frostweave Boots 0.05% 4036 Frostweave Bracers 0.05% 4713 Frostweave Cloak 0.05% 4714 Frostweave Sash 0.05% 3045 Glinting Scale Boots 0.05% 3212 Glinting Scale Bracers 0.05% 3049 Glinting Scale Breastplate 0.05% 4707 Glinting Scale Girdle 0.05% 3047 Glinting Scale Gloves 0.05% 3048 Glinting Scale Pants 0.05% 4705 Glinting Scale Pauldrons 0.05% 3656 Glinting Shield 0.05% 2879 Antipodean Rod 0.01% 2800 Black Velvet Robes 0.01% 2236 Blackfang 0.01% 720 Brawler Gloves 0.01% 3203 Dense Triangle Mace 0.01% 2194 Diamond Hammer 0.01% 2098 Double-barreled Shotgun 0.01% 2911 Keller's Girdle 0.01% 3021 Ranger Bow 0.01% 2059 Sentry Cloak 0.01% 2256 Skeletal Club of Pain 0.01% 1121 Thick-soled Boots 0.01% 890 Twisted Chanter's Staff 0.01% 2011 Twisted Sabre 0.01%

Database entry for NPC

UPDATE `creature_template` SET `field` = xxxx WHERE (`entry` = 1033);
Field Value
entry 1033
display_id1 682
display_id2 0
display_id3 0
display_id4 0
mount_display_id 0
name Monstrous Ooze
static_flags None
gossip_menu_id 0
level_min 25
level_max 26
faction 14: Monster - Non Social
npc_flags None
speed_walk 1
speed_run 1.14286
scale 0
detection_range 18
call_for_help_range 5
leash_range 0
rank 0: Normal
xp_multiplier 1
damage_school 0: Normal
damage_variance 0.14
damage_multiplier 1
health_multiplier 1.05
mana_multiplier 1
armor_multiplier 1.5
base_attack_time 2 sec
ranged_attack_time 2 sec
unit_class 1
unit_flags 0
dynamic_flags 0
beast_family 0
trainer_type 0
trainer_spell 0
trainer_class 0
trainer_race 0
type 10: Not_specified
type_flags 0
loot_id 1033
pickpocket_loot_id 1033
skinning_loot_id 0
holy_res 0
fire_res 0
nature_res 0
frost_res 0
shadow_res 0
arcane_res 100
spell_id1 -
spell_id2 -
spell_id3 -
spell_id4 -
spell_list_id 10330
pet_spell_list_id 0
gold_min 0
gold_max 0
movement_type 1: Random
inhabit_type Ground, Water
civilian 0
racial_leader 0
regeneration 3
equipment_id 0
trainer_id 0
vendor_id 0
mechanic_immune_mask None
school_immune_mask 0
flags_extra None